r stonetoss BANNED

281  2019-03-18 by CHICKENMANTHROWAWAY


You have 4 links and not one of them is to information. The signal to noise ratio of the shit I've read from your links is absolutely abysmal, nobody with a working brain would put time into reading such drivel, let alone attempt to use it in place of information sources. If basic income actually failed, you could give at least some semblance of a concise explanation of the failure, or at least have one of your four links lead to something data-focused, instead of being like "here's an opinion, now immerse yourself in verbose repititions of that opinion for a half hour since hopefully that's enough to make you agree with it." You are a prime brainwashee and the reason Trump will win again.


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stoneTOSSED amirite?

Salad tossed too.

jimmies tossed as well

Funny coincidence. I just finished watching Your Mom Tossed My Salad. What a classic film.


Stone tossers BTFO

More like STONED inshallah

tuck got cucked

stone got tossed

milo got zero

What a year 2019 has been

nero got zero

How has tuck been cucked

Stone lost

oh no now all those turbo-autists are going to come to r/drama to join the other hordes of insufferable NEETs crying about their freedom of speech


join the other hordes of insufferable NEETs crying about their freedom of speech

I know, it's unironically an amusingly endless supply of lolcows.

Rightoids congregate on a sub > Escalate their retardation until they get noticed by the man > Homelessness> Migrate to /r/Drama as refugees > Get banned/Leave because they're too low iq to do anything but downvote opposing views > Go back to the beginning

It's the circle of tard

if the mods would've rightfully given me DarqWolff's spot i would help cleanse the sub, but noooooo

can't go having our users banned en masse or something. pussies.

I'll back you up if you apply in modmail.

i'm all talk, it sounds like effort and i'm lazy.

It is, but I'm pretty lazy too and I still find a little time to deport the occasional mdegenerate.

i appreciate your sacrifice

Imagine wanting to be a drama mod.

i don't want to be a mod, just sayin i'll do my duty

r/drama moderators should be rotated out on a regular basis on a draft-style anyways, to keep the place fresh

i don't want to be a mod, just sayin i'll do my duty

Imagine framing your wanting to be a drama mod as being some sort of Stannis Baratheon.

r/drama moderators should be rotated out on a regular basis on a draft-style anyways, to keep the place fresh

No arguments there, we're long overdue new meme mods

being some sort of Stannis Baratheon.

i don't know what this is but it sounds like cape and/or spaceshit, you'll be the first one i ban out of spite.

i don't know what this is but it sounds like cape and/or spaceshit,

Close, it's elf-less elfshit.

you'll be the first one i ban out of spite

Unironically based, you have my support.

Back when they started infiltrating this sub and I was a mod for a few weeks, I gave them flairs to publicly shame rapefugees. It kinda worked. Banning them meant they'd comeback with alts.



i remember that. it was pretty good. maybe we should have more specific tags, like KiA posters having a tag letting everyone know they're pedophile apologists and Cringe Anarchy users tagged with "literally retarded" or similar

You were the mod we needed but didnt deserve

-2 points

The rapefugees are M A D ๐Ÿ˜น

Further proof the wall should have been built yesterday

can't tell if angry MDEfugees downvoting you or downvotes for capeshit references


0 points 2 minutes


As a commie soyboy I downvoted it because it was gimpy af.

You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar XD

I gave them flairs to publicly shame rapefugees.

I always wondered if that was done manually or not. Because there were some "literally who's" that deservedly got the flair, but I don't remember there being false positives.

I remember you giving me a newfag alt because, uh, I don't know. I mean, I was on a newfag alt, but I also wasn't brightoid, so whatever.

You should definitely make that a thing again. Way more effective, and easy to do as well

I'm not sure, average standard of comment here has gone downhill.

Get banned/Leave because the leftoid mods are too low IQ to do anything but ban opposing views.

Your views get downvoted because they're idiotic even by the standards of r/drama and this is a perfect example

Your upvoted comment is the perfect example of your views being downvoted for being too idiotic for /r/Drama

Tell your handlers that the worms have done irreparable damage to your brain.

Look this post was upvoted, that means I totally wasn't crying like a woman about muh downvotes

Tell your handlers that you've been forgetting to dilate and that it's giving you toxic shock again.

now kiss

Now say it without giving the impression that you're being sodomized by a cactus.

Why do you get so buttblasted about rightoid spaces getting the axe if your Reddit activity is limited to whining on /r/drama or deploying yourself as an extra lolcow in linked threads?

You may be a rapefugee, and you may have lost most of your brain function, but I just want to tell you that you're my favourite MDEgenerate and I'm very upset that some meanies downvoted you โค

I literally never posted on MDE on any account, now fuck off back to fucking r/fortnitecompetitive you carpetbagging SRDine.

Ily โคโคโค

lol dude why are you so serious and political lately this is a shitpost sub

we need to take aggressive steps to preserve our unique /r/drama culture.

We are going to build a big beautiful Bussy wall and weโ€™re gonna make lolcows pay for it ๐Ÿ˜ก

We should respect other communities culture and destroy our own by massively import chapos and donalds.

Anything to bring the mayocide quicker.

But those are the mayos.

How many users that sub had?

Definitely not enough to change the current social and economic aspects of the r/drama

mods please bubble wrap my safe space for me

Neo drama is the worst

wanting seriousposting NEETs out of the sub isn't 'bubble wrapping a safe space' you inbred spastic

youre the one seriousposting lol

do as i say, not as i do.

ban r/Drama just to make sure

can't be sure that'll help, better ban all of reddit.com

Alexa play 1 6 4 8

Legit a week or so of private might not be a bad idea.

As if they havenโ€™t already taken this sub lol. Thereโ€™s so many rightist degenerates here already!

This, unironically, but kick out d-amazo and keep me so i can ping him how much iโ€™m enjoying his dream becoming a nightmare.


Here come the fucking serious agenda posters

I want us to be quarantined so I can tell girls at school that I'm a bad boy

Reminds me of tje Reddit exodus to 4chan after a major ban and 4chan was having none of it.They ragged on tje Reddit chumps for days until they all fucked off to voat.

What previous subreddit is it referring to? Only thing that comes to mind is CringeAnarchy which posts every StoneToss comic.

MDE probably


/r/milliondollarextreme --> r/MDE spinoff subs --> /r/SubOfPeace --> /r/StoneToss

Along with that, /r/cringeanarchy took in a lot of MDEfugees.

There's actually a fork after r/subofpeace , splitting into stone toss and frenworld and private-from-the-start subs.

Leave Frenworld alone! WE FRENLY!!! No nonfrens allowed!!!

Fuck off retard


StoneToss has nothing to do with MDE and existed long before MDE was banned. So Reddit's stated reason for banning stonetoss is complete bullshit.

I almost give a shit.

Just because it existed before doesn't mean it can't be repurposed.

We need to take it as a warning. MDEfugees do not adapt. They do not assimilate.

They invade foreign subs and subvert their culture if we don't expel them as soon as we see em.

Nonetheless, it was definitely being repurposed into another MDE. Here's yesterday, about half the frontpage is from MDE. Two months ago the top posts were, again, straight from MDE.

It was horseshit to ban MDE in the first place, but they're quite consistent in the "repurposing" bans. The problem here isn't unfairness, it's that any socially aware comedy has to toe the partly line or it'll be banned.

reddit has some fucking gay javascript that blanks the archive page after 1 second

So they posted some of the same memes, which didn't even mention MDE. So what? There was nothing wrong with those memes.

According to reddit mods, posting the same memes and making the same jokes means it's the same community. They did the exact same thing to like a dozen subs, many of which were old communities where the jokes and tone didn't change at all after MDE got banned. Still hit with "repurposing to start a banned community" because the net they cast is so wide.

More importantly, if you genuinely don't think the sub was chock full of MDEfugees I don't know what to tell you other than you're blind. I loved MDE and subbed to /r/stonetoss like two days ago specifically because it was the same jokes, same community, and same atmosphere. I take issue with the admins faggotry regarding banning anyone in the first place, but skimming the past posts this was coming for months.

Step 1: Collect all the memes that were ever posted in banned leftist subreddits
Step 2: Find all the leftist subreddits where those memes get reposted, and report them for ban evasion
Step 3: Profit

A.K.A. the AHS playbook.

Saved, thanks

Might be one of the best gifs of all time

the fact that he doesn't bend either arm makes it so much better


your impression of it will depend highly on whether you know who any of those guys are

Based Bill Gates

he cute

His arms acute

That's the whitest thing I've ever seen.

True, rich people tend to be white.

Thank God for that.

And dorky.

Unless they go full Bezos.

5% lizard and 15% vampire by volume.

you couldn't get me to be mayo even if you offered me all the money in the world ๐Ÿคข


Well... There's also the juice.


this but unironically

I thought you got arrested

the prosecutor was hot for traps

Oh vey an alcoholic tranny who drinks in bathrooms. You guys are a meme

holy shit look at this casual drinker who wont even drink in the bathroom



It's hard being MDEfugee



Not just them, it's hard being disabled in general.

Yeah, but you get government checks. So there's upsides.


Imagine being MDE but for unfunny normies. I'd neck myself.

do you feel any shame, unironically using "normie" 4 years after 2015

adult swim show community

for unfunny normies

they've been expelled out of 107 subreddits

0 points a minute ago

Rightoid C O P E

I reported Marsey the Cat so the SEETHEtards can downvote it again ๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น

They're all on the way here as we speak. BUILD THE WALL.

We are going to build a big beautiful Bussy wall and weโ€™re gonna make lolcows pay for it ๐Ÿ˜ก

this tbh


Oh sweaty

I need my two minutes of hate.

This is your brain on r/drama

Trans women are women


I'm sure they'll go to voat this time for realsies.

Voat is even too unhinged for MDEtards.

its full of boomer retards who think saying "those damm niggers!" is hilarious, mde voat sub is full of them last time i tried posting there.


why do you need an entire subreddit to post low effort comics?

where else are they going to post them?

idk ive seen them posted in other places.

most of the ones I've seen in other places are the ones that are edited to have the opposite intended messages (see /r/antifastonetoss) or just calling them out as being unfunny (see /r/ComedyCemetery). Not really any places I can think of for people who unironically like the comics.

yeah idk, reddit admins still havent banned/quarantined a sub i care about (except that time drama almost got nuked) but all these ban waves tell me drama wont last, i think we get nuked during next election cycle when one of our threads about a candidate hits all. reddit just really wants to be facebook for some reason. drama is the only sub i still read so ill finally be free from reddit once it gets banned.

i think we get nuked during next election cycle when one of our threads about a candidate hits all.

I'd bet on it happening much sooner if it does at all. Its not usually the popularity that gets the sub in trouble (its just the mods, not the admins, who get annoyed when drama hits popular). Rather, its when we do something that directly antagonizes the userbase and/or a direct source of income for them.

A big post about a candidate won't do anything to annoy the admins, unless maybe its in support of someone who advertisers feel is very unfriendly to their interests. Its more likely that edgeposting about something like an attack will be what does this place in.

true, we didn't get caught up in this wave but i think we buzzed the admins radar, so i could see us being gone in the next ban wave, though there is no way to predict when that will be.

But then again why haven't they banned /r/stopadvertising as soon as it reared its retarded head?

Well they can be a more popular 4chan and make zero money because only shit like dick pills and cash for gold scams want to advertise with them or be a more anonymous facebook and make a shitload

pretty sure even 4chan users are worth more to advertisers than reddit users, also very few people want an anonymous facebook, they are banning retards now, but eventually they are going to have to ban/severely curtail normie subs that go on regular witchhunts like /r/games in order to please advertisers which will make a lot of people give up on the site.

I visit like three subs these days. I like this place because it allows pretty much anyone to post no matter how stupid or awful their opinions are. Reddit used to be like that back in the day but mods are so ban-happy now that nearly every sub is a hug box. It's just not fun any more.

Same and I see this sentiment expressed so much I think a huge portion of people here only read here and a few other subs.

reddit just really wants to be facebook for some reason.

So someone's gonna make a live thread about <insert something that won't get me banned like Ed>?

CringeAnarchy really like Stonetoss. His comics have hit the front page a few times as have screenshots of people calling him a Nazi (because that's cringe).

You could always just go to stonetoss.com

For the same reason you need a subreddit to discuss ethics in gaming journalism.

Simple answrler: They didn't.

It was low effort magaturds and mdefugees fellating each other.

The few times I visited they had no comics on their frontpage.

๐Ÿคฃ you got banned too minutes later ๐Ÿคฃ




Day of the snooze came quicker than I thought.

Not very surprising since everyone called it a mile away. Still funny though because there will be some delicious COPE.

your sub is next, goy.

Most likely after CA gets banned you CAnimal.


Insalata mista


No it isn't.


I'll pay you 1000 YangBucks to fuck off



the only good webcomic is the one with shortsacks from incase, everybody else is just a waste of bandwidth

If i knew who incase was, or what his comic Alfie was about i would probably agree that it is indeed the only worthwile webcomic out there

the only good webcomic is the one with shortsacks from incase


Excellent taste

What was that sub about?

It's a subreddit based on "stone tossing," a term popularized in the UK gay scene for when you cum an excessive amount.

So reddit is oppressing fellow bussy lovers?

Sure why not

Stonetoss comics, but it kinda became a catch all rightoid sub after MDE and similar were banned


Fascist scum.

Rightoids on suicide watch.

Rather large F

creating or repurposing a sub to reconstitute or serve the same objective as a previously banned or quarantined subreddit.

It got nixxed for ban evasion? What was the previously banned sub?


Press s to spit. Also ban the stonefugees

Pressing S now, sir

Press S to stone the MDEfugees Inshallah

Pressing S now, sir

S for spit and shit.

And /r/familyman lives on!


Called it!

/u/RastaLasagna told you, stoner!


Lmao, now that's what I call music.

Is MDE active on VOAT?

Idk, is voat active at all?

I miss MDE, I jewed all over the place and they never banned me

the goys annoy back

Not for long ๐Ÿ˜น

why are you so giddy about mod overreach lmao calm down

mod overreach



but theyre probably going to do the same shit to this sub its not like its positive to have less subs

Cope harder, nerd. Nothing of value was lost.

nigga how you calling me a nerd when youre copying againsthatesubreddits sentiments

more subs = more drama

if you remove all the ones that cause arguments what tf are we gonna post about

nigga how you calling me a nerd when youre copying againsthatesubreddits sentiments n-no u

The absolute state of nerds in currentYear+n ๐Ÿคฃ

lmao dude what are you doing

everyone knows more subs = more drama stop being a fag pls

make new sub = drama

sub gets banned = drama

subs getting banned makes like 5 minutes of drama and then ahs and chapos just get to act smug and thats counter productive

imagine how crazy people would be if no subs ever got banned and you could still go to fat people hate and r slash niggers

drama and then ahs and chapos just get to act smug and thats counter productive

Of course, AHS and Chapo acting smug has never provided any content for this sub lmao.

them being smug isnt entertaining because theyre the reddit status quo

its funny when that gets shaken up dont you know anything about internet drama

reddit status quo

I make a habit of not taking morbidly obese people seriously.

Subs getting banned is drama, nerd.

Imagine seriousposting this transparently and trying this hard to hide it. ๐Ÿ˜

ive never posted on stonetoss though

that sub existing caused more drama than banning it and if you disagree youre probably irl angry at pretend nazis

ive never posted on stonetoss though

Never said you did, nerd.

that sub existing caused more drama than banning it and if you disagree youre probably irl angry at pretend nazis

They say this every time and it's never true ๐Ÿคฃ

nigga where u think all the ahs threads and lolcows come from

you guys are way too invested personally in politics its weird

that sub existing caused more drama than banning it

Bitch when? lmao

did you not see them try to "counter" it with their wall o texts in their leftist parody subs

No I didn't, how fat of you to notice.

/r/antifastonetoss its as bad as you might imagine

more subs = more drama

if you remove all the ones that cause arguments what tf are we gonna post about

what tf are we gonna post about



lmao ur so angry about shit calm down faggot

Ok, I won't do that again.

cool nice one g were all friends here

Lol, they actually think demanding to speak to a manager is like, defending the white race.

I normally calm down by watching the funny fox tv show Family Man. Check out the sub /r/familyman!

It's a good show!

And a good sub!

I can honestly say that the mods of r/familyman have never once tried to stifle my opinions about the long-running hit FOX animated comedy.

mod overreach

Anyone: Dude, stop being an asshole

Rightoids: THIS IS LITERALLY 1984

lmao characterising it as "stop being an asshole"

Stop basing your identity around a tumblr comic with anti-tumblr politics.

lol wtf its some random comic why are you all so angry about it

ive barely even read them you goofy fag

Who is angry about the comic? No one cares lmao.

That sub was not even about the comic.

Holy shit leave the internet faggot

lmao who are you

Someone that doesn't cry about mod abuse like a complete pussy

here come the mdefugees, i can hear the horde knocking on the door how can we prevent our culture and heritage from being erased by these illegal immigrants?

Antifastonetoss is still with us

That lighting lol. Is this an episode from 7th Heaven?

Everyone who came here from Stonetoss comment here!!! okay mods, these are the ones you need to ban


apt analogy

"You have become the very thing you swore to swore to destroy"

See ๐Ÿ‘ another ๐Ÿ‘ movie ๐Ÿ‘

I thought that was a Shakespeare quote.

No its a legit star capeshit quote

Ay tone...

Oy very shut it down

There must be some sort of "ultimate answer," if you will, to the MDEQ

You know that Drama is next. Reddit grew on the back of edgelords and is now banning them, and Drama is full of edgelords.

I'm unironically surprised this sub hasn't been quarantined yet.

Because unlike other subs we're still 90% "ironic". We also do a good job (close to not being good) of beating on the lolcows that come here thinking we're actually being unironic.

beating on the lolcows that come here thinking we're actually being unironic.

RIP feepo

I think our occasional beating on right-wing lolcows has the admins confused tbqh. They can't imagine the existence of an actual, honest-to-God, centrist subreddit.

In 2019 drama is the only centrist sub

If we need to flex our centrist credentials I can let slip that even though I'm not a neocon I'm a bit neocurious so you're free to shit all over my NATO fetish and Iraq/Afghanistan takes if it means the sub survives.

We can do that regardless

having anime conventions

Abysmal failure

We shall increase the beatings until the standards improve.

The admin's technology is unable to determine anything about the subreddit. When the admins try to research this place, it's like putting a compass on a magnetic pole. "Does not compute".

We are staunchly unironic about our irony.

Literally this

Which would be a good thing

Can we bring the discord bqck in oreparation for the inevitable?

Reddit is now literally filled with boomers, and I don't mean 30 year old ones. Every default is filled with people talking about their grandkids.

Yeah, Iโ€™m a web developer and honestly considering building an alternative. The admins and powermods here were a mistake. Voat is unfortunately too shitty to be a viable alternative, you need to build one with a โ€œfriendlyโ€ front page but, business in the front party in the back kind of site. Reddit is all business now.

reddit is becoming a fucking haven for normies, you can thank the ubiquity of the internet for that. If it weren't for tablet and smartphones the internet would be largely the same as it was 15 years ago

Like if owned

I called it a couple days ago in another thread here.

Whos next? Will CAutists finally get the boot? Or maybe another obscure place for MDEgenerates like r/frenworld

I mean, why is there even a sub dedicated to some low effort webcomics

and why is it xkcd?

that too

Eli5 what it was

google the word, buddy

Sud dedicated to a rightoid web comic that became a MDEfugee haven.

Toward the end it was like 1 post of the comic on the front page and all other posts were just mde kvetching about muh ethnostate

There there will now be NO other way to view rockthrow comics as that was the only place they were ever posted

Lol fuck'em

Lol they really wonโ€™t stop until every non boomer tier vanilla conservative subreddit is banned


So this is just Facebook now?

ya Iโ€™m sure totally anonymous bot accounts will suddenly be worth billions to advertisers once admins get rid of the problem subreddits


Close the gates before the refugees start barging in here.

Isn't this when we build a wall? No edgefugees welcome.

Oh no! The MDEfugees will be coming here!

Respond with dab to dab them out!

CLUCKED ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ”

Damn and I only subbed to it yesterday after seeing it here.

Same. :/

What was that?

The day of the toss is upon us.

based chinese overlords

I'm not a retarded person so I have no idea what stonetoss is- can someone fill me in?

I believe it was an anti-SJW subreddit.

Oh. Okay. Thanks dude. I've gone ahead and edited my comment to reflect the appropriate dramaticness.

/lel serious post - Stone Toss is a comic with a Conservative / Right Wing bent to it. - http://stonetoss.com/comic/

I imagine the Reddit was for the comic.

honestly fuck reddit. They are just looking for reasons to ban these subs at this point

are these all boomer subs wtf

The fuck are these subs and why are they banned

I hope they ban r/frenworld next

The blatent hypocracy of being against killings but then killing a sub reddit. Such hypocracy from the nazi admins.

Do you think the admins write "Subscribe to pewdiepie" as the subject for the ban notice message.

just noticed they banned /r/aytone as well...




reddit why do you make it so hard to have a fun and light hearted forum for breezy discussion of the extermination of inferior races

Typical reddit. Allow subs that encourage depressed people to commit suicide but ban coontown for โ€œannoying redditorsโ€

I canโ€™t wait for the shitshow that happens when the donald gets banned. A million boomers crying out in anger and suddenly silenced.

The kikes are afraid.