AOC looses Green deal waiting for the COPE

85  2019-03-26 by FreeThe_Truth


His test results were 100% fagginosis, and a partial Tardination of the Brain Ganglia. The boards verdict is repeated quadrasperg alignments.


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How is the media this fucking cringe lmao. Nobody ever expected it to pass, it was a show vote to bring attention to climate change.

Imagine coping this hard over a shit bill

We were only pretending to draft retarded legislation!

Do you unironically believe anyone thought that deal would pass the senate?

More like just a basic understanding of how the government works, which doesn't seem to the case for you.

She isn't going to bang you no matter how much you white night for her, ince1

Aoc is not smart nor someone I support. I again, just have a basic understanding of how the government works, unlike 99.9% of this sub.

How dare you. Defending mommy is your filial duty.

Anyone who insults mommy deserves the noose tbqh

Why even live?


Have you encountered the modern left recently?

You're actually clueless as to the workings of the federal government, aren't you?

That was the point, you daft git. McConnell made democrats put their money where their mouths are, and they didn't have the balls to do it. Their "present" vote is going to tell moderates that really believe in AOC's nonsense but aren't brave enough to say so and tell their new far left constituency that they're completely gutless and need to be replaced. It was a winning move for McConnell. I'm surprised he had the brains/balls to actually go through with it.

You guys are literal retards, that shit has never had some overwhelming support, at best it's a resolution to combat climate change.

The GOP thinks science is a liberal plot to oppress conservatives so they're gonna deny it anyway.

You guys are like really bad at politics, you don't seem to have even a basic understanding of why anything happens.


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Thank you for showing me the error of my ways, bot-senpai.

that shit has never had some overwhelming support

Based on the senate vote totals I'm forced to agree. Even the guy that helped write it refused to vote in favor of it.

You guys are like really bad at politics

Guess that's why the GOP still controls the senate and we were able to elect an unhinged reality TV star to the White House. We're really good at politics, what we're bad at is picking people to serve in office. Get it right.

Based on the senate vote totals I'm forced to agree. Even the guy that helped write it refused to vote in favor of it.

It was a non-binding resolution that amounted to "climate change is an issue." everything was subject to change.

Guess that's why the GOP still controls the senate and we were able to elect an unhinged reality TV star to the White House.

No though, the GOP lost the 2018 midterms by a 9% margin. They lost nearly every swing state race. The better way to look at the senate in 2018 is "there were 35 senate races in 2018 and democrats won most of them, even on the worst senate map in modern history for the democratic party."

That's not being good at politics, thats just having a geographical advantage.

As for Trump; being unhinged isn't a liability in a US national election, let alone a Republican primary. Trump is pretty objectively terrible at politics.

He makes massive miscalculations on a monthly basis. The most recent being the government shut down in which pelosi baited him on to live TV to take credit for the shut down and he lost 5% approval rating in 3 weeks.

At this point the only reason Trump is where he is = extreme polarization. It isn't him being good at politics.

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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That's an awful lot of words just to C O P E.

What attention? That the people supporting it the loudest are at least delusional about economics? I think climate change is a huge deal and this retarded shit makes people like me look bad by association.

What was a problem with the bill? Every home should be mandated to be energy neutral immediately. That would be a good start.

Everyone should dismantle their cars and crawl to work, that would be a good start!

It was about starting a discussion.

Yeah now it's guaranteed that nobody is going to do anything about climate change, since Republicans think it's a Chinese conspiracy and Democrats want to ban airplanes. This is absolutely the wrong kind of attention to bring to an issue this important.

Can you copy paste where anyone called for the banning of airplanes?

McConnell brought it to the floor to embarrass the Dems.

Lmao as a party they've dragged snowballs on the senate floor to debunk climate change, claimed the earth is 6 thousand years old, and they elected an anti-vaxxer/climate denier.

The idea the green new deal somehow "embarrassed" the democrats is... hilarious.

I don't think it worked. I'm just challenging your claim about why it got to the floor in the first place.

Getting as many Dems as possible tied to the "we want to ban cows and air travel and spend trillions forcibly installing green energy solutions in every building in America" resolution is actually pretty smart politics from the Republicans.

How many dems in the senate voted yes on the resolution?

they constantly pretend to be retarded to start a conversation

You might want to consider that they actually are retarded.

Should have added more money for israel, it would have passed for sure

I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


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Whoa. Settle down there AI.

Many barmaids are loose.

loose + gu🌊 = luccy?

The fuck is a guwave

gu sea dum dum 😤🙄

Commie Mommy and Senator McTurtle are going to hate fuck tonight.

they even put it in the title for you: "loses" you r-slur

its my autocorrect

No it isn't.

Wallahi it actually was inshallah

Autocorrect doesnt change correctly spelled words


Just say rеtаrd.

it was being blocked you retard

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commie mommy let me down. She promised me she would fix everything. Now it's guaranteed I'm going to die in 12 years.

Thanks a lot commie mommy.

This outcome wasn't surprising at all and I think everyone knew the game McConnell was playing but it is kind of funny that even the Senator who co-wrote it with her refused to vote.

She voted present. That’s a vote.

That's a cope*

The voting equivalent of saying "i was only pretending to be retarded"

I've got a different green deal for commie mami and it involves a few hundos left on the dresser.


You illiterate fuck.

ok I'm sorry but u didn't have to be rude

u didn't have to be rude

No, they didn't, but they made the right choice, IMO.

Yes he did you mong

shut up pleb

wow, why are you being mean? mods!? MODS! is even the f-word allowed???

normally this would be a huge setback for any freshman politician but fortunately for AOC her extremely sophisticated voters don’t expect her to accomplish anything in government other than sassy tweets

Man and here I was all excited to Kayak to Hawaii and walk to Texas from California and shit