Who’s worse, Gun nuts or SRDines?

85  2019-03-27 by Ghdust2


jesus fuck, you people. I've now unsubscribed, which is a shame, because a lot of greentexts are genuinely funny, but this alt-right underbelly is just unbearable.


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SRDines are definitely worse

I'd rather be shot in the face by a gun nut than be in the vicinity of an srdine, their aura itself is offending

Dick Cheney would like to know your location.

gun nuts are worse only because they stubbornly refuse to turn their weapons on the uncanned SRDine

They are both self righteous windbags.

This is the correct answer.

Only one of us has a cool hobby though


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Guns as a hobby aren't cool because gun nuts are such spas tics


He meant smug posting

what is spazzy about collecting rare pieces of militaria?

Is my PSA poverty pony a rare piece if militaria?

I've never seen that spelling before

Only one of us has a cool hobby though is obsessed with phallic objects

SRDines are shaped like penii

OK, please keep commenting so I can keep downvoting. It's very satisfying when you beg for it.

Why are they so smug

tbh I can't disagree with downvoting yallposters

If only Reddit had proper support for gifs. Then we would get SO much sass

It supports it enough for that other fslur modcel to post taytay gifs a couple of times a week without problems

Trans women are women 😉

All wmyxen are Trains

that's honestly what i don't like about that subreddit.

the SMUGness is absolutely unreal.

please keep commenting so I can keep downvoting.

Of all the spazzy things this site does, they should atleast reform the down vote system.

For example - if 10 people down vote your [+1] comment your karma should be 0.

Then another 10 people down voting you would mean your comment score is -1. And so on.

This ensures that smug SRDines and rightoids, can't just bury people's comments because their feelings are hurt.

We should disable downvotes on drama

Can one ? I'd love that.

That way the rightoids won't scare off the rightoids.

It only works for desktop version

Of all the things they do with this site, can't they actually do something comprehensive ?

You can hide the down arrow with css tricks but anything that ignores css (like the app) will appear normal

Huh, good to know. Thanks.

humans disable subreddit css.

Clicking that little checkbox is way too much work so I just subject my eyes to our beautiful css instead

Don't start bringing math into this. That is for r[-slurred] f[-slurs].

Mayo upvotes only count as 2/5ths and they have to pass a literary test

Yes fuck yes. 👏👌

The Mayo menace has to be dealt with.

Thats a Bussy or Snappy quote right there

A) No real world power means faint imaginary power makes them harder than my little pony.

There are three whom God should not have created: Chapos, CAutists, and SRDines.

I wish I loved anything as much as gun nuts love their guns.

You should buy guns tbh

not loving guns

Fucking nerd

I'm not American though so I don't have that disability written on my very fucking genes.

Whatever shithole country you're from isn't free unless you can buy a gun out a vending machine, remember that


Saying anything about anyone's genes


Oi ya majesty can oi av a fork loicense plaise?


how much does the loicense you need to jerk off cost?

I dunno I haven't needed to use it, I just use your mum.

ew, he spells it mum

lol. who loves 50 shades of ar-15?

you should love nuts like gun nuts love their nuts.

Cashews are BAE

tbf guns are pretty awesome

It must be absolutely shocking to a europoor to exchange green pieces of paper for a chunk of metal with a stranger.

Nah just shocking your average Americans has figured out how to use a gun.

SRDines are worse because Gun nuts love for guns isn't obnoxious as the SRDine love for Euros.

Also, remember those EU countries? Most of them are freer, less tyrannical, and less corrupt than us. Turns out guns don't really do anything in that regard. But leftist politics sure do make nice places to live! Remember that when you next work an eight hour day, have days off, and hopefully get overtime when you choose to.

It's amazing how the EU is pretty much equal to us in economy despite not working at all, isn't it? I guess their healthcare systems will start falling apart any day now, after seventy years of running pretty well. And those contracts that mean they can't just be fired at will! Definitely going to collapse their economies. Anyyyyyyyyyyyyyy day now.

Yeah things seem to be going just peachy in France right now

France isn’t doing that bad. There may have been some civil unrest recently, sure, but expecting French protesters not to riot 24/7 is like expecting California not to be on fire 24/7.

I love how they always ignore the Eastern half of the EU whenever they talk about great it is lmao

Tbh they ignore the entire EU if they claim it doesn't suck ass

It usually goes completely against reality, like they talk about freedoms while people are having their doors kicked down for insulting the wrong person online

And then they pretend things are calm and great while Riots happen daily

My favorite is how they complain about Trump's "concentration camps" while the EU is doing the exact same thing and nobody bats an eye

Shit that happens outside the us don't matter unless it supports a narrative sweaty.

Article 13 also passed yesterday, so it's really not the best time to boast about freedom in Europe right now.

And then they pretend things are calm and great while Riots happen daily

Their sources of news are ignoring those riots and consequently they're probably not all that aware of them, or think it's all a dwindling population of white supremacists.

When they say EU they mean Germany, Switzerland, and Norway.

norway isnt in the eu lol



shut the f-slur up amerifat

More like the entire EU save for Germany, the Netherlands and Scandinavia. Reminder Spain is literally poorer that Mississippi.

Start working out and eating healthy lads. The next 20 - 30 years are going to be interesting and it'd suck to miss out because the diabetes took your feet already.

jesus christ, go move to Europe then ya loser

they always love to talk about the norweigan countries bu never greece, france or pretty much every other shitty country in the EU. Just the nice, all white, same religion, small population countries.

Gun nuts are bad but the only good SRDine is a fried one.

Lets play a drinking game called 1 shot for every time someone mentions the purpose of the second amendment being hunting

Lemme just open my mouth and you can start pouring until I die

Srdines are untouchable caste. No brainer.

Imagine being an untouchable in India and having a SRDine touch you

I'd rather not do that.

Question guns are for protection and hunting right?

1776 will commence again

Life, liberty and lolis?

If the Founding Fathers knew what people like you would be up to we'd still be in the Commonwealth

based UK making sure we only watch the good porn with their ID checks

Actually, pedophillia is the only thing you don't need a license for in Bongland

No, just a Lordship or knighthood

Or citizenship. Or just being there

Boogaloo 2: Cowabunga It Is

OK I carry a gun not for protection but to compensate for my 4" Asian egg roll.

and you're kind of an awful person.

God, what is it about SRDines that they always come across as worse ?

Even American SRDines are basically europoors

SRDines are basically europoors

Come on that's not a fair comparison. Annoying as they are europoors can be based.

Unlike SRDines who get offended at everything but in actuality YOU are the one who is really offended.

Annoying as they are europoors can be based beta

Imagine surrendering your property to the Chinese.

Atleast they aren't defending it entirely. SRDines would be talking reparations.

I'd be fine with surrendering SRDines to the Chinese. Except I don't want them working in factories or sweatshops because I know how incompetent they are.

I would.

They'd get all uppity and the chanks will Tianamen them.

I'm willing to forgo my toys for a year or two of this noble goal is realised.

Implying they would have the minerals to be uppity anywhere but SRD

Oh loonies do. Trust me.

Imagine surrendering your intellectual property to the Chinese.

US tech companies BTFO

That's why I use TempleOS

Jeepers sweaty! Just lrented off your entire comment history and had my therapist do a psychological evaluation on it, turns out you got some issues ☕🐸

I unironically think that SRDines are worse than chapos.

Atleast chapos provide laughs and fightback in their own re(tarded) way.

Re: tarded.

Is that the name of the new Evangelion movie?

Chapos at least understand jokes sometimes SRDines were raised in a sociology department where they don’t get basic human interaction and pop culture references but they can recite esoteric feminist literature

where they don’t get basic human interaction and pop culture references

Of they'll needlessly distort the meaning of some word or ignore all context and general use.

where they don’t get ... pop culture references

This is a good thing

You have to give to them though. The last three years has been nothing but non-stop mental rape for the SRDine and yet they still fight the strength to stealing oxygen and resources from actual human beings. Almost impressive.

I never looked at it that way actually.

The sheer trauma they must suffer...

Who’s worse, SRDines or-

The answer is always SRDines

Gun nuts are insufferable about guns. SRDines are insufferable about everything.

What is it with srd and going

Person 1:




Person 2:













Person 1 then replies to each of D-L with quotes and rebuttals

It makes the comments so fucking long. Just reply to the main argument and get it over with smh 😠

Couldn't you have made that point in a more concise manner? This post is way too lenghty.

You can't concentrate all that smugness into a single paragraph tbh

They need Long Post Bit in there lives

how else can i increase the chances they forget to reply to some minutia and let me claim victory?

Question guns are for protection and hunting right? Why is it important to use a tool that can increase the number of bullets fired? I mean it really seems more like a tool for mass killings.

if a crackhead breaks into my house, a well-aimed shot from my trusty musket should be enough to stop that dastardly cur in his tracks

I propose we settle this with a fight to death between the two groups. Gun nuts get their guns, SRDines get their smug sense of self-righteousness.

Both are amerilards, so both deserve the zyklon.

Alien cope


SRDines are such fucking cockholstermouths

man that just doesn't feel as good as a proper fá@@ót bomb

Without gunChads, there would be no guns.

Without guns, Chapos couldn't off themselves

Official /r/drama Verdict: they're both naggerfiggots.

Move on, folks, the question has an answer.

being against guns = being against the means of centrism

Why are you trying to argue with an official /r/drama verdict?

Anything official is automatically incorrect

Fucking mâyøs, smdh 😤☝🏿👎🏿

Everyone is arguing about guns and rights and smugness and I can't get over the fact that Martin Luther had was dead some 400 years by the time the Civil Rights movement was a thing.

SRDines without a doubt, this isn’t even up for debate

sardines, always

Seething noguns everywhere

Ok. On one hand you have Gun Nuts (waves left hand) and on the other you have SRDines (waves right hand). What you really need to do is put your hands together, and have SRDine Gun Nuts, verily, I say the worst possible.

literally nothing is worse than SRDines