Theory of radical centrism.

76  2019-03-21 by wfwfwfqwfqwef

For much time I have been seeing the word radical centrist talked about by this subreddit. The a is, what is the separation between a centrist and a radical centrist?

After much analyses and thought, I have come up with a simple working explanation.

Your normal centrist is, to put it bluntly, a cuckold. He mindlessly parrots the lies told to him by the media; to him, all is well. He decries the tribal tendencies of modern politics, but falls victim to the same by uncritically supporting the status quo.

In basing his political opinions off of what non-centrists think, he gains all the pitfalls of those non-centrist views while attaining none of their firebrand appeal. He is motivated solely by owning the cons/libs, and is thus influenced by them.

The radical centrist, meanwhile, is a free thinker. He takes the good views from both the right and the left while ignoring the retarded ideas they harbor.

Unlike the moderate centrist, who bases his political ideology off of what others think, the radical centrist complete disregards the opinions of the masses. Rather than falling prey to it, the radical centrist categorically rejects tribalism.

The radical centrist is an iconoclast. His ideology is composed of radical views people have been brainwashed by tribalism into thinking cannot coexist. He is the distillation of the good ideas of both sides.

Radical centrists do not have uniform political views, conflicting in what exactly they think either side gets right. They are instead unified by their rejection of politics as football teams.



Too long not gonna read tbh

Imagine being able to read.

Moderate Centrist = unepic

Radical Centrist = epic

This is the true radical centrist take for all threads.

Quite based and very centrepilled

Very nice language you're speaking burger.

A thank you is expected.

We sent our regards back in Washington in 1812.

Do we continue this dick measuring contest?

Burgers when will they learn

dick measuring

This isn't hog territory, chapo. Post bussy or queue up to get your commenting loicense.

I'll have you know that chapos are the lowest form of life to be found.

You'll find my loicence in my bussy m9, feel free to have a dig.

chapos are the lowest form of life to be found

Not as long as /r/MensLib exists.

Tfw a europoor thinks he could win a dick measuring contest with the world's most powerful army, largest navy, and first and second largest air forces.

Do you type it centerist? No?

Boring and diabetuspilled

Nice cope

epoc eciN

ƃ u ᴉ ɥ ʇ ǝ ǝ s


We're fighting?

Posting "cope" for a joke wasn't OK.

I totally realize most people are going to disagree with me here but I feel compelled to say that posting "cope" for a joke wasn't a very kind thing to do. We have seen TONS of posts from vulnerable populations talking about how this sub is a source of support and humor in a dark time. Irony and centrism aside, taking away that support without warning was not okay.

You can say I'm being silly, or humorless or reactionary. Whatever. I love bussy and I love this community. But sometimes I come home after dealing with ableism and our nightmare reality all day, and this sub is one of many things that make me feel better. It wasn't a good feeling to find a reply of "nice cope" for the sake of irony. Maybe that's laughable or pathetic. But for me, it's true.


Europoors OUT OUT OUT!!!

my football team is radical centrism

Mods are fags

Circa 2007

As a radical centrist, I simultaneously like this post for its content, and hate it for its length.

To paraphrase one of our own (RIP):

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replysr/Drama stickies 😷😷😷


As a radical centrist, I hate the theory of radical centrism.

radical centrist

You're a CA mod, you aren't centrist, radical or otherwise.

The C actually stands for centrist. Checkmate.

Centre American.

You're just proving my point. Inland-cels simply lack the iq to be centrists.

I thought it stood for California. Til.

I hate the "both sides" people, but they're right.

Wrong. Radical centrism isnt about picking the best policies from either side, its picking the most radical positions from each side. For example, a moderate centrist would be against genocide against anyone. A radical centrist would be in favor of 6 million dead nazis and jews. A radical centrist would be against abortion but in favor of killing babies. A radical centrist would be against sjws but in favor of sharia law. A radical centrist would be in favor of strict immigration laws but also in favor or replacing mayos with beautiful POC.

This is an obvious joke, but you need to remove all the references to killing. Admin rules regarding violenceposting. The rubber band is on and soon we're going to end up like a neutered goat.

soon we're going to end up like a neutered goat.

Wait, I thought we were already?

Ok I changed it, no killing references.

The overton window is constantly pushed left so wanting neutral/centrist things like NO AFFIRMATIVE ACTION is now considered nazism.


Irony is at the heart of every Radical Centrist. It's more important than freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

This but unironically

Op, you long winded bladder bag. You could make having sex sound boring.

As a volcel, I lack the firsthand experience necessary to do so.

Inshallah it stays that way.

Don't worry, I know not to fall into the clutches of the foid.

Your normal centrist is, to put it bluntly, a cuckold.

Oh shit, should I ask my wife back?

I just like it because I can enjoy all drama

There's actually zero difference between a centrist and a radical centrist. You imbecile. You fucking moron.

Radical centrists wear sunglasses and hawaiian shirts.

A radical centrist does not exist and that's a good thing.

Are radical centrists the übermensch?

Wrong and gay. A true radical centrist is skeptical of tribalism, but also the sees the benefits of belonging to a homogenous group. In addition, the smart centrist sees the danger of falling for groupthink, but respects the power of the mob to make changes.

honestly this is too long just post cum dude

What is the official radical centrist stance on cannibalism?

he uses cultural relativism

Sweet, the power to justify anything.

Maybe read some Montaigne. Very different than what you think you're attacking.

What's his best work?

There's only the one. His Essays.


implying you are so high and mighty that are above tribalism

the absolute state of "wannabe edgy but actually lame ans pretentious" dramacels

Radical centrism is the willingness to take radical action over absolutely nothing

The radical centrist, meanwhile, is a free thinker. He takes the good views from both the right and the left while ignoring the retarded ideas they harbor.

Being this wrong about radical centrism.

Radical centrism is about mindless tribalism of all sides at the same times. A true radical centrist is both fash and commie scum at the same exact time.

I think we should perfect fascism be we attempt a communist utopia.

No, a true radical centrist will maintain neutrality of literally everything. Everything. He does not agree nor disagree with any idea. He is the Taoist ideal of "no mind".

How euphoric of you


Oh no what happened? 😰😰😰

The problem with this is that your trying to make it an ideology. The point of the zeitgeist is replacing dogma with pragmaticism.