WashPo declares Ilhan Omar an anti Semite

103  2019-03-27 by BigFanOfMilkshakes


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


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Close but not quite snappy

Jews were the original gamers.

I thought that was m slurs



Miggers. Took me a while to figure out what he meant, too.

It’s ok, I have a pass, I can say it.

Wrong. Jews are appropriating oppression against gamers.



lmao OP

Sure smells like MDE in here, ever since/r/Stonetoss was banned 🤔🤔🤔

mde is a slur

"What's going on, big guy?"

wew op are you tryin to give us the ol cheeky breeki??

really activates the almonds

hahahahaha OP please explain yourself


well well well...

It's not Anti-semitism to call for the complete and utter destruction of the Israel (along with its people) 😤😤😤

It's just being anti-Israel

based and jihadpilled

Based and hamaspilled

The attacks against her show the power of Islamophobia

Or at least AIPAC 'contributions'.

Ok, Rabbi Shmooley, that's enough.


Medium high heat. 20 minutes a side.

Pretty sure that Ilhan Omar has declared herself a rabid anti-semite.

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Automod confirmed anti-semite.

This honestly just makes me like her more

Why didn't you add 88 to your username?

Agreed. In this vein, since terrorism is a Muslim stereotype, even when there's a Muslim that commits terrorism on camera we should ignore it and instead call the accusers out for Islamophohbia for bringing up very old stereotypes.

As a centrist i believe magatards are fucking morons and israel should be held to the same standard as any other country

As a radical centrist, I believe magatards are fucking moron and palestinian should be driven to the sea.

wow hot take

*should be destroyed and replaced Disney Land Levantine

Disney is poop

Obviously, but the only thing more sweet than Israel being destroyed and replaced by Walt “Hitler was a pretty cool guy” Disney’s child would be getting destroyed and replaced by the sick twisted Jewish run abomination that is modern Disney.

From 2012 through 2015, the United Nations General Assembly has adopted a total of 97 resolutions criticizing countries; 83 out of those 97 have been against Israel (86%) .

Countries like Iran, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, NORTH FUCKING KOREA sit on the UN Human Rights Council; Israel is frequently and unfairly targeted for “abuses” by some of the worst abusers in the entire world.

But don’t hold Israel to the same standard as any other country you racist.



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are alright.

I wouldn’t want to hang out with like, 30 of them, but they’re cool..


MDEfugees raus

Rabbi Shmuley

Shut it down


דּוֹד טום

Man of G-d, my ass.

The shortest analysis of Judaism so far.

“no criticism of israel is valid, any criticism is anti-semetism, got it? now new business, where do these nazis keep spawning from and how did they get it in their heads that we control the media to our advantage?”

social progress is literally blocked across the globe because we can't make progress in admitting the shit the zionists have pulled, because suddenly the jews would look bad covering up their buddies across the globe with their media influence ...

and that's gunna be a shitstorm.


Hot take retarp👌

yes. retarp. sure. 👌

Welcome to drama 2019 creative spelling is necessary to shitpost. Dum and faggutt and j3w and retarp.

Israel did 9/11 9/11 was an inside job

So Israel does rule the West.

i'm not going to say rule ... but god damn if they don't have an absurd amount of memetic power that needs to be dealt with by spreading truth.

the fact the government hasn't admitted to explosives being used to take down the 3 buildings.

take that gif i posted in my last comment, it's the top of the south tower exploding outward as it falls to the side, a motion that is entirely incongruent with a gravity based collapse. that alone is enough to rule out a gravity driven collapse,

but there's so much more like projectiles with 50+ mph lateral velocity (you can ballpark measure this on your screen), the sheer amount of shredded material including steel, the fact all three collapses obliterated themselves to the basement, near free fall speeds at the beginning of the collapses, 6+ months of fires, the fact the government admitted it didn't even fucking check for explosives despite the government's own manual stating you should given there's a bunch of shredded steel, squibs shooting out pinpoint pressurized air many floors before the collapse reached them ... it's beyond absurd that i need to be stating this almost 2 decades later. it's disgusting the sheer amount of social delusion i live within.

being so triggered you buy a full-page coloured ad

This reminds me of when burger americans burned their 200 dollar nikes.

My favorite part was a little bullshit social justice and people act like NIKE is socially conscious.

Free market and marketing in full force .


It's all about the Benjamins [money] baby

Thank god they clarified what Benjamins mean. Otherwise Grandpa Burt and Gramma Pauline would be really confused

It's so they don't get criticized for "anti-Semitism" because Bibi's name is Benjamin and discussing money and the chosen people in the same sentence is verboten.

Why do Zionist feel entitled to other people's support?

Why do people like to blame God’s chosen, most loved people for everything?

Here is the comment he just wrote to me and quickly deleted. He just either realized how retarded he sounds, or how obviously in bad faith he was arguing in response to a comment deriding bad faith arguments in favor of Israel, not sure how self aware these types are.

From 2012 through 2015, the United Nations General Assembly has adopted a total of 97 resolutions criticizing countries; 83 out of those 97 have been against Israel (86%) .

Countries like Iran, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, NORTH FUCKING KOREA sit on the UN Human Rights Council; Israel is frequently and unfairly targeted for “abuses” by some of the worst abusers in the entire world.

But don’t hold Israel to the same standard as any other country you racist.

So this is a topic about a US congressman being censured for statements regarding the influence of the state of Israel on the political system of the United States. My comment was specifically directed towards "standards" in regards to the US, and specifically complained about mentally retarded pro-Israeli fanatics using bad faith arguments to throw adult temper tantrums and invoke magical social shields against any and all criticism. So your response is to rush to defend Israel by arguing in bad faith and whatabouting what foreign shitholes do outside of the United States. You can't help yourself, can you?

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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I deleted it because serious posting is for fagslurs. I believe every fucking word of it. Israel gets shit on by cuntslurs and antisemites or just plain retarded cocksuckers(like you)

What about the fact that Uranus is in retrograde right now? What about how people are being slaughtered in Yemen and you want to spend your time calling me retarded? How dare you?

The Au Bon was out of the morning roast today and I hate their French roast.

Don’t you understand how hard this is for me?

Why is criticizing Israeli jews fine but people get upset when you blame diaspora jews for being subversives?

Not the WaPo, that's Rahm Emmanuel taking out a full page ad

She seems way cooler than AOC, and don’t Jews and Muslims historically hate each other? Why is anyone surprised here?


I see good old Rabbi Shmuley is preaching Evangelical Judaism these days. Surely it won't be as cancerous as Evangelical Christianity or the Islamic equivalent.

Rabbi Shmuley is preaching Evangelical Judaism

Taking advantage of delusional boomers expecting 2nd coming of Jesus to coincide with anotha' shoa'?

Easiest money he ever made.

Based Wapo.

Remember goy, criticizing the state if Israel's racist, ethno-nationalist, borderline genocidal acts is anti-semetic. As is pointing attention to the fact that money plays a role in American politics. Don't believe me? Well here's a quote from Hitler himself:

"Israel bombing hospitals filled with palestinian children is bad and they probably shouldn't do it" - Literally Hitler

So please refrain from criticizing Israel's war crimes otherwise you are literally echoing Hitler.

This comment was brought to you by AIPAC

The OP twitter link reads like /pol/. What a time to be alive.

I can't wait till we vote Muslim Mommy in as president

Instant sharia, inshallah

Ameen bruv

It was linked from dailystormer, so there's that

This but unironically

гей серьезный пост из отсталого педика

tfw your semite brothers run the world while your people are still fucking goats in the desert

انتها اﻷمر

Anti -semitism used to be people who didn't like the tribe now it's used for people the tribe doesn't like.

So their way to prove that Jewish people don’t control the world/media with money is to buy a full page ad in the Washington post?


If they really did control the media, they wouldn't need an ad, would they? They'd just drop a line to Jeff.

What doesn’t kill muzzie mommy only makes her stronger

tbh shit like this proves jews don't run the world from a secret cabal

Damn, that rabbi went full sperg.

"Brown women are the real nazis" -some white boi. God where is that sandmann harrassment campaign when actual racism happens.

Glad to see that the crypto-nazi tradcel and rose emoji dipshits finally found something to agree on

Wow even Rahm calling a spade a spade. Reddit is still pretty chill with being anti-Semitic under the guise of being anti-Israel, but as far as whats going on in the real world, this is wild.

Wapo daddy noooo

Since when has calling for genocide been considered racist? Toughen up snowflakes.