Chad who wiped out a mob boss, disappointingly revealed to be a Drumpf supporter, but at least he tried to arrest Nancy Pelosi in a lulzy fashion.

148  2019-03-19 by NefariousNotorious


whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


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I believe you can claim to be a published author now.

Each time it posts counts as an academic citation


Sad that he could correctly recognise Gambino's are criminals and so is Pelosi but not that Drumpf is a crook as well.

Sad that he could correctly recognise Gambino's are criminals and so is Pelosi but not that Drumpf is a crook as well. Needs more of a bipartisan approach.

Hey quick question (and I might just be retarded) where was the “arrest Nancy pelosi” part?

virgin channer: murders 50 innocent people because he can't find a woman who will touch him

chad trumptard: murders a mob boss in broad daylight because he won't let his niece date him

murders a mob boss in broad daylight because he won't let his niece date him

Lol Is that the actual motive?

a mob boss in broad daylight because he won't let his niece date him

you have to admit though thats sort of cool/hilarious. mob bosses used to be fucking untouchable, you would never even get the shot to kill one even if you wanted to, and the repercussions of hurting anyone he cared about were huge. this guy just shot him in broad daylight, its like if someone just shot batman in the mouth, this retard did something on a whim that no one else could.

I hope that Niece gave him anal

pretty sure the 8chan guy fucked, he had several gfs


He did this because the mob boss would let him date his niece. I call for parliament to react hastily and harshly by banning gussy nationwide. It's just not worth people losing their lives so a few people can indulge in their sick hobby.

parliament Britbongs OUT!

I'm actually an Americunt but I'm a British Loyalist. My whole family, going 9 generations back, have been loyalists. Today I'm part of the Americentry initiative, who's goal is to have the United States re-enter the Commonwealth (non-consensually.) This is the only possible way to get firearms in this country under control through a strict loicensing program, solve our healthcare issues by bringing Burgerstan under the NHS, and put an end to Asians coming to America, getting top-notch educations and becoming my boss at work. Instead, we'll get "Asians" to come to America and groom our pre-teen daughters for sex work as her majesty intended. All of this can be achieved via a non-binding referendum that you can sign over on

New quote for snappy

nobody asked loser

I'm actually an Americunt but I'm a British Loyalist.

Use the 2nd Ammendment to its fullest extent to literally kys

get shot by some horny nobody

The Gambino bosses of yore would be proud of what's become of their Family

literally taxi driver


Props to Trump, with the mob boss gone he really is tough on crime.

circle on his hand

that's a fucking Q, lol

I don5beleive it. Qultists are harmless patriots just trying to to maga and wwg1wga

killing a mob boss is not MAGA


Of course not, qanon is a conspiracy of peace

not if the reason is you want to bang their niece you've been stalking

This went 100-0 real quick after realizing he is a butthurt incel

Took his pick up skills from the bestseller "Aim to woo your dream girl" by John Hinkley Jr.

you have to admit though, if he managed to kill Reagan, every liberal in hollywood would be helping him fuck Jodie, you would have Alan Alda and Jello Biafra holding Jodie down on a pinball machine. it would be like a fucked up version of that film IQ

Killing some upjumped Sicilian is totally MAGA.

you're right, in order to Mage Aisreal Great Again, like mossad wants we have to get rid of the rival gangs


please tell me what the fuck that stands for it must be amazing

Where we go 1, we go all.

Q once posted it at the end of one of his early schitzo-spergs and misattributed it to JFK sr. The Qucks claim it means JFK Jr is still a live and that its inscribed on a Kennedy yacht he used to own and they circulated a picture of a random boat to prove it. It actually comes from the movie White Squall starring Jeff Birdges about a group of affluent mayos who get caught in a storm while sailing

thats not even a good quote. also if you notice people that actually are in some sort of power, usually have great taste in films. you could tell he was a larp because no one else remembers that stupid film

Of course Q is probably some autistic boomer who has memorized every word to every Jeff Bridges movie but he was smart enough to know not to use a quote from The Big Lebowski

Jeff Bridges movie

he's right up there with bill murry in my book. just a lot of millennial faggots that love him because their parents loved him.

I watched Hell or High Water recently on Netflix and he's excellent in that

I'm absolutely shocked! That someone dumb enough to kill a mob boss over some girl would fall for the Q larp. SHOCKED I TELL YA!


impractical jokers has gone a bit too far. we all knew Q was the best one, but this is nuts

How the duck was Q a firefighter?

you can have a lot of muscle under all that fat. plus all the guys were way skinnier in the first season.

also not to sound like an asshole, but firefighters don't do much. they're a leftover from before fire codes were strictly enforced, there's a reason we have to keep jerking them off because they all got cancer when the twin towers fell. And mind you anyone that saw the inspection papers for the world trade center will tell you that shit was full of asbestos and other shit like that. it was an accident waiting to happen.

as long as the buildings have up to date fire standards are even match any of the fire code from the last 40 years than its fine. only like 2% of their calls are actually for fires, a lot of them are them responding to false alarms or cats stuck in trees. There's a reason a lot of places are either switching to all volunteer or conslidating fire fighters with EMT. it takes a lot more training to be an EMT than a firefighter.

having said all that i just realized Q was actually a NY fireman during 9/11.

Mafia vs Incels wasn’t what I was expecting out of 2019.

based and redpilled

Well he couldn't forgive what they did to Iris obviously

Comello sat with a slight smile in the jury box of the courtroom Monday afternoon as dozens of reporters and photographers filed in.

Nothing else needed to be said.

A Trump supporter helping to drain the swamp.

heck what does the niece look like?

Lmao is this really an incel fueled mob hit?

Imagine all the ways Gambino protected himself, all the notes he kept on all his enemies far and wide. And then some random Qtard on the internet kills him.

But was she hot tho?

So either one of two things: 1) Fucking incels are up to killing mob bosses now 2) He's taking the fall for the real killer

Either way, hilarious as fuck and guaranteed to dethrone the grassy knoll as the premier assassination conspiracy.

Asked by reporters after the hearing what was on Comello's hand, Neary replied, "Handcuffs."

what a mad cunt

Lol guineas

His only mob-related conviction came a decade ago, when he was sentenced to 16 months in prison in an extortion scheme involving a failed attempt to build a NASCAR track on Staten Island.

They tried so hard to make this sound serious but I still laughed

Maybe a he trying to instigate the Mafia vs Trump?

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