So brave

324  2019-03-19 by SvarogsSon


This, but unironically.


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She's also been walking around in a hijab. I get you want to show sympathy for your Muslim community but you are the leader of a western nation. These people need to integrate into the host nation not the other way around.

shh don't let the kaffirs know

Ever since dolezal, Pocahontas, Beto, Trudeau the flood gates on cultural appropriation larping have been opened. Expect things to get much more cringe, but entertaining.

what did beto do? not defensive just very uninformed

He goes by Beto and larps as a Mexican as his finishing move at rallies. It’s really cringe and disingenuous feeling, even though I do think living in El Paso gives him a good amount of exposure to Latin America.

It gives him exposure to Mexicans and the rest of Latin America would be extremely offended at being equated with them.

Mexicans actually look down on much of Latin America though.

Basically all of Latin America looks down on each other, they're like East Asians in that respect.

all latinos look down on other latinos

This but unironically. Fuck squatamalans.

I don't blame them, I look down on all other latinos and I'm not even latino

¿Porque no los dos?

cringe and disingenuous

Did you see the video of him at the gas pump the other day? He was doing obama hands while excitedly talking about grifting 12 gallons of gas for his caravan from his horny post wall constituents.

Lmao no! That sounds cringe af

Lmao his arms were flailing the whole time 😂

dude has like a $10 million net worth, his wife like $500 million, and he's getting his supporters to pay for his gas.

He got a taste of that Hollywood life from the senate race, and he isn’t looking back imo

It is entertaining to watch the slow decline of the western world

Is that where you derive your super power to turn all green from?

Don’t forget Barry soetoro

“what do u mean?”: trudeau in hijab

burp you don't get it Morty, the minorities fucking love it when you dress up like them

Conspiracy theory: The Village people were all Trudeaux

Its not about sympathy, its about getting attention.

lmao @ this sub becoming /pol/-ultra-lite

Lmao at you being a fag

Ooohh bby anytime.

Yep. I reckon it's official now. This subreddit loves its alt-right talking points.

>This white gussy wearing a hijab lmao


You're literally trying to pass off this white supremacist as a mentalally ill white boy. Gtfo nazi faggot.

Where? He's a nazi, never said he isn't. Why the fuck am I a nazi?

These people need to integrate into the host nation not the other way around.

Depends on what the specific practise is. Integrating all the good Middle Eastern food into Western culture is a good thing. Not so much for the sexist and regressive puritanical shit.

After the Charleston Church shooting I, a gentleman, wore a Dashiki for an entire month. My wife and her boyfriend told me they were very proud of my empathy.

If only I’d know where to buy one I wouldn’t have had to settle for shoe polish, which got mixed reviews at best

You don't remember the Pulse nightclub shooting where all the western leaders took a dildo up the ass to show sympathy? Smh

I know your memeing but didn't Gavin McIness publicly make out with Milo in reaction to that shooting?

EDIT: Yup, he sure did!

He also dry shoved a dildo up his ass on a separate occasion


Ahh, that's hot. That's hot

I love how shook mayos get at the sight of a white woman wearing a hijab.

Shocking to see the people killing western civilization flaunt it out in the open

yikes, so icky and gross

100% of the materials used to construct that post where made in China.

Lmao seriousposters go to religiously unspecific hell dude.

They should dehumanize him tbh

He himself said his name isn't important and won't be remembered, lol. They still think this is a columbine kid who just wanted attention or something.

This one is an autistic memelord

An autistic meme troll.

I'm sure whatever he says, he definitely wants attention

And this does moot to prevent that

Imagine taking anything the shooter said literally. He can lie all he wants in his retarded manifesto, dude obviously wants attention.

So he said the intro from hatred eww

Lmao do you have his manifesto taped up to your wall or something?

How does not saying the name contribute to that? Any normal person already thinks he’s a dirtbag.

Yes. Castrate and quarter him to show that only the State has sole right to commit indiscriminate violence.

Wasn't it already like that

Oh sorry this but unironically

this but ironically. do it to every 4chan poster too while we're at it

what are they gonna do call him an npc

We don't really remember the shooter's name anyway, we just remember what they did and if they were Muslims or not.

I can't even remember the names of people I work with on a day to day. This is no big deal.

All shooters are male, moids physical removal when ?


Based foid freedom fighter.

>commits mass shooting against unarmed soibois

>only manages to kill herself

Proof the wage gap is justified tbh

What you meant to say was:

>Took up arms against world's global propaganda machine, owned by a company that's one of the biggest advanced military tech developers, all by herself

>Bravely wounded four globalist meat-eating soldiers, before shooting herself in the heart so she couldn't be captured for their brainwashing experiments


gender of peace

Dylan roof, elliot Rodgers, Eric harris, dylan klebold, sung hui cho, Omar Mateen, Adam Lanza


Are those names of sauces?

Elliot sounds delicious and Italian 👅

Mostly different flavors of mayonnaise

This comment is straight from r/drama

I literally don’t know any of these people. Burgers please

You really should know Eric & Dylan at least, seeing as Columbine was basically the prototypical modern school shooting

“Educational” - about as educational as a trivia panel on the back of a cereal box

The MC is obnoxious and the rest of the characters are so much dumber than him that the imbalance in their statuses is painful. I dropped Dr Stone half a dozen chapters ago - that whole mobile phone/radio thing is just beyond annoying


I agree

Missing chris dorner the GOAT

I only recognize two and that's because Reddit keeps bringing them up whenever the topic or muhhh guns or muhhhh incels or muhhhh misogyny comes up.

Anders Breivik, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, Omar Mateen, etc.

The name of the shooter is usually the only name people remember, even after decades.

Sam Hyde


Felix Kajelburger


Not listing /r/drama posterboy Elliot Rodger


Removing the hook of his name is pretty brilliant. That is how memory works.

Come on, everyone remembers Dylan Kobold and Marty Robbins from Columbine

Your mean Dolan and Morty?

I think most non burgers didn't even know their names to begin with.

You've never heard of Dylan Roof and Anders Breivik?

I got traces of the first one in my mind, never heard about the other one

Why not, i mean what would that accomplish😂 does she think it will summon him or some shit lmao

He who must not be named

Biggie smalls yo

One of his goals was infamy. The goal is for all present and future incels to see that they won't get as much sweet attention as they're hoping for, and hopefully just stay in their basement.

Nah, he specifically said he didn't care about fame and IIRC he expected his name to be forgotten. The attack was to satisfy his own (corrupt) moral desire for vengeance.

Dude is an attention-hungry faggot, it doesn't matter what he said. Actions speak louder than words.

Imagine being so mad rooty tooty gets gussy and you don't

Mayo's aren't welcome here

Go back to chapo cumskin

I don't post on chapo, faggot. You're literally coming from /r/all. Imagine unironically posting on default subreddits 😂😂😂 Reddit truly cucked the shit out of you rightoids when they banned MDE. My advice to you is to leave this place and go to KiA or voat. Seriously, your kind is not wanted here. This is a place for centrists, not agendaposting mayos.

Trying this hard


Imagine being reduced to arguing with soyboys on /r/politics and /r/news all day because Reddit admins decided to cuck you out of your home 😂🤣😂


Continuing to use reddit after the admins nuke and spit on your community is not too unlike letting the bull continue to pound your wife because he lets you play with his Nintendo Switch afterward. You just can't say no to the cheap entertainment reddit provides can you, faggot?

imagine being this proud that the neolib admins of Reddit don't take you seriously

It's not a matter of pride, it's a matter of lols. MDE chimped out and made fun of /u/spez's wife and he responded by nuking MDE from the face of the site and banishing them to the desolate plains of /r/all to reeee alongside the soyboy herds. You guys got cucked hard by a limpwristed male feminist soyperson lol. And apparently are too stupid or poor to make your own version of reddit. Like, do you not understand reddit is literally a liberal tech company based in San Francisco that caters to a liberal audience? It will never be open to your views (it barely tolerates centrists) and it's sheer retardation that you far-right people expect to be accommodated by it despite being openly hostile to it and everything it stands for. You faggots are going to get this place banned just like you did MDE, that's why I'm telling you to fuck off to voat, not because of pride. And this place is probably the last funny and original place on reddit.

Right, MDE got cucked, you guys keep calling people chud and defending wahmans I guess, fight dah powah!!!

A true radical centrist holds both chapocels and MDEcels in equal disdain. Not kidding, I unironically despise both groups, and actually wish reddit didn't cuck MDE so I wouldn't have to interact with you here. At least chapos stay in their own shithole echochamber for the most part. You guys stain the purity of radical centrism with your blatant agendaposting and political hacksmanship, it's embarrassing.

I centristpost on levels you couldn't dream to attain, all while being robbed of a homeland. Will my people's persecution never end? We've been banned from 109 subreddits, surely we can hope for a place to call our own one day.

Go reee about Mayos or something you're a nerd.

Fugee get out.

it's embarrassing.

is an incel really allowed to say that about anyone but themselves

just because I post on /r/braincels very occasionally doesn't mean I'm an incel you mong. if you actually read my posts they aren't incel posts, I'm just a sympathetic normie. I like /r/braincels because it is based with respect to modern foids and soy culture and is one of the few remaining places on reddit that isn't dominated by incessant political whining and arguing.

lmao incel

Cope harder lmao


lmao this effortposting

Nah, he specifically said he didn't care about fame and IIRC he expected his name to be forgotten. The attack was to satisfy his personal (corrupt) moral desire for vengeance.

You're pretty retarded if you believe this. He wanted attention. Why do you think he did the OK hand when they took a picture of him? The whole manifesto was a bunch of incoherent alt right talking points and memes thrown together. Shit, if you go to the beginning, would someone NOT wanting attention stream it and share the stream on 8chan?

He did it because he was a believer in accelerationism: causing as much polarization and controversy as possible. He used a completely innocuous hand symbol to associate it and its unsuspecting users with fascism. Its also why he said "subscribe to pewdiepie" and how fortnite inspired him to carry out the attack. The hand symbol, fortnite, and pewdiepie have very little to do with blatant fascism. Its bait, and everything he predicted would happen like the media taking the bait, happened. When a bunch of people start calling a young politically ignorant/apathetic person a fascist because you use the OK hand emoji and watch meme review, do you think they will accept the criticsm, bend the knee and drop those things altogether? Or do you think they would see those people as crazy and react by getting polarized into fascism? The vast majority would do the latter.

Tbh predicting the media would take the bait doesn’t really make him Nostradamus. They media would chew their dicks off if it would get them clicks

that's the fucked up part tho, it's so damn easy to predict

which is why russian passive measures are so effective against the US.

The word is troll. He's a troll, and a pretty successful one so far.

Why do you think he did the OK hand when they took a picture of him?

so the retard media would sperg about white power hand symbols and cause more division

>One of his goals was infamy.

Not in this case. In his manifesto he says he knows he will be forgotten. He just wants to incite division more than anything.

his manifesto also says he was radicalized by Spyro 3 bud

What, people can't tell jokes in an otherwise serious manifesto now? Go away, Ted.

What, are you fucking retarded? I never made any statement on whether they could make jokes, the point is obviously that taking everything in the manifesto at face value is stupid as shit you dum dum

Call me retarded to my retard face and not online. See what happens

Post potato face rn, this mf really thinks I wont beat my meat to it >:D

The last time I beat my meat I ended up ripping my peepee off because retard strength.


The next line after the Spyro bit is him saying that pet is specifically a joke.

smh at these retards, can’t even read a brief manifesto right

I understand this. There are still a litany of lines, such as the candace owens one, which pretty conclusively prove youre a retard if you believe anything he wrote

Such a great game

right? i've been hoping the manifesto returning it to the spotlight will at least yield us some hot new retro spyro action

He’s getting infamy. Jacinda isn’t doing anything to stop that. She’s doing the exact fucking opposite by talking about him like he’s fucking Voldemort, and creating policy on the fly in response to him.

if you look in a candlelit mirror and say "Brenton Tarrant" three times slowly he will shitpost himself into existence right behind you

I'm assuming that he wanted attention so she's trying to make a point ogn giving it to him.

Which is retarded because she just did and apparently the media picked it up.

His name was Brenton Tarrant.

This is exactly the feel the headline invoked in me. I am being accelerated. The terrorist won.

His name was Brenton Tarrant.

Her name was ebba akerlund

More like Sweden Cuckerland lmaoooo

His name was Brenton Tarrant.

its their odd interpretation of trying to stop the perpetuation of violence by sensationalizing the acts, as outlined, among other places, in videos like this

If you talk about those of whom we do not speak, have you not spoken of that about which we do not talk?

New Zealand


Pick one

It's a chinese colony so yeah it's in Asia

North island and the Western edge of South Island are on the Australian tectonic plate, while the rest is part of the Pacific tectonic plate.

I saw people complimenting her on Reddit and I’m just like, “really?” It’s not like she’s turning into a human shield and taking bullets. She’s literally doing the least possible. So, what if she’s not saying his name? It’s already everywhere. She put on a hijab. OMG! How brave!! Let’s save some praise for the man who tackled the shooter, ok?

Reddit is filled to the brim with virtue signalling, woman worshipping cucks. Never forget this fact, foid.

He didn't, he tried to run past and didn't do it fast enough. If you watch the video you can see he's headed past the shooter.

No, I’m talking about the guy from the other mosque that wasn’t in the video. He did manage to stop the shooter and save people.

But that guy had a weapon himself and shot at the other shooters, no?

I don’t know


Lmao let’s make a guy who is wants notoriety sound like fucking Voldemort.

This isn’t gonna backfire

The Kiwi who shall not be named.

Oi he was an ozzy, cunt

Implying I should care about the difference.

Do you care about anything except dick in your bussy?


This but unironically.

You mean the Western Island of New Zealand?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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I’ve been in world new specifically mentioning Tarrant by his full name. I’ve had replies telling me to not use his name. Reddit was a fucking mistake, we don’t live in Harry Potter:

It has the opposite fucking effect. Tell people don't say his name, don't watch the video, don't read his manifesto, it just makes it all the more intriguing. Luckily Redditards have short memories. Remember when everybody was all up in arms about chinks buying shares in Reddit?

Yeah it actually kinda pisses me off that they are totally streisanding little kids into watching the video. If I had kids this would be a "no unaccompanied internet" month.

Is that the same excuse you use for the 65 terabytes of childporn on your harddrive?

CP actively funds the creation of more CP, videos of accidents, deaths, terrorism, shootings, etc. don't do the same.

So if you don't pay for it then it's fine? Is that the excuse you use?

No cuz I'm not a pedo

I didn't jerk off to /r/watchpeopledie.

Exactly. I didn't care about the video, but now that I've read people are literally getting their accounts banned from reddit for sharing it via PRIVATE message, I kinda wanna, see it. It's like these people still don't understand the Streisand effect. Might check 4chan later, maybe they have the video...

It's mental. These people will be in a thread talking in detail about his crimes and what motivated him and lose their shit because someone mentions his name.

Like fuck me, if you don't want to give him infamy don't spend all day talking about it. Fucking nobheads, man. Reddits absolute gash these days - just people vehemently defending a position they learned this morning from other screeching twats.

Hi, gilletprick!

I am just stopping by to wish you well!


Fuck off wanker

The way these people deal with issues is like the way the AI deals with control points in DOW2.

Honestly, the level of political grandstanding by this cow is pretty sickening. It's one thing to say something like, "Okay, right, we need stricter gun laws" in the wake of your most violent mass shooting ever, but it's another thing entirely to prance around in a hijab like a fucking nonce and pretend that this dumbass is lord fucking Voldemort.

The entire way that the NZ government and police are reacting in the wake of this event leads me to believe that they are just mentally incompetent to withstand any sort of actual emergency without absolutely losing their shit.

I mean I assume if you join the police or government in NZ you don't think something like this is gonna happen. Do they even have murders there?

Is that retarded foid really wearing a hijab in public?

I never really understood the sentiment behind the "cuck" meme before now, but it's starting to make sense.

White Sharia is finally happening 🤤

Next time a mayo shoots up a school I'm showing up in a cowboy hat and chaps.

18 year old who shared the stream is being charged, may face 14 years if convicted. Between this and trying to scrub the shooter from the internet, Ridiculous.


My fellow redditors, we need to take a moment to appreciate how fast nz started trying to imitate the PRC and is now imprisoning people for sharing mean pictures after one terrorist attack. Why can't WE be like that???

We got the Patriot Act after 9/11. It should only take about 3 more (successful) terrorist attacks and we can enjoy an indefinite state of martial law.

Left-wing Aus media and /r/australia are masturbating furiously over her "incredible leadership and compassion".

Like, holy shit, she condemned a terrorist and wore a hijab, that somehow makes her a great leader now?

Churchill 2.0 because foid.

Better than Donald "both sides are bad" Trump.

Both sides are bad though

This sub only supports radical centrism, please go back to the partisan hellhole you came from.

its just being used to ignore their failings

and of course to get the retarded reddit types to vote for her because shes a strong female leader who paid respects to victims

I thought the whole point was that when white men do it they are anonymous and then when Muslim men doing their personal details are exposed to enforce the fact they were Muslim.

literally 0 reason for you to have come to that conclusion

Stunning and brave.

As if not seeing her flap her janky teeth is somehow a punishment.

Criminologists have been saying for years that when a mass shooting hapoens media shouldn't sensationalize the event nor give the killer undue attention since thats what they crave.

So naturally morons interpret that in the dumbest way possible. Not mentioning the killers name is a start, but grandstanding about it pretty much make your effort useless.

it's really not that relevant here if you read his writings

But it's the effect on other, wannabe shooters that matters.

Mass shootings are like suicides. They are partially memes. Spreading the “idea” of them in the media has the same effect reporting on suicides has. It inspires others to mimic and copy them.

But the media will never acknowledge that because mass shootings are such great click bait. It’s the heroin they need to maintain themselves now.

it's not about his personal desires you brainlet its about discouraging others

Why would you trust the word of a terroist?

Dude did it for fame because he was another bitch ass radicalized pos in the seemingly endless pile of them the modern world has created

Civil rights are CANCELED!


Your comment picked me up by the legs and swung me brains first into a concrete wall

Brenton Tarrant

Wow its like she got here legs blown off in WWII

She's fucking one to talk with all of cultural appropriation and shit. Keep your hands off our hijab bitch

عليك أن تعود

أنا لا أريد العودة إلى هذا البلد حفرة القرف

lol, pit shit country is a weird translation

Did she say this with her hijab on

Even the women are soyboys in NZ

Where's the DRAMA?

In the comments you fucko


I'm going to say it



They love that book.

Just execute him and be over with it.

That's actually probably the best course of action for the NZ here, even if they will have to reinstate death sentences. But it's the worst one for drama so fuck off.

Read another book.

And now she's trying to apply this to the whole island...


Ironically no one remembers hers.

This prick is exactly the sort of attention seeking shitlord who'll legally change his name to "Prince William" thereby forcing her to say his name.

Jesus, I got into so many arguments on reddit these days because of shit like this.

Shits getting censored because of this bitch. Pathetic.


"Hi I'm Brenton Tarrant, I'm doing this mass killing in part to get you to ban guns and accelerate the culture war"

"I will never give him what he wants by mentioning his name" *bans guns*

My name is Brenton, and welcome to Jackass!

guitar riff

Holy shit

Wtf I love oppressive religious dogma and cultural norms now!

Who is this foid?

It works for dumbasses like me who weren't paying attention. I've genuinely no idea what the dudes name is.

f*moids OUT

Was the gunman Beetlejuice?

as if talking about him constantly without using his name and plastering blurred pictures of him all over the place is any different from talking about him constantly and plastering his image all over the place.

a fucking screenshot of a headline?

Drama is dead

Oh shit, this subreddit turned into the_donald.

post hog, cuck

Too many MDEfugees, fuc off you nazi scum, OUT OUT OUT

I’m getting annoyed with all the posts about “oh my god New Zealand instantly passed gun laws and America won’t do anything after multiple shootings”. Hmmmm... it’s almost as if the founders made lawmaking slow and deliberate so dumbasses wouldn’t throw their rights away the second they got scared

Good for her, I guess.

What is forbidding saying a name does to you, anyway? People can still be copycats even if they do not know the name.

smh did voldemort teach you nothing

What? Died like a little bitch he is after being hyped as the worst thing happened to the wizard world?

I bet all of the losers who was too much of a pussy to say his name felt pretty dumb afterwards.

Leftists have no policy, only virtue signalling or trying to win moral battles over the right. Australia is about to get a leftist government. Will be interesting too see how much they fuck it up

Hey worked for the Greeks in the 4th century BC. Thanks to the decision to punish with death anyone who mentioned the name (damnatio memoriae law) of the arsonist who burned down the Temple of Artemis, we have zero idea who the hell Herostratus was...
