Oh man...

200  2019-03-22 by Oh_hamburgers_


Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


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Behave plz


I just want the joke to be the title not the people in the picture, but it's r/drama so I'm sure I'll get a reply saying "people".




It’s nice of pence to hang out with 4 retards, his wife may be mad he was in the presence of a retarded fussy without her present though.

I legit thought Pence was one of the downies. Dudes face looks like it's stitched over his real face. Reminds me of that "I, Robot" movie.

Holy shit that's good

You mean "mother".

"When even downies are smarter than your typical liberal"

😎Epic daddy supporter😎😎 putting retarded👎 libtard 👎tards in the fucking ground 💩👇☠☠

Based Boomer.

Good god, the post isn't bait.

I was 110% confident that it was a leftoid mocking drumpfies. Man, do we live in a society

Why would you think anything there is bait at this point?

gpt-2 finish this

“People who boast about their I.Q. are losers.”

liberals DESTROYED with FACTS and tard LOGIC

I'm calling my senators to argue in favor of cutting off social security

this thread will be a belter


Which one is the POTUS?

All the way on the right

The squinty eyed one

The big downy in the middle

Check hand size.

Do they turn into Downies when Trump is nearby?

Why is trump holding its hand doesn’t he know its infectious

Can’t catch what you already got

Reminder downies are actually Mongolian spies



The Eternal Khan

If Genghis Khan was Down's that makes his deeds all the more epic.

Downsald Trump

You know what, say what you want the fucking magahats stick together. Meanwhile Democrats can't even fart without calling out one another over bullshit.

Problematic ass gasses

You're cancelled

Complete lack of any real purity testing is the reason why the entire conservative movement is under the control of a addled tv star with no idea what the fuck hes doing tho.

Yeah but it's also why he won, the right will take in any mongoloid as long as he vote the right way. The left would rather lose than not permanently try to outwoke each other.

Watch as Tulsi, Kamalah and Warren outwoke Bernie, Beto and Biden by making reparations one of the primary focus of these elections and subsequently lose again.

Tulsi won't compete in the woke Olympics. But she won't be in consideration either.

Tulsi is homophobic, she's a non starter and I'll be shocked if she even gets invited to a debate.

this isn't true at all, what do you think the tea party was about? this is just what "purity" looks like on the right

it's hard to tell when the American right wing is doing a purity test because it's just a race to be the most retarded


>no idea what he's doing

>economy is doing great and you're not president

Really makes you think

We are teetering on a resession right now, let's not celebrate yet.

Sorry OP made fun of you, dude. But at least you finally have one of your kind in the whitehouse.

Who am I laughing at? Who's making the joke? Why is the little dudes tie so perfectly long?

It's Trump Style.

Smh these could have all been successful abortions.

What a great picture. POTUS looks so happy to meet these awesome people.

I don't even.

Is this the new cabinet?

It's so nice of Mike Pence to take them all on a field trip

Why would the /r/drama mod team, supposedly committed to radical centrism, meet with Daddy 😦😧😩

This comment sounds like it was written by someone who's never had a blowjob from a downsyndrome before.

Its unethical to say no. Only someone who thought less of tards would turn them down.

based and florespilled

Fuck off don't put that idea in my mind.

Now this is what I call a representative democracy

You should just post the comments really.

lol Imagine if George Carlin was still alive.

Is it just me or is Pence way better at pretending to not be uncomfortable?

Didn't even realise he was there. Blends in perfectly.

This is too pure at the core for me to care about the drama, they're just really happy to meet the president.

Lol faggot

Looks like Eric Trump on the right

Isn't Eric the one that has his gums taking up 50% of his face?

Tbh I just remembered that all of Trump's sons look retarded, (except for darling Baron) and Eric was the only one I remembered.

Lmao, they one on the right even got the ridiculous tie length right.

Why is Trump doing photo-ops with TMOR users?

Daddy finally had a meetup with the mods from T_D 😍😍😍

It’s over for potato-cels.

You can see Mike Pence holding back the urge to use his lightning powers to purge the unclean.

Yikes dat agendapost

If you think making fun of 6 downies is an agenda post you’re on the wrong subreddit

So happy Daddy finally agreed to do a meetup with some based pedes! This T_D meetup looks fun!

What an adorable family photo

I'm going to hell after looking at this picture. Of this I'm certain

Anyone remember The Tard Blog?

I'd quote some, but that LongPostTwat would be right along to give me jip.

Accept the punishment and do it anyways.