Michael Avenatti Is Charged With Trying to Extort Nike

384  2019-03-25 by Communist_101


Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


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Imagine that there was a brief period where democrats thought he was a respectable man. ROFL!

It is really weird that you're imagining that tbh

Jr's on Tucker tonight.

Things are getting spicier by the second

fucking rightoids are on a roll right now.

Avenatti is such a dumbass. He wouldn't even be famous if he didn't speak out against Trump.

Well that was the plan. Use Trump to raise his profile and Twitter clout. Then use that clout to extort whales like Nike.

imagine getting a law degree so that you can go on CNN 200 times talking shit about politics until you have enough followers to make it so the CEO of Nike will actually hear through the grapevine and get a chance to laugh about it when you get arrested for sperging at their law firm on the phone

I think I could imagine you doing that, since you're the current sperglord.

Trump effectively implied he intends to send Barr after his political enemies earlier today. Hour or so later, SDNY/CDCA hammers Avenatti.

Yikes... not the best timeline of events. Not a good look.

The SDNY and the FBI started recording Avenatti 6 days ago when Nike contacted them.

So Nike, who has Kaepernack as a spokesman, is doing favors for Trump now?

Wewewewewew lads.

So Nike, who has Kaepernick as a spokesman, is doing favors for Trump now?

Welcome to liberalism


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Oh no an overpowered central executive will one day use the sword we made against us how could this happen /s

Leftcels cope

Those who live by the mantra "Woe to the vanquished" should know this is a two edged sword


You will not always have power, power, which is the only thing that rightists care about, and worship like the golden calf


We will have vengeance


We got all the bad words taken away but we still don't have a bot to remove /s-posts?


Imagine white knighting for Avenatti 😂😂😂

I like theories that are only slightly retarded.



Holy shit dude are you gonna watch live?!?!

Me and all my nazi friends are having a viewing party. Then we're gonna head out and oppress some trannies.

based and redpilled.

Anyone under 50 watching Tucker is a complete nerd

Well, we can't all watch Young Turks on Youtube like the rest of the big brain chads.

young turds XOXOXOXOXOXO

>if you can’t be a rightoid you must be a leftoid

Haven’t you ever heard of radical centrism buddy

Well we can’t all watch Sargon of Akkad like you big brained classic liberal centrists

Chapotraphouse is the true centrism imo


The Krassenstein brothers are the true centrists

That's just another rightoid.

what if your grandpa is holding you under gun point and threatens to shoot if you look away?

I'm driving in a truck of spics right now to take your jobs

unironically paying for cable

what the fuck does #basta mean

Apparently it means "enough," in Italian. Avenatti used that hashtag during the Stormy Daniels scandal.

It means that in spanish too

para means stop

alto means stop

They both meant stop depending on the context and region.

"Basta ya con eso!" -> "Stop that!" Or "Cut it out!"

But also

"El Drumpfo es malo y hace cosas malas! Basta!" -> "Trump is bad and he does bad things! Enough!"

I'm a native speaker, shit depends:

"Basta ya con eso!" -> "Stop that!" Or "Cut it out!"

First and foremost, your translations are incorrect. "Ya" in this context means "now" so the actual translation would be "Stop that now!" Or "Cut it out now!". Also Uruguayans, argentines and paraguayans say basta less, so they would say "Para con eso" to mean "stop that".

"El Drumpfo es malo y hace cosas malas! Basta!"

You don't need "El" at the beginning, that translates to "The Trump". "Basta" in this specific context does mean "Enough", If I wanted to say Stop I would say "Alto" but then again I would have worded the whole sentence different.

You're being nitpicky.

I'm being nitpicky? You started this, I'm just following.

You, on the "Translations are incorrect" bit. I'm saying that in some regions people don't say it at all without the "ya", it sounds weird to them without it.

Which regions?

Everywhere south of Madrid in Spain, and the Canary Islands--Same for Ecuador, I've never heard anyone say it without the "ya" there.

Been there, It's not as common but its not rare either, They will understand you perfectly fine, its not "weird".

Visite o viví en casi todos los países hispanoparlantes que existen, en ninguno es raro.

Tal vez no sea raro, pero he vivido más que tres años entre los dos países. Casi nunca los oí decirlo sin incluir "ya".

Where you out there for work or for travel?

Yo soy latino, nací en Venezuela, viajó a todos lados por trabajo pero también visite por placer, ahora vivo en Argentina.

Excuse me, the proper way to say orange man in spanish is "tiri ti trump trump trump"


Camaron is BASED

Get on Juarez level, man.

No one cares about your dirty rip off italian


Based and basta pilled

It's basta for Avenatticels.

Basta la Vista

Yes, that's what it means. If you say "Basta!" to someone it's basically saying to that person to knock it off, that's enough, etc etc

It means done, it's finished.

'enough already'

Trump JR has balls considering he's guilty of perjury.

Give it a rest you fuckin loser

No, because these people are criminals and need to be held accountable.

But his meeting!

Yes, I'm a law and order libertarian. I believe people that break the law should be held accountable.

Do you not?

Fuck off you stupid cunt

he's guilty of perjury

Oh, did it say that in Barr's summary? I must have missed it.

Yeah, everyone knows a man hired to shield the Trump family from perjury and obstruction of justice charges is a credible source.

Weird. I know Mueller said there won't be any new indictments though. So is Mueller wrong about that? Is he actually indicting Jr. since he's guilty and all?

Mueller left the charges up to the AG, an AG that literally authored a memo a year ago ruling out obstruction of justice:


Explain to me in detail how a person that authored a memo a year in advance, a person that then sent said memo to Trump lawyers, and was then hired, is in any way a credible source of information on the Trump family.

Better yet, explain to me how lying to congress under oath is not perjury.

Mueller left the charges up to the AG

Why would Mueller let these criminals go free? He was supposed to be rolling up the Trump Crime Family!

Explain to me in detail how a person that authored a memo a year in advance, a person that then sent said memo to Trump lawyers, and was then hired, is in any way a credible source of information on the Trump family.

He's clearly not. This conspiracy goes all the way to the top.

Better yet, explain to me how lying to congress under oath is not perjury.

Much perjury. I really hope QAnon talks about this, because we aren't just paranoid-delusional conspiracy theorists who have been thoroughly lied to and propagandized for the last two years. The deep state is letting Trump off.

Why would Mueller let these criminals go free? He was supposed to be rolling up the Trump Crime Family!

Because mueller, alone with the rest of the government, has 0 credibility and never did. What's hard about this?

He's clearly not. This conspiracy goes all the way to the top.

This isn't answering my question.

Much perjury from the Trump Crime Family™. I really hope QAnon talks about this, because we aren't just paranoid-delusional conspiracy theorists who have been thoroughly lied to and propagandized for the last two years. The deep state is letting Trump off.

Explain to me how lying to congress under oath is not perjury, Jr irrefutably lied, multiple times.

Because mueller, along with the rest of the government, has 0 credibility and never did.

I know. The entire government is colluding with Russia. No wonder Trump isn't going to jail 😤

You're dodging it

What? I agreed with you. Barr is a Russian Putin bot too. It's unbelievable.

Explain to me how lying to congress under oath is not perjury

Oh it is. Jr. is a dirty Russian perjurer and it's all going to come out in Mueller's corrupt report that was authored by Putin himself. I can't wait until President AOC drains the swamp with VP Bernie.

I know. The entire government is colluding with Russia. No wonder Trump isn't going to jail 😤

Copy paste where I discussed Russia.

I know. The entire government is colluding with Russia. No wonder Trump isn't going to jail 😤

Copy paste where I've ever called anyone a Russian puppet.

Oh it is. Jr. is a dirty Russian perjurer and it's all going to come out in Mueller's corrupt report that was authored by Putin himself. I can't wait until President AOC drains the swamp with VP Bernie.

Copy paste where anyone claimed someone was working for Russia, Putin, or any of the above.

Copy paste my conspiracy theories for me

We can all understand your dogwhistles, friend.

Exactly what I thought. In the future, when you try to strawman people and make stuff up, make sure you can't be called on it in 15 seconds and embarrassed like this.

Take a seat.


No, you managed to fit 3-4 strawman arguments in 1 comment so it was easy to prove you a moron.

You sure showed me. I'm astounded by your bravery.

Why would Barr include something like that in his summary? He’s a shill

Are you going to cry about it?

Didn’t you guys have Bill Clinton testify before the court cuz he got head?

The audacity of virgins like yourself

Yeah, I personally ordered him to testify myself. NOBODY GETS HEAD WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.

who is your daddy, and what does he do?


I save all my serious posts for r/drama.

Gonna be hard to run for president from inside a federal prison.


will it tho?

But not impossible! I fully support him as the DNC nominee.

If McAffee is doing it from international waters to avoid murder charges, Avenatti can do it.

He'll at least be in the country, and on government property no less!

The only question is, will we run out of popcorn or butter first? We are never going to run out of salt.

McAfee has made a career out of being Insane and based. Micheal is not nearly as based.

Take the Debs-pill.

What’s BASTA (serious question)


there are like 8 posts about this.

you guys have breitbart notifications on don't you

Actually I got a notification from USA Today, Breitbart's too slow for my hot takes.

linked post is bloomburg you absolute tard

When you do shit like that do you to a pound-me in the ass prison, or to a min security prision?

Minimum security prison with tennis lessons & masseurs.

Minimum security is no picnic. I have a client in there right now. He says the trick is to kick someone's ass the first day or become someone's bitch. Then everything will be alright.

Who’s the easiest to beat up? The crochet instructor or the soufflé chef?

The accountants. I have reason to believe that Matt Damon film may not be based on reality.

Ben Affleck film. But same shit eh?

I assume kick someones ass means beat them at tennis? And being someones bitch means you always play on the shitty guys team when you play doubles?

That's some Hollywood bullshit...

>That's some Hollywood bullshit

No shit, it's a movie quote.

Rikers Island is a jail bro. It's not a prison of any security level.

Also a large part of what jail you get sent to is dependent on the number of years your sentenced too. So Bernie Madoff is a medium security prison even though he has essentially no risk of being violent or fleeing.

let's remember that under UN definitions, more than 15 days in solitary confinement is considered torture under international law

There are neets who only dream of such a paradise.

oh how i love office space

Best documentary of the 90s

one of my favorite throw away scenes is in the beginning where Michael bolton is jamming out in his car rapping, he sees a black street vendor come walking up... lowers the sound real low and stops rapping... then turns it back up and keeps jamming lol


The rapper here is Ghostface Killah. Who Kendrick Lamar briefly mentions on his 2015 masterpiece, To Pimp a Butterfly, holding him up as an example of a rapper that would have succeeded had anyone really given a shit.

no, the rapper in the video is Scarface and the song is no tears.

Who's ass is Mike going to kick? He's better off going the Edward Norton route.

Asking the real questions.

Oh he might be bunking with manafort and the other scumbags , i mean good godly people that had to suffer the radical left wrath/lies.

Funny how the Trumps have distanced themselves from Cohen this fast. The guy was their top lawyer for over a decade.

Yeah, when he lied to Congress under oath to protect himself...

You mean when he lied to defend Trump?


Later, Cohen admitted that he and other Trump aides continued negotiations with powerful Russians about a potential real estate project in Moscow well into the 2016 presidential campaign.

Cohen had told Congress in 2017 that the talks ended in January 2016, but his subsequent admission meant that Trump's aides had a channel open with Russia even as Trump was becoming the GOP front-runner and was denying he had any ties to Russia.

So... lied to protect himself.

The Mueller report does not exhonerate Trump you know? This is not proof of Trump's innocence. Nothing that Cohen said is specifically contradicted by the Mueller report. You evil monsters are lying about this, because all you want is a dictatorship and absolute power, and genocide.

because all you want is a dictatorship and absolute power, and genocide.

Damn you got me.

Don’t you ever think “man, things sure would be easier if I didn’t spend the last 3 years being wrong about everything.” I mean you probably just KNEW Hillary would win. Then the Hollywood celebs convinced you faithless electors would change things. Then tax returns, a pee tape?, something about unfit for duty and so on... I forgot all the different fairytales that people ate up. All along though Mueller was coming, just wait. No way could you be wrong about this one, it was such a sure deal. Just trust Mueller we heard.

Where in the Mueller report does it say that Cohen lied? Nowhere. You're lying to protect yourself, fascist animal.

He could have also mentioned any of the other 30 members of the Trump team he might be sharing a cell with.

Funny how the Americans have distanced themselves from Benedict Arnold this fast. The guy was their top general for years.

lol, Cohen got busted for crimes he committed while acting as Trump’s agent for a decade, tried defending Trump and then finally gave the goods when Trump dumped his ass and indicated no pardon forthcoming.

They distanced themselves from him when he betrayed them. He bet on the other side winning Russia-gate and he was wrong.

Tbh even if Trump was a mafia don I still wouldn’t be upset if he fucked over someone that betrayed him.

Was anything that he said wrong? Trump betrayed America. Cohen was loyal to America. That's all there is to this.

Of course you are fine with corruption, that is all that rightists believe in. Abusing the powers available to them in their own personal interest. Rightism and corruption is inseparable, because rightists are evil beyond words. Every one of them. Rightists are below animals. They must be purged completely.

If Michael Cohen had not turned on the world's most evil dictator, he would be in the position of Manafort right now. FYI the amount of money seized from Manafort by itself more than funds the entire Mueller investigation.

He went to jail for lying to Congress, a very strong act of disloyalty towards America.

U mad?

As a smug bong with the usual superiority complex watching Yankee-doodle-dicks arguer about whos more retarded has alleviated my need for internet pornography.

Yeah turning on an evil criminal and the world's most evil dictator is treason.

Jesus Christ imagine the state of the left that they thought this guy was presidentially material

Tbf, I think that Avenatti was the only person who thought that Avenatti was presidential material.

Him and all of r/politics.

/r/politics is not the left, it's a liberal right wing subreddit. It's just not mask off neo-nazi like /r/drama.

Who are you. You seem... fun.

If there's any drama where the left is getting shit on, you can see watermark08 r(slur) posting. You can also notice him because his comment scores are usually so low that you have to click the + button to see what he said.

Nah. There were at least 2 or 3 other people who are retarded enough to think he'd be good choice. https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/8w3xsr/michael_avenatti_says_he_could_run_for_president/

I liked his no nonsense attitude as a lawyer but I never thought for a second he would make a good president.

He really did have no sense in the end.

Not presidential enough eh?

He said unironically while Trump is in office

He was polling at 1% with a 1% margin of error.

That never happened.

Avenatti has never once disappointed. He's a shit talker to the nth degree, and he backs up every single word of it, and I fucking love it.

Oh man i almost forgot the Swetnick nonsense.

Honestly he probably guaranteed Kavanaugh would be confirmed

What was nonsense about Swetnick?

During the Kavanaugh brouhaha Avenatti went public with his client who said when she was in college she, on multiple occasions, would go back to high school parties where Kavanaugh and crew would organize gang rapes even though she never saw him doing the raping. Also despite being a legal adult and all of them being minors she never reported this at the time. Susan Collins cited this as one of the factors of her deciding to vote to confirm Kavanaugh

She saw him organizing the parties. Do you want a gang rape party organizer on the Supreme Court?

Susan Collins cited this as one of the factors of her deciding to vote to confirm Kavanaugh

No surprise that Republicans are happy to hear women suffering and want those on the court.

uhhhh maybe some evidence would have helped her case

Her affidavit IS evidence

You know, I actually think you might have a stronger grasp on the situation than the Judiciary Committee. Thanks for opening my eyes stranger!

It is, just evidence that isn't backed by anything at all so it's kinda shitty

Hahahaha lmfao she “saw” it, yeah okay pal I think your idea of ‘concrete evidence’ is pretty retarded

Untuck your balls, bucko

Show us on the doll where Kavanaugh touched you

He's been kavanaughty

I love parody accounts.

G*d damnit everyone, the mods said stop downvoting

Also they finally did an interview with the lady that Avenatti was parading around and she came off as a total fucking lunatic. Like she was making up this story as the interview went on. It was hilariously awful.


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What in the fuck

You dumb fagslur

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I miss pinging.

Oh man, you can spot a fake Reddit attorney from a mile away.

Avenatti was the liberal Trump, that didn’t work out too well.

So like Trump but he actually got indicted?

That whole thread is great. What a bunch of nonsense.

How can someone be so consistently wrong about absolutely everything and still be convinced they are right about everything.

Wow holyshit those people are dumb

I remember this shit. So many people "HE HAS TO BE RIGHT BECAUSE HE WILL TOTES GET DISBARRED IF HE DOESNT HAVE AS STRONG EVIDENCE AS HE CLAIMS". As soon as it all came out as being bullshit, not a peep from these losers.

Edit: thanks for all the PM's 6 months later. I realize Avenatti is a moron for trying to extort Nike. Crazy how someone's opinion can change when new facts come to light! You should try it sometime.


Every single person the democrats have propped up as their savior who will take down Ronald Glumpf has failed.

The real Messiah is still to come, ora pro nobis

they keep picking awful, awful people too. like they'll worship whoever tells them what they want to hear

/r/drama is a bunch of Republicans pretending like they're not Republicans

COPE harder you fucking f-slur

Slur you, you slur-ing slur. Ill slur your mom so hard she wont be able to slur for a week. I swear to slur almighty that I will hunt you down and slur you like a slurring slur if you so much as look at my slur again. You seriously done slurred up this time you slurring slur slur.

Trump reminds me of Mr. Magoo, he bumbles his way through trouble and some how comes out unscathed having no idea the danger he was in.

Absolute scenes when it turns out AOC is a dogfucker.

porn lawyer bad

surely porn lawyer is not as bad as i purport him to be


go back to /r/pornlawyer


What is "basta"?

Enough in Spanish. It was like his saying.

We’re talking marvel(mueller) alongside dc comics(Avenatti) to create the best crossover our lifetime will ever be fortunate to see

what in the absolute fuck, i'm not even disgusted by capeshit the way some people on here are, but this is absurd

You see, Avenatti is the epitome of “Alpha” male that Trump and supporters think they are. He’s right, they won’t attack him because they know he’s not weak. The difference though, is that Avenatti has ethics and morals behind him. Something Trump and his cronies think make them weak. Avenatti proves them wrong on the daily.

I wish we could ping...

Avenatti's a white liberal's idea of a functioning human.

Just go to the t_d thread and ping the shit outta him

I just looked over there. They’re sending bulk bags of salt to CNN and other broadcasters/hosts:


this is hilarious as fuck, but if they actually do this the admins will almost surely ban them for IRL harassment, right?

Is sending a Corporate entity free stuff even harrassment?

It's just a practical joke really. No one's getting hurt.

Check the other post above with the politics link talking about avenetti during the kavanaugh hearings. They are virtually sucking him off. It's ridiculous.

Then he gave the gify of julie swetnik.

He’s not just a “rising star” in the legal world, he is a god damn supernova, and there aren’t many firms in this country that wouldn’t kill to have him as a partner.

That aged well

He couldn't buy a partnership anywhere if he tried.

He was such an exceptional student that the university literally named an award after him, the “Michael J. Avenatti Award For Excellence

But he did buy that award

It's like those fuckwits are cursed and every shitstain they start to worship ends up failing miserably

“Please clap.”

Just a reminder that Avenatti is not some hack lawyer trying to get free publicity:

He earned his Doctor Of Jurisprudence degree from the prestigious law school at George Washington University, where he received many accolades and graduated first in his class.

He was such an exceptional student that the university literally named an award after him, the “Michael J. Avenatti Award For Excellence”.

He’s not just a “rising star” in the legal world, he is a god damn supernova, and there aren’t many firms in this country that wouldn’t kill to have him as a partner

Aged like a fine wine

Agenda-posting righties creaming their pants over this lol theres like 10 threads.

Not going to lie, this weekend has been amazing.

We're entering a golden age of drama and salt.

Not living in Burgerland, so I don't really care but 'murican politics is a train wreck since 2016.

U mad lindsey?

About to blow my top

What's his name?

Creepy porn lawyer

/r/politics is where you cope. Not here faggot.


theres still like 10 threads from you t_d tards on the same thing..... lol

Porn lawyer has a blackmail fetish, what a surprise.🤔🤔🤔


Last time someone tried to extort a big corporation, he got BTFO. What makes this guy think he'll be any different?

Low functioning lawyer = the worst of all possible outcomes.

He's him, and he thinks he's a great guy

Lawyers fuck over huge corporations all the time though. Like right now they're in the process of stealing billions from Bayer through bullshit claims that Roundup causes cancer. Or if you go farther back there's the fake-tiddies-cause-cancer scandal that cost billions. I bet this kind of extortion happens all the time and gets settled out of court so that we never hear about it.

I'm amazed that he couldn't find some legit way to make money off his fame. Like he could have just been in Snickers commercials or something.

Will this hurt his chances for the Presidency?


Donating my kid's college fund! MATCH ME!

Did it hurt Trump's? No. Probably will help him if anything. The trial is going to take years and if he wins they're going to punt like Mueller did because the law doesn't apply to the President.

I don't think Trump ever went to jail though

If he gets charge with a felon. As soon as he wins he can pardon himself and not be stuck in jail

Remember when Reddit loved this guy?

Pepperidge Farm remembers!

sudoku urself

literally liven't

The memory hole is going to get clogged at this rate.


"Minutes after the arrest, Donald Trump Jr. celebrated the announcement in a tweet that said: "Good news for my friend @MichaelAvenatti, if you plead fast enough, you might just get to share a cell with Michael Cohen!""

Holy shit

It's been a pretty great few days for dramacoin, damn.

Those long-term investments, man

Creepy porn lawyer just cant catch a break

The last two years have been such a popcorn show I might vote for Trump just to see another 4 years of this juicy drama show. God, the day after the reelection would be worth it alone.

Just wait for the Mueller thing to unfold further. One of the groups is going to have a fucking meltdown.

So far it's just seething and silent angst, give me Pizzagate level meltdowns with people storming pizza restraunts with pistols but having a breakdown when staff yell at them.

Yeah it was a truly tough decision for you to cast a second vote for Trump, I'm sure. Lemme guess, you are a white male and you spend six hours a day watching right wing, errr, "centrist" youtube videos about immigration and the end of western civilization? Truly you are a marvel to behold and an independent thinker among men.

I mean whatever pisses off Chapocels, I must be doing something right.

HOLY SHIT, apparently Mark Geragos, attorney for Jussie Smollett (and also a prominent Democrat legal talking head) was Avenatti’s co-conspirator in the Nile extortion attempt.

Oh my good sweet God, this is the juiciest timeline. I feel like I’ve just had a rail of coke blown up my ass by a stripper.

Geragos was Winona Ryder's lawyer when she was done for shoplifting.

His whos whos of past Clients is pretty great. Even has a Clinton in it for good measure

The Jussiest* timeline.

Jesus Christ if someone wrote a book about what’s happening and send it back in time for 6 years people will dismiss it as comical and not believable

Even just 6 months

It's getting insane, what a time to be alive. We must be in a simulation...

This is comedy

This last month has been insane for drama

co-conspirator Mark Geragos, who was exhorting nike was ironically Kaepernick's lawyer toi

This. Fucking. Timeline.

We should've gotten off Mr. Bone's wild timeline years ago, but let's just stick around to see where we're going now

Dude we're fucking stuck on the rollercoaster might as well enjoy it

I paid too much to get off prematurely


Even better news, the Southern District is involved, so in theory if they get anything on daddy, we can have Daddy and Avenatti as cell mate.

Make a good bussy sitcom.

"What's the deal with prison food?"


CPL going to jail.... TOP KEK

He tried to pull a Jesse Jackson / Al Sharpton and it backfired big time.

His co-conspirator was Mark Geragos. He's also Jussie Smollett's lawyer, among other things -


Fuck with the best, get laid to rest.

The only explanation for all of this is that Avenatti, Smollett, CNN, AOC, and MSNBC are all on the Trump payroll.

Who is this guy? I would type something cruel and sarcastic but I have no idea.

I would type something cruel and sarcastic

You can't anymooooreeee....

I don't get this either.

/r/politics called for this faqqot to run for president lmao

Bruh moment

"Just do it."

So you’re telling me that the guy who represented the MILF pornstar Stormy Daniels in a case against the President of the United States is now charged with trying to threaten the world’s biggest sports brand Nike?

Jesus, what happened to this timeline?

