SRDines are left seething by the mere existence of r/dramas based tr*nny mods

159  2019-03-26 by Strictlybutters


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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Fucking SRDines šŸ¤®

Rape the SRDines.

Day of the can when?

No point in canning spoiled fish. Just put them in the chum bucket.

no point in canning spoiled fish

thanks for reminding me about nordc*cks disgusting food choices


So many of them post in cb2, moviescirclejerk, gamingcirclejerk, etc....No wonder that sub just emanates obnoxiousness.

Ummm, who hurt you sweaty???

So accurate it hurts

It hurts? Who?

its a good meme but this is a normie comment you tard

Love the new additions to the graphic. It just needs "you're not arguing in good faith" and then it'll be perfect.

I canā€™t update every single time since the lingo changes every 2 weeks or so.

how does this not have let's be clear

Yikes, letā€™s unpack this

noooo not :)

They really do hate prescriptivism, don't they? Fancy lads don't understand the difference between linguistics and good editing.

They really do hate prescriptivism, don't they? Fancy lads who don't understand the difference between linguistics and good editing, but they once read a mental floss piece on the dictionary wars of the 1960s.

Huh ? Can you please explain ?

Descriptivism is the approach that all contemporary linguists take toward language: they seek to study language as it exists, not as it should be (prescriptivism).

This was not always the case, and a flashpoint in the transition was the publication of Webster's 3rd Edition in the 1960s. Citing W's permissiveness, a group of its stuffier lexicographers split off to create the American Heritage Dictionary.

In any case, this episode has been mythologized by a certain class of redditors/liberal arts students. When coupled with a glancing understanding of socio-linguistics, it leads to scorn for style guides and even editorial intervention altogether as inherently oppressive.

In other words, it's a cope that shitty writers with a little reading (read: academics) like to use as a bludgeon.

Though, tbh, there are some a-words online that really are prescriptivists. But that's mostly due to their inherent literalismā€”eg they'll send you denotations from M-W to prove a point about usageā€”and little to do with their links to 19th century philology.

And now I'm going to go was this filthy srspost off in a bath of lye.

I maybe understand a bit of this but that's cause I'm a r slur.

Maybe what you're saying is that they believe words are whatever we want them to be and grammar le sux ?

Thanks for this.

More than that it's a rejection of any kind of standard of taste for prose. But as my first boss once told me, it's a republic of letters, not a democracy.

More than that it's a rejection of any kind of standard of taste

In all things really. Everything is art because it sparks a conversation etc.

I don't have a problem with the idea that anything can be artā€”it's been a mainstream position in philosophy for over a century. What I object to is the idea that this puts all critical thought on an equal footing.

What I object to is the idea that this puts all critical thought on an equal footing.

Yup this is the problem.

real talk this is the kind of hi quallity discourse that keeps me cumming back to r drama

Gatekeeping is bad sweaty

Build the gate!

yikes, not enough oh-posting

So how did the woke crew get on board with using implied sexual or physical abuse as a means of dismissing someone's argument? Seems exceptionally unwoke to me.

You must be fun at parties.

I remember when GCJ and MCJ where just for shitposts and CB2 just had dude weed lmao and atheism posts. Now both are filled with Chapo tier seriousposting.

Most subs based on criticism devolve into some sort of leftist smugfest.

/uj /uj /uj /uj /uj /uj /uj /uj /uj /uj

and CB2 just had dude weed

Used to be a CB2 poster before I fucked off to become a CAutist. Used to be a cool place to highlight reddit bullshit and meme but then the goodposters were pruned one by one because it was getting "problematic" and mods like GoA are absolute f-slurs.

Damn for a people who like saying "no you're triggered" they sure love downboats.

Do I think that r/drama mods would be stupid enough to risk pissing off the admins if it had a chance of making them giggle when they messed with their users?

Yes. Yes, I do.

I mean, is he really that wrong

we dont need an excuse ya dummy

Yeah this sub is all the mods have going for them.

You really think itā€™s going for them?

You can only sleep for so many hours a day


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Nothing feels better than pwning the shit out of an oppressed and vulnerable population.

Why are SRDines such smug f-slurs

They ain't wrong tho šŸ˜Ž

They're fagslurs through and through.

Nothing feels better than pwning the shit out of an oppressed and vulnerable population.

This but unironically.


Denser than tungsten

when did justcool go t-slur???



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Things had been obviously moving that way for awhile.

I mean, when you're an effeminate crossdressing bisexual who takes anti-androgens to look even more femme and hang out with lots of trans people and dated another trans mod for a bit...

Well, it shouldn't be a surprise that someone doing that is (poorly) repressing their trans self. Glad JC is living their best life now! šŸ˜˜

a mod dating another mod

So this shit really is like a social thing for some people? Blows my mind

i really prefer the other part of my life, the part before i knew this

I hate them










lmao at the amount of people that think that we edited the mod logs. real r-slurs.


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Ban Tr*mp


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SRD is worse than GC. Albeit less cr*zy than the average GCer, each SRDine just comes across as so much less fun.

Like, with GC, life is just this cr*zy place where you wake up each day and get raped and beaten by men, and blaming trannies just takes the edge off at the end of the day. On SRD, reading not-nice comments is enough to sink their ships. It's just so frustratingly pathetic.

Like, I'll pity you if you're a GCer afraid of having men dressed as women come to your house and tug out your rectum through your teeth and pantleg; and I'll pity you if you're some octogenarian on GreatAwakening eating bugs and dirt because you're afraid Deep State President Barack Osama is poisoning America's food with mind-altering drugs the ancient aliens handed down to the Democrats to brainwash you into raping your grandchildren and letting Podesta eat their hearts once they're all proper little trannies; but if you're just some smug fucking liberal sitting at your desk browsing racy Reddit comments that you disagree with because you have nothing to do at your job, THEN IT MAKES ME WANT TO FUCKING VOTE FOR TRUMP TO GIVE EACH AND EVERY GODDAMN ONE OF YOU PANICKY LITTLE ANXIETY ATTACKS BECAUSE YOU CARE SO GODDAMN MUCH ABOUT THE US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT


SRDines is why Trump won. And they're why he'll win again. And again. And again. And again.

Fuck you, SRDines.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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Nothing feels better than pwning the shit out of an oppressed and vulnerable population.

Edge on, brothers.

Imagine thinking the ā€œoppressedā€ enjoy doing dog tricks for these mayos.

My dad was so right, mayos self-flagellate because they want something from you.

Hey it's me

hey I've heard some wicked stuff about SRD mods but at least they didn't remove my comment.

They did šŸ¤¤

fuck dude

why even live.

Nothing feels better than pwning the shit out of an oppressed and vulnerable population.

Imagine being so fragile that you consider yourself "oppressed" and "vulnerable" as a middle-class person in the first world in 2019

since it got removed, and removeddit wont show edits, here's my post

What a bunch of s-slurs

they have time to police /r/drama but not to ban T_D

But what about The_Donald????


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Unironically, /r/drama has more minorities of very different groups and backgrounds than any other sub Iā€™ve been to lol

We have the best t-slur mods ā¤šŸ‘„šŸ’‹šŸ’ž