Horseshoe theory proven right yet again as r/Chapo celebrates terrorist attacks on Jews.

367  2019-03-25 by Ghdust2


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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If he didn't want to get stabbed, he shouldn't have been stealing people's land.


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this novelty won't get you very far if you use it in any lefty subs. Immediate ban I'm certain

What if I post a dick pick?

Cth bans hogposters

Is that in reference to Luxemburg?

No, Rosa Parks.

Based. SPD and the Freikorps did absolutely nothing wrong.


It’s fucking hilarious that they actually think some 5 million people living in literal slums can topple a first world country with a military budget that is twice the gdp of palestine

Well, Vietnam would lose a fight toe to toe with America, but they made it unpleasant enough for the US to leave.

And millions of them died. If that happens to Palestine it'll be flattened.

And the Viets are so poor, that they are the Mexicans in China.

Palestinians only exist because of the excessive restraint of Israel

Israelies only exist because they guilt trip the mayos and Uncle Sam supports them because the Arabs are retards who'd rather die instead of compromise and win in the end.

Seriously if the inbred Arabs wise up like Saudi, Israel is done for.

excessive restraint

I wish Israel goes all out. They know it's not in their best interest.

Yeah Israel is so restrained in their approach to the Palestinians. That's why they're colonizing Judea and Samaria, ethnically cleansing it, and attempting to annex it as we speak. That is the behavior of a restrained force.

It's hilarious how colonizers always pat themselves in the back for their restraint. Man I could do a holocaust, you should be grateful I don't. Literally it's like trying to bargain with the owner of a home you're burglarizing that you could murder them.

Rhodesians always used to pull this shit too, man were soooooo good for just not killing all the niggers in a second holocaust, ain't we basically Mother Mary.

I honestly think you might be the least popular user here. Even the MDEtards sorta act like court jesters.

He needs to be more extreme, not just generic politics cryposting.

Well before (((they))) leave israel voluntarily the human race would probably be extinct

I mean the West Bank. It really depends on how long the Israeli voters who are made up of draftees feel like defending a bunch of nutjob settlers who think a sky wizard handed them a piece of land.

As far as I've heard people in IDF are pretty left compared to the rest of the country

What they realize that the settlers are making them look bad?

Why the fuck do they allow people to go into the west Bank and set up a house and live there? They really have no control over that? It's a deliberate strategy of colonization.

They know and they are for it, never be fooled, even the most moderate of Israelis is still scum and believes in the right of return of the jews to their "homeland", he can be the most secular person who has never believed in God or religion but he'll still spout Jewish prophecies that most civilized people would call the talk of lunatics. If Israel didn't have the power that it did, zionism would be akin to mental illness and would be rightly grouped along with Nazism and white supremacy.

I'm still not convinced that you're not just doing this ironically.

In this moment, i am unironic.

No dense jungle, a fraction of the size of Vietnam, no need to sort through allied natives vs enemy natives as they'd all be the enemy.

If Israel actually wanted the Palestinians gone they have them all out or dead in a month.

Too much bad publicity. They'd be treated like North Korea by everyone in the world but the American Christian right.

Yeah, but it's kind of heading that way anyway.

Except they don't really give a shit about political support. They buy it from politicians rather than trying to generate it with autistic screeching on twitter like we do here. As a result they are free to bomb whomever they want and they do.

based and zionpilled

If the far left treated Israel like North Korea it‘d be an improvement.

If the far left treated Israel like Donald Trump treats North Korea it‘d be an improvement.

Yeah Israel is so compassionate for not genociding the Palestinians. The Palestinians should be so thankful Israel does not launch another genocide against them. Just like the Jews thank Germany every day for not launching another holocaust.

This but unironically

Wait, do you get to claim you're being genocided just because you lost a conflict you started, even if you're the only one saying that your main objective to eradicate your enemy "worldwide"? That's pretty convenient.

Vietnam wasn't an existential threat to USA. They just thought it isn't worth the cost. They were in no position to cause any significant daamage to the country itself and the Americans weren't in a position where they had to leave their country of USA backed off from the conflict.

Israel won't showing similar restraint against the pallies and if the samson option truly exists it would be catastrophic for the region.

of course vietnam was a threat. haven't you ever heard of the domino theory? if vietnam fell to the communists the rest of the world wasnt far behind

Didn't happen when China fell.

sure it did. china lead to korea, which lead to vietnam, which would have lead to laos, cambodia, malaysia, thailand, indonesia etc if we didn't go and stop it from happening.

North Korea was already red, and Vietnam was also on its way since Wilson blew Ho Chi Minh away.

It did help them getting redder, though.

Can we not do the peasants in sandals bullshit please? The Vietminh defeated the French in conventional warfare and a lot of that was due to their superiority in artillery. Without massive material support from China that never would have been possible.

I did not deny the help they got from CCP, but it was already underway.

Maybe French would hold Vietnam, but North Korea was already lost.

Yeah fuckin right

The problem with domino theory was that it treated communism as a massive monolith, rather than recognizing the friction between communists countries. Soon after the Vietnam War, Communist Vietnam soon fought Communist China for independence.

yeah, the cold warriors were retarded

My family’s defense portfolio says otherwise

Vietnam was also literally directly responsible for the end of the Khmer Rouge lol.

Which they were propping up before their dog starting biting them.

Do they still get credit when they were the ones that created, trained, and financed the Khmer Rouge and only retaliated when they were attacked, long after the mass-killings began?

Reminds me of Al-Qaeda. The Vietnamese must have really looked up to Americans if they were willing to emulate them so much.

What timeline are you living in? It was the US that funded and provided military support to the Khmer Rouge.

I'm living in the real world, unlike your fentanyl clouded ass. Your statement doesn't even contradict anything I said, it's just an overstated "B-b-b-but the Ameriburgers...!" That's like trying to say that the Chinese never backed the Khmer Rouge because they had also backed the Vietcong before.

Jesus Christ your retarded

This comment is too beautiful to not be bait

Trolling is a art

It is, just watermark's usually not that great.

Israel is an existential threat to Palestine. Why should the Palestinians pull any punches to a country currently invading their homeland and getting to genocide them?

Based and Hamaspilled

Lmao if you think search and destroy was bad just wait till Israel feels genuinely under threat by Palestine. It would be turned into a car park in a week.

the israelis got their shit pushed in by hezbollah in lebanon though

True but I doubt they'd pull any punches if it was a full on war on Israeli soil.

Implying that Israel pulls punches

You have no idea how Israel is restrained by its own legal counsel. In case of total war, Israel would steamroll the region with no problem. Speaking from experience (3 years mandatory service, 10 years reservist, all combat), even in Lebanon Israel fought with 1.5 hands tied behind our backs. The US was begging Israel to lay off Lebanese infrastructure because the fight was with Hezbollah (as if there's a difference). Now that Hezbollah is fully a part of the government, the next war with them will be brutal. I've seen my brigade's offensive plans, there will be far less restraint next time.

IDF is striking hamas right now btw, after a rocket destroyed a house

Good luck lol

That only worked because no Americans lived in Vietnam.

Sure plenty of Americans lived in Vietnam. Israelis have no business living in the west Bank. They are invaders.

If Nixon wasn't ousted, Vietnam would still be split in two. There was a peace treaty as a result of America clobbering Hanoi every day with b-52s for weeks but since Nixon was thrown out, the NVA kept making little tests of ARVN until they realized a.) that ford wouldn't be following through with the deal of replacing every piece of equipment ARVN lost and b.) that Ford would not bring American troops or planes back to help them.

DAE it as Amerimutts who ACTUALLY won the vietnam war?

Imagine coping this had 😂😂😂

My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


And also the Khmer Rouge would still be in power.

Unlikely. Someone would have annexed Cambodia by.

The Vietnamese had the advantage of the defeatist lefty American media trumpeting their cause. The Palestinians haven’t figured out yet that the one thing the vast majority of Israelis agree on is “fuck the Palestinians, well talk when they stop vowing to kill us”.

Hahahahaha yeah the liberal media hates the military so much

LOL that's why the nyt had supported and cheerleaded for every war we've.

But wouldn’t it be awesome if they did?

>First World Country

Measles was eradicated in First World Countries. Israelis have been bringing their infected over here to New York and at this point, I don't give a fuck. We blocked people from entering the country over Ebola and Zika, but we're letting people come in from Israel with fucking measles.

lmao then get your antivaxxers under control before you call yourself a first world country

Most of our anti-vaxxers are jews though and we're not allowed to round them up and inject them with anything anymore.

assuming human vaccine works on (((them)))


Not even radiation works on a cockroach


Vaccines should be mandatory for all international travel imo. I've played plague inc, I know how this shit works yo

It's not about toppling them. Nobody thinks the Palestinians are going to literal occupy all Israel and defeat the IDF. The point is to about them until they give up the colonization efforts. It depends on how much blood Israel is willing to spend to and Judea and Samaria.

That just highlights how pathetic Israelis are that they're this paranoid when they have a 20 foot concrete wall between them and between a nation under poverty.

so uh...I honestly don't follow any of this but are the jews bad because they're picking on the poor palestinians who just want some place to call home or are the palestinians bad because they keep terrorizing the jews over shit that isn't theirs? I am so lost

As a true radical centrist my stance is that both sides are [r-slur]ed. The Jews because they are (((Jews))) and the Palestinians because they are actually so [r-slur]ed that every time the public opinion seems to shift in their favor the hamas send another rocket to the tourists in Tel Aviv and then wonder why nobody helps them


As a radical centrist, I believe both can't behave.

Honestly? Both are bad. But Palestinians, at least, don't have a PIDF and don't scream "Palocoast" every time they pull of some shady shit, so that makes them marginally better. All while trying to build wannabe-nazi state for true Jews.

They do have an endless supply of sexless suicidal savages and c4.

These terrorists did kill two people though. A suprise attack on a soldier and a fifty year old rabi & father of 12

The toughest targets

Terrorism is such an abused term.

Like racism is too. Lets stop abusing both words.

Like racism is too. Lets stop abusing both words.

Counter idea. Abuse it more. The slightest infraction against you should be considered a terroristic or racist action.

Terroracism fuck yeah

"It's only terrorism when the Israelis do it"

Literally yes, anything else is simply resistance, i'd normally have qualms if the victim was a civilian, but this is literally an IDF soldier so i would do a dabke dance over his dead body if i could.

You don't wanna be stabbed to death? don't hold arms in lands foreign to you and actively engage in invasion.

Only an IDF died. Who cares ?

Either conquer a place like men (i.e. don't rely on Uncle Sam) and finish the job or die like bitches.


Everyone knows jews can't fight on their own. But they suuuure as hell can manipulate other people to fight for them.

That's why they're the alphas of the human species

they're the alphas of the human species

Sure they are. Kicked out from each place, genocided, rely on emotional appeals, beg for reparations but somehow they're alpha.

suuuure as hell can manipulate other people

So can foids.

Q.E.D. Women are the Jews of gender


This but unironically



the soldiers are zoomers too you brainlets

And ?

He wasn't a krav maga chad kind of zoomer either, more like just out of school wanting to go to college kind.

Well, what're you gonna do ?

Both retards can't behave.

Also the palestinian shot some rabbi on the street with the stolen gun.

He did ?

If he did then this changes things. Can't kill clerics. No sir.

The guy was trying to go for an irl gta, it seems like:

The attacker used this weapon to fire toward vehicles that were in the area. He then entered a car whose driver escaped in fear, and used the car to drive to the nearby Gitai Junction, where he opened fire on a bus stop. He later fled in the direction of Burqin.

And the rabbi was shooting back in self defense apparently, if I got it correctly.

According to the military, the assailant approached the Ariel commercial center at around 10:00 A.M on Sunday, stabbed a man, grabbed his weapon, and began firing at nearby vehicles. He then entered a vehicle whose driver had fled, fired at a hitchhiking station, and escaped.  

Thanks for this. Dumb fuck.

And holy shit, 47 year old Rabbi has a dozen children.

I've started actively seriousposting again, I don't like that.

Also, the right wingers are having/gonna have the time of their lives with all the escalation two weeks before the elections.

And holy shit, 47 year old Rabbi has a dozen children.

Religious people have more children in general, which is kind of scary, at least as an abstract concept (not in relation to any concrete country or religion). Though I guess it can be okay, if the general cultural influence is stronger than influence from the familiy members.

Religious people have more children in general, which is kind of scary,

Aren't these Rabbis non violent or something ?

No I meant in general, not in israel, since I consider religion (not faith though) one of the most dangerous things for the modern society. You know, I like the uhhh progressive values, like bussy appreciation acceptance, being a thing, and they usually go against religious fundamentalism.

Also the guy shot back at the terrorist lol.

Yeah I don't think the middle east is going to abandon religion anytime soon.

Something tells me you might be right

I'm always right.😎

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And now they're both dead

A rabbi died too though

Yeah someone informed after I posted this.

CTH is fun because it's exactly like MDE except the nutjobs are leftist trannies instead of angsty incels and on top of that it's never going to get banned.

instead of angsty incels

You sure?

I'm sure a good few of them are in relationships with trannies or nb(hairy) landwhales, unable to leave or admit they aren't attracted to them at all because that would be heckin problematic sweaty

It’s like a modern version of Hamlet’s soliloquy.

“To be an incel, or to fuck disgusting people of indeterminate gender, that is the question...”

The trussy tolls for thee

In poly relationships where they don't get any. Does that even count? I'd wager it's much worse than being single.

A fun game is to go on r/polyamory and try and work out which of the men in mmf relationships is going to kill everyone in the house then themselves first.

All of them

I mean poly is good if you're into it but if you're not it's just being cucked with extra steps

Poly is only good if its mfffffff+ anything else is cucked

Woah brother, the maximum number of wives is four (4), any more is haram

One sheik (I forget who) has unironically asked the locals to try and keep it to four wives IRL.

I don't understand how two dudes on one chick is cucked if they are both in her at the same time, tbf.

It's simple, there are only two possibilities. Either your girl has another man's dick in her mouth, or she has another man's dick in her gussy. Either way, it's a cuck situation for all men involved

Women have an anus too you bigot

Yea but then your balls might touch and BAM, you've got the g-slurs

It's hard to be an incel when there's a bunch of 5/10 normies becoming trannies in the hopes of dating other ugly trannies

implying trannies aren't incels

they WERE incels, but then they became 3/10 trannies and all started dating each other and calling themselves "transbians"

Gays are just incels with STDs

A large portion of trannies are incel manlets who accepted their fate

Mde didn't censor themselves, so they were funny at times, unlike Chapo

MDE didn't censor themselves but they had a problem with running jokes into the ground by repeating them ad nauseum. They had no concept of subtlety or restraint.

but they had a problem with running funny jokes into the ground by repeating them ad nauseum

I can relate to that. Dude bussy, lmao.

Dude “dude buddy lmao” lmao

Dude "dude “dude bussy lmao” lmao" lmao

"Dude bussy lmao" being run into the ground is itself a meme. Can't say that about MDE memes because despite the many layers of irony they were wrapped up in, they still had an underlying core right wing message (and is therefore tribalistic, manipulative garbage). The bussy meme is special in that it is literally pure irony from core to surface, an example of comedy that transcends political alignments, and is therefore worthy of being repeated like a timeless, sacred text or mantra.

Dude nigger lmao just isn't the same type of humor, sweaty.

The bussy meme is special in that it is literally pure irony from core to surface, an example of comedy that transcends political alignments, and is therefore worthy of being repeated like a timeless, sacred text or mantra.

No bro I'm pretty sure it just means you're a giant fag.

Low IQ reply. I don't expect MDEcels to understand the refined subtleties of centrist humor though, considering the height of it consists mostly of using naughty words to elicit shock reactions and telling themselves they're just being next-level ironic and detached when deep down everyone knows they are actually still seething over their parent's loveless marriage/messy divorce.

No bro I'm unironically calling you an unironically giant fag.

still seething over their parent's loveless marriage/messy divorce.

Said the unironically giant fag.

How many loads in your asshole will it take to finally make up for never having your real Daddy's love?

Hi, nmx179!

I am dropping by to wish you the most fantastic day of your life! Have a good one!



repetitive memes

How many loads up the ass do you think it will take to punish your parents for not hugging you enough?

😴 Did you copy that one from a book of pre-written insults? Sad.

Says the guy who spends all his free time in a subreddit unironically arguing with retards

all his free time

Not really at all though?

Are you even fooling yourself?

If you think I spend more than small and occasional amounts of time here, you're unironically one of the retards i spend "all my free time" arguing with.

You're getting pretty defensive for someone I'm so wrong about

How tf is dude bussy irony?

"Dude bussy lmao" is a play on "dude weed lmao", which is an ironic catch phrase to make fun of stoner culture for having no comedy standards when it comes to the topic of weed (which they consume unironically). But unlike weed, or even "nigger", bussy is never used in an unironic way. People don't unironically say they want bussy or plan to get bussy, it's always a joke word even among the gays, purely ironic. So when people on /r/drama say "dude bussy lmao" they are using an ironic catch phrase to make fun of drama culture for having no comedy standards when it comes to the use of irony. There is no part of the phrase that could be interpreted in any other way than ironic in any context.

Effortposting in 2019, yikes!

I'll do almost anything for /r/drama, even endure the shame and jeers of being seen as an effortposter. I unironically love this place and its culture.

The admins can't ban this place soon enough


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Finally automod doing something useul

Based and relatablepilled

It's over for "it's over for ____-cels"-cels

Very true. Braaap jokes and "in Minecraft" comes to mind.

MDE didn't censor themselves but they had a problem with running funny jokes into the ground by repeating them ad nauseum.

That certainly sets them apart from anything else on reddit.

Too many seriousposting 56%-amerimutt /pol/-tards.

ethnonationalists, especially American ones, a fucking retarded.

where the new mde sub now that stonetoss banned? or are they all just here now?

edit: yikes just checked you post history

Yikers oof whoopsies

where the new mde sub now that stonetoss banned?


matt christman is sam hyde

beware the cth to alt right to g4p pipeline

Ironically, a lot of trannies are also incels.

Tbf that does sound pretty metal

A 19 year old having to stab a fully armed soldier says far more about Israel than anything about "terrorism" or Palestinians.

So sad, what else was he to do? There is no fundamental difference between this and dying from cancer. 😔

At least with cancer you have the choice to get chemo or something. There was no preventing the stabbing.

the soldier is 18 to 21 i like how they use the sandniggers age to make us feel sorry for him lol

He is a willing representative of an invading army. Every idf soldier is a legitimate target.

"willing" is a stretch in a country with a draft.

What can i do officer? take arms and be ready for the possibility of killing another human being whom i'm actively partaking in the invasion of his homeland? or go to jail for a bit and face scrutinization from future employers and from my relatives? the choice is hard give me a slack!

Those nazis straight out of hitler's youth though? they can all go to hell.

Wonderful strawman you built for yourself there

I’d like for you to explain how in the fuck could this be considered a strawman you fucking mong?

I could but looking at your profile I think I've got better things to do with my time than explain them to a racist Muslim supremacist seriousposter

Imagine not being a muslim supremacist

Inshallah ahi

You're a legitimate target. This song says how everyone on reddit feels about you:

How about they send their best rocket, and then israel sends their best rocket?

Sure, when you're wearing a uniform and not concealing weapons.

Unlike Palestinian terrorists

Imagine being so pathetic you need advanced firearms to arm yourself against rocks and dull knives and still FAIL lmao, If Israel wasn't sucking america's tit dry they would have no chance standing up for themselves, they had to be gifted the land by the british because they couldn't even do their own invading, pathetic ethnicity with an even more pathetic history that has nothing of value worth mentioning.

I will strike you with 30 shoes for your insolence.

Based and AntiSemitepilled

Wtf I love chapocels now

Seriousposting for a second here.

What the fuck?

Drama introduced me to Chapo and I really don’t understand how any of them think they’ll ever be taken seriously. Like if you really want to instate communism there are ways you can argue for it that may convince people. Condoning murder/terrorism isn’t one of them.

They’re just edgy left wing nerds. /pol/ for communists.

They claim to be pol for commies but they are afraid of slurs and whine too much

no that's /leftypol/, chapo is wannabe leftypol like T_D is wannabe pol

Unironically the entire American left forgot that the aim of a political movement is to convince people to your side

You mean it's not about feeling smug self-righteousness as you get the little orange arrows and watch the number go up on Reddit?

Yes, I read his comment and he most likely meant exactly that.

Everybody goes through a "daddy's little revolutionary" phase. CTH are unfortunate enough to being going through theirs on Reddit with all of us to see.

Not necessarily, riling people up against the other side works extremely well too. Probably better sometimes because your depiction of “those bad guys we need to beat” doesn’t even have to be grounded in reality, it just has to make people mad.

They are anti-fa. Violence is part of the attraction.

Seriousposting here for a second

Chapo is hella dumb but this is one of their least dumb takes yet

teenage edgelord post saying dead jews = good xD

Sounds retarded to me

I mean it's a war

One soldier killed an enemy soldier

If they didn't wanna die they shouldn't have invaded another country.

Country invades and occupies another country. Person in the occupied country kills an invader troop. That's pretty standard thing to do. What do you want people to do in that situation, exactly? What more justified target IS there than an enemy soldier?

serious posting for a second here



American leftism makes more sense when viewed as a social movement for urban professionals, rather than a traditional political party.

"urban professionals"

This was a warrior of one country killing an enemy soldier of an occupying invading military force. It is terrorism in no sense of the war. Idf soldiers are legitimate targets.

Chapo out

I really don’t understand how any of them think they’ll ever be taken seriously.

Damn. They're not serious. The point of edgy posts like this is that they're a mirror of what's acceptable to say about Palestinians in the mainstream.

To even assume chapo posters are serious is weird to me. Chapo isn't millennial Weather Underground.

This isn't terrorism, the person killed was a soldier, killing soldiers is resistance and if you weren't such a pathetic burger you would've understood this stuff.

Something being a resistance doesn't make it morally permissible. Under your same logic, any invasion is justified as long as the invading force only kills soldiers.

Invading and being invaded are on opposite ends.

Dude there is another post up right now where they are super happy that antifa beat the shit out of a bernie supporter because he had an american flag. Basically anyone who holds an american flag is a fascist and should be assaulted.

Chapo are... special.

Good lord, what is going on in there?

Good. Kikes deserve everything they get

Seriousposting 😂🤣😂

You don't hate someone because of something they can't change. You don't ask to be born Jewish.

You hate someone for things they can change but refuse. EX: You don't have to be backstabber, thief, dog fucker or a serious poster.

Besides, I think it's real shitty that an entire country is hiding behind their religion and race . That's not supposed to exclude from them from being called out on their bullshit. That should force them to be held to a higher standard, but here we are.

No dude I'm pretty sure I hate kikes. Holocaust should have happened and all that

🤷 Ohi vey! 🤷

Besides, I think it's real shitty that an entire country is hiding behind their religion and race . That's not supposed to exclude from them from being called out on their bullshit. That should force them to be held to a higher standard, but here we are.

controversial opinion

Well, it's the only country that can pull off being softcore-nazism, while screeching about Holocaust to other ones.


Shooting soldiers doesn't make you a terrorist.

it's not terrorism if they're uniformed soldiers

It's generally a good habit but you probably shouldn't sort this one by controversial.

These are the same people that cheer on the murder of children by the IRA. They are run of the mill edge lords that somehow convinced themselves they are moral crusaders.

The Ira didn't want to kill any children, those were human shields set up by the British. Fact.

Palestinians deserve everything they get from Israel.

Chapo are anti-semites? Big shock! /s

He killed a soldier at least, not a random old man at a bus stop.

Actually, he took the soldier's gun and shot a rabbi on the street.

He also chose the least imposing soldier who was just standing on a post thinking about, I dunno, ashkenazi stuff, watched him and attacked when he wasn't paying attention.

This unironically makes me happy, one less rabbi to spread his bullshit, 12 kids is a lotta mouths for the state to feed!

Leftoids: Support Palestine

Rightoids: Support Isreal

Radical Centrists: Let's support both 🤭

Radical Centrists: Think that since they can't behave Germany and USA should rule them as one state.

Tubular Centrist : . Nuke both- - Or give Israel and Palestine to China and have them turn the entire country into a Foxxcom manufacturing plant.

Implying (((we))) wouldn't start running China if that happens


China loves us Jews, they'd lay down the red carpet.

no, unfortunately the British aren't currently colonizing China so they wouldn't be able to give it to you on a gold platter like they did with Palestine.

MarLib: Sell guns to both sides

"It's justified if it's against an 'invading force'" is almost an exact quote from the Christchurch shooter's manifesto lmao

Ding ding ding

CTH is white supremacy for people who hate white people

ding ding ding

r/allicide needs to happen soon

Innocent civilians VS literally a uniformed soldier in the opposing army

irrelevant retard. just because you have a uniform doesn't mean you should be randomly murdered.

A take so stupid it can only be made by a zionist scum, it isn't some uniform you fucking mong, this uniform comes with an assault rifle and a licence to kill when provoked, and for pearl-clutching blood-thristy Jews, that provocation may be simply a kid giving them a bad look.


pearl-clutching blood-thirsty jews


Yes, 49 muslims in that mosque were wearing tactical gear, an assault rifle, and a licence to kill with little repercussions from the state.

If you actually think like this it might be because you're mentally retarded.

all these anti-Israel seriousposters coming out of the woodworks on this post LOL

mayos can't handle the superior jewish genes

Superior Jewish genes

Those fuckers literally have services that tell couples whether they're too inbred to reproduce, can you imagine the amount of incest that must've occurred through 3000 years?

That's how you protect your superior genes, silly

Hmm turns out the Jews were just playing 6-pointed figure chess.

forget it jake, it's /r/drama

And the rabbi he killed?

Ironic since actual far right terrorists like McVeigh actually conspired with Muslim extremists like the ones they're making excuses for.

Make you wonder what kind of "hate" they're against.

Soldier equipped with OMA gets pwned by newbie using Commando Pro.

How the fuck is that not “glorifying violence” it would be great if the admins enforced any rules whatsoever.

Justified imo


Inshahallah, Allah shall strike down the infidels

Yea, I'll never be comfortable shitposting about terrorists, but you do you...

If you don’t shitpost then the terrorists win

If you don’t terrorist..wait.

Ty for ur concern

Israel more like isntreal

Low effort

My favorite part is the JIDF explaining that American soldiers deserve to be killed but Israeli soldiers are just innocent boys and girls, not imperialists.

I don't think I've ever seen a single pro-idf anti-american-army person

That sub is worse than racism. You can report it over and over and nothing ever gets done.

Fighting IDF soldiers who occupy Palestine = literal nazis

Anyone who believes Horseshoe theory has a pea brain

That thread is astroturfed to shit lmao, one of the top comments is by someone with the username throwaway53636363636 or some shit

It was an attack on a military target. I cannot call this terrorism. Any idf soldier in uniform is by definition a legitimate target. That's who the Palestinians should be concentrating on in their attacks.

Reminder that these posters are actually children. You are talking to children on the internet.

Every single person who posts on Chapo is legit sick in the head, and yes I get the irony about being a drama poster but fuck, they're evil.

Can’t believe I have to fucking defend chapocels here:

Attacking a soldier isn’t a terrorist attack. Your purpose as a soldier is literally to defend your country by any means necessary. Anyone attacking any soldier on any side is fair game in any scenario

Chapos can celebrate the death of jews without getting banned but

Drama. Cant. Even. Ping.

Looks like there's one thing the Left and Right can agree on they both hate Jews.

A Chappo thinks all Kurds are located in the Northern 3rd of Iraq....there is a shock.