The reparation train has officially started... CHOO CHOO M$TH$RF$CK$RS!!!

581  2019-03-19 by MarioBuzo


And what's Spicer going to say, "Oh yeah, it's all legit!" First of all, he's not even one of the 10, and you can tell Trump wouldn't let him in on it. And second of all, if he did say that, it would just make tons of people bombard him with more questions about it, which he really knows nothing about. This is top level Military Intel at the highest level of Classified Clearance.


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god damn we are fucked

What are you? Some mayo scum? Get your chequebook mofo!


Britbong and a boomer.

I identify as a black 60-year-old Scottish female you cis-scum.

Nah it just means Warren's political strategists continue to be retarded and that democrats in general seem to be tripling down on the idea that their future is in being the party of nonwhites first, political ideology second.

They are probably going all-out on the primaries because they learned nothing from 2016 and think that anyone who runs against Trump is sure to win. The black vote is critical to dem primaries, so with that in mind, my theory is they decided to do things that will alienate people in the generals in order to win the primaries at all cost.

Hahahahhahahahahahahaha if this is how libtards actually think I'm pretty sure the neoliberals are going to pwn in 2020. Instead of Imperialism and Genocide™, we can have New! Imperialism and Genocide™.

Hahahahahahahhahahahaha you actually think neoliberals care at all about nonwhites

Hahahahahahaha you libtards are so stupid it's unbelievable

I think they care deeply about those demographics' tendency to vote solid Blue year after year, regardless of result, yes.

Beyond that I agree with you and you, of all people, calling others a "libtard" is hilariously weak bait.

No one is fucked. You are basically saying "warren wins, we lose"

Also politicians lie. God knows Trump lied, so does bernie, so does hilldog, etc. This is probably bullshit.

Nah at least your country hasn’t pondered GPS knives yet


I love that you actually are stupid enough to believe this means anything


Dude this your family tree?

God liberals are dumb

So the 20+ trillion we've spent wasn't enough. Letting women vote was a mistake

I identify as black. I want my money. And the Yang bonus. And take women's right to vote back.

MLK was reincarnated as a white woman which is running now for president.

MLK & white woman. Name a better duo.

MLK and a .30-06 round

[laughs in James Earl Ray]


Only 1023/1024 white

If you've got a drop of white, you white

Friendly reminder that reparations is a political sinkhole and one of the least popular ideas in the country, coming in just above "abolish ICE."

I think her proposing reparations is cynically just a political strategy to mitigate the damage her native American fiasco caused her.

So in a sense, reparations for her own campaign's past history.

Make no mistake, this is a primary strategy, this is a contested primary and black voters are the most important demographic in a democratic primary.

You'll see every candidate try to out woke the other and then shift chances in the general.

That's amazing Pizza! Us mdefugees love hearing that Trump is all but assured victory in 2020!



What, you afraid of free speech?

MDEfugees don't deserve free speech or any speech for that matter.

Rights are for people, and even then only for people of the right religion



Get deported retard.

Why would you just admit you're retarded like that? You know you're anonymous here right?

You'll see every candidate try to out woke the other and then shift chances in the general.

I feel like that kinda thing worked better in the pre-internet era. No one's going to forget all the zany shit they say in the primaries.

Worked for Trump....🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

Daddy's supporters can't remember what the prescription bottles they read every day say and can't look up anything on the internet that's older than the bottom of their facebook news feed.

Did trump pivot? I just assumed he was always retarded

Trumps campaign & presidency has played out like an alleyway rape. At first I thought, "he's just a weirdo, not really any danger." Then I was like, "uhoh, this could be trouble." Then as he gained control, "I can't believe this is happening to me." Then I struggled and struggled to no avail. Then I finally just laid back and let it happen. And now? Now I feel guilty for enjoying it.

I can't believe this is happening to me

What actually happened to you though?

tbh I'm don't owe you the emotional labor to explain it. I paid more taxes than ever because I made more money than ever. I can't believe Daddy would do this to me.

Im rolling LMAO

Honestly when he first announced his candidacy and The Donald was first starting out I thought the whole thing was fucking hilarious. I figured everyone thought he was gonna lose and we were all memeing and shitposting just cause. I left when he started to gain some traction before Iowa because the joke had turned serious and very Fox newsy. Literally that place was always spinning towards insanity but now it’s mostly crazy people because the sane ones never actually supported him and left. Sometimes I try to remember when no one thought he had a chance and it was all a stunt. I’m like you I regret enjoying it but my God I didn’t think he even make it to the primaries.

and now, you realize he may have been the right choice cause the date uwere going on ended up being a murderer (dems with reparations)

He had three different positions on the tranny bathrooms, rangong from "Who cares?" to "Boys will be boys."

I'd say that during the campaign, his wall was the only thing he stuck to.

I thought trump got even more retarded in the general tbh.

trump never stopped saying zany shit

Trump didn't change much between primary and general election.

He toned down the rhetoric a little. Pretty sure he only called them rapist once.

You say this but...

If she banks too hard into it it could be a primary strategy that will hurt her more in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada and suck the oxygen out of her campaign before it has a chance to possibly help her in South Carolina and on Super Tuesday.

I don’t think it’s about being out woke, she’s literally just saying, “blacks, if you elect me I’ll give you cash”

pre-season of elections 2020 is looking good

its a long con. She knows if reparations for slavery pass, then next it will be reparations for genocide of the natives. At that point she will be able to cash in on a cool 1/1024th of that reparation cheque.

What fiasco?

she very publicly, many times, claimed she had a significant Cherokee native american ancestry based on family myth, accepted a challenge to take a DNA test, turns out she's 1/1024th (6-10 generations removed) native american or something. Also turned out she used that supposed native american heritage to fill out forms for a state BAR applications and such. This is all exacerbated by the fact that Trump has called her out on this from the start--I mean you can't blame him it's a ridiculous claim to make if you just look at Elizabeth Warren--and branded her with a nickname that sticks among many people that reminds people of just this ridiculous scandal.

So she was right. That's why she has the most connections with LOC in this campaign

is she personally paying it

Idk, it seems like it's a pretty popular policy among Democrat front-runners. I believe Andrew Yang and Kamala Harris have also said they are in favor of reparations.

I do not think yang is for reparations publicly or privately, at least I've found no evidence of it

So basically he's not going to?

I saw him supporting it on twitter too but don't have the link. On twitter he seemed more forceful and implied reparations separate from the usual NEETbux talk.

Is andrew yang now a front runner?

He's the dark horse for sure. I think he has a better shot at winning than people like Warren or Booker at this point.

Hey, if she implements this, your crime rate will drop, because poverty and stuff.

Unless it doesn't.

until they run out of money

Yes but your stats that whole week will be the envy of the world.

Sounds like they need 1k a month

the only true centrist reparations: getting money for being forced to live in this world


everyone gets a single share of $USA

When did social justice become a hostage negotiation lmao

Since the first blue check yelled 'racist' at a company on Twitter.

It'd spike hard when they know everyone around them is carrying 10k.

But they told me that studies show that they commit crime only due to lack of money not because of greed or any other reason.

Did they all lie to me ?

> Give reparations at $_____ per person.

> They immediately demand more.

> Anyone who refuses is racist.

> 50 years pass

> New generation is still demanding reparations but for them specifically

Mayos deserve it honestly. Rule the world for centuries and then piss it all.

Burgers are even worse. Their poisonous attitude of "starting conversation, healing, appropriation, different voices, diversity, privilege" etc is leaking into other nations.


26% of Americans support reparations.

25% of Americans support abolishing ICE.

To give you an idea of the unpopularity, 39% of people think that being Christian is an important part of being American.

bein christian is


boomers killed Christ. i am here to resserect him

u cant call me a boomer n messup markdown format. fuckin retard.

I didn't call you shit and my comment is linking fine.

fuckin retard.

I'm afraid I've got to defriend you. 😥 You don't deserve to have the most Reddit friends.

no please dont unsub

You've been stripped of your red F. Banished to a sea of nobodies. Doomed to walk the earth unremarkable and undistinguished for the rest of days.

Never, Pastor Randy! 💪

i did mot call u retard it was iphone autocorrect

Hi grampa hope I see u at church on sunday dont forget ur meds again dont want you to piss urself again

Abolishing ICE is still probably the far better thing to support though. Most woke mayos will just shrug and still vote for a candidate promising that. But when they realize they're voting someone who is just going to tax the shit out of them to give blacks a check?

They'll come to Daddy.

They'll come to Daddy

prophetic and true

As someone who has the misfortune of living close to woke mayos, I absolutely guarantee you that will never happen. These "people" have absolutely no self-preservation instinct or self-respect in general. They would rather vote for a law where blacks get to piss down their faces whenever they please and then they'd have to pay them for doing so over being considered racist AKA not basing their votes on someone else's interests.

but going by the reactions you would have thought he said the klan needed to ride again to end all coonery forever.

Fuck I love some of the funny shit that comes in this sub.

Loling right now.


You're thinking of South Africa.

Some guy in my office said "Black Panther was a typical Marvel movie for black people"

This is a much better description of that movie than I could ever come up with

i feel like you are personally attacking my family (not me, im not a crazy uncle tyrone)

Yeah but if she was on the ticket the Dems wouldn't vote Republican and she could energize the black vote. I don't know how many independents she could actually lose though

She'd lose all the Hispanics.

I really doubt that if she is also anti ICE

Hispanics just aren't that anti-ICE.

Turns out nobody resents illegal immigrants more than the people who actually put in the work to be here legally


Nobody likes sex traffickers, get over it.

Legal ones

So all of them? How can it be not legal to be hispanic?


Ones who can legally vote. Non-voters' opinion of ICE is meaningless to the campaign.

Wut, I thought that 60+% of ICE officers are hispanic. Lefties like to conflate immigration with illegal immigration, but you'll find that legal immigrants are the ones who hate illegals the most.

100% of Kapos were Jewish so the Jews really loved the holiday getaway Hitler gave them

Because deciding of your own free will to make a career of keeping the border secure is exactly the same as being coerced into keeping tabs on your fellow prisoners in a concentration camp.

I don't see why it isn't more popular, for one $10k cheque to everyone whose ancestors were slaves you basically remove the right for them to complain ever again.

And a generation later, when a new generation of kids want their money, they can be told that their parents wasted their ancetors slavery cheque on an iPhone or something.

That wasn't REAL reparations!



Try again, the amount would end up being much lower than that

He just went for the amount iPhones would sell for by the time reparations actually happen.

A free lifetime subscription to hulu, but its the one that still has ads.

I say we collectively make up the 3$ difference for the no ad version so black people can't complain about this anymore.

Launching the gofundme now. I promise not to set up a not for profit and give myself a 6 figure salary with the funds raised.

Don't they all have ads? Last I heard even the "ad free" version you pay extra for has ads on certain shows.


You monster

Here's the thing though, I WANT it to be a decent amount because of the drama element it'd cause:

  1. It won't be instantly written off as a token amount, so would snuff out ALL future reparations talk. It’s a one time only payment, so it’s not even going to significantly affect taxes as this debt could be spread out for a whole decade in order to lessen it.
  2. It'd tear low income communities in half, as actual neighbours would find themselves 10/20/30k richer than the people next door.
  3. The generation immediately afterwards will lash out at not having THEIR own reparations and create a bigger generation divide.
  4. It'd lead to all sorts of complicated ancestral claims, considering how many mixed and therefore white people will be eligible, while at the same time many black Americans could find themselves screwed because their family entered the US outside of slavery. There might even need to be a government office set up to process claims like this.
  5. 90% of white people will be up in arms and SEETHING at missing out on something thanks to something that happened hundreds of years ago.

were slaves you basically remove the right for them to complain about it ever again.

Dude. Russia wasted about 100 million dollars on Ukraine and they are still salty and full-on "we wuz USA constitution, Jesus and First democratic state and shieeeeeet". It won't remove shit, they will just ask for more.

This is why I didn't fuck with any black people when I sold weed. You're having a good week, got hooked up for cheap, decide to pass the savings on a little and knock 5/10$ off 1 time for a bag. Every fucking time after that, it's gonna be non stop crying about how they want it for that cheap, or cheaper, from now on. Even if they know it means cutting into you're own funds/smoke.


This is why I didn't fuck with any black people



in general should be the rule tbh


Take your degenerate commonwealth english out of here.

The queen hasn't paid anyone back for her family's doings, and you're trying to trick America into putting money into a trash fire. How dare you.

It doesn’t make anything go away. Native Canadians got their reparations. Twice within a decade. Stil don’t want to go anywhere near reservations as a mayo. They are also still the holiest and most infallible ( ignore all the alcohol , rape and child abuse) people in Canada.


Really this is what r/drama has to offer. The intelligence in that reply is mind boggling.

They’re about the same day tbh, just different kinds of shit. It’s like comparing a turd from a Puli to a turd from a Komondor.

remove the right for them to complain about it ever again.

yeah im sure thatd happen

The checks will be recurring and the bitching won’t stop. Don’t fool yourself. Just like highway tolls we’re supposed to be removed after roads were paid for.

Reparations will remain until the net wealth of minorities is equal to wypeople.

Paying reparations won't help black people anyway. Why don't they just fix the fucking schools?

I saw this first hand with reparations to Indigenous (native/indian) Canadians who had been abused by residential schools. Basically the government of Canada gave the catholic church an 80 year kidnapping and pedophilia free for all which, unsurprisingly turned into a literal slow motion holocaust (the find piles of child skeletons when they renovate old schools).

Recently they started handing out reparations cheques to survivors who basically used it to drink themselves to death.
Nobody realized that the natives aren't poor because they were abused, they are poor because they are completely mentally and socially destroyed from being abused, and giving people in that state a big cheque doesn't help anyone.

Leaf here. Only 30% ever attended the schools so that doesn’t explain the poverty or alcoholism, it’s the fact their on remote and useless land where the system is de facto communism, complete with a corrupt and incompetent kleptocracy.

My firsthand experience living near a FN community is that you are mostly correct. They cling to the reservations because that’s all they have. The ones that leave for the cities lose their community attachment so it’s out of the frying pan into the fire.

Res schools and constant extreme racism did it together. I’ve also lived in South Africa and let me tell you, we absolutely had an unofficial apartheid here in Canada, we just had less people to keep out so we could hide it.

lose their community attachment

As he sat in squalor in his electricity-free house without indoor plumbing in South Dakota, he cleared the animal feces off the newspaper to read that the males of his tribe have a 47 year life expectancy. He sighed between hysterically drunk sighs and looked up through the holes of his makeshift roof towards the sky and said "at least I still have my community attachment."

Surely if He wins re-election then the coal mine will reopen and the jobs will come back to West Virginia and y’all won’t have to learn new skills like some gay liberal elite.

Was that in response to something I said or did you have a stroke?

So you're saying I should buy a liquor store in a black populated area when reparations are coming...


Look up the Kansas City school funding experiment

For more than a decade, the Kansas City district got more money per pupil than any other of the 280 major school districts in the country. Yet in spite of having perhaps the finest facilities of any school district its size in the country, nothing changed. Test scores stayed put, the three-grade-level achievement gap between blacks and whites did not change, and the dropout rate went up, not down.

It’s totally surprising that throwing money at the bottomless corrupt pit that is public education isn’t the answer.

School districts are the literal worst caretakers of money that I have ever had the misfortune to work with. They negotiated up on several contracts so that their budgets wouldn’t go down when I worked as a software sales guy. It was the literal easiest money I have ever made, and the strangest phone call I’ve ever had to make to my boss to authorize a price increase.

The schools sucks because of the parents and money won't fix that.

I'm starting to think democrats don't actually want to win elections

It's just a consequence of introducing a democratic choice to the primary system. In order to win the primary you have to say things that disqualify you in the general. The party is a private club that doesn't need to take into account the opinions of voters until the actual general election, and should go back to selecting the candidate behind closed doors.

Oh my God you fucking retarded liberal idiot.

When Pat Buchanan first said "Build the Wall" literally the response of nearly every candidate in the Republican primary was to laugh at him and call him extreme. Now being a Republican consists largely of mindless chanting this phrase while the brain worms eat away at the rest of your grey matter.

You fucking stupid cuck, God liberals are useless.

I get you're politically illiterate and don't actually understand this topic, but please avoid discussing topics like this.

What’s worse is the people that support this asinine idea. Sure, let’s just give people money. That’ll solve the racial problems. Do I have to say that I’m being sarcastic?

Once again pizza shows that he is now transitioned to full on fash now that he hates both women and minorities.

Chapelle was right.

one of his best sketches

Third best. First two are Clayton Bigsby and Black Bush depending on the time.

Black bush and playa haters ball are the 2 best

Black bush is amazing but Clayton Bigsby is something else.

Fuck no the Training Day spoof was his best sketch

Do you know what the fuck you can do, with an aluminium tube ? ALUMINIUM !


Cradle of fuckin' civilisation !

Two dudes, bbq-ing, I love you dawg.

Oil? Who said anything about oil, bitch you cookin'?

Japan's sending PlayStations.

It's impossible to rank. There was so much gold in those 2 seasons.

Agree, still I have my 3 favourite skits. Lot of work but worth it.



can you actually buy a commercial truck full of menthol cigarettes?

This is America, if you have cash then its for sale.

Yes, if you are rich, beyotttcchhh.

For a non-burger which one was that?

So what happens if you are a quadroon? Do you have to pay reparations to yourself?

What if you’re half black, half mayo

Chocolate mayos will have to pay themselves their own reparations.

And if you're an octoroon ?

How do we deal with Obama? Does white-coded Obama have to pay black-coded Obama reparations?

Was his black part ever American? I thought his dad was Kenyan here on a visa

So that means he pays but doesn’t receive lol

Exactly , maybe he gets a half off credit or something on his dues

Nah, kenyans sold slaves too

Obama nor his ancestors lived through slavery (except on his irish side). They probably sold slaves to the dutch tbqhwyf

I may be an idiot but weren't the slaves that came to the new world basically all from West Africa so Kenyans probably would not have been involved in any level of it?

The shit show that you think of as american slavery was building for about 150 years. Until 1800 or so, west african slaves could buy their freedom just like the irish ones could. Until nat turner, most states allowed slaves to own guns.

Were west africans classified as different than other africans?

Correct, east africans werent sold as slaves to the europeans. They were victims of arabs. Ivory coast to kenya is about the difference between england and moscow.

I dont know much about southern africans, the history ive read indicates that it was pretty much uninhabited until Bantu displaced the san/bushmen/archaic homo sapiens in the last millenia.

oh poor poor Irish victims of slavery whites are the real victims here ;_;

insert boomer facebook meme here

look it up famalam. His white side comes from one of the original indentured irish folk before america ruined indentured servitude for everybody.

What if you are a somewhat well off second generation Nigerian guy from Africa who can't prove his family wasn't at some point involved in selling slaves to the new world?

Liberia 2.0.

American Liberians actually only make up like a fraction of 1% of Liberia. Although they controlled the government as basically a single party dictatorship with the True Whig Party until like the 80's. At which point some dude executed them en masse and then a series of civil wars started in which there was a lot of cannibalism.

Then they (black Americans) should pay reparations to the native Liberians. They didn't treat them so well either.

And what if your ancestors of any race showed up in the 20th century? Do you have to pay for the dumb shit Americans did in the 19th century?

I'm not sure if I'm going to laugh or cry if the US government officially endorses the paper bag test.

It's just pandering to secure an already secure vote for Democrats from blacks.


nah fam it's about time we got paid for Jim crow and it's about time usa pay up

Lol good luck on trying to convince this to Mexican and Asians. It's a straight shot to Trump 2020 and blue is somehow more retarded the ever.

If they are talking about Jim Crowe than they are no longer talking about "40 acres and a mule" reparations. That means that every group that has been wronged deserves financial compensation. I have no idea how much money that means for Native Americans but I think it safe to say they can close down the casinos if they feel like it.

Didn't Red Indians own slaves ? Shouldn't they pay ?

What's their oppression rank these days with the casinos and all ? Would they have to chip in ?

I have no idea how this maths out.

The Five Civilized tribes allied with the Confederates during the Civil War with the explicit agreement that the tribes got to keep their slaves (regardless of where they came from).

Then intersection the problem damn it !

We don't need maths with its logic and stuff.

Some of the tribes had white slaves.

Obviously Fauxchantas is trying to get some of that sweet, sweet rep money.

Oh well for every white slave they receive a payment or can cancel the payment for three black slaves.

That's the formula I guess.

You almost halved their price. Is it SummerSale again?

I subtracted the cost of travel, boarding and lodging.

That was rather substantial you know.

Some of the tribes fought with the North too, we kinda allied with whatever tribes were convenient for the war at the time.

The alliances tended to reflect how a given tribe was treated by the Federal Government in conjunction with their own social/cultural views.

The Five Civilized tribes (among many others) felt betrayed by the US Government and so allied with the Confederacy. Other tribes who felt less maligned or thought their future would be better with the Federal Government aligned with the Union.

True, but I would add that in true American fashion we wouldn't hesitate to turn rival tribes against each other as well

Obviously. Why waste my resources destroying you when I can get these others guys over here to do it for free (or worst case, some blankets and Shine)


Depends on which tribe. The tribe that owns the Foxwoods casino in Connecticut is extremely affluent. Others not so much

I have no idea how much money that means for Native Americans but I think it safe to say they can close down the casinos if they feel like it.

Oh so that's Warren's plan!

I was starting to actually believe the "drumpf is finished" but if this is his competition he can keep boomerposting on twitter and use fentanyl Ben as his campaign manager and still hold on

How the fuck do you out tard daddy?

Literally just be Elizabeth warren

I don't get why people think Trump has 2020 in the bag even if they do stuff like this. I think the landscape is so divided that dems and repubs are both willing to hold their nose at basically anything to vote against the other side.

Especially after he lost the popular vote by so much to Hot Sauce Hilldawg. Demographics are going to skullfuck the Republican Party as it currently stands. Why people aren't betting even more heavily on Trump losing in 2020 on PredictIt is beyond me.

What is the line on him winning right now? Bets like that probably have fairly small max pay out limits Im guessing so sharp gamblers won't waste their time trying to handicap elections.


whats that in freedom betting lines

Can buy shares at ~35 to win. Can buy shares at ~65 to lose.

lol that is still barely helping me Im pretty into gambling but my brain is used to quickly looking at +500 or -450. So at 35 shares to win is he the favourite or dog?

Also just thinking about it elections would be the last thing book makers would ever allow big bets on or sharps would probably have a prediction edge over guys like Nate Silver.

Nate would have access to all the polls but the sharps would also have weather data history from every polling station looking at voter turn out trends and would probably go into far more detail at grading the polling outlets based on past performances than the regular media.

My math may be wrong here, but I believe it's roughly -285 to win, -150 to lose. He's the favorite, of course, because he all but has the GOP nomination wrapped up.

+285 wouldn't be the favourite to win the plus is the dog in American betting lines. +285 means a hundred dollar bet would pay 285 and minus -285 means a 285 dollar bet would pay out 100.

If he is the favourite I might start watching that line to maybe bet a couple hundred bucks with some book.

+285 would be the favorite to win if the second likely to win is at +550. Think about it in terms of favorite to win the NBA Finals, World Series, or Super Bowl prior to the season. They're all +X.

Yeah i get that if it is a future bet with a list of potential presidents because the dems right now have so many candidates but I meant is betting against him to lose straight up favoured over him winning right now?

If he is favoured to lose I could see not betting on that and instead putting futures bets on who you think the dem candidate favourites will and also put some on the long shot candidates with long odds.

Take a look. I'm really thinking about throwing some on Beto to win at around +830 (again, that's barring my math not being wonky).

This is the best online book in the world with the best lines and the highest max bets for basically anything. If you aren't in amaerica this is the only site I would ever use by far the best rep of all online bookies

Looking at their lines I don't know it is tough but I think the media machine getting behind Biden if he announces will only drive that line down and right now that is pretty decent value.

Maybe some small long shot bets on Yang and Tulsi for fun and the one I really can't decide on is Kamala I really thought she would be a front runner but doesn't seem to be. All I know is that black women have a big impact on dem primaries so +717 kind of looks good to me right now.

Also on the straight up Dem or Gop lines they have I think there will be an oppertunity to get the dems at a better price because I think the Mueller probe will be underwhelming and move the price closer to even for a while

I always used 5Dimes in the past, but I mostly just use TVG now and play the ponies. I'll get back into sports' gambling once it's legalized in DC. You're right about Pinnacle though.

Oh, I'm there with you on Biden. They're practically frothing at the mouth for him to officially announce. I'd go with a little on Yang, but this shit's a circus, and he's an autist, even though he's the smartest guy in the room. If Kamala had Booker's charisma, she'd be a lock; she's a black Hillary -- easy to dislike. Still, isn't she drawing large crowds?

Hard to imagine a Democrat not winning this, and I say that after betting heavily on Trump in 2016.

Im just getting into horse racing but TVG isn't available in Canada but I think we have an off track site here too not sure if it has as many track options though.

I think Kamala being good looking and getting more camera time will help her because right now I don't think she is super well known outside of political junkies.

Is TwinSpires available up there? If so, that one's legit too.

I thought that'd help Tulsi too; however, I'm not sure if that'll help them or hurt them with women, whereas it'll be nothing but a positive for Beto with them.

I don't think any major american based ones are.

Never underestimate the democrat's incredible ability to lose for no reason at all.

Most if not all of Hillary's victory margin concerning the popular vote can be attributed to Gary Johnson and Evan McMullin soaking up around 5 million mostly-Republican votes compared to Jill Stein only pulling 1.5 million mostly-Democrats. That GOP House candidates won the popular vote in 2016 bears this out and it's highly unlikely that third party candidates from either the left or right will replicate their 2016 performances.

As for demographics, the catch to Democratic dreams is that the vast majority of the demographic change they're counting on is occurring either in places that are already solidly Democratic or in Florida and Texas where the GOP does relatively well with Hispanic voters (who also tend to have low turnout). Most of the country remains and will remain a contest between Republicans running up margins with white voters versus Democrats running up turnout with black voters.

The Dems think Trump has no chance of winning, so they don't feel pressured to put up a good candidate. They are going to lose on this stuff

There goes her campaign.

8,000 record labels will start within the hour.

Rim sales will go through the roof

Watermelon will remain flat however.

Can't buy rims or start a label with ebt

They'll just give straight cash.

Sounds like a Boondocks episode

Cut out the middleman and just give them crack and menthols

A man named Tron suddenly becomes the richest man in the world from playing dice for reparations money.

Hot hands in the dice game baby doll.

So this presidential run will become entirely about promising cash to voters for their votes.

Plot twist - it's their cash already!

They don't pay taxes

They buy lottery tickets.

They buy 40's and menthols too, but those are all state taxes.

So this presidential run will become entirely about promising cash to voters for their votes.

Well, the last cycle I think they tried campaigning on trannies using bathrooms in wall-mart and the legality of being forced to make homobuttsex wedding cakes. So, if anything, this is kind of an improvement.

And remember folks, if you don't want to serve "the gays" at your business that's freedom, but if Facebook or Twitter don't want to serve you, well that's just illegal discrimination against your protected mayo status.

[smolbrain take]

If the christian baker doesn't want to bake you a dildo, just go next door to the muslim baker and ask him. And if he also refuses the dildo job, just go next door to the gay baker who loves to bake dildos.

When the postal service refuses to deliver your mail or when SWIFT refuses to execute your transfer orders, there is nowhere else to go.

Facebook and Twitter are like the latter group, not the former.

You're assuming shit posting on Facebook and Twitter are of such undeniable importance as being able to send mail or transfer money.

how can I exist freely in this nation without the ability to send minion memes to my grandkids

You get it.

If you only care about are minion memes, you don't need it.

But the rest of the world needs it.

There is nowhere else to go than Facebook and Twitter

You're either tech iliterate, a literal brainlet, or both.

The same retarded argument would apply,

  • if the US postal service refused to deliver your mail:

    just send your mail as packages with private delivery companies instead, and hope that whoever wants to contact you is willing to do the same. And if those also refuse you service, just hire a personal messenger, and hope that anyone who wants to contact you is also willing to hire a messenger.

  • if your electricity and water provider refused service to you:

    Just buy a diesel generator, or solar cells, and lots of batteries. Just build your own water purification system and recycling system, and collect lots of rainwater.

  • if the company who owns the highway from your home to your office refuses to let you use it, just take the old dirt road. Sure it takes four times longer, but it's "their right" to refuse service.

Since the government wasn't as retarded as you are, they realized long ago that this kind of shit is not acceptable.

  1. Natural monopolies must be regulated.

  2. Facebook is a natural monopoly.

This same retarded argument doesn't apply though, because the Post Office is a fucking government entity that isn't allowed to refuse service, but Facebook is not the government.

I can't believe you moronic shitstains are arguing that one of 150+ social media websites is a monopoly and must be regulated, like dude here's 150 of them, pick another one that allows racist conspiratard morons and go shitpost there.

"The post office" is not a government entity in every country.

Well luckily the retard I responded to said "US Post Office", so if that's your weasel attempt at least go edit your original comment so you don't look so obviously stupid.

So wherever the postal service is privatized it should be completely unregulated and be free to refuse delivering mail to people for arbitrary reasons as described in the T&S?

The things you listed are all government entities in a competent municipality, but none of that matters because

Facebook is a natural monopoly.

When there is another free service that offers the same features 2 clicks away, no it's not, no matter how many times you say it.

When there is another free service that offers the same features and probably a better UI 2 clicks away, no it's not, no matter how many times you say it.


Just talk to the hand instead. It has a great UI :)

there are now humans who unironically think they have a right to posting their opinions on large website

I unironically think that all people have the right to participate in public discourse.

nigga thats retarded

good argument nigga

Well luckily Facebook is a private website, so it's "private discourse" of which you have no right.

What would you have the government do? Tell Facebook "look, I know you created this platform and website, but we can't have you kicking people off of it just because they're being racist assholes".. Seriously what the fuck would you do?

Who the fuck let the extreme stupid in today?

Wow so we should nationalize social media, because its a utility?

I agree comrade! Lets seize the memes of production!

we should nationalize social media, because its a utility?

You don't need to nationalize utilities, but you need to regulate them

When a baker refuses to bake your dildo, that's merely annoying. It would become a serious problem if all or most bakers refused to bake your dildos. But this wasn't the case, the couple instigating the lawsuit had been visting dozens of bakers, before they finally found one who refused.

But the harm is in no way comparable to if your electricity or water provider refused service to you, when there is no viable alternative.

At what point can Twitter or facebook deny people using their service for breaking their rules? How the fuck do you regulate that?

Facebook either controls its website, or the people do, its either private property or public property.

At what point can Twitter or facebook deny people using their service for breaking their rules?

At what point can the postal service, electricity or water providers deny people using their service for breaking their rules? At what point can SWIFT?

How the fuck do you regulate that?

How the fuck do you regulate other natural monopolies?

Facebook either controls its website, or the people do, its either private property or public property.

False dichotomy.

Facebook can be a private company and be regulated like any other natural monopoly.

At what point can the postal service, electricity or water providers deny people using their service for breaking their rules? At what point can SWIFT?

The same point facebook can, for breaking terms and services. Seems fair to me.

How the fuck do you regulate other natural monopolies?

Facebook is a monopoly is a totally different argument. I’m down though, lets do some trust busting and start with the telecoms.

False dichotomy. Facebook can be a private company and be regulated like any other natural monopoly.

We regulate monopolies by breaking them up, which would mean we make facebook sell instagram and other companies.

What kind of regulation did you have in mind?

There are strict limits to what regulated utility providers may put in their terms and services.

Facebook is a monopoly is a totally different argument. I’m

My first link 4 comments above was to the natural monopoly wiki.

FB, Twitter, etc are monopolies in the same way as the other utility providers in my examples are.

They're just not (yet) regulated, because they are insanely rich, and US politics is pay to play.

So you want facebook to be a public utility? Because thats the most common approach to stopping natural monopolies according to what you linked.

This can also be called seizing the means

TIL PG&E is socialism


We regulate monopolies by breaking them up,

that's an idiotic approach with natural monopolies.

It apparently hasn't dawned on regulators yet that this is what they're dealing with. Back in the EU vs Microsoft days, this could be forgiven due to tech illiteracy. But nowadays they should know better.

Sooo public utilities then?

"I don't have any answers, so here's just me rewording your questions as if it meant I thought about it."

This is not a "natural monopoly", you don't even fucking know what one of those is, you just keep making the same tired shit ass arguments all the other idiotic right wingers made, right after they all collectively decided that a private business should be able to discriminate based on anything they want.

You can't have it both ways. I want to argue in /r/The_Donald but they banned me, but waaaah they have a natural monopoly on the_donald subs so I want the big government(which I hate) to force them to let me in!!!

You can't have it both ways.


The stakes are considerably lower when it comes to subreddits (with pseudonymous users), in comparison to giants like Facebook or Twitter (where user accounts more closely correspond to real people).

But I think it's an absolute disgrace, that big subreddits can ban people for stupid arbitrary reasons. Subreddits are little virtual dictatorships.

Subreddits should be "regulated" as well: bans only for spamming, doxxing, and criminal acts under US law.

When a baker refuses to bake your dildo, that’s merely annoying. It would become a serious problem if all or most bakers refused to bake your dildos. But this wasn’t the case, the couple instigating the lawsuit had been visting dozens of bakers, before they finally found one who refused.

I don’t understand why it would be a problem at all. It’s not like they are refusing you completely, they just don’t want to bake THAT cake. You aren’t entitled to force someone to make you a dildo cake unless they also offer that to everyone else.

Daily reminder that the people who whine about Twatter and Zuckbook view the likes of Comcast and Monsanto as peak examples of business.

in fiction

Nah, based upon who you support politically. Don't like it? Stop supporting right wing shitass ideas, shitass.

based upon who you support politically

who's that?

“Facebook and Twitter are the only social media platforms”

Use Google my dude.

So basically discrimination and racism are fine as long as there's another option, that's a pretty galaxybrain take you got there. My favorite part is where you claim there's only one social media option, you tell me I can't have a cake from the largest cake maker because some tiny gay cake shop exists somewhere yet you can't spend 5 seconds on google to find a list of literally 100 other social media websites when Facebook kicks you out for being a shit ass.

You should probabaly just not be on social media anyways if you're that fucking stupid, save yourself being called out for it by the other galaxybrains that are no doubt in your monkey sphere.

Just go to the muslim baker next door, bro. You don't suffer any harm from this.

Compared to not getting electricity, because the electricity company doesn't like what you wrote in the newspaper.

umm just lay your own hundreds of kilometers of underwater cables across the Atlantic sea, sweaty

That would be an ISP, not Facebook

you're right although ISPs will gladly join the censorship fest if enabled, as the aftermath of the NZ massacre has shown

if you don't want to serve "the gays" at your business that's freedom

Are people still misunderstanding that cake thing? Custom decoration is art. You can't be compelled into accepting an artistic commission.

Implying that all politics are not about promising cash to people


The rule of thumb is that the more politician bitches about "muh freedom" and "muh patriotism", the less he is gonna give anything of material value to his voters.

It's political equivalent of "working for exposure and opportunities". Good on paper, but in reality - a sugarcoated pile of horseshit.

Well, they themselves get their corporate kickbacks. Their votes get more fent though.



It's got to be surreal being picked up as a meme candidate by happenstance.

It worked for the Roman empire.

And we all know what happened to them

They stuck around for 400 years. If the USA lasts as long, they won't be doing badly.

only a burger would think 400 years are a long time 😑

It's twice as long as their shithole country has been around lol

USA is the oldest continuous government in the world

Not an argument. As a nation you whites have existed what 250 years? That’s nothing lol

This is retarded beyond words. The US has the longest running single codified constitution that they've somehow convinced themselves is the word of God and refuse to ever change. It is not the longest continuous government. Britains government is technically continuous since William the fucking Conquerer and they haven't even changed dynasties since the early 1700's. They don't have a codified constitution but a codified constitution means jack shit irl anyway no matter what Americans delude themselves into believing.

Ok, so second oldest

laugh track

It's an amazing thought, isn't it? How short lived regimes are.

Technically they stuck around for like 2000.

Depends where you're counting. I was taking the Roman Empire as starting about 45 BC, round about the time Julius Caesar got bumped off. If you want to count from the founding of the Roman Republic until the fall of Constantinople then sure, but that's a very elastic definition IMO.

Depends where you're counting.

Ab urbe condita or go home.

SPQR or abite in malam rem, dude.

The Roman Empire lasted until 1453 you filthy Barbarian.

Trans Romes ARE Roman.

Bombay Duck is Duck.

Slavery worked for the Romans too

Roman slavery was very different from slavery around the world though. First it wasn't ethnically based. Second slaves had days off, and could use these days off to buy their freedom... Or other slaves.

Exactly. If anything, our implementation failed because we did it half assed.


More like the Roman republic. The empire wasn't exactly known for it's elections.

The Republic wasn't exactly well known for them either?

Yes it was. They had several elections each year: Both for consuls, tribune of the plebs, aediles, as well as tons of smaller local elections. Campaigning and elections were major parts of Roman political life.

Yeah the Roman Empire had a very generous welfare state and well off lower class as we all know

Well the grain dole did a heckuva good job getting every poor person in Italy to move to Rome, until the patricians were sufficiently disgusted that they gave the lot of them the Australia treatment and shipped them off to conquered territory to form new colonies.

Yang gang will win out; until someone ups him by giving the NEETs $2k a month

Let the bidding begin. The true climax of capitalism under a democracy.


I mean it always is, they're just more clear about it this time. What do you think "reduce taxes" means dumb dumb.

This is just bread lines with a middle man

This has been the Democrat MO since forever though.

I identify as Tron.

"begin to heal"

You guys ready for reconstruction part two electric boogaloo?

Can one qualify for reparations despite being only 1/1024 black?


Black is black mah nigga. Let's get ours!

Sicilians rejoice!

You’re a cantaloupe!

If someone's half black, do they have to pay themselves?

Lmao what is with America and meme candidates for presidency. Also she looks like she is high 24/7 😂

Two related smoothbrain questions:

1) Isn’t affirmative action essentially supposed to accomplish reparations by increasing black success rates

2) Wouldn’t monetary compensation reparations be impossible to give out in any way approaching logic?

  1. Yes

  2. More enthusiastic yes

Masturbates furiously

It's supposed to curb discrimination.

Yes. There's way more descendents of slaves than there were slaves. You would spend about as much money figuring out who gets what to hand out like 50 bucks to some people.

But isn’t discrimination an artifact of slavery, therefore efforts to counter act discrimination fees into efforts to make amends for the slavery which created the initial situation?

Kind of, there is the sentiment that raising the black community up to an equal playing field is true reparations. When they have the same opportunities as everyone else without any government support is when it is achieved.

Anti-discrimination policies aren't just about black people though.

The goal of affirmative action is to decrease segregation, not act as “reparations” for unjust treatment.

Think about it, Affirmative action was passed when segregation ended, in a racist 1960s America. Anything pitched as reparations would be shot down

Reparations were a "we were shitty to you, so let us make up for it by giving you something."
Affirmative Action is a "we were shitty to you, so let us make up for it by giving you some advantages."

Affirmative Action in the sense being talked about is more like "We are going to continue to be shitty to you in various ways, here's an advantage to offset it."

It's bullshit, but that's the idea.

Re: (1), no, technically it's not, and constitutionally it cant be (at least in theory). I'm assuming you're talking about in the context of admissions to public universities since that's where the issue usually comes up today in America, so if you're not then disregard the following.

In cases dealing with this issue the supreme court has basically always (since 1978) said that you're not allowed to make racial distinctions in the admissions process for the purpose of righting old wrongs. Schools are only allowed to do it for reasons that specifically affect the school as opposed to society as a whole. Specifically, the rationale is that having a diverse student body improves the quality of the educational experience. So any policies regarding considering race in admissions have to be aimed at increasing diversity at the school rather than helping out targets of negative discrimination. And what's more, these policies have to be calibrated to have the least possible effect that is necessary to achieving the degree of diversity necessary to further legitimate educational goals.

In practice it's hard to say why an institution is pursuing a given policy, and courts tend to afford universities a certain degree of discretion in a lot of aspects of the decision of what polices they use to effect the goal of diversity. So it may not always necessarily be the case that it's the only concern motivating the people making those decisions, but in theory it's supposed to be.

As usual, the person correctly stating the applicable legal rule is downvoted to the bottom of the thread. Oh reddit, you scamp.


Isn’t affirmative action essentially supposed to accomplish reparations by increasing black success rates

It'll never work while mayos have their stinky hands in the pie

My race consists of 3. Cherokee(1/16) Hispanic (Central American), Caucasian (German, Dutch, Irish, English). I don't believe in the reparations because the US is beyond it now. It's grown past what slavery helped with. There is far better uses for that money. Free college for 1

Betcha they’re paler than Smeagol’s asscheeks.

This negro wants a tax break.


That is basically a meme

Yet more native than liz warren

I support the bill in the House to support a congressional panel of experts so that our nation can do what’s right & begin to heal.

This wound isn't healing until I say so!

Hey, I’m Hispanic. Do I have to pay, or more importantly, am I entitled to a bit of mayo-dole?

Sadly no. Only blacks get free money. I'm mexican so I'm supposed to be satisfied with them not policing the border or something. I'm not quite sure why, but I think it makes them not racist and makes everyone else racist, so clearly I have to vote for them because who else could my conservative catholic family possibly side with?


lmao wait till they learn how those sweet little old Abuelas feel about bussy

"thats ok thats just part of your culture"

Necroposting is so creepy lol

Wow dude you are going to be like the last spic they hang with this behavior, your ancestors are truly smiling upon you

Republicans already have the Cuban and Venezuelan vote locked down too. Yet every election we get a bunch of white liberals wondering why Hispanic turnout for the Dems is lower than predicted


mah beanah

They'd have to pay too. They are just spicy mayos anyway.

No, but you can get some Yang Bucks. Yang 2020!


You have to pay more because fuck you spic go back over the border where you belong


I am white and I am currently in tanning saloon, ordering some extra hours.

Yes, you are a descendant of colonists too so you are guilty of ancestorcrime.

I'd now like to unironically play the "Irish were slaves too" card

Well-played, sir

Has instating reparations ever done anything positive for any country.

Serious question, I don't know.

Who cares, we need it for the drama.

reparations ever done anything positive for any country

Britain came out the better after giving reparations to the slaveowners.

So it has worked well in one country that too a superpower at the time.

reparations to the slaveowners.



William Gladstone's (the most famous liberal PM,) father for example received the largest payment.

Lmao what the fuck bongs? See what happens when you give mayos money?

Sounds fucked up but think about it, no one can accuse them for not paying reparations for slavery.

That's what they actually thought. True story.

Thanks for the history lesson, yet again /r/drama proves to be more useful as a source of learning than the rest of plebbit

Stop I'm blushing 😪.

r/drama proves to be more useful as a source of learning than the rest of plebbit

This is true. I've learnt more here than all other default subs combined.

So it's the whites who need reparations. 🤔

Exactly. Their property was seized without compensation.

This is the only logic conclusion if we're discussing reparations.

Germany's reparations to the Jews after the Holocaust probably paid a big role in it being able to normalize relations with the west when it regained political independence later.

Hmm I wonder if that is different considering the reparations were not some symbolic gestures meant to pay for 200 year old dead relatives, but stores and houses that were seized by force that could also be accurately or at least relatively valued. And that the money went to the people who had actually been hurt..

Czechoslovakia post communism also returned all the collectivized housing and property to whoever owned it in the pre 1910's and it was a total disaster. Brazilians and German relatives of Czechs who'd fled communism were given major estates and just sold them off way below market price to the oligarchs and the problem got way worse.

That's true, but that was going to the actual victims, not their great, great, great grandchildren.

It's not important who exactly it went to. It was a show for its neighbors that Germany was recognizing it's actions as wrong. I doubt there would have a EU today with our reparations.

I support reparations, because the drama resulting from the civil rights bills being repealed because "racism is solved" will be great.

Man I really hope whoever ends up running on the democrat ticket next election really advocates for it, it would be such an awesome shit show lol

It doesn't have to be monetary. How about reparations in the form of: -Guaranteed no-cost college -0% mortgages -Early childcare and kindergarten programs -business startup tax incentives -school lunches -declaratory proclamations

Definitely let's listen to the people who don't know what "monetary" means.

We already have targeted scholarships/grants, CCAPs, Fannie Mae’s HomeReady, MOB certification, and the NSLP... mission accomplished?

Ding ding ding ding! We have a winner! The New Woke™ Neoliberals are actually, in true fact, offering black people... jack shit!

You don't know what neo-liberal means.

0% mortgages

O I am laffin

how many times do we have to destroy your economy, old man?

it's free real estate

literally can't go tits up.

Sure, I'd be down with 0% mortgage loan for 2 years.

Good luck compelling someone to give hundreds of thousands of dollars in credit with absolutely no return whatsoever

It would pay dividends in drama.

Imagine the Chapo reaction when in a few years every single-unit landlord in America is black.

Just get a DNA report to say you have 0.0001% Native American ancestry, and you are set for life.

Don't we already foot the bill for mortgage interest through a deduction?

The people pushing for this had to have their mom co-sign for their iPhone Upgrade Program plan, they don't know anything about mortgages.

  • Go to college, learn to make some nice drugs

  • Buy a house, use it as your meth lab

  • Send your 5 babies from 5 mommas to daycare so that they don't fuck up your cook (and so you can fuck their mommas some more)

  • Get some fat tax rebates on your meth business

  • Distribute your product in schools via school lunches

Sounds good to me.

Math is a white man's drug

Maybe ten years ago, now it’s crossed over. And most meth comes from Mexico now rather than being cooked domestically.

If I were gonna make a meth lab I'd put it in the back of a uhaul and drive cross country like some kind of modern day Johny Appleseed. Methy Crackletweak

0% mortgages

lol the housing market crash never happened, just forget it!

It is positioning. They are trying to be AOC. Somehow they think that being AOC means promising anything and everything as a positioning tool while actually offering nothing. They do not believe in reparations. Please stop heading to your end of times bunker white libtards.

-school lunches

eat shit progprawn

Lol, if this even ever happened, which it won't, it'll just be something like the gov handing out 100 dollars to black people and say "there, we just solved racism."

I'd love to see that. Here's your money now shut the fuck up.

Vote for Yang and that turns into $1k


I'm racist so I assume chocomuricans don't pay much in taxes, give them tax breaks and watch them sperg out.

Begin to heal?

Lmao, wasn't slavery abolished in like 1865?

What the fuck has Burgerland been doing since 1865 to only now begin healing?

You know this bill won't pass and when it doesn't they'll spin this as "further proof of white supremacy in America" YIKES

After the war, it took them another hundred years to send federal troops to the South to inform them that black people have a moral right to access to white people.

oh man will they be surprised when they learn that there has been two world wars

As someone who grew up in New Orleans this fucking stings haha.

Political diversion. She knows it, we know it. Let's all play Game of Thrones

Amen brother. Yang 1k and Tits of AOC. All day.

She enrages me with her words but her fat milkers sooth my troubled mind. What a predicament.

She really is mommy !

Yang + titties = perfect candidate

Yang/Mommy 2020

Those shopped tits right?... Right?

don't go hatin on Bustin' University

Secure those milkers!

those are nice tits where the fuck did they come form?


i just..... i feel like she does the same thing as bayley from wwe. she purposely gets clothing to decentuate her natural God-given assets .

In a video she made before graduating because everything is a conspiracy.


Bernie is explicitly against reparations, said it's a nonsense divisive issue. That radical centrist strikes again.

Bernie being the centrist candidate this primary season is a wild turn of events.

Everyone hired extremely online campaign managers who only know how to f5 Twitter and do what some random idiot with 10 followers is ranting about now.

Yet chapos will constantly screech that the US is currently flying at 420 mph to the right

That lot aren't renowned for their intellect.

You know the ones who want to gaols but can't explain how they'll go about them.

The sub who's front page is littered with retarded tweets by nobodies.

Nah he's still left of Warren economically he's just not retarded enough to think reparations will work

Even ignoring how idiotic reparations are, how logistically do they even work? Is it just a straight government payment to all black people? Or only those whose ancestors were slaves? And how would that be proved? A DNA test? I imagine reparations for a first-generation immigrant from Nigeria wouldn't make sense.

And if it's just a straight government payment, that means the payout is coming from all American taxpayers. This would include non-white people as well, such as Chinese Americans, in spite of the fact America had a Chinese Exclusion Act, or Japanese Americans, in spite of the fact that Japanese internment only happened two generations ago. Not to mention you have someone like me, whose parents immigrated from another country. Should I, as a non-white, non-black person be made to pay reparations, even indirectly?

how logistically do they even work

they don't, and likely would be wildly unconstitutional (something something equal protections clause)

Easy, it's called Trans-slavery. I identify as a victim affected by slavery from the 1800s

Even ignoring how idiotic reparations are, how logistically do they even work? Is it just a straight government payment to all black people? Or only those whose ancestors were slaves?

$1 million for every one who actually was a slave. No one else gets anything.

And if it's just a straight government payment, that means the payout is coming from all American taxpayers.

Tax the 0.001% richest to cover it. Those are probably all white and losing a few million is a drop in the ocean to them. They'll never even feel it.

There. I solved reparations.

Not really for two reasons.

  1. Imagine being the party telling 87% of the populace "Lol no you aren't getting any cash. Internment camps? The fuck are those LMAO".

  2. Let's be incredibly fair in your favor and say only a million of these people are actually descendants of slaves. Your system still means a trillion dollars being spent on reparations (not including the costs to get that money). Even the .001% of the country can't take a "drop in the ocean" like that. That would be 1/280th of all wealth in the world in a liquid form(Which the majority of wealth is far from liquid). AKA an economic disaster.

Of course you could be joking and I could be a retard for seriousposting but I don't know.

Of course you could be joking and I could be a retard for seriousposting but I don't know.

I was mostly kidding. On the subject of reparations for black people I'm suggesting that only Americans who were actual slaves get something which would mean virtually no one gets money because folks don't tend to live that long (except maybe this guy).

I don't think very many people could hold a grudge against compensating Americans who were directly wronged by our nations shitty behavior. I've rarely heard a complaint about reparations paid to the Japanese screwed over during the war. If anything most people seem to think we didn't do enough for them.

There is this idea that every American who is descended from a slave would have inherited generational wealth if only their ancestors hadn't been enslaved. Perhaps some would, but most would not. I even personally know someone who handed their DNA over for a family genealogy project only to discover that they came from a family that once owned slaves in the south yet he's poor as fuck and has never inherited anything. Certainly there are some families with old money still doing well, but the Vanderbilt types are clearly the exception and not the rule. There's just no way to really measure the direct economic impact of slavery on the descendants of former slaves today so there's no way to come up with a single one time payment that would make up for it.

how logistically do they even work?

I mean if it comes from taxes and the taxes are paid by only white people, fucking zero percent chance that happens. If the taxes are paid by everyone, then there's gonna be some rich black dudes out there who pay more in taxes than they get back in reparations, which is hilarious.

Living in America is your reparations.

There’s a handful of Africans who wouldn’t swap places with you and your privilege right now.

If you choose not to make the most of the opportunities you’ve had then that’s too bad.

Not to mention plenty of slaves were sold BY blacks.

Almost every ethnic group has been enslaved as well so I tell you what, skip whitey and ask the Arabs for it because they enslaved Europeans way before you were taken from Africa.

Make Africa pay the reparations, like the wall and Mexico ✅

Campaign Advisor: We should track all these blacks into voting for you by offering reparations.


Warren: Thats even better than a mayo claiming to be native american.

Does this mean they lose the right to the N word?

“Attention all black people, I WILL LITERALLY THROW MONEY AT YOU IF YOU VOTE FOR ME, that is all”

aka the easy negro vote bill

Big Daddy Trump is going to win the election again when all of his opponents look like shit. I can't wait for all the spicy drama afterwards.

Please don't curse us for another 4 fucking years

Do black people realise how pathetically trampy and desperate these calls for reparations make them look?

Absolute fucking global laughing stock, the yanks.

Do you think they care? That's like when black women try to shame black men for getting whitoid gussy, but telling them that white womyn are just fetishizing them. They don't care, because it still works out in their favor.

At least Yang is promising to give an equal amount of gibs to all Americans, which is way less of a nightmare to implement than race based handouts.

It's mostly white radical progressives pushing this junk.

Not all blacks, some of us just want to get on with life like the rest of society.

lol buying votes

The Democrats vs Trump is comparible to the old NWA / territory system vs Vince McMahon / WWF in the 80s:

Vince/Trump -- I'm going to do these specific things. My goal is this. I'm going to do things in these new ways.

Territories/Dems -- We gotta band together, we can stop this! [Proceeds to trip over dicks at each turn to help themselves instead of fighting against common cause, gets Pwn3d]

Black people enslaved jews in egypt before mosses parted the red sea. Are they gonna pay reparations in rims and newports?

Friendly reminder that America was built on the blood of black slaves and that their descendants continue to face systemic and institutional discrimination.

Slavery is a weaker economic model than wageslavery, the Irish were more efficiently exploited than the blacks, green reparations when?

Irish discrimination is a great example of the flexibility of 'whiteness' as the primary demarcation of privilege in western society. They were, this is true, discriminated against in American history—but now, along with Italians and others, have been brought into the fold of 'white' Americans, thus enjoying the same amount of relative privilege and institutional power. Reparation for the descendants of Irish immigrants would then be completely unnecessary and even counter-productive.

On the contrary, black Americans and indigenous people are still actively discriminated against and repressed by the American state; the only proper response to this on-going repression is instituting a massive program of collective and personal reparations for black Americans and their communities. Ideally, these reparations would total in the trillions of dollars.

The only proper response would be to cleanse up the ghettos and send most of them (or, at least, the ones with the whole "da hood, pimpin' and smokin' gangstas) back to Africa.

You can even take gopniks from Russia with them.

Up until the filth that considers actually studying at school "acting white" remains, blacks will be at the position they are at now.

There are a lot of problems here: first of all, even if we entertain the idea that black Americans should be sent 'back to Africa' (even though most of them are not from the continent at all), we have to face the issue of where do we send them—in other words, are any existing nations willing to give them citizenship—because making people stateless would contravene international law.

I think that the over-arching issue, though, is that there is absolutely no scientific or biological evidence that black people are inherently predisposed to crime or to criminal behaviour—we can point to statistics, but everyone should recognize that these are statistics which exist within specific historic circumstances and thus can not be taken as an indication of the behaviour of black individuals in isolation.

It also ignores our own moral culpability in the current immiserated state of black communities; passing-the-buck on this, as you propose, would be a moral catastrophe akin to the Holocaust.

I think that the over-arching issue, though, is that there is absolutely no scientific or biological evidence that black people are inherently predisposed to crime or to criminal behaviour

They are not inherently predisposed to crime. But rising up in the area full of textbook stereotypical "gangsta-niggas" will sabotage any good intentions and programs. Same shit was in Russia during the start of Soviet regime.

Uhm, then surely the correct way is to eliminate the conditions that make people grow up that way, not the people themselves? Otherwise it's simply illogical. Unless you're saying white trash, as well as all criminals, should also get kicked out, but then it's still wrong for a whole lot of reasons. The fuck kind of totalitarian shit is that?

White trash should be forcibly moved to Alaska.

you literally can't do that.

Unless you're saying white trash, as well as all criminals, should also get kicked out


So next question, how are you gonna decide who's the useful mayo and who isn't? And how do you know you're not gonna be the next one?

how are you gonna decide who's a useful mayo and who isn't

> useful

> mayo


I mean, US isn't exactly underpopulated as far as I know and mayos are like 60% of it. (Yes, I know I'm seriousposting in response to banter but I just feel like doing it)

US isn't exactly underpopulated as far as I know and mayos are like 60% of it.

This will change soon, inshallah

Oh fuck I meant OVERpopulated fuuuuck I balsed it up

Uhm, then surely the correct way is to eliminate the conditions that make people grow up that way, not the people themselves?

Dude, people ARE part of said conditions! And one of the most destructive parts. Ever heard about peer pressure? Ever heard about "you can take a girl from trailer park, but you can't take a trailer park out of the girl?".

Unless you're saying white trash, as well as all criminals, should also get kicked out


but then it's still wrong for a whole lot of reasons.

It's wrong to people who actually willing to change, to keep that shit festering.

The fuck kind of totalitarian shit is that?

It's called "self-preservation instinct". Your body does that totalitarian shit everyday, by the way.

they are not inherent predisposed to crime

Uhm sweaty, because blacks live in racist ameriklans land its impossible to separate crime statistics from RACISM so its actually impossible to say theyre not inherently predisposed to crime. The radically centrist approach is to ignore the issue of nature or nurture and just treat all black people like criminals (which is what we already do(and thats a good thing))

we have to face the issue of where do we send them

Luckily there's a nation designed just for that. It's called Liberia

Liberia is independent from America and there is no guarantee that they would accept an influx of tens of millions of migrants.

If they said no, we'd just do what we usually do and bomb them until they say "okay uncle sam please make it stop"

Ah, a traditionalist!


Yamete, onii-chan! Itai!

What makes you think we would give blacks a choice? They came here unwillingly, and they'll leave unwillingly too.

where are they from if not africa

I think the Merchant clan should pay to send them back, since they brought them here in the first place

No refunds, goy.

Why stop at reparations for black people? black and white people both payed taxes that destabilized my region and probably caused irreversible damage to us. If you want to be fair then make every american citizen of any race that payed taxes to pay for us to rebuild our countries. But because you only care about the appearance of justice and not actual justice, this will never happen.

Honest question: why should I care about your country?

Because you (and every US citizen who ever payed taxes in the last 20 or 30 years) had a direct hand at causing misery half-way across the globe. The problems we face are ten times more than any problem a black ever faced in america, PAY UP.

So you live in a hostile nation and you expect us to give you money?

Yes, along with removal of all of your military bases here and withdrawal of your political, financial and military aid to Israel, then we can begin to scratch the surface in terms of your debt being payed back.

If you're upset that we're paying to finance the only secular democracy in the Middle-East, then I'm sorry to say that I'm not very sympathetic to your cause.

falling for the secular democracy meme

You're even more retarded than i thought. Also imagine thinking that the foreign powers would ever allow us to have true democratic elections, Egypt had true democratic elections and it only took 1 year for the foreign powers to overrule the decision of the people.

Jewish people: face the worst genocide in history and centuries of discrimination

You: these people, who have created the only secular democracy in the ME, definitely don't deserve protection!

If you care about the jews so much you can give them 2 or 3 states from your own country and let them live there, European Jews have a place in Europe not in here.

Also, everyone faced hardships, the Jews don't have a monopoly on suffering, Egypt was invaded by the British while we were invaded by the ottomans

The Jewish people have a right to Israel.

And i have a right to the whole of Africa because my ancestors originated from there there.

The Palestinians Jews (and Muslims and Christians) have a right to the land, not some polish fucker who's not native to the land and gets sunburn from 10 seconds in Mediterranean heat.

>forgetting that this kind of arab nationalism is what brought your country to its current state and still reeing about muh joos and evil america

Lul. It's not the world's fault that your people are easily dragged around by nationalists and religious fanatics. It's not your fault either though, just like it isn't my fault that russia is a kleptomaniac shithole, bullied into submission by a good 70 years of dictators and "le communism"

Every thing good in Egypt right now is the remnant of that Nasser pan-Arabist era, Arab nationalism is the ultimate nightmare for western forces because we are 430 million people speaking the same tongue, having the same values and goals and relatively the same culture, we are extremely homogeneous in comparison to other places like India where there are tens of thousands of different subgroups, and that's why a pan-Arab nation will be an unstoppable force in the face of western imperialism.

Holy. Fucking. Shit. An unironic pan-arabist. In current year +52.

Dude, I love you. Even though you might be a little bit on the spectrum. do you, okay? Don't forget that.

Unironic pan-Arabist

77% of Arabs believe all Arabs are one nation divided by useless borders, and this is one of the more extensive and independent research institutions in the middle-east that made this poll. (couldn't find an english version but just put page 291 on google translate, it has the part i'm talking about.

You know what this reminds me of? It reminds me of that argument with a tankie I had, several of them actually, about how majority of people in russia miss socialism. Whenever I went to the source poll article and looked through it, it always turned out that the situation wasn't nearly as good for the tankies as they expected. Since I can't check it in this case I'm gonna say a couple things.

From what I've seen about your mentality, what was going through those people's heads (assuming the poll was made by a neutral party and properly conducted, which is...kinda doubtful***) is, "we're all one arab nation with useless borders...except those specific arabs, they are literal scum".

But if you actually reach that moment when the movement is revived...I'm humbly inviting you to revisit everything that was wrong with pan-arabism. And then your grandchildren may whine about "muh one nation" 50 years after.




***Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies is a qatari/lebanon based institute, headed by a renowned in the sphere of pan-arabism israeli-born and israeli-educated ex-knesset member, who hasn't returned to israel ever since being accused of treason and aiding hezbollah during the 2006 war. Oh, and he also owns what apparently is a pan-arabist newspaper.

Are you actually fucking retarded? how much clearer can a statement like "all arabs are one nation" get? they asked participants if they thought all Arabs are a single people divided by useless border, they didn't ask them about a certain subset of arabs, they didn't ask them to exclude certain people from their question...They said ALL Arabs, now if you want to blatantly deny what the majority of Arabs want that's fine by me just don't pretend that it's some fringe movement with no support from the public, i can tell you from direct experience that everyone i know vehemently supports unification, everyone hates sykes-picot in the arab world.

Specifically that they didn't ask is the source of my doubt.

Anyway, you've read my thoughts, both about the legitimacy of the research (sanctioned and lead by vehement pan-arabists) and the extent of capabilities of pan-arabism. Think of it whatever you want. Just one more thing:

i can tell you from direct experience that everyone i know vehemently supports unification

Yeah, and not a single person I know in russia supports putin. Maybe a couple of them, but I didn't know that then.

Specifically that they didn't ask is the source of my doubt.

If someone asked you if you want to live in a combined-living situation with your neighbors and you hated one or two of your neighbors, would you answer yes to the question?? there is no reason to ask further because that would be fucking stupid, it's not like whoever was asked suddenly forgot about their hatred of his lebanese or palestinian neighboring countries and answered yes to the question.

Also the Doha institute studies are heavily cited by everyone when it comes to knowing the opinions of the Arab world and no amount of you reading wikipedia snippets about them is going to discredit them, you are free to read about their methodology, they do these pools yearly and they sample over 21,000 people from over 14 countries.

If someone asked you if you want to live in a combined-living situation with your neighbors and you hated one or two of your neighbors, would you answer yes to the question?

Yes, of course, because those two wouldn't come to my mind, and if they would I wouldn't base my momentary decision on them. The idea of everyone holding hands together is nice, until you start digging through its core later.


So the research in question wasn't headed and conducted by pan-arabists? Also, I bet you I can find you some gender studies institute also being cited enough times. I don't actually bet you by the way, I have better things to do.

Anyway, I'm going back to shitposting.

Arab nationalism is the ultimate nightmare for western forces because we are 430 million people speaking the same tongue, having the same values and goals and relatively the same culture, we are extremely homogeneous

Imagine unironically being this retarded

That’s...actually an interesting take I haven’t considered before. Thanks.

Are you fucking brain-damaged? Obama cut off military aid to the Sisi regime.

W-what about Tunisia?

Since when is Tunisia in the middle East?? Fucking burger education at it again

MENA is a more useful category than the Middle East fite me

Tunisia is an Arab nation you dumb cunt, i don't think anyone ever talked about the middle-east without including in the north-African part.

Honest question, why should I care about your nig problem?


Why is it that mongoloids on reddit consistently misspell a four letter word? Jesus Christ.

I haven't slept in 48 hours and i just got back from a test.

You probably failed the test tbh

No, he came back positive.

Nah aced it actually 😎

So, do you have HIV?

I blame the Russian education system.

We need to overhaul education models and start supporting young Russian teenagers. Until then, we will be forced to interact with illiterate trolls.

Surprised they didn't catch you for that shooting yet

I can't comprehend how you even do that.

Payed is a valid spelling in the English language, retard. Clearly that liberal arts degree was a waste of time.

Non native speakers use that a lot you biggot.

being voted down for spitting the truth. smh.

No part of this is true. It's one broke ass commie's version of the truth

Reparations are retarded but he's right that black people face much more discrimination today than Irish people due to the ever expanding definition of "white" that now encompasses most people of European heritage.

Why else would black people be doing so much worse?

The question isn't whether Irish are more discriminated than black people, the question is whether a handout of $x is deserved when the current generation of black people didn't even go through anything other than poverty, which white / brown / asian people experience as well. So what makes the blacks special beyond the fact that their distant ancestors got cucked by whitey?

the question is whether a handout of $x is deserved when the current generation of black people

No, you said "no part" of what he said was true. This part is true:

Irish discrimination is a great example of the flexibility of 'whiteness' as the primary demarcation of privilege in western society. They were, this is true, discriminated against in American history—but now, along with Italians and others, have been brought into the fold of 'white' Americans, thus enjoying the same amount of relative privilege and institutional power.

The only part in that spiel that is wrong is notion that "whiteness" is the primary demarcation of privelege instead of income.

You disgust me

You make me horny

Choose one from below:

Me too thanks

Post bussy

No u

Q predicted this

This but unironically

Didn't just get "cucked by whitey" but helped them do it. If you want to play the identitarian game then play it all the way to the hilt.

Why else would black people be doing so much worse?


Why else would black people be doing so much worse?

i wonder

black people face much more discrimination today

lol no they don't you retard

a serious and well written response.

Miss me with that gay shit

Even while oppressed Irish were still considered “white,” just an unliked race of white. You have bought into some bad meme history.


considered “white"

Those potato thumping papist. They even called negroes turned inside-out.

jesus fucking wept, never heard that one before

I am haunted by the human chimpanzees I saw along that hundred miles of horrible country. I don't believe they are our fault. I believe that there are not only many more of them than of old, but that they are happier, better and more comfortably fed and lodged under our rule than they ever were. But to see white chimpanzees is dreadful; if they were black, one would not feel it so much, but their skins, except where tanned by exposure, are as white as ours.

Here's a question for you, should there be an estate tax assessed on reparations?

black Americans and indigenous people are still actively discriminated against and repressed by the American state;

No they aren't lol

How do we unwhite the Irish? I feel like this is something really important to placate the angrier whiteys.

>current year

>falling for hiberno disinferno

as a who is 1/32th irish i here by give you all permission to use the n word since the irish were the blacks of europe

Redistribute 15 dollars per head from mayos to black people and call it a day. That's as much as any of this is ever going to amount to anyway

Reparations would be costly and difficult. It would be far too simplistic to redistribute an equal amount of money to each black American; on the contrary, we ought to implement a tiered-system where some black Americans (those who are already personally wealthy) would receive relatively little and others would receive potentially millions. This is completely and utterly feasible.

nice b8 m8, too obvious tho

I suppose that Elizabeth Warren is 'baiting' you as well, then. Some day rightists will have to face that reparations are feasible and necessary.

Here’s the thing (I’m not paying them.) I’ll leave! You can though

You can be damn sure no Hispanics, Jews or Chinese will ever vote for that shit.

Someday you'll have to come to terms that Trump will be re elected and crazies like Warren and AOC are the reason why.

the downvotes don't lie

giving reparations to already wealthy people


I'm Hispanic btw, where are my moneyz from the Spaniards

Black Americans who are wealthy still deserve reparations.

lmfao what a meme


I think we should give them 40 acres and a donkey divided by how many decendents of the original freed slave. Chunks of donkey for everyone!

Fried chicken > donkey imo

Give millions

Holy shit

Good. They should reinstate slavery.

Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Aka we got rid of slavery unless you steal that car stereo, then it's slave time for you son.

This is an enormous problem in the United States. For a more detailed analysis, please read this article.

Sounds more like a solution to me

the atlantic, that's a big fat nope from those of us who choose to retain our brain cells and continue reading /r/drama comments

The constitution is just a piece of paper.

The constitution is the bulwark which protects us all from the thralls of tyranny.

But orange man is the president.

Hitler 1

Piece of paper 0

I heard orang man is bad. Can you confirm?


Saying orange man bad makes orange fan sad.

The manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.

Did we forget that that amendment was repealed and that the political capital and consensus to repeal the thirteenth amendment will never exist?

""""We"""" forgot nothing, my entire point was that amendments can and have been repealed, since you seemed to be so certain of the immutability of that one. I hope you enjoyed the history lesson, because you now owe me for these 6 minutes of emotional labor.

The repeal of amendments that are just and right will only happen when the blood of the millions of Americans who are ready-and-willing to fight against tyranny has been shed. Slavery will never be abolished; we will make sure of that.

Aw, this was kind of fun but if you're going to bait this obviously and this hard I'm just not gonna play anymore >:(

And yet men are ordered to pay women child support for potentially a child they didn't want, and was solely the choice of the woman. Sure sounds like slavery

Step 1. Import way more blacks into america

Step 1.

No need. Just use the surplus.

If anything it's the nigs who need to pay for a ticket out of Africa. America would be better if they never used the slave labour.

Take the Ottoman pill

Good news africa still sells their neighbors into slavery so that part is convered

Not sure why you left out the Native Americans.

I actually did mention indigenous peoples in one of my other comments.

The sad fact is that the on-going genocide of Native Americans is almost complete; their population has been utterly decimated and their cultures are barely surviving, if at all. There are far more black Americans alive today, and it makes more sense that reparations for them would be a much more costly and difficult issue than reparations for Native Americans—although both should occur, and both should ideally total in the trillions of dollars (based on estimates and figures given by experts).

Thanks for this, and I didn't post to drum up drama, just want people to know that Native Americans have been decimated beyond belief. What pisses me off most is how much it's ignored in US history that's taught in schools.

Is it that ignored? Cause I keep seeing it on the internet and in the media so looking from outside it seems like a big deal. Though I would never have guessed the sheer volume of death that happened if I didn't read about it (on the internet, lul) so I'm guessing that's the part that's missing maybe.

it's ignored in US history

Are you fuckin dense? Because the overwhelming majority of native americans deaths occurred centuries before US became a country, maybe?

And no person or group is at fault, it was the inevitable result of communicable disease.

how much it's ignored in US history

Where are you getting that notion? The US's treatment of Native Americans was far and away the #1 topic in every US history class I took in public K-12. Even bigger than slavery.

Fuck me I know about Andy Jackson because all Burgers keep whining about him.

Nomadic People and Owning Land.

pick one.

Well Native Americans can go get their reps from the measle covered blankets at their local anti vax house then.

conquered fair and square

Like they did to the people there before them

Explain why chinks are successful then

I'd be more apt to answer this question if we refrained from using racial slurs, but for anyone wondering this I can take a chance.

One of the issues here is that we have to demarcate between the descendants of slaves, most of whom grow up in immiserated communities that lead to poor socioeconomic outcomes later in life and make them more apt to turn to crime, and the descendants of first-generation immigrants, most of whom—including those from Africa and Asia alike—enjoy greater socioeconomic prosperity.

The second is that it lacks a detailed analysis of the problems faced by both Asian and black Americans. It is arguably true that black people face a lot mores systemic and institutional barriers which prevent them from rising up the socioeconomic ladder—this is made evident when you consider startling facts such that, although all races use drugs at more-or-less the same rate, black Americans are much more likely to be incarcerated for non-violent drug-offenses. In fact, it seems that many laws are designed explicitly to repress black individuals, particularly legislation concerning voter IDs, which are designed primarily by Republicans to disenfranchise black Americans (who are predominantly Democrats) and to reduce voter turnout.

Sorry, you're right. I forgot nigs are literally the only race that are too stupid to know how to get an ID.

It's actually that those who are impoverished or who live in immiserated communities—of all races—have a difficult time obtaining identification of any kind.

[I’m taking the bait] The process is objectively not difficult unless one is an orphan or literally long term homeless. Every kind of Vital Record is recoverable within a few days, and if someone needs help, there are dozens of agencies and legal clinics that help for free. Even if a person had no life traces and amnesia, it wouldn’t take more than 2 months, where most of that time is spent waiting on mail service.

You can comment this but the facts tell a different story.

Go ahead and walk me through the stage of the process is causing issues. You should be able to identify something specific, right?

Yes: the problem is that those who are impoverished have a more difficult time obtaining identification.

HOW do they have a more difficult time? What part of the process of getting an ID is affected by their financial standing? It’s the same question that you avoided before.

How do you not understand that even relatively minor inconveniences are enough to disincentivize people from voting? This has been verified with empirical evidence and the fact that your feigned ignorance doesn't change that.

We don’t have a disagreement of policy here, we have an illustration that you can’t even articulate what is needed to get an ID lmao

They can get an ID to buy malt liquor but can't get one to get a voter ID Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

So Obama was an honorary Aryan?

How can you be this smug? How can you say things I agree with and still say them with such an annoying tone and that I reflexively want to downvote you

Bro nigs are retarded, commit more crimes and are the lowest classes absolutely everywhere in the world. Most nigs here in Europe never descended from slaves but descended from the boats that brought their stupid asses "searching for a better life" aka being unemployed and committing crimes and living off welfare. They're all immigrants and are way waaaaaay less successful than Asian immigrants. How do you explain that you smug cunt

We Jews are the richest demographic in the United States and in other countries including Germany. It's not like we've had it easy and need a bunch of handouts.

Their eyes are slinted to focus on opportunities

why are you gay

why are you not

Highest power level mod

every time he posts all the MDEfugees come out and begin unironically seriousposting, it's beautiful

This whole sub is now whining about chapo and the kiwi PM. Its a dangerous demographic swing

demographics are destiny

Who stickies their own comments like this? Patricians sort by controversial anyway.

I didn’t know you could build things with cash crops

Imagine being this dumb

(will butthurt mod ban me with their own drama? Let's find out)

🎣 🎣 🎣

Imagine being this gullible

daym before i saw ur username (seen u before) i thought it was a risque muktiple layers of irony joke

but no, you irl are actually a retard lol

or real deep roleplaying

how fucking dare you

Right because repairing a broken and rigged system is “retarded” 🙄🙄🙄 ok honey...

Fucking mayo

how is this repairing anything lol

What institute or system is currently set up to be discriminatory?



Good lol

This but unironically

Friendly reminder that the U.S. labor markets that benefited from slavery have been a tremendously minor part of the economy since the industrial revolution.

Another friendly reminder that taxing people whose ancestors never owned or benefited from slaves to grant reparations to peoples whose ancestors may not have even been slaves is ridiculous.

Another friendly reminder that taxing people whose ancestors never owned or benefited from slaves to grant reparations to people whose ancestors may not have even been slaves is ridiculous.

Even worse than that consider this.

How much reparations value was the lives lost to end slavery?

We could end up taxing families who’s ancestors lost everything because the father who never owned a slave died freeing slave’s. Just to pay someone who never had an ancestor who was a slave.

Ethnically based legislation is just super suspect. It’s a really bad idea.

All I hear is a whitey who doesn't want to pay what he owes.

My heritage links me to people who owe you, blacks, and anybody else less than nothing. Don't race-bait.


pay the troll toll

Those ancestors woulda owned slaves if they coulda afforded them. Every mayo has to pay the mayo-tax.

You do realize subsaharan africa was less enlightened in attitudes toward slavery than other societies, right? Like most American slaves were legitimatelyenslaved and traded originally by local, read black, authority figures.

Africa can pay reparations by giving up their resources.

Africa can’t afford to pay anything. The thing about Africa is that it’s been, for human history, less developed than other places. My point is just that a culture complicit in victimizing itself is in no position to overcome the position it finds itself in.

So the culture needs help, reparations.

Lots of people need help, why is that particular community more deserving or opportune to receive it?

My argument is that there are a lot of Black Americans who are very culturally and psychologically advanced from their direct exposure and role in sophisticated societies and resistance to social problems. This means that there’s an opportunity to help a lot of good, smart Americans. How we go about doing that is just profoundly complicated, and should probably be driven by the black community itself, not by Elizabeth Warren, as much as I like her.

that particular community more deserving

That particular community was enslaved.

Many in that particular community want reparations.

Many communities have been enslaved. Many communities have been in worse slavery than African-Americans- under worse conditions, for longer spans of time, with greater social trauma.

Lots of people want compensation for it. What makes blacks different?

What makes blacks different?

They were enslaved in the US.

They were enslaved, in drastic majority by people who formed a faction that was exorcised from the U.S. by the most bloody, costly war in American history. Those people were killed, demoted, derogated from authority, and impoverished at least enough to change the identity of the United States.

The rest of the mayos woulda had slaves if they coulda afforded them.

Mayos aren’t morally or socially less advanced than darkies in any category.

The privileged shall pay reparations to the underprivileged.

Probably not.

The Dems need votes

Botsuana can pay for sure

Boo /u/distortedlines did it better.

Nice fishing you did there.

Why can't countries be built on things that aren't stea;ling other people's land? Is that so hard? Yikes, faith in humanity lost.

This ain't it chief.

You're the only good mod in this shitheap.

Leave the sub then dipshit

Is that why the streets smell pooey?

You being modded was the best thing ever to happen to this sub.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

I didn't realize America was "built" out of cotton

It worked really well too. Maybe doing it some more will make America even better.

How should be handle mixed race people?

Better question how do we handle black descended from slave owners? Even black ones.

And what about whites with slave ancestors

I'm against slavery because it brought black people to America.

this with sincerity



Friendly reminder that not a single member of my family (much less me) was even in this country during slavery and not a single person alive, nor their parents, nor their grandparents, nor their great grandparents were enslaved. Plus.......a check for $1,000 or whatever would do NOTHING to address "systemic and institutional racism" If a person is mistreated based on race, they person who did the mistreating - no one else - should compensate them. Perhaps the dumbest public policy debate I've ever heard.

White people already pay reparations to blacks. It's called income tax and welfare.

Muslims should give whities reparations for 9-11 change my mind

Israelites should give Palestinians reparations cmv

Calm down everyone. She never said she supports reparations. SHE'S JUST TRYING TO START A CONVERSATION!


The go to defence of every woketard who gets called out.

The NZ shooter was just trying to start a conversation guys.

Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren *Pathetic one-time reparations deal *Worthless home loans *Useless college money *Obvious attempt to buy votes *Have to prove your blackness

Andrew "Won Hung Dong" Yang 1k for everyone *1k * *1 fucking k**

It's really coming down to a choice between the Chinaman, the elderly Jew, and the aloha milf.

let me buy your vote with 1k a magical 1k that will come from where? lol

Being a politician is basically spewing impossible retardation and seeing what sticks.

the aloha milf.

I'll take the Aloha Milf!

You know what. I actually want to see the faces of Russian-Jewish diaspora, when gibs for them will be used to pay up for reparations.

Especially considering that their (((doctors))) tend to be the ones who scam and tamper with medical system and push opioids to everyone.

Makes me sad that there is even more slavery today than there was then. You'd think humans would have more empathy and compassion for each other, but nah.

Lmao at her getting dragged in the comments.

Lisa Simpson ass nigga.




Never been a better time to invest in crack.

I love that dems idea for respecting and supporting the black community is to make people professionally black.

Cool, sign me up. I’m sure I had an ancestor that was a slave. Our word good enough or would everyone be required to take a DNA test?

lol my family didn't even live in this country during the time of slavery i ain't payin anyone shit.

payup cumskin

So reality has finally become a Boondocks episode

Great!! Maybe she can start us off by reimbursing the poor Indian kid who missed out on their rightful ivy league spot so Sacagawea 1/1024 over here could lead the smoke signals and reap the reward.


Does this apply to only blacks?

Pretty much.

If the whole reparations shit was actually true, Asians, Whites(Like Italians and Irish), Hispanics, etc would get a piece of the pie. It’s literally a political sinkhole

Native Americans as well. They were wronged just as badly as blacks, if not more

They almost had their entire race wiped out so I’d say their government handouts are justified

with hispanics it really depends what the skin color is.

The definition is so loose that it basically means that you speak some spanish dialect, not where you come from.

Americans don’t really care considering that they think we’re all brown short people so I imagine if this shit were to happen Hispanics would get reparations regardless even if they were whiter than white


The fact that she had to bring up this garbage ass “policy” means her campaign is struggling tbh. Why do democrats favor the most unlikeable people in America?

it's like a twatter comment came to life and started a political campaign

imagine unironically being a frontline twitter warrior

This will be distorted and repeated in sound bites and vids by R's along with taking away burgers etc.

A message that would actually give hope to people would be nice for a change rather than more and more divisive stuff. Even if Warren was to be elected, the chance that this would actually go anywhere is zero. The USA couldn't even ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (at least not yet).

We all know a person who's name prolly ends in stien or berg is behind the pushing of such an idiotic thing like reperations

got em'

Don't give me money. Just make everything fair and equal.

But since that train has passed, I'll take the following : A perma-900 credit score (it maxes out at 850 in comparison), 3 acres of land and immunity from prosecution for the next ... give me a second... 20 crimes I may consider committing.

Nothing like murder or terrorism, small shit like parking tickets.

some equals are more equal than others

We should be able to bang any white ho we want on their wedding night. Only way we can even begin to heal.

Prima Nocte




Can someone post screenshots? Twitter suspended me permanently and isn't even letting me see the post.

“How not to get elected 101”

start a full-blown conversation

support the bill in the House to support a congressional panel of experts

This is some UN-level inaction right here and I support it!


Give them 15 dollars and make them shut up

full-blown conversation

Fuckin swear with these people "conversation" is either meaningless or some coded language

I think she's talking about paying back slave owners who lawfully bought slaves and then had the government take them away.

So we can count Sen. Warren out already. Her campaign manager should be banished to a gulag for allowing her to bring up reparations.


Elizabeth Warren, you do not support reparations. Quit your bullshit. Everybody knows that all the "panel of experts" is going to do is release a report advocating some race neutral tax savings account in five years that gets no media attention.

Why are we even talking about the pointlessness of reparations in 2019?

I know, see these dudes serious posting about "why or why no"...

Bring the fucking reparation drama baby.

Yeah because I’m sure black people taking money from everyone else would be perfectly okay and you wouldn’t think about it every time you saw a black person. Blue wants to lose

What should Democrats do if they want to get elected?

Like basically nothing at all that anyone who's a Republican (oh wait "independent") in this thread is saying that they should do. You're not our friend. Stop giving us "advice" on what we should do if "we want to win". Our platform could literally be "gas all the spics" and you'd still (just barely, you promise us, but we forced you because we were Too Extreme™ in stopping at just the spics and not gassing all the minorities like Trump promise) vote for Trump. Fuck off.

Fuck this trend of the inexplicable Republican best friend who's constantly offering Democrats advice on what they need to do to get elected. I'm pretty sure that we shouldn't do, like, any of that shit. You're fucking Republicans. Why the fuck would we listen to you? Imagine if it went the reverse way, imagine a Democrat cucking and saying "Man I could totally see myself voting for Republicans, but you have to win me over by [insert everything that Democrats want here]". It would be laughable. Republicans do this shit all the time. And libtards listen to them because liberals are idiots.

Fuck off. You're not my friend. I will do exactly 0% of what you tell me too. You are the enemy.

I would like a good Democrat to beat Trump. But crazies like Warren and AOC are doing damage. They are exactly the types that Republicans have been fear mongering about for years. And honestly Sanders isn't much better. The whole "free shit for everyone"'routine is not going to work. Most Democrat voters are middle age with careers and income, they don't want to go full blown socialist.

Need some reparations for Lebron and Oprah. Don't forget Obama he needs reparations too. Pay up WHITE MAN

start a national, full-blown conversation


can anyone explain why shit presidential candidates keep filmng themselves cooking or eating or drinking a beer in their kitchen now

It makes them look 'human'/relatable.

You are all retards talking about the "yes or nos for reparation"


it's almost as if burgers are really diverse and shit

Not a snowball's chance in hell does this happen

Not with this attitude.

Quoting one of the comments beneath that tweet... “Not a single person alive was a slave or slave owner. Punishing groups for a crime they did not not commit is playing identity politics for attention and your selfish power gain. You are creating further division.” .... couldn’t have said it better myself. It’s not slavery that needs to be abolished. That’s already happened. What would really be ideal is to abolish racism but that is impossible as we all know. Her plan is nothing but a mind game.

Tx for your serious posting. Now hop on the reparation train and enjoy the drama.

Hell fucking yes. I’m promoting this idea heavily on subreddits. I want to make this idea popular. Acceleration mother fuckers.

Finally, someone who understands the drama-potential of it.

This is potentially the biggest drama goldmine in internet history. Even dipshit Bernie bros are angry at this. If we can help make this a mainstream democrat position, there isn’t enough popcorn in the world to match the drama we will get. Already 3 politicians running for prez want a conversation about reparations

Giving people with bad ideas power is the true path to a better society!

To be honest I think it is

Look retards, people are voting for Yang because he's literally giving out money. This disgusting mayo person (who has gracefully shat on the most cucked peoples of them all; native Americans) is just doing the same thing but with black people, probably because she thought UBI was too unoriginal at this point.

This is the new campaigning strategy. "If you vote for me I'll give you money".

Shut up, hop on the train or fuck off to Nodramastan.


The fuckc

[DNA test-taking intensifies]

I'm 11% victim now so I don't have to pay as much reparations.

Didn't she nearly lose Massachusetts to the Republicans?

Can't we just stick with Yangbux?

Where's the drama tho?

I'll vote Republican if they're seriously considering reparations.

I'm a pretty hardcore liberal in general since I'm broke as fuck and want free stuff, but I'm white and also very selfish, so I only approve of handouts that come towards me.

Well there goes any shot she had at being president.

We’re going to get 4 more years of Trump aren’t we?

  • Natives should be able to slaughter mayoids in the same numbers they got decimated.
  • Slavery is now legal for black people they get at least one cumskin
  • Deport whites back to Yuropoor
  • Lynching whitoids is a national sport
  • White only bathrooms, hospitals and schools

So the race to the bottom is the official theme for 2020?

Are Dems this desperate to win the primary? I thought all you have to do to win against Trump is to be presentable, with well-thought out arguments.

On a side note, I would not be surprised if some Asians would think this is acceptable, since they really gobbled the "solidarity" garbage. This is going to be fun.

I'm just saying this bitch has me fucked ALLLLLL the way up with this. You know they'll be a tax increase and that means I (and every Black person) would be paying for my own reparations and that's pretty fucked up lmao.

democrats really want trump to be reelected don't they. I mean I can't think of a better rallying cry for trump to attract undecided middle class white voters with.

DemoCraps need more black votes, so the start talking about reparations. Black voters aren’t falling for it this time reparations

Repatriation Not Reparation!