Commies foam at the mouth in /r/pics when confronted by the sight of police officers

203  2019-03-23 by Ultach


On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


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I always love these.

You know in stats that 40% of cops are domestic abusers?


You know despite being a minor part of the population blacks make up -


Imagine this back and forth forever with the occasional retard communist who wants a government to have absolute power call people bootlickers nonstop lol

Commies being retarded? Wow you don't say

That 40% reminds me of another statistic 🤔

two other statistics actually

Wait what's the third one?

Wait what’s the fourth one.

Communist suicide rate

40% of all suicidal trans cops who commit domestic violence own pitbulls who eat 53% of babies. I think I heard that somewhere. Or maybe I'm just getting confused.












The statistic itself is extremely flawed. It had a sample size of around 400 and was self reported. Meaning it was probably a questionnaire where the surveyors decided what was abuse.

Wasn't it "40% of police households have abuse"? AKA, including cops being abused?

Oh yeah that too. The whole study was sketchy as fuck.

There's this other 40% statistic I think they wouldn't be as gleeful in hearing

The Schrödinger's 40%

That’s the best one

What is the other one?

the one that says 40% of transpeople attempt suicide?

That's the weirdest thing. They always fall back on muh ACAB, but make gulag jokes. What organized enforcement body is going to be disappearing Jews and kulaks for their gulags? Obviously they want their own pigs, but are they not bastards if they have a different name?

The people’s stick, comrade.

Internet commies are what internet atheists were fiver years ago.

That's more like a decade. 5 years ago we were just entering the internet fascist/nazi era which I think we are slowly leaving now

Wonder what'll be next

cyberpunk irl please

We're already getting there. Slowly but surely we'll all be shitting on NEETs who blew all of their parent's money on waifu androids and kibble

Communism, then back to libertarianism, then when the ecological substructure of the Earth finally goes off the rails back to fascism as people become super insular

/r/drama culture going mainstream

middle schoolers saying dude bussy lmao

all politicians calling themselves centrist despite being just as leftoid and rightoid as before

And in five years those idpol losers will come to /r/Drama and admit they were Internet commies/fascists in their early teens.

fascist/nazi era

only really existed on 4chan

Youtube and places where video game losers cingregate are chock full of nazis

You are thinking of 2008, which was 11 years ago.

tfw 1990 was 700 years ago

The only people who seem to win are religious people cause we spend less time on the internet

Internet Atheists were never this annoying

Yeah they were. /r/Atheism used to be a default sub back in the day.

Maybe its because I hate communist more but I never found them this annoying.

This is what happens when you call cops

So, when I call the cops on, say, a neighbor having a loud party at 4am they might get their ass beat? Sign me up.

What is your neighbor's skin tone?

An enderman and a creeper

What does it matter? I see white people getting kicked in the head and shit in the video.

So the mayos survived?


There was another shitshow on a mother dauther cops thread.. chapo has been busy today

Coppy Drama is becoming my favorite drama. It just shows how fucking retarded chapos are. If they really wanted a "revolution" allying themselves with cops and the military would be the smartest thing to do. But that doesn't allow them to be edgy and pown the chuds 😎

They refuse to align themselves with cops and even go as far as to say they want to kill every single cop in the revolution. They refuse to stockpile weapons because they're genuinely afraid having weapons available will make half of them kill themselves. Absolutely none of them serve in the military because they're literally losers so there's no support there.

The question I'm asking myself is how do they expect to actually win.

Well only 40% of them will kill themselves. At least get the number right.


That reminds me of another statistic...

2 other statistics actually

so many fun uses for just one number! wow!

Yeah something about police

how do we get it to 100%

Dick pics. That’s how we win.

Their hope is that they stockpile enough of mom and dad’s money to sustain themselves in the basement until all the cops and positions of authority pass away. When that is done there will clearly be no one to oppose their rise to power

Let’s be real. They don’t want to actually accomplish anything, they just want to be pieces of shit that post non-stop on the internet. They think charity is bad, they think voting is bad, and most of them know their revolution will never happen. There’s nothing left but being a waste of space.

Bernie Sanders and AOC will come running to the frontlines with Ghetto Blasters to save them and win the war!

You’re putting me in the awkward position of defending chapos. The police are part of the state and the fact that you turn over many of your rights to the state and in return the state stops anarchy and provides order and safety in the form of the police. So in a revolution the first to go would be the police.

Don’t chapos want more power from the state though? Who is gonna enforce the states power if not the police or military in their communist scenarios.

Technically there is no state in a communist utopia

Well, good luck with that lol.

I don't think they're advocating anything so stupid, I think they're just laying down the facts about what communists actually want.

My good luck was directed to the chapos

Police are people, people can be convinced. If a country wants to seize a city it's not as simple as moving troops through, you need your laws to be the laws of that city or they'll fall out of your control the minute the troops move on; which is why you need to bring the police to your side or replace them. They want a revolution but have no army, convincing the police to flip somewhere is pretty much their easiest option.

Cops are people too. Only worse

H I V E M I N D *intensifies

she looks a little chunky to pass the physical exam!

Nah, that’s a real woman, thick and hearty.

Getting arrested is a rite of passage in America, like losing your virginity or a bar mitzvah. Like if you’ve never been arrested before than you’re either too boring and miserable to be worth the cop’s time or you might be a white woman.

🐷🐽oink oink🐽🐷

Anarchists make me wish I’d become a cop.

My hero

Imagine getting paid to kill commies. dream job right there

Absolutely based.

Based and anti-commie pilled.

All cops are BASTARDS. And that includes whatever dumb bastard cop you happen to be related to.

Careful, you might get the urge to kill yourself from all this rage

Back to cth you retarded subhuman

You have to go back, fucktard


Lol, what?

Copsucker say what?

That's the most retarded attempt at calling someone a bootlicker I've ever seen

That old man definitely didn't kill any black people, but if he did they deserved it.

If it weren't for law and order, the people who bitch about law and order would be the ones who were hunted for sport by vigilante gangs.

Which is ironic because they want to abolish law so they can continue to trash places and set things on fire

Hopefully the next time I read about them is after they get ambushed

Cops are not bastards, but they are not the "protect and serve" dream crowd to drool over either, to be honest.