Incel blackpills himself out of college

110  2019-03-18 by brd4eva


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Imagine being dumb enough to present facts to a sociology prof.


socially retarded



present facts

"i was saying that biology makes us have these specific gender roles and the society adapted to those roles."

yeah look at all these facts that retard used.

If you think biology doesn't influence gender roles, you, my friend, are a literal retard.

lol if biology influences gender roles why are you such a worthless manlet and not out hunting for the tribe?

oh because modern society isn't based off of primal biological needs but actual brain-power because we're not animalistic apes

shut the fuck up, NEET.

To be clear here, just to establish a baseline of facts, you believe similar gender roles evolved across the entire planet, independent of each other, and biology played no role in this?

no i believe you're an aggressively autistic manchild who doesn't actually know anything despite being a navel-gazing pseudo-intellectual

You didn't answer the question.

u right, cuz ur a faggit

I'll take that as a "I know answering this question will require me to either agree with you or out myself as a literal retard."

no answering it would be engaging with you in an argument which would then mean that i'm actually acknowledging that your argument, and by proxy you, have merit or are in any way worth arguing with on an intellectual level.

and you're not cuz ur a faggit

"Similar gender roles evolved across the entire planet, independently of each other, but that totally has nothing to do with biology."

Say, d-amazo, did the male face evolve to take a punch for no reason?

urs clearly did bby, we've all seen that effeminate mug of yours rofl

Weird how you've yet to respond to any of the arguments.

lol yeah someone without autism would understand that i'm not arguing with you and am just calling you names to amuse myself

you know, like how i said that's what i was doing like 10 minutes ago

but u dont understand cuz u a fagg

You aren't going to argue because you can't. You saw my name, got excited, then realized your retarded worldview is indefensible.

whatever helps you sleep in your mother's basement at night, cutie pie

The Jew and the white race share an interesting relationship. The Jew seeks to focus his efforts of subversion on the white race because he knows that the white race is the hardest race to subdue, they wouldn't focus the same effort on niggers etc., because they simply do not pose a credible threat against the Jew (be it due to lack of cognitive abilities to pose a credible threat or otherwise). Likewise, the white race's greatest threat is the Jew because it is the only race that can seduce the masses of white people into thinking that they are not a threat. In fact, the Jew has hypnotized the white race into believing that they are a benevolent force in their society. This is because they do not pose an obvious threat (like niggers or Muslims do, due to their violence and boisterous attitude), so many white people lack the rational/critical thinking skills to realize that the Jew is our greatest threat.

lmao took you long enough to stop taking my shitposting so seriously you dumb faggot

you managed to outfaggot pizzashill. this wasn't a W for you lmao

Galaxy brain take: Gender roles are influenced by both societal and biological factors


Booo!!! Post bussy!!!

similar gender roles evolved across the entire planet, independent of each other, and biology played no role in this?

Roles were severely skewered several times in history, though. A woman in, let's say, Victorian England, a bare-assed baltic gal who did ceremonial orgies on solstice, and some woman from matricentric society somewhere at Tibet are completely different ones.

Dude were one of the most sexually dimorphic species on the planet. Men and women are so physically different it's hilarious, even our brains are different

lol if biology influences gender roles why are you such a worthless manlet and not out hunting for the tribe?

lol if evolution were real, why hasn't this rock evolved into a person yet? checkmate!

I mean this is really one of those times where you need to be radically centrist about it. The truth is their is a biological influence on the development of gender roles, as well as a cultural aspect and the degree of each probably depends on different societies during different times. The true radical centrist must ensure they walk the path of "both sides".

When is a time that you shouldn't be radically centerist? I drive directly in the middle of the street for this reason.

Zero times. Radical centrism is rejecting the commi facist lies of black and white thinking and instead embracing the concept that everything is a shade of grey and that perspective is the most influential part of decision making

As a radical centrist you are uniquely equipped to look at both sides of an argument from their perspective, and then, throw both perspectives out the window to enforce your own, far more enlightened perspective as a radical centrist.

and that shade must be #808080, or to the radical centrist gulag with you

When is a time that you shouldn't be radically centerist?

Simple, when someone says you should be a nonradical far leftist than you should take the radical right wing opinion which will revert you back to radical centrism. The same replies in reverse for a nonradical far rightist.

radically centerist

Every time it targets self-interest. Actually, self-interest is a crucial point of radical centrism.

Our dicks are literally designed to remove a rival's semen from the vag during an ook ook caveman orgy, but for some reason it's always about chaste women and monogamy with these thirsty fucks.

Based and bigdick-pilled

I'm sorry what.

sex tends to be more energetic . . . if the couple has been apart - suggesting a sub-conscious desire on the part of the man to rid his partner of any trace of another's semen

Uh . . . alternatively, they might just be hornier after not seeing each other for a while? But I'm not an evolutionary psychologist, so what do I know?

It would seem that drawing hard and fast conclusions from piecemeal interpretations of biology is stupid as fuck

They also say they have evidence, from surveys of students, to indicate that sex tends to be more energetic if the women is suspected of cheating, or if the couple has been apart - suggesting a sub-conscious desire on the part of the man to rid his partner of any trace of another's semen

"Cuckoldry is thinking man's fetish and you should be proud for it", all over again.


It wasn't that far ago that the "hard work" portion of household labour was the woman's domain (and with that the idea woman are biologically heaftier than the mental minded men thus more naturally sorted for such duties).

Wasn't really until the British Empire with Victorian Mores did we get something close to what we consider "traditional" roles.

Imagine taking sociology classes.

It's a required course for a lot of more prestigious schools. Sorry you didn't know that


you mean practically every

Imagine going to school

They make you take all kinds of shitty courses to make you a more "well" rounded student ie try and download the programming. I ended up having to take a course in African history and I was a hard science major.

so was i but i just took appreciation of architecture lol.

It's been a while since I graduated but I think I had to take either an African history class or woman's studies



One guy has taken Japanese course and failed it horribly.

The simple fact is that actually writing about your own views in those sorta of classes means putting on even an ounce of effort which, for a general ed class, is the absolute most virgin thing you can do. Go to lecture, write about the fucking slides in your essay, get an A. Nothing is complicated about this.

It doesn't even sound like it was a '____ Studies' class, which means that he actually may have been able to pull off a controversial paper if he actually had a well-formed argument, could support that argument with coherent reasoning and reliable sources, could synthesize previous research to make sound conclusions, etc. The issue is that:

  • first-years can't do any of that shit
  • most understands in general can't do that shit unless they're in a program that teaches them to or volunteers at a lab with a PI who cares about their development
  • if he had the capacity to learn how to do any of that shit then he wouldn't have been stupid enough to turn in a rant that didn't even meet the project guidelines
  • it's still a bad idea to try if you're not sure that the lecturer is receptive to differing opinions, especially if you haven't established yourself as a student who's bright and interested in engaging in sincere discourse

The kid deserved the F for even believing that he had enough skill to pull this off

I think your analysis, while otherwise spot on, really overestimates these types. To begin with, these types who think they have something profound to add despite having neither experience nor knowledge are also fundamentally the ones who are too arrogant to realize they're incompetent. They inevitably spit out some barely legible 10 page green text that earns an F on grammar alone.

To begin with, these types who think they have something profound to add despite having neither experience nor knowledge are also fundamentally the ones who are too arrogant to realize they're incompetent.

This is true. Though ime they usually thump the thesaurus hard because they're for whatever reason under the impression that big words = good paper.

Oh yes, absolutely. I love it when they do actually post their writing so everyone can cringe and bant.

snally are you actually in academia? Because your comment def makes you sound like you are.

I had to take sociology when I was at uni and I metaphorically flicked and licked the professor's clit for an easy A. Quick way to raise your GPA.

Imagine taking sociology classes.

Probably some "C" course, to "enrich the something-something of student, so student must not take courses that are connective to his main program", for example, CompScience students can't take everything math related or even physics related.

It is good for students to learn topics outside of their major, but US schools take it way too far. By the time undergrads in Western Yuro countries leave school, they have a level of field-specific knowledge and skills that the average US student would need an extra year or two of grad school to obtain. Undergrads should be forced to take a critical thinking and writing class, choose one or two general electives that they're interested in per year, and spend the rest of their time learning shit that they actually need to go into the field. At least, they should be allowed to do this. The more generalized nature of US undergrad is good for students who are getting a degree that they probably won't be able to directly apply to a career (i.e. most students) and bad for the ones who will

The nature of US undergrad is, in all honesty, pretty grim nowadays. Where as I can lend a decently paid job out from the uni with little to no problems, american student must play russian roulette with the "jahbgiver" and bet on the off-chance that entiled fuck of the boss will be generous enough to give the student recomendation letter, i'm not even talking about wages or anything.

At very least, my country has about 4-10 years until that shit catches up with us.

Seems to depend a lot on the school and major. I know engineering and pre-med majors at my school had very few electives because the curriculum was otherwise so packed, whereas like pre-law and business had a lot more elective credits.

I presented the wage gap myth using a PragerU video to my women's studies class as a final presentation in 2015. Thank God sjw wasn't that big of a deal in my state but if I did it now I would've been killed

Guess how I know you're a retard? You think PragerU is an actual source used by anyone with any understanding of the subject.

Jesus christ that is retarded, even for /r/drama

Dude needs to understand that we live in clown world and the college campus is the big tent. If your taking a liberal arts class or one on pseudoscience you just gotta tell the professor what he wants to hear.

lmao the retard admitted he wasnt even following the guidelines for the paper he just wanted btfo his professor with FACTS and LOGIC

And now he's crying about how "he was merely pretending to be retarded xd" 😹😹😹

Everyone in this story is a clown. The professor was probably pushing dumb social reductionist dogmas, but this user could have just gone along to get on to something that mattered, or maybe pushed back subtly and tactfully. Instead, he probably submitted a poorly-formulated, incoherent rant.

This is honestly pretty sad. Our society has created the incel problem, and it’s doing nothing to solve it. She may be a meme queen, but ContraPoints is literally the only prominent(ish) left-wing commentator I can think of who has talked about incels with even a modicum of empathy and compassion. Why is it so hard for the IT people to understand that mockery and call-outs aren’t going to make the incels reconsider their worldview? At this rate they’re going to just go on dragging one another down, ruining their own lives, and occasionally lashing out at a society that they feel alienated from.

its almost as if every dividing line between people have become places to grandstand on and endlessly mock the other side. woah....

Because the people who dump on incels are also sexless losers, they’re just frantically trying to differentiate themselves from the ‘bad’ incels

Like, normal-ass people see them self-declare as unlovable virgins, realize they can’t top that, and move on

Agreed. To be more precise, I’d say they tend to be people who rarely have sex, generally with partners they find unattractive, and are elated to find a group of people they can look down on.

The professor was probably pushing dumb social reductionist dogmas, but this user could have just gone along to get on to something that mattered, or maybe pushed back subtly and tactfully. Instead, he probably submitted a poorly-formulated, incoherent rant.

Reminds me of a time when I've submitted similar work to my teacher. Though it was about 10+ years ago. Something controversial too, either pro-capital-punishment or anti-multiculturalism essay. Still got a good grade for it, due to several reasons:

a) It was less of the FACTS AND LOGIC, but more of the actual logic and facts. b) It was not a spergout, but more of a calm report
c) I challenged the status quo it from RADICAL CENTRISM.

Imagine being that retarded unironically

I wrote an essay on how sexual regulation and establishing obvious boundaries would be more beneficial to victims of sexual assault compared to rampant pointless hedonistic sexual expression and my dumb feminist teacher gave me a C. I took it up with the higher ups and got it changed to an A and now she hates me lmao

things that didn't happen for $500, alex

I would love to see someone take a grade to the "higher ups" and try to change my evaluation.

This is straight out of some boomer’s revenge fan fiction where the history professor - which is basically just him - owns the snowflake and then plows sorority girls

And everybody claps.

Idk they didn't clap, he might be telling the truth.

He forgot the part where a bald eagle sheds a tear on the chalk.

Don't reveal your power level publically. Wait till the incel uprising. It might catch people by surprise.

We really need to lock them up in Mental Health Prisons.

Never reveal your power level in public


It's unironically good advice tho

Getting a F to own the liberal atheist professor.


100% not bait, btw

I wish he'd just post the essay

He never wrote anything. This is just LARP fantasy but it's hilarious because even in his LARP fantasy, he can't own his libtard professors 😹

it's LARP fantasy because there's no way he's actually enrolled in college

One can only imagine the contents

Obsessed with video games and/or anime adds +5 each

Imagine thinking video games come anywhere close to approaching the hypervirginity of anime.

Disagree. Weebs can be quite promiscuous, if not outright depraved, within their own social circles. Vidya is by its very nature a solitary activity.

Normal people play videogames (Halo, CoD, FIFA). Normal people do not watch anime.

Objection! Moving goalposts The argument wasn't about normalcy, the argument was about "video games come anywhere close to approaching the hypervirginity of anime."

And besides, they're both terrible.

But they don't for exactly the reason I stated: more normal people play games than watch anime. Unless we're pretending a group of antisocial weirdos with a 15:1 guy to girl ratio are banging at the same rate as people who interact with the outside world.

Of course both are terrible, but it's important to sketch out who's first against the wall. Priorities you know?

weebs can be really promiscuous if they're the type that goes outside, but ur standards have to be low

It's almost like having to provide citations for what you put in your essay in order to prove your point because nobody cares what some undergraduate thinks. Imagine that.

A liberal Muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx, a known atheist.

"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!"

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the United States stood up and held up a rock.

"How old is this rock?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied "4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian"

"Wrong. It’s been 5,000 years since God created it. If it was 4.6 billion years old and evolution, as you say, is real… then it should be an animal now"

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Origin of the Species. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears. The same tears liberals cry for the "poor" (who today live in such luxury that most own refrigerators) when they jealously try to claw justly earned wealth from the deserving job creators. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, DeShawn Washington, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a sophist liberal professor. He wished so much that he had a gun to shoot himself from embarrassment, but he himself had petitioned against them!

The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named "Small Government" flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.[citation NOT needed]

Semper Fi

The bar for writing at so many colleges is so low I guarantee this kid could've gotten an A if he just looked at the rubric and did what he was told. If you're able to write a good essay that challenges the status quo of a field, then you can probably publish a paper.

Can someone explain to me what these retards mean by power level?

Political opinions

Huh, well that's a dumb term for it

power level is used in different communities like for example in a community of weeby anime nerds, your power level is knowledge of anime and amount of time spent watching it and different merchandise you have of little girls. "Don't reveal your power level" to a chick, ever.

Never reveal your power level in public

When you're such an autist you LARP as an animu character.

maybe sometimes it doesn’t hurt to swim with the pack and not try to disprove things.. and down i go into the world of wagecucking under a boss.

lol as if he was gonna be anything else but an angry wagecuck.

Idiot chose his battles, poooorly.

Where is the link? It’s gone

A young Ben Shapiro