T_D sent 3 tons of salt to the CNN headquarters

1596  2019-03-27 by Oh_hamburgers_


Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


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Serious post: how do they source for this bots materials? Pure genius

Whenever dramanauts find a spergish quote, the relevant people are contacted to add it to the bot’s list.

Naturally and locally sourced from free range lolcows.


The title is literal

Heh, that's pretty good


Has there been an official response yet?

nb4 "Organized Harassment Campaign From Reddit" -CNN


Someone sent them Learn2Code book along with 25 lbs salt!

Some loser /u/pray_for_kekistan with 25lbs of salt AND a Learn2Code book!

Anyone sending kosher salt?

Sorry, what is Kekistan?


Oof, reddit might take some action if an article like that would go up. Only real rule on reddit the admins care about is to never generate bad publicity.

"Trump supporters send 3 tons of a mysterious white substance to CNN offices" would be my best guess.

“Experts don’t deny it to be cocaine or anthrax”

It would definitely be fentanyl.

It would definitely be daddy's dried cummies.


3 and a half tons, someone just paid for forty 50lb bags today thats not counted in the main post. god damn these guys have too much time and money.

You have too much time and no money

Ouch :(

Dude, that is not my order. You can see in one of my other comments that was a random TD poster who linked that. I prefer to spend my money on B-slur



It's a zergling, Lester

A fool and his money are soon parted.

That's fucking funny dude, totally worth it imo. Imagine the faces of the office workers who had to find room for three goddamn tonnes of salt, and the boxes just kept showing up all day long lmao. Then the shitty-ass news writers trying to keep a stiff upper lip and pretend it doesn't bother them.

god damn these guys have too much time and money.

They are just spending their tax returns lol

Thanks Trump

Your avatar pic is disgusting

That's Russian oligarchs for ya...

Rock salt is useful. He should have sent table salt.

one guy sent 500lbs

it cost him like $90

cleverly disguised as clearly labeled commercial packages of salt delivered from walmart and amazon

"Trump supporters send 3 tons of a chemical compound to CNN offices. Under analysis, it appears to be a dehydrated mix of Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide (two highly dangerous chemicals)."

Can't wait for gamergate to by blamed.

It was about ethics in sodium chloride

Lol, as if they don't get all sorts of other nonsense already from Daddy Defense Force. The only people who are going to even know bags of salt have been sent to their offices are the one or two disgruntled mailroom employees who will subsquently throw them in the trash.

Even snoozeposting can't describe how boring this "troll" is. 😴😴😴

True, but to be fair I asked that question before realizing how little 3 tons of salt actually is. Turns out it's not that much.

the deliveries start today


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really? i think it is characteristically moronic

Wasting money to own libs a billion dollar company, watched by boomers.

Anyways, three tons of salt is a nice gift, especially come winter time. I'd be pretty happy to get free salt.

Atlanta doesn't deal with snow, they just shut down when they see a flake.

I was driving through the pan handle and the fuckers had closed majority of things down for a snow flurry with maybe an inch on the ground.

Oklahoma has some god awful plowing for their highways though. It looked like a drunk was just swerving between the left and right most lanes.

It looked like a drunk was just swerving between the left and right most lanes.

They were

Not surprised at all. Was gonna take a quick nap in one of those big travel area stops. Had a bunch of hills have eyes rednecks staring out the store window out my car till I said fuck this.

TBH I'm no fan of donnie but I gotta admit, this kind of rabble rousing is probably a good way to rile up the base and make fun of CNN. I'd say as far as political contributions go you can do a lot worse.

I’m absolutely sure they’ve done this before though.

Really? I think you’re a smug posting f-slur

i bet you're a hoot at parties

or would be if you were ever invited to them

It was. Think it's up to >4 tons already because they won't stop what have I done

The man, the legend!

The greatest deal, in the history of deals.

Ok, now this is epic

Yeah I hate to agree, it's a pretty good and harmless prank. Better then the last thing a Trump nutcase sent CNN. I'd hate to be the guy who's in charge of their facilities though, that's it they actually signed for it.

UPS workers are the real victims here.

My husband does winter work for a very large company. The small salters hold 3 tons, the large ones 6.

This is the equivalent to a dump truck of salt.

Better than the last thing a Trump nutcase sent CNN.

you mean the fake bombs the liberal sent to all those dems?

No, that’s me, but this was honestly pretty funny.

I like how Trump can just spew absurdly stupid lies on a weekly basis, be completely wrong along with his base, and somehow when anyone else is wrong about them it's some major victory for them.

Did everyone forget about "Obama wiretapped Trump tower."

how much salt got delivered to you this morning

I mean, are you going to respond to anything I said? To be clear, I'm an accelerationist and don't care for either party, nor do I have any solid political views.

But can you explain to me why Trumptards can be repeatedly wrong, why Trump himself can fabricate wild stories with no basis in reality, have them debunked, be fine, and then if anyone is ever wrong about him there's some massive victory parade and his enemies are no longer credible?

Why are you so mad


You're just jelly he Leaving Neverland'd Ivanka and she loves special Daddy nights more than ever.

so, like, 25 pounds?

LMAO what standard are politicians held to in America? I know youre 19 but were you comatose prior to Summer 2016?

A better wording might be 'If Trump supporters held him to the same standard they hold everyone else too, he'd be less credible than Baghdad Bob."

A better wording might be: " "

Drama 1 6% 45

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That's like 2 pick up trucks. Weak shit.

Rookie numbers

We keep 2 or 3 pallets on hand at work during winter. It takes about 1.5-2 tons to salt our entire site.

Does it ever snow in Georgia?

Even at what should have been, by all means, their ultimate moment of vindication, r/T_D still can't help but SEETHE as spergaliciously as ever.

They are kinda similar to Brexiteers, who have been spazing out with increasing intensity ever since they won that referendum.

C O P E harder, this shit is funny

^ Exhibit A

>thinking im a trumptard

o i am laffin

"I just post about how much I agree with everything American conservatives think"

>thinking conservatives = trump

>thinking i agree with everything rightoids think

C O P E harder you rslured fslur

Ok honeu

spend 2 years convinced Trump was going to jail

Throws a hissy fit over a prank setup in a day

Keep seething you bundle of sticks

^ Exhibit 2


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Where are they seething? Trolling CNN is not seething.

This is great for dramacoin

Is T_D allowed to be this funny?

Not intentionally but yes

Pretty sure this was intentional.

Naw they accidentally sent a shit ton of salt

T_D has always been the funniest place on Reddit

Between Smollett not being charged and Trumptards crying about it, libtards being exposed for the gullible conspiracy theorists they are, Euroburgerland getting fucked hard by Article 13 I think it's time to sell. We'll never reach this peak again.


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Appalling, he used the g slur? As the OP I should clarify that I don't support this bigotry. What a disgusting sluraggot.

Wait till corey bookers sex partner from the bathroom stall is revealed as Anderson cooper

Corey Booker eats meat after all.

After all?


Wait till corey bookers sex partner from the bathroom stall is revealed as Anderson cooper


Remember, a collapse in drama markets can by definition only cause more drama. We've nowhere to go but up!



Sell now, buy in the 2018 lull

sell in the 2020 trump reeeeeeeeeeee-election

2020 is coming, my dear b*tch

Pretty much anyone who cares about justice even remotely is crying about Smollett though.

Don't forget the British MPs saying no to every possible brexit plan.

I mean, the Russians around the administration isn't a conspiracy theory. Still haven't heard any actual reasoning for it yet and at least the actual Russian stooge in manafort is locked up.

Am I the only one to notice all those commentators post on r/T_D? Ya'll are slipping.

Never posted there f-slur.

I hate having to mansplain the joke to r[-slurs].

It will be even better when CNN goes loud with their story about being sent “unknown white powder” from thousands of sources and how this is a personal attack on the families of its journalists.

That’s the only thing that will make it good. It’s just a lame boomer take on a 4chan prank if CNN doesn’t even acknowledge it. But if they get the FBI involved and call it a terrorist attack and shit, it’ll be legendary.

This may be the first funny thing baste MIGApedes have done since Blumpfh took the Oval Office.

They must be having the time of their lives this week.

Tbh, would have been funnier if they spent that money on spring loaded containers that shoot dildos and glitter. Now THAT would be pretty epic.

We're not here to talk about your kinks.

I legit laughed at this shit. It's so ridiculous it's actually funny. And fuck CNN anyways. They're fucking trash.


I wanted to annoy the downvoters to get more downvotes but my plan backfired.

Based and Bannonpilled





Based and dramapilled


Hating CNN should be non-partisan.

Ewwww seriousposting. Drama is about dramacoin, which CNN is wonderful for.

I guess. A bunch of [r-slur]s screaming at each other is decent drama, I guess. It just makes me feel [r-slur]ed when I watch it.

Stop being such a nagger.

No u.

U r tho

Well duh. But, like, more [r-slur]ed.

Will somebody legit explained the r-slur stuff to me?

Admins overdosed on semen again.


The nads of this lad

Imagine watching enough cable news to have an opinion on it


Imagine reading headlines as your primary news source.

I pretty much get all my newss from the chans

imagine getting your news from retarded mouthbreathers.

Y'all f-sluring wack, I get all my news by being physically present at the source of the news.

Imagine not being omnipresent

Is it over for singularcels?

The chans link direct videos to news, you see footage and hear police statements directly. No need for the MSM filter. It's superior.

For real. No other cable news network touches FOX News for viewership. Having said that, more people subscribe to the New York Times.

Jon Stewart told me what to think about CNN in the late 00s and early 10s.

Jon Stewart telling me how to think


Checks out

I will never not love CNN getting mocked.


do not say the f-word, you r-slur.

We can't even swear now? What the f-word.

the faegala word


Because they're all liberal cry babies and their gullible. They believe anything the MSM tells them.

I'm a liberal. Where's your God now?


Up vote for fuck cnn

No one cares nerds

Bless your heart.

How is this funny? It's completely moronic and a huge waste of a lot of people's time.

I think you just answered your own question

I don't find that funny. Now, as point of contrast a similar situation that was funny was when a bunch of people send dildos and lube to the rednecks holed up in the Oregon BLM building a couple years ago.

That was at least mildly chuckle worthy, this is just weak.

owning libs: not funny owning conservat@rds: 😂😂😂😂🤙

I'm a true radical centrist, I enjoy making fun of everyone. It's only when it's just not funny that I have a problem with it.


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That's some tasty salt you have. Care to donate?

Nah, I just have very high taste. I only enjoy the finest of salts, and they are only available at high cost and certain times of year.

This low level children's bullshit doesn't amuse me.

Well this is literally the only win they've had. Gotta go all out.

Trump has been non-stop winning from the start, achieving everything he's set his mind to, with the occasional exception. I'm suprised they managed that much after being so tired from all the winning.

The whole world knows you're a retard and you've achieved none of your bigger campaign promises

Imagine believing this unironically

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The whole world knows you're a r-slur and you've achieved none of your bigger campaign promises

Imagine believing this unironically

They're saltmarshing the swamp!

It's like a sentence spoken by a 4 year old

Yeah, the internet is great isn't it?

I would have rather it went to MSNBC. Regards, pretty good.

I like how Trump can just spew absurdly stupid lies on a weekly basis, be completely wrong along with his base, and somehow when anyone else is wrong about them it's some major victory for them.

Did everyone forget about "Obama wiretapped Trump tower."

Or the time Trump claimed he had a team investigating Obama for "not being born in the US."

Or the 45 other times he's fabricated stories to attack his enemies? Is Ted Cruz's father still involved in the JFK assassination?

Is Obama still using his secret Arab ring to communicate with terrorists?

jeez, so like 50 pounds was sent to you

that's rough, man

Pizzashill produced about that much salt about this. Your donations aren't needed.

You really are dense. Trump/supporters have been right EVERYSTEP OF THE WAY.

Its the Leftists that have been sooo wrong for 4 years now. EVERY TIME. I honestly dont know how you guys havent shifted your worldview yet after being so wrong, so often, and so consistently. TDS is real. Your cognitive dissonance is real.

Trump will never get the nomination. Trump will never win. Trump will crash the economy. Trump is a Russian puppet. Etc Etc Etc.

Leftists have gone off the rails. Trump is so entrenched in your minds that you guys are irrational.

"Obama wiretapped Trump tower."

This happened dummy. Try to keep up.

How that kool-aid taste my dude

Great rebuttal! Thanks!

I'm sorry you're in love with a dumpy senile old man who says literally the first thing that comes in his head without forethought. Is it his politics, business acumen, or inability to formulate sentences that you find so attractive?

"I have a very big....brain." - Donald J. Trump

Stay retarded, middle America


literally first thing

without forethought

Sounds pretty based. That’s why we call him Daddy. 🤛🏽🏌🏿‍♂️🇷🇺

You know, I'm perfectly alright with him so long as it's a fetish thing. I know I'VE personally gotten off to some of those early campaign speeches. But just because Daddy is a sexy, fat dipshit doesn't mean that we ought to keep him as the leader of the free world for much longer than a few weeks. I think the amount of pornographic content we have out of this presidency already has been more than enough. Don't you based red-pillers get it?? We have to separate porn from policy!

Hmm, only if the next POTUS is just as or spicer. I can’t downgrade from this.

Rosanne / Arnold 2020?

Mitch McConnell / AOC.

Pewdie / Pie

You really are dense. Trump/supporters have been right EVERYSTEP OF THE WAY.

Hillary Clinton and Podesta were running a pedo ring out of the basement of a pizza parlor?

Obama wasn't a US citizen and would be indicted any day now?

Ted Cruz's father was involved in the JFK assassination?

Climate change is a Chinese hoax?

Should I keep going, because there's like, you know, a massive list of these.

This happened dummy. Try to keep up.

Not according to his own DOJ:


"Both FBI and NSD confirm that they have no records related to wiretaps as described by the March 4, 2017 tweets," the government said, referring to the Justice Department’s National Security Division.

see this is why we need pizza, hes the only one who effort posts against DDF

Is it really effort when it takes under 25 seconds to prove them wrong?

More effort then most since everyone else just points and laughs at them

Yeah, and that's why we have a DDF problem. They've been allowed to run rampant with nobody contesting them.

They've confused the laughing at them for some type of proof their worldview holds validity.

Its more there hasn't been many posts making fun of boomerology / daddy for awhile so they think the sub is the cringeanrachy of SRD.

Thank you for your service Mr. Pizza.


Takes less then ten seconds for you to give me 5 game tokens for a dollar. I can see why yo are frustrated Chuck E.

That, and he supplies us our game tokens.

They weren’t wiretapping the phones, they were “surveilling” his phones!

Manafort, Trump's campaign manager, wasn't surveilled while in Trump Tower?

Donald Trump claimed HE was wiretapped.

Not only that, again, the DOJ and FBI refuted Trump's claim:

"Both FBI and NSD confirm that they have no records related to wiretaps as described by the March 4, 2017 tweets," the government said, referring to the Justice Department’s National Security Division.

Even the white house walked the claim back:

The White House has argued that Trump's comments were merely alleging surveillance, which is why he put "wires tapped" in quotation marks in the initial tweet.

There's a very large difference between a foreign agent being watched and incidental collection and Donald Trump himself being watched.

And as far as I know, even though manafort was being watched, there's no evidence that his residence at Trump tower was:


However, the Wall Street Journal reported that Manafort was placed under surveillance after he left the Trump campaign in the summer 2016, and that the surveillance did not involve listening to Manafort’s phone conversations in real-time. So that means Trump’s conversation would not have gotten picked up by any investigator real-time.

There’s no evidence that this means Manafort’s residence in Trump Tower was wiretapped. He also has a home in Alexandria, Va., which the FBI raided this summer.

You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

You're very thorough, you must be a very considerate lover

This happened dummy

Wew lad

Imagine seriousposting to the seriousposter in chief.


So, how's the trade deficit doing?

How 'bout that federal deficit?

Is Hillareeeeeee in jail yet?

Has the inauguration crowd been proven to be the biggest ever?

Is the nuclear threat from North Korea over?

Come on, I need me some quick dramacoin.

hilariously emotional response

Did you really repost this after getting downvoted the first time

Serious posting and being this concerned with internet points


No, I put in an edit that the bot removed and had to repost it.

Dum robit

Good bot

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.82921% sure that IDFSHILL is not a bot.

I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | /r/spambotdetector | Optout | Original Github

!isbot chewieatepeolple

Pizzashill is truly a treasure

Is Obama still using his secret Arab ring to communicate with terrorists?

I mean, America hasn't been destroyed yet as per his globalist agenda, so probably?

globalists sure are bad at destroying countries since they've been in control of them for 60+years and still haven't even managed to make the US not the preeminent superpower during that time.

It takes a long time to destroy a nation as great as America with cowardly globalist tricks



Lol I would vote for A second term just to see you melt down

I mean, are you going to respond to anything I said? To be clear, I'm an accelerationist and don't care for either party, nor do I have any solid political views.

Can you repost that picture of you? I love the dark circles under your eyes and your wonderful dick sucking lips

Dem lips dummy thicc

He looks like so many races mixed into one. I bet his mom was the pass-around girl at the local dive bar and all the cum in her pussy combined into supercum and made a universal worldbaby.

Waitwaitwait, thats shill forreal? Goddam turbofag lookin muthafucka.

I’m an accelerationist

This fits with your youthful angst. I appreciate you shittalking the ddf though.


Huh ?

Intentionally ruin the country to own the capitalist pigs

I know why tankies call themselves that but shilly is far from one.

I mean accelerationism is an actual thing and primarily a lefty thing, as leftists hate capitalism

God he's a commie ?? 😱

That just sounds like a socialist seeing his ideas fucked everything up and claiming "T-that was my plan all along..."

They skateboard often?

It's a he and I don't think so.

People with chaotic personal lives and no permanent attachments to the people/world around them unironically want to see the prevailing order turned to shit.

You can spot the accelerationist by having no real friends, finances, property, but also being white and Western in the most prosperous and stable time period in human history

having no real friends, finances, property, but also being white and Western in the most prosperous and stable time period in human history

So poor people support this ? Damnit, I knew removing property limits were a mistake.

Yeah, it turns out if you work hard/smart, make decent money, buy a house and pay lots of taxes, you don't want to see the USA turn into Mad Max.

Exactly. People demonise landowners but who has more skin in the game ?

Someone with money overseas or some hobo ?

some hobo ?

I'm an unironic hobo, but I still like cheap gas, cheap consumer goods, and people working really long hours so they stay out of my woods

Yes but people as based as you are few and far in between.

aw thanks baby that was real sweet. if you wanna join me on the road one day, i got plenty of extra underoos.


Accelerationism is for losers that want to galaxy brain themselves into thinking they're actually winning when they're losing.

you're entitled to think whatever you'd like.

I'm an accelerationist

So are you gonna shoot up a mosque or a church?

My favorite part of your post was when you summarized the Russian Collusion thing being make-believe as "somebody was wrong about him".

It wasn't really "make believe" to be clear. There were valid reasons to question him, and a lot of smoke, which is why the investigation happened in the first place.

There's enough hard evidence, for example, that Trump JR met with a Russian government asset in order to obtain dirt on Hillary Clinton, and directly talked about lifting sanctions in exchange for that. He then lied to congress about it.

The reality is the Mueller probe was far too narrow to uncover hard proof of Collusion with the Russian government, cutouts maybe, but not directly with the Russian government.

To sum this up, the things Trump has repeatedly said are all more absurd than the Russian investigation.

You should have told Mueller about this shit when you had the chance. He probably just didn't realize that 'talking to a guy from another country about politics' was a crime.

The reality is the Mueller probe was far too narrow to uncover hard proof of Collusion with the Russian government,

HAHAHHAHHA. Oh fuck. What's the return policy on your Mueller votive candles and "Mueller time" t-shirt?

You should have told Mueller about this shit when you had the chance. He probably just didn't realize that 'talking to a guy from another country about politics' was a crime.

More than talked. Discussed changing US law in exchange for dirt on a political opponent, dirt he was told was part of direct support for his fathers campaign by the Russian government.

What he did was absolutely illegal.

HAHAHHAHHA. Oh fuck. What's the return policy on your Mueller votive candles and "Mueller time" t-shirt?

Considering I was never invested in Mueller, I won't need one. Russia was never a real issue to me, my primary issue with Trump is his incompetence, his terrible policy agenda, and his clear mental illness.

What he did was absolutely illegal.

Huh, that's awful funny. When Nigel Farage came to America as a sitting member of the UK Parliament, and announced with Trump standing right next to him that he was going to meet in private with Trump to discuss his campaign and the relationship between their two nations, why weren't they drug away in chains?

When Gianni Pittella, active member of the European Parliament came to the United States to loudly and actively campaign for the Hillary Clinton campaign by showing up to rallies and meeting with her and business leaders to strategize against Trump, why didn't the GOP immediately sue?

It's almost like nobody gave a shit about any of it until Trump won and it was time to pretend that sort of thing is a crime.

Even if you're a Trump supporter, there's no way to defend this.

I don't have to defend it. Nobody was indicted. No U.S. citizen was found to have colluded with Russia. There's no need for a retarded slapfight on drama about it because the people who, unlike you, know what actually happened just released a report on it.

Huh, that's awful funny. When Nigel Farage came to America as a sitting member of the UK Parliament, and announced with Trump standing right next to him that he was going to meet in private with Trump to discuss his campaign and the relationship between their two nations, why weren't they drug away in chains?

This is not the same legally as meeting with a Russian government asset to discuss obtaining illegally hacked materials to use in a political campaign.

It's almost like nobody gave a shit about any of it until Trump won and it was time to pretend that sort of thing is a crime.

When did the UK hack a major US political party to obtain dirt and then try to trade it for law changes?

I don't have to defend it. Nobody was indicted. No U.S.

And that doesn't mean they aren't guilty, now does it?

This is not the same thing as meeting with a Russian government asset to discuss

They met in private. You have no fucking idea what they did or did not discuss because nobody asked, because nobody cared, because "campaign meeting with politicians from another country" hadn't been blown up into something scary by the news sources that have been ass-fucking your mind for the past two years.

obtaining illegally hacked materials to use in a political campaign.

If that happened, somebody would have been indicted for collusion. You're just ignoring what we know to maintain your conspiracy theory like it's 2018 or something.

They met in private. You have no fucking idea what they did or did not discuss because nobody asked, because nobody cared, because "campaign meeting with politicians from another country" hadn't been blown up into something scary by the news sources that have been ass-fucking your mind for the past two years.

That's neat, you have no proof of reason to believe anything illegal was discussed between the UK and the US. We have direct proof this is the case with Trump JR. Your argument is, to be frank, completely fallacious.

If that happened, somebody would have been indicted for collusion. You're just ignoring what we know to maintain your conspiracy theory like it's 2018 or something.

That's literally what happened.

Mr. Trump defended the meeting in a tweet, saying “Most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent. That's politics!” About a week earlier, emails between Donald Trump Jr. and Rob Goldstone, a British music producer and publicist who helped broker the gathering, had come to light. Those emails made it clear that the meeting was to provide the Trump campaign with damaging information on Mrs. Clinton as part of a Russian government effort to support his father.


In a tweet, Mr. Trump solidified that the primary purpose of the meeting was to obtain political dirt on Mrs. Clinton. He also continued to claim that his son and the campaign did nothing wrong because they did not ultimately receive damaging materials about Mrs. Clinton. But some legal experts say that by simply taking the meeting, Donald Trump Jr. broke the law: It is illegal for a campaign to accept help from a foreign individual or government.


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That's neat, you have no proof of reason to believe anything illegal was discussed between the UK and the US.

Yes. Because nobody looked into it, because nobody cared, because "Campaign met with foreign officials" wasn't considered suspicious until Trump won and your echo chamber told you it was something to see as suspicious.

We have direct proof this is the case with Trump JR.

Everything you think about this is either bullshit, or else you spinning perfectly normal things that happen into pretend crimes.

In a tweet, Mr. Trump solidified that the primary purpose of the meeting was to obtain political dirt on Mrs. Clinton.

I guess the Mueller investigation was 'too narrow' to have access to an internet connection. You're trying to convince me that behavior everybody knew about a year ago is a crime despite us just being told no crime occurred. You are clearly completely unphased by reality, and just believe whatever your favorite propaganda tells you about orange man.

Yes. Because nobody looked into it, because nobody cared, because "Campaign met with foreign officials" wasn't considered suspicious until Trump won and your echo chamber told you it was something to see as suspicious.

Because the UK wasn't involved in a campaign to influence the US election. Russia was.

Everything you think about this is either bullshit, or else you spinning perfectly normal things that happen into pretend crimes.

A) is it illegal to obtain information from a foreign government to use in a political campaign?

B) is it a crime to lie to congress under oath?

I don't want your spin on this, I want yes or no answers.

I guess the Mueller investigation was 'too narrow' to have access to an internet connection. You're trying to convince me that behavior everybody knew about a year ago is a crime despite us just being told no crime occurred. You are clearly completely unphased by reality, and just believe whatever your favorite propaganda tells you about orange man.

Answer the above questions. Yes or no answers.


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Because the UK wasn't involved in a campaign to influence the US election. Russia was.

Which no American was connected to. To pretend otherwise is just a conspiracy theory at this point.

A) is it illegal to obtain information from a foreign government to use in a political campaign?

Of course not. Again, see Nigel Farage. Do you seriously think he didn't say anything to Trump that could be considered 'information to use in a political campaign'? If the standard was that loose, campaigns would never meet in private with anybody from a foreign government for fear of the appearance of collusion. But they both did, and the teams of lawyers who's job was to scrutinize their every move didn't say shit.

The idea that such a thing would be illegal was made up by the people who spend the past two years trying to convince you of the Trump/Collusion thing.

B) is it a crime to lie to congress under oath?

It's a crime to lie in court and to the FBI under oath, I don't know about to Congress. One would think so, but so many people in this mess seem to be getting away with it that it's hard to say.

All I can say for certain is that Trump Jr. wasn't indicted for anything, including lying to Congress, so whatever lies you think he told must not be criminal.

Answer the above questions. Yes or no answers.

You're posturing like those questions were supposed to be hard or supposed to obliterate me or something.

still unemployed then?

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Of course not.

And this is where I stopped reading. This is an outright denial of established US law, and the fact you were so easily able to deny this leads me to believe you aren't a person interested in reality, and there is nothing that will ever convince you that you're wrong.

The idea it is legal to accept help from a foreign government in a US political campaign is objectively false.

Have a nice day.

And this is where I stopped reading.

Well yeah. You thought your stupid question was clever.

Man you are 100% thrall. A complete cult member. You need an intervention.

Never invested in Mueller

Posting paragraphs about how Mueller dropped the ball.

Oh lawdy

I enjoy low hanging fruit and easy to win arguments. You can find me doing the same thing on other accounts in multiple subs, left-wing subs at that.

I'll prove my point:

find a single comment in which I ever expressed any faith in the Mueller investigation, said collusion would be proven or anything like that.

I enjoy low hanging fruit and easy to win arguments.

That explains why you declared the one between you and I to be over and ran crying into the night like the tiniest of bitches.

You claimed something that is objectively illegal wasn't illegal.

Where exactly do you go from there? If someone walks up to you and says the sky is green, do you try to argue with them and waste your time or just leave?

You're declaring yourself to be objectively right based on nothing when all the facts are against you, and just pretending not to see the points I made that shoot your declaration down.

Was it illegal for Hillary to accept a European Parliament member coming to the US and campaigning for her? If no, what the fuck are you talking about? If yes, why did zero people care? You have no answer, so all you can do is pretend you won.

Alright, just to be clear, so I can get this on record for everyone to see.

You believe that it is not illegal for a US political campaign to accept aid from a hostile foreign power.

That, in your head, is not illegal? I'm not interested in your false equivalencies, I am asking you if you believe it is legal for an American political campaign to accept material support from a foreign government.

Yes or no.

You believe that it is not illegal for a US political campaign to accept aid from a hostile foreign power.

Aid? Hostile? This is just you moving the goalposts. If that "Aid" comes in the form of a giant fucking check or activity that is otherwise illegal, then yeah, that's a crime. If that "aid" comes in the form of dirt, advocacy, tips, information, or otherwise a bunch of words, then of course it isn't.

I am asking you if you believe it is legal for an American political campaign to accept material support from a foreign government.

Material support? This is you moving the goalposts again.

Aid? Hostile? This is just you moving the goalposts. If that "Aid" comes in the form of a giant fucking check or activity that is otherwise illegal, then yeah, that's a crime. If that "aid" comes in the form of dirt, advocacy, tips, information, or otherwise a bunch of words, then of course it isn't.

Yes it fucking is.

"aid" in this law can be defined as any form of support. This is exactly what I'm talking about. This is why I dismissed you, when someone denies established US law in this fashion it is completely pointless to argue with them.

You unironically believe that it is legal for a US campaign to meet with a foreign power to obtain dirt on political opponents. I just wanted you to say it again so everyone could laugh at you for believing this shit.

"aid" in this law can be defined as any form of support.

If that were true, then when Gianni Pittella came to the U.S. to campaign for Hillary, it would have been a crime and the Trump campaign would have sued, Hillary would have been indicted, and that would have been that.

It doesn't matter how bold you make the fucking text, your baseless assertions don't line up with the reality in which we live.

You unironically believe that it is legal for a US campaign to meet with a foreign power to obtain dirt on political opponents.

Yes absolutely. That's why everybody knows Don Jr. and yet he wasn't indicted. That's why nobody demanding to know what Nigel Farage and Trump discussed.

You simply have your head way up your ass to the point where you think the 1st Amendment allows private conversations to be criminalized, and you think this preposterous nonsense because it you need it to argue about Trump on the internet.

why you getting whooped by this scrub?

2-0 agk, this is some ridiculous dodging and cope I honestly expect better shill, smdh

Yeah, saying things that are so absurdly false people stop taking you seriously is "winning."

Hey quick question does momma Clinton receiving campaign aid and campaign advice from a foreign power mean she colluded too?

Clinton got aid from a foreign government?

You can answer the question as a hypothetical, if it really makes you itch.

I'm not interested in answering until you show me which government the Clinton campaign met with in search of aid.

no excuse me I won't say that if Hillary received foreign aid ìt was illegal, I'm far too busy saying drumpf received foreign aid and that that

This cope 😆

If the Hillary Clinton campaign met with a foreign government in search of aid in the election, that would be illegal.

So aid is legal as long as they gave it without her "searching for it"?

I'm not going to play this game with you anymore. Either present what you're talking about or you're dismissed.

You will not get another response from me until you source your claims.

no excuse me I won't say that if Hillary received foreign aid ìt was illegal, I'm far too busy saying drumpf received foreign aid and that that

This cope 😆

Thank God

Notice how he's desperate for the specifics now that he's talking to somebody who doesn't have them. When he was talking to me he just pretended not to see the specifics whenever I brought it up. This guy is truly shit-tier.

I have them. I just know they're not required to answer a hypothetical scenario.

He's desperate for anything that lets him not answer the question, because he knows as soon as he says yes, the facts and his previous posts prove he thinks hilldog colluded too.

Just think, these past two years while pundits were declaring that stuff like this was obviously criminal, we had a widely reported example of Hillary doing the same thing and nobody caring.

And too late, you got my gamerstink all over you. I bet you upvoted me too, you degenerate.

Lmao, the Clinton foundation was/is one of the biggest/well respected charity orgs on the planet.

Tons of countries donated to it.

The idea this links them to the Clinton's is... highly questionable.

Oh really. So explain this then:


Donations to the Foundations of almost 10 million a year for almost 10 years, are stopped 2 weeks after Clinton loses the 2016 elections.

They likely stopped donating to it because the foundation got so much flak from delusional conservatives tbh.

Feel free to go look on the charity rating websites, the Clinton foundation was very highly rated.

Furthermore, you understand that donations to a charity are not the same thing as donations to a person, correct?

Clinton can't profit from a charity. So your argument makes literally no sense. The only person I know guilty of charity fraud is Donald Trump.

At no point did they stop during all the pre-existing allegations, of corruption. Only after she lost the election...... And with in the same month.

Keep lying to yourself though.

At no point did they stop during all the pre-existing allegations, of corruption. Only after she lost the election...... And with in the same month.

And what I said still applies.

Also you

Yes, because there is no proof of charity fraud on Clinton's part and direct proof of charity fraud on Trump's part. Do you have any proof Clinton is guilty of charity fraud?

You piece of shit. I explicitly told you she got campaign support from Gianni Pittella and you didn't respond to it. Now you're demanding some complete other person to cite it to you because you think I'm not watching.


Lmao, someone showing up in the US and campaigning is not the same thing as meeting with a foreign government in private to seek illegally obtained information on a political opponent.

This is the worst false equivalence in a long line of false equivalencies you've tried to spew here. I also didn't read your comments because you repeatedly denied reality.

Lmao, someone showing up in the US and campaigning is not the same thing as meeting with a foreign government in private to seek illegally obtained information on a political opponent.

It's providing aid. And you specifically said that aid in the form of words, not financial, was illegal. You're just blatantly contradicting yourself now.

illegally obtained information on a political opponent.

I already said receiving aid that came in the form of criminal behavior was illegal. This is you shifting the goalposts back again because you lost the argument.

It's providing aid. And you specifically said that aid in the form of words, not financial, was illegal. You're just blatantly contradicting yourself now.

No it's not you troll. Do you think people conduct illegal campaign activities in public, in the media?

Are you unironically this delusional? Like what? I'm baffled as to how you thought this was the same thing.

At this point I'm convinced you're a troll.

No it's not you troll.

Yeah. Campaigning for somebody isn't providing aid to their campaign. That sounds right.

You're pathetic.

Again, there is no rational, coherent, or sane way to think these events were the same thing.

If you think that, you are extremely mentally ill.

Nobody said they were the same thing, mongoloid. That's you moving the goalposts again.

You absolutely are trying to claim these were on equal footing. I don't know who you think you're fooling with this, but I suspect you're now realizing how absurd your claim was and are trying to shift over and pretend you weren't saying they were the same thing.

You said this:

Yes it fucking is.

"aid" in this law can be defined as any form of support. This is >exactly what I'm talking about.

So I gave you an example of an Italian government official aiding the Hillary campaign, and now you're shifting the goalposts because you're a lying little shit that can't just take the L like a man.

That's all, really.

Again, publicly campaigning for someone does not meet the standard and would not even come close to it.

You are completely delusional.

It doesn't mean the standard you're desperately trying to shift to because I just made you look like a moron, maybe. The standard you actually gave, though, was 'any form of support', and it certainly meets that. If you want to say your 'any form of support' standard was fucking stupid and wrong,and correct yourself, now would be the time I suppose.

Again, you are not fooling anyone but yourself with this brand of mental gymnastics.

So...no standard you'd like to clarify or present, then? Gotcha.

You're latching on to the word "all" because you have no argument, and are completely ignoring context.

Oof, embarrassing night for the shill.

His problem is he's trying to have a Battle of the Talking Points, and I'm just pointing out to him the stuff that happened. A couple weeks ago, when nobody knew anything, his talking points had a lot more oomph.

Here's a novel idea: How about you answer his question before you expect yours to be answered

Why are you so anti-Trump compared to any other politician? Just to rile people up?

Because he's much worse than everyone else. The extreme, pathological lying, the science denial, the corruption; all very blatant, he doesn't even try to hide it.

I hate all politicians, but Trump takes the cake due to his profound and extreme ignorance.

my primary issue with Trump is his incompetence, his terrible policy agenda, and his clear mental illness.

If her were as incompetent as you claim, shouldn't you, as a self proclaimed "accelerationist" (lol), be his number one fan?

I dislike stupid people. Trump is stupid.

Le rElEvaNt subreddit lulz

Get fucked

Immigrants OUT OUT OUT

You must really 'dislike' yourself then.

Responses to a single argument I made: 0.

Quick, someone mod this muppet..

Strange how every ounce of that smoke was bought and paid for by the Dems.

Funny how the russian investigation started before the dossier even existed.

In April 2016, attorney Marc Elias separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump on behalf of Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC. 

According to its authorizing document which was signed by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein on May 17, 2017, the investigation's scope included the allegation that there were links or coordination between Donald Trump's presidential campaign and the Russian government[3][4]

The Russia investigation happen pre-dates the dossier and was started by the FBI after an Australian diplomat tipped off the FBI.

The dossier did not start the investigation, period.

Oh, hey goalposts. What are you doing over there.

That timeline above says otherwise you mong.

No it doesn't.

Do you think the Mueller probe was started off the dossier? The Mueller probe happened because Trump fired Comey, the Russia investigation started without the Dossier:

Your own source says as much, did you even read it?

While Trump and some Republicans have claimed that the dossier was behind the beginning of the FBI investigation into his campaign's potential conspiracy with Russia, in December 2017, former and current intelligence officials revealed that the actual impetus was a series of comments made in May 2016 by Papadopoulos to Alexander Downer, a top Australian diplomat, during a night of "heavy drinking at an upscale London bar".[236][198] Shep Smith, an anchor at Fox News, confirmed this series of events, directly contradicting Trump's and Sean Hannity's false claims that the dossier was the impetus for the start of the investigation.[111] John Sipher reported that Papadopoulos bragged "that the Trump campaign was aware the Russian government had dirt on Hillary Clinton"[4] in the form of "thousands of emails" stolen from Clinton which could be used to damage her campaign. Papadopoulos had learned this about three weeks earlier. Two months later, when WikiLeaks started releasing DNC emails, Australian officials alerted the Americans about Papadopoulos' remarks.[236][198] Over a year later, Papadopoulos was arrested on July 27, 2017,[237] and in October 2017, Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, and became a cooperating witness in Mueller's investigation.[236][237]

Other factors also played into the FBI's decision to investigate Russian interference and the Trump campaign: intelligence from friendly governments, especially the British and Dutch, and information about Page's Moscow trip. Steele's first report was sent to Fusion GPS, dated June 20, 2016, and FBI agents first interviewed Steele in October 2016.[198] The New York Times reported on February 14, 2017, that the FBI had made contact with some of Steele's sources.[238] CNN later reported that the FBI had used the dossier to bolster its existing investigations.[42][13]

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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You stated that the investigation existed before the dossier.

You were wrong.

Oh my god, you are beyond pedantic. You know very well you/the other guy were trying to imply the investigation started with the Dossier (which is a claim Trump has repeated many times.)

The dossier might have existed in some form, but it wasn't used in the investigation or have anything to do with the start of the investigation, which is the claim.

Look at all this cope

Agendaposting 🤮

Hello fellow n-slur I am going to grab some of my fellow n-slurs to do a hate crime against a man loving n-slur whilst wearing maga hats and t posing to assert dominance. I come to you because as a n-slur I don't want to be shot by the donuts and me and my n-slurs would be grateful if you could spare some of your salt so we can white face our hate crime. Ok thanks

Just enjoy the funny prank pizza. Its just about the only chance you'll have to laugh with them rather than at them, so sieze the opportunity

Such a salty midget.

The Trump Tower was wiretapped by officials under Obamas administration. Many including his own family members have claimed Obama was born outside the US. I'm not sure what list of bullshit you got 45 other times from but I doubt they are any more valid.

Imagine repeating a lie even the white house had to walk back.

Many including his own family members have claimed Obama was born outside the US.

Whelp I'm convinced.

You're a shitty bot.


You sure your in the IDF?

I mean, is expect some next level brain manipulation from someone trained by the Mossad.

That shit to there is something if expect to see it if Zimbabwe.

Robert? Is that you?

Man, remember that time he said Obama paid a $400 million cash ransom to a state sponsor of terrorism?

Shitposting Kings and Queens is what you all are.

He says, as a complement.

These can't be real people. Come on !!

They’re all Russian bots, remember?

Yes and no.

Bots up vote and down vote but r slur comments like this are made by normal humans.

Or so I think.

Wasting food to own the libs. 😎

Are you calling salt food?

Typically on it's own it's not of course.

However it is an edible and necessary condiment for humans.

Fuk you Dude I like ketchup and I put it on my hot dogs

I like ketchup and I put it on my hot dogs


Does mommy chop them up for you?


hot dog

You do know how nasty those things are right

i just want you to know even the national hotdog council thinks you're a child and wrong for doing that.

Ni🅱️🅱️a salt isn't food

It's more of a food then ketchup.

Salt is needed for human survival. May not be food on it's own but a damn important component of food

By that measure, since Cl is a component of salt, Chlorine is important for survival.

I have an idea to "feed" the Furries.

You damn well know that salt is essential for humans.

However if that's your view so be it.

My view is that Furries need to be gassed. I dunno what you're on about.

You took the salt thing and made it about CI and chlorine.

Anyway gas em.

Salt is NaCl (not CI), which is made up of half Chlorine half Sodium....



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To amerilards with high blood pressure salt most definitely is.

Wait. I’m not supposed to eat out of the salt shaker?

Salt is racist because it disproportionately kills black people more than even the police


Kills them less than black people though






We've got perfectly enough food.


I expected better.

No you didn't

I am a very optimistic person.

That’s actually pretty good lol

too many seriousposting n-slurs in here

I'm really becoming a fan of "n-slur"

I’m gonna say the n slur

M-slur O-slur get d-slur!!!!!

Old movies: in 2018 we'll have flying cars.

Once again reality surpases expectations.

I cannot wait till this stupid Jew joke is done.

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Neighbor please.

"Fuck yeah I just spent a couple hundred to send a few dozen kilos of salt to CNN, fucking owned them xD how could they possibly recover?"

tbh it's a pretty funny prank. waste of money, sure, but harmless and silly.

Better than a bomb threat tbh


is it though?

Uh yeah it definitely is

it didn’t tho

not for drama

You know this is gonna get reported as an unidentified white powder though.

Anything besides a gun and a single bullet to kill yourself with is a waste of money tbh so all good there.

CNN can easily spin this into targeted harassment and say how Trump supporters wasted a critical resource for a joke, then donate it to whoever, idk if there are any areas with salt shortages, but they can easily just donate it to low income families.

If they are smart they'll make DDF look like shit and get some free marketing out of it.


critical resource

i have no fucking clue how anyone would use or donate 3 tons of salt. I have no doubt they'll at least try to do something with this that puts them in a positive light, tho, so you're probably right there

It can be re-donated to~~ salt~~ soup kitchens.

If they do that they're p-slurs

bh it's a pretty funny prank

The only people at CNN that will ever know it happened is the mail room.

You underestimate CNN's needs to portray itself as a victim

I didnt know CNN had a track history of doing this.


That was pretty fucking funny. I dont get how fucking a dude up like that is portraying themselves as the victim though. Seems more like they were doing some grade A bullying.

I mean anyone with a brain realizes that they were basically hunting down a private individual and threatening to call him a nazi on the air, but CNN was trying to present this as them being targeted by Trump and his online fans, basically calling the wrestling gif an attack on the press and themselves

I mean anyone with a brain realizes that they were basically hunting down a private individual and threatening to call him a nazi on the air

And I think anyone who enjoys drama enjoyed watching that hilariously unfold.

but CNN was trying to present this as them being targeted by Trump and his online fans,

Does anyone else remember TD melting down over this? Because fucking lol that was great.

Hot take you got there, I was simply explaining that CNN has a history of playing victim, I thought you were unaware, but obviously you were simply being obtuse on purpose and is now sperging out

Enjoy being the drama


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Does anyone else remember TD melting down over this? Because fucking lol that was great.

Seriously dude, did you come to /r/drama to talk about drama or to suck off Trump?

lol imagine being this triggered by someone mocking CNN.

Why are you so angry?

Who the hell is a cnn defener?

It's fun in theory but in reality some secretary is just gonna spend a few days turning away hundred pound deliveries and nobody in the office will really give a shit. I did the same prank in high school except I sent a UPS truck worth of crap to my friend's house and instead of unloading it all in his driveway his dad just told the delivery guy to leave.

you're definitely right and that kinda sucks. i was hoping for at least an article or two worth of drama out of this.

Well, you probably have to wait for it to arrive if there is going to be any.

Wasn't there an old trick that you could abuse to send someone tons of free boxes from UPS? Like to the point it's all over their yards due to the amount?

Yea that's what it was I think. When you ordered a reasonable amount they would just leave them at the door, but when you ordered thousands they would ask where you want them which ruins the surprise.

If they really wanted to fuck shit up they'd order a few truckloads of cement from a company a couple of hours away on a really hot day. The driver has to dump the cement quickly or else it'll dry in the truck.

Uh, no. That may work in a show like The Monkees or Looney Tunes, but no.

I know someone who did it. Granted they did it like 15 years ago, but apparently it worked





It was $100 for 600lbs shipped according to the receipts. Good dollar value.

I feel like the shipping costs alone would be that much for 600 pounds

It's Wal-Mart's fault for offering free shipping

Shit, better is Home Depot - order 1 appliance for free delivery and 4000 pounds of sack concrete and paving stones like my dad did.

Ur dad sounds hot

I almost felt bad for the driver because he couldn’t figure out how to back up down a 120ft road with trees and eventually gave up.

The art of the deal.

It was $1.06/lb if I remember correctly, sent in 25 pound bags.

admitting to being a T_D user

Oof, yikes

This but unironically

Unironically this


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Imagine unironically getting super huffy about chix with dix but pretending t_D users are below you...

Lol third times the charm, you were really desperate to make that comment.

let me guess, you're the half of you people that isn't going to kill yourself?

If I do it won’t be by ODing on fent like %100 of you people.

.. implying that I can 't handle my drugs. I'm no fucking derelict.

Just make sure to pop a bunch of pills so you leave a pretty corpse. Like 80 Tylenol should be a good start.

Its a challenge getting around this new filter but i'll be damned if it stops me from offending some half wit that thinks a dude in a dress is a woman. Did you feel proud and strong when you downvoted me?

caring about votes

being so butt blasted about trans people that you bring them up randomly


downvoting someone just because they make fun of your mental instability.

I hope you become a statistic.

Not only do you care so much about downvoted to whine about them but you make up stories of meanie people downvoting you.

Just pathetic, gonna downvote you now so maybe you can reach rock bottom quicker and turn your life around. You’re welcome.

8000 lbs

Someone there actually sent 150 pounds for 130$. I swear I saw somebody spending over $200 for similar amount, that's why I said couple hundred for few dozen kilos but that must've been just me being ret.. brain damaged.

iirc someone spent $260 for 500 lbs.


This guy got a good deal for 50lb bags


Free shipping

smuggest of anime grills goes here

You can buy a 50lb bag of salt for 20 bucks

Imagine getting triggered over a prank. This is why they did it. They won.

Wish I could feel enough emotions to become triggered 😞😞

Same bruhther 😞





Booty blasted

Throwing away money to own the libs.

borderline C O P E

Tfw these retards gave a coorp they hate just more capital via reselling of the salt

I hat retards

Proof it worked.

this r-slur thinks CNN is going to flip the salt

Better then anything Chapo has or will ever do.

Winning gold at the Special Olympics.

Not anymore



Dude they are taking over w-skyr spor

What the fuck are W and T slurs?


Y’all sure talk about Chapo a lot.

which is funny because chapo/drama would make the ultimate twink power couple.

And I’m the guy sitting in the corner, stroking and enjoying the show ya’ll are putting on

So you're saying you're a c-slur

Crypto-fascist? You betcha.

Do not fear me lefty, all I want from you is your tears

This unfunny faggotry being upvoted is why drama is dead.

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What happened to drama that this is upvoted lol, this is fun tho, ya’ll keep being you.

This sub loves making fun of r-slurs, and Chapo is full of them. It's natural.

Y’all How is this not banned?

because 'You all can't behave' just doesn't sound right

Lolcows need to feel welcome

Lolcows is more cringy than ya’ll, at least people say ya’ll in the real world

ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll ya’ll

Ya’ll need to calm down. Have ya’llself a mint Julip and chill out on the porch.


I say ya'll and I think it's retraded, conceited and faux-folksy when said online

Ya’ll ain’t even from the south and ya’ll talkin all this shit

You got me, south Florida isn't really the South it's Puerto Rican New York

unironically posting the y-slur


Ya’ll sensitive


Ya’ll can’t deport me, I was here first. I have first born drama rights, ya’ll the serious posters all upset over a little word. Ya’ll need to calm down.



Why is the word y’all allowed but r[slur] isn’t 😠

Chapos don’t have jobs so there is no money to spend on fun stuff.

Their allowance goes to propping up the bourgeoisie that run the podcast

That’s some irony if I’ve ever seen it

too real.

Unless they have a secret suicide pact.

Post hog btw haha

they're all too poor for this lmfao

Too busy unironically calling everyone bundles of sticks then flipping out about homophobia, Calling for cops to be killed, and felating Stalin harder than pedes felate trump.

Weird question occurs to me. If you're the type of person who defends Stalin, what exactly is your problem with fascism? I mean if you're willing to excuse genocide, execution of political opposition and silencing of all dissident speech, what exactly is Orange Hitler going to do that you're against?

My guess is the take the moral neutral ground that Stalin killed enemies of the people, and fascist killed enemies of the fascists, not really understanding the distinction.

Also all you had to do with Stalin was lick his boots to get the equivalent of all your bills paid for with no vacations. Whereas with Hitler you had to be born a certain way.

I mean that's whats mostly true. That's not what I was answering.

Stalin was an Equal Opportunity murderer.

This is basically it.

They don't tho so I don't know

Dude I've been told by them that Stalin didn't commit any genocide at all, like it never happened...

Broke: Kulaks weren't gulaged, it's a capitalist-fascist-adjacent lie

Woke: Kulaks weren't gulaged, but they should have been

Bespoke: Kulaks were gulaged, 👏 and 👏 that's 👏 a 👏 good 👏 thing

Kill the wrong people.

Stalin did all that for the people

Apart from being actually funny

Funny, but imagine wasting money on that

Conservative in general are more successful in life and therefore make more money.

It’s really just cost vs benefit analysis. in this case the benefit definitely outweighs the cost.

It's not much money at all for someone who has a decent job

That’s a bit immature of them :/, i still believe trump is guilty

Gotta admit this is a new level of trolling. Hopefully we will get some people that have grown out of diapers to run the country after this whole mess.

That would be terrible for dramacoin.

This is true

It's really not. Fans of the TV show "Jericho" sent tons of peanuts to TV executives after it was canceled the first time in 2007 or so. They got a second season as a result.

So does this mean we get a second season of "no collusion"?

More like CNN will hunt down the trolls and they'll cry and beg forgiveness again.

The best part is they probably added names and/or return addresses on the packaging.

Serious posting is for F@ggots

CNN doxxing Trumptârds is a sure source of further drama.

Why do you hate drama?!

Oh I'm infatuated.

We can only hope

Salty mod is salty. Shouldn't you be tagging this thread as low effort?

Sending unwanted shit to a target is older than the internet 😒

It still ends with drama. Check yourself foo

Yeah it's a good one but only a child could think

Gotta admit this is a new level of trolling.

It would have been funnier if they had found a way to bug people higher up on the food chain than the peons in shipping and receiving.

Also, hasn't every person who sent something doxed themselves to CNN?

What would they get pissed about? They'll be like "some autists sent us a bunch of salt, return to sender and let them deal with it."

So you get to send them salt and you get a refund? Nice

owned epicly haha

Imagine they have no return address... so no luck there.

They are coming straight from stores like Walmart so they would definately have a return address on them.

I want them to blow everything out of proportion.

Given who we're talking about, I doubt that'll be an issue.

You mean like they did the collision and obstruction stories?


Hi pls get mental help

Oh, hell no, I'm having way too much fun.

Hey there! Just a reminder to please don't start your message with a greeting, for the love of God. It sounds polite to you, but it's condescending and passive-agressive to the recipient.

hasn't every person who sent something doxed themselves to CNN?

You think someone would use an amazon account with their real name on it to send something to those pieces of shit?

The boomers on the donald? Yes. Some guy had to be told not to mail the salt from his home address.

Yeah, that guy wised up. A few of us PM'ed him.

That was probably me. I merely said it was a bad idea because CNN can fake concern over a "suspicious" package coming from an "individual" rather than a bag of salt obviously drop-shipped from a store.

Also, hasn't every person who sent something doxed themselves to CNN?

Are you unironically r​etarded?


Also, hasn't every person who sent something doxed themselves to CNN?

No? Why would the return addresses on the packages be their home address? It's there so you can return the product in case it's defective, the person who bought it for you isn't gonna be able to do shit about that. The return addresses are just Amazon's warehouse addresses

I'm sure it's not impossible for a person to find out who sent them an Amazon package.

Sure, not impossible. They could subpoena Amazon and get the addresses handed over through litigation. But seeing as no crimes were committed, that's not gonna happen.

As though the conference room full of lawyers they have in their legal department couldn't come up with some bullshit reason to get some addresses. Also, I know everyone thinks journalists are mouth breathing cretins, but it wouldn't take long to dox a few of the "hur-dur, me sent salt" commenters. Rember the clusterfuck of CNN doxxing the guy who made the gif? Who doesn't want something like that to happen again.

This is honestly hilarious. It's like giving CAH money to dig a hole.

Match me!


T_D puts in orders for salt addressed to CNN that they canceled as soon as the screenshots were taken.

I hope they did send it, as CNN would have their mailing addresses and names.

It's been too long since a major corporation did a name-and-shame against trolls. We'll soon find out how many T-D'ers are on the sex offenders register!

They sent salt to New York Times in 2016. It seems like the Times had legal standards and did not mass doxx citizens. If CNN does so, they will get some serious backlash.

I agree. You have a point.

They didn’t doxx him. They literally just read his comments and found out his name and then asked him not to do that.

I guess doxx does sound worse though so good job

They threathened to dox him if he didn't apologize,

Literally what I just said. The guy I replied to straight up lied

Told him not to do that

They straight up said "CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same. CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change." (https://edition.cnn.com/2017/07/04/politics/kfile-reddit-user-trump-tweet/index.html)

Its right fucking there, if thats not a threat then what the fuck is a threat anyways

That is straight up a threat to doxx him

That’s literally what I just said.

You need to reply to the original poster who lied about the doxxing.

Told Threathened

2 different things, did you even read the citation?

Why aren’t you replying to the first guy who blatantly lied bout CNN doxing someone?

You keep replying to me with exactly what I commented

Why are you lying?

If they dozed him, what’s his name? Name one piece of identifying information they published?

You know what, you're right. They didn't publish his identifying information.

They determined his real identity and threatened to publish his information if he did not do as they wished.


CNN is not publishing "HanAholeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and **because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.

CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.

Writes doxx instead of dox

thinks that doxing is illegal

Laughs in White Pages and in ISP datamining.

Remember to say "thank you" to Drumpft, because now, thanks to the Net Neutrality repeal, ISPs can sell your personal info without any issue, what a day to be an illiterate Amerimutt, next time read the program of the candidate you vote for, f_aggot.

Ahh here we see in its natural habitat a basement dweller who unironically says Drumpft, and is homophobic. Clearly living up to the standards of the "tolerant" left. Also you said "Amerimutt". Are you American?

> sucking corporate cock to own the conservatards

> sucking corporate cock

Literally the republican platform.

Literally the Democrat platform


Sen. Kamala Harris (D) Says Exchanging Sex Acts for Money Should Be Legalized

Are we pretending CNN is more corporate than Daddy's favourite child, Fox News?

Are you pretending they’re less?

All I know is that Jeff Bezos likely got more wealthy from the deliveries of salt. Way to own the libs!

It's not about the money, it's about sending a message.


Funny thing is: Jeff Bezos is socially progressive,>! or at least he says so to earn sympathy points from classcucked spooked egalitarians.!<

How come I haven't seen you this last couple of weeks? Trumptards have had one the best weeks since election night.

You're right, nothing pisses off conservatives more than sucking the same cock as a liberal.

sucking corporate cock to own the conservatards

Found the pinko! Freeeee helicopter rides.

Jesus. A bit thirsty, are you?

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Return address is:

430 S. Capitol St. SE Washington, DC 20003

Have all salt returned there.

1) Browse to Amazon.com
2) Register for a new account, using an email address you just created
3) Enter a virtual credit/debit card as your payment method
4) Buy bags of salt, choose "ship as gift" to receiver's shipping address
5) Use whatever name/address you want as billing info, because again, you're using a virtual card

I mean, this is kind of a tl;dr version of it, but it's not really an arduous process. I've never shipped anything from amazon "from" my real name, just always "to" my real name. Hell, some of my amazon accounts have never had my own personal information go through it; just to AirBnB's that I've stayed at or amazon drop boxes.

Amazon really wants your personal information, but they also don't mind if you just, you know, buy stuff. The only real concern with using false info is that it may not be delivered. And no biggie there in this circumstance, because it's literally just a little gag to send them some salt to help them retain a bit of water from all the crying this week.

You forgot:

6) post the date and description of package on T_D

7) be shocked when CNN uses basic journalistic skills to connect your T_D comments to your IRL identity

8) lose job, etc, for racist comments on T_D

You can just skip those steps, you know... Mods are accepting PMs.

I wouldn't lose my job for making comments on T_D,

nor do I go around saying racist things on T_D

Plenty do. Plenty would.


be shocked when CNN uses basic journalistic skills


why do all this?

the shippers won't give them this information

You seem literally salty. Otherwise top notch roll playing.

We'll soon find out how many T_D'ers are on the sex offenders register!

At least one.

To CNN reporters reading this, please PM for my full name and address I have no issue giving it to you. I only sent 2 kilos of the salt but. Cheers lads.

lol if only there were a way to mail a package without using your own name and address!

I hope they did send it, as CNN would have their mailing addresses and names.

nope. it comes from amazon and walmart

T_D'ers are on the sex offenders register!

i checked, there are none

BTW, why does your mom's name have 5 stars next to it?

Imagine paying Jeff Bezos to try to own the libs.

They did it to the New York Times... I think they went through with it.

and then started phtotshopping receipts, i guess

My order is still in transit. Best money I've ever spent. Step up your own troll game before you criticize us.


Trumpers are absolute mongs and their memes are stale and lame. This is pretty funny though.

the real new is ben garrison's ama

Oh boy, the news reports of suspicious white powder should be fun.

Alright that's actually pretty funny.

Instead of sending 3 tons of food to starving American kids (these dudes probably don't know about those little shits though) they sent 3 tons of salt to a news company full of people who couldn't be fucked and just want to get paid.

Apparently they did it to the NYT two years ago and it was donated to a soup kitchen.

So it's a joke and should also be donated somewhere; but we'll see if CNN/BuzzFeed is the charity type.

sending 3 tons of salt to starving kids to own the libs

Comedy GOLD

It never even began for CelsNN

So why am I the only one who doesnt understand the meaning of this? Am I just a r-slur?

Being "salty" means being angry/annoyed and bitching about why you're angry and annoyed. CNN has been salty after the release of the Mueller report so they sent them a bunch of salt to rub it in.

Okay, why were they salty about the mueller report? I havent heard anything about it

The conclusion was Trump had no collusion with Russia and did not obstruct justice.

Okay thanks. Thats probably not true though

You should probably contact Mueller with the information you're holding, I'm sure he would be interested in seeing what you dug up that he somehow missed during his 2+ year investigation.

Didnt the white house show a redacted version?

The Attorney General released a summary of the report because of sensitive information in it, but if there was any evidence contained within that incriminated Trump or his campaign of colluding with Russia, Mueller would've pressed charges before the report was even finished. Supposedly the White House hasn't even seen the full report.

Mueller stated months and months back he was adhering to DoJ rules saying a sitting president can’t be indicted. He was never going to press charges on trump himself regardless of crimes unearthed, luckily he didn’t find a conspiracy so it didn’t matter.

Just no collusion, he was very careful to say he wont pass judgement regarding obstruction.

Right he left that up to the AG who determined there was no cause for an obstruction charge.

Correct, that’s not in the mueller report though which you were describing

Well it's the end result of said report so I guess we're both right.

End result is not the same thing as the conclusion of the report.

Semantics. We both understand the conclusion here, no collusion charges no obstruction charges.

The conclusion of the investigation, sure, the previous user asked about the mueller report. There’s a pretty significant difference between mueller exonerating him over obstruction and mueller saying he might have but leaving it up to Barr

Ok but there's no difference whatsoever in the end result. No collusion charges, no obstruction charges. You can have the last word because I'm sure there's another "acktyually" coming.

You don’t know shit about politics if you can’t see how the difference will be a point of contention going forward. Kinda important if you want to know what’s going on in the coming weeks



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And even then they didnt say the results proved Trumps innocence, just that their wasnt sufficient enough hard evidence for a conviction to take place. Them saying they didnt have enough to convict is not the same thing as saying the investigation proved his innocence.

Nah, it's an extension of this thread.


Think of salt as the T_D version of C O P E.

'Being salty' is a common expression though.


Boomers out out out

I wish I was a boomer. X


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Holy shit the title is literal.


Well deserved.

That is pretty fucking funny.

Gotta give them credit for that. Funny shit

Yes this is better than the bombs, bullets, and death threats usually sent by far right loons.

I'll take the practical jokes.


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trumpcels get this one

Why the hell do they have the downvote as an invisible icon... petty but a little funny.

I’m not going to say I did this the last time around. It’s hard to blame them with salt in such abundance, after the great cope of 2019.

We did it Reddit?

This is the funniest thing I've seen all day.

I can't wait for CNN's response once they collect all the return addresses on the packaging and cross-reference it against T_D's list of donations.

It'll be the Trump as a wrestler tackling CNN fiasco all over again.

Amazon doesn't give you a buyer return address on the label. Amazon is pretty cucked though, so maybe CNNcels have a way to get some backdoor action.

CNN only needed to read the reddit comments to track down the Trump wrestler gif guy, so it might still be possible even if they used Amazon.

Also, paying Jeff Bezos to harass CNN, lmao.

CNN literally got the wrong guy, though. The video tweeted by Trump and the one made by HanAssholeSolo are visibly different (one has an FNN logo in the bottom right and the otger doesn't).

If they got the wrong guy, why did he apologise and claim to totally not be a racist? He clearly made the original video, whether or not it's the one Trump posted later.

Stahp. Just stahhhp.

Honestly could see it go either way, he was correct person or he just wanted to get the CNN witch-hunt off him after they started crying about getting murdered by the tag team duo of Trump and his memes.

I almost forgot about how pathetic CNN was that they cried oppression from jokes about them and threatened to ruin people's lives over it.

I'm curious what would have happened if he said "What's a reddit? I hate Trump".

I am too stubborn to where that would have probably been my reaction.

Because they literally threatened to doxx him unless he apolgised.


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They didnt you r-slur, they called him up for an interview and he freaked the fuck out because he was racist as shit online and knew he would get fired so accepted his pathetic begging and they said they wouldnt talk about his PUBLICLY AVAILABLE INFO unless he got in the news again. They were doing him a solid and DDF lost their shit over the wording.

fucking exactly what i said, how hard is it to understand "we will do you a solid and not publish public info but if you get in the news again it wont happen a second time because that would make no sense."

and not publish public info


So, you'd be cool if I posted your comment on KF? They only use publicly available information, too.

Its not doxxing with your name is put in the news

If they got the wrong guy, why did he apologise and claim to totally not be a racist?



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Looks like blackmail is back on the menu boys.

They'll probably call the police and say it's a mysterious white powder to spin it into a news story about how CNN was attacked again by the far right.

Make sure to include the Clorox wipes in the photo

call the police and say it's a mysterious white powder

in clearly labeled commercial packages of salt delivered by walmart and amazon?

Lol if you think they're going to cross reference their addresses.

Why not? They tracked down the wrestling gif guy.

CNN doxxed somebody for making that gif? Are you kidding me? How did I not know this?

Reddit is trying real hard to either hide it or justify it. You wouldn't believe how many r-slurs on this site think it's okay to dox and blackmail kids over a meme.

Cause no one got doxxed, the DDF loves mythology and fake news. The guy was threatened with doxxing.

So... threatening to dox somebody is okay because they actually didn't? Whatever you say.


CNN demanded HansAssholSolo apologize and told him that, if he ever did it again, they would dox him

so about 500 people made more memes

What I read is that they told him to apologize or he will be doxxed, nothing about doing it ever again.

But who knows.

we did it to the NYT in 2016

they'll save on sidewalk deicer next winter



It was direct shipments, no home address to follow up on.

Trumpeters saw that as moment of triumph. Tri-ump?

What is nice about all of this is that the salt actually came from within T_D's base. So it's more of a gift than a troll.

Consider your pizzas canceled, newb.

Snailcels BTFO

Imagine spending your own money to send free shit to a billion-dollar corporation in the hopes of mildly irritating them.

We'll have to remember this tactic for Fox news when Trump is finally impeached/indicted/assassinated

Except we will send 10 tons of cow shit from their rural brothers(I have a source).

Assassinated:—-Where can I send you some salt?

SS will be in touch

it's just not gonna happen

The Boomers are alright

nice meme

but fr tho cant cnn like just return it to sender



This is amazing.

Actually pretty funny


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T_D harassing CNN by doing this mat be what prompts reddit to ban them. They may have destroyed themselves here.

They sent salt to NYT in ‘16.



Took me way too long to find out T_D was The Donald..... That's a new one on me.

Compared to their usual activities I'd say this is a step up.

Alright, that actually is pretty funny.

Honestly this is actually really funny. Like fuck that sub, but that's such a power play and hats off to then for actually pulling it off

It's stupid as shit and like super petty, but also legendary


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They usually send bombs or anthrax so I guess this is better?


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got cucked for my g-slur 😟

Between this and the Republican presenting pictures of people riding Tauntauns and giant seahorses to make fun of the Green New Deal, the conservatives are on some next level trolling this year. And it's pretty damn hilarious given how much of a circus US politics have become.

Boy do I love salty "winners". Really shows how much they think they are winning. 🙄

Holy shit. A based comment section on Reddit? It's like a fucking unicorn.

Jokes are real now!

Sorry: What is T_D? Be kind.

it's short for /r/The_Donald

That's an odd way to spell FAS.

Hilarious. These dudes are genius

That will get donated to homeless shelters around the city. Win win.

I wouldn't be surprised if this act gets T_D taken down by reddit admins.

My first thought "isn't that something 4cgan would do ?" Anyways, its funny how they think they "owned the libs" while the collusion was only one of many things against trump.

Honestly, hes still facing a host of charges in NY as soon as hes not president. Hes clear of one single charge, not the other 20. Besides, Mueller said he would follow protocol and not charge a sitting president so he left it up to the AG who was a Trump appointed lackey. I dont take his word for shit until we see the full report which the Republican's are doing everything they can to block from coming out. People who claim a report exonerates them on all counts dont hide the evidence, people who have shit to hide do that.

You know what’d be even MORE amazing?

If CNN donated the salt to help all the countries in the middle east

they had to use all 10 of their brain cells to pull that one off

This is legit hilarious, T_D has made me like them for a day.

One guy sent 1 tonne of salt Haha

They have reached a new level of retardness.

Good. CNN deserves more.

Iys nice to see them move away from pipe bombs

We did? I use that sub and I didn't know that.


I don't think I've ever read anything more cringe worthy in my life. My only hope is that one day, some of these boys will wake up and look at this part and realise just how stupid it is

I can't believe how stupid you fucking r-slurs are, that you actually believe T_D's bullshit.


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Just because we're laughing doesnt mean we like you d_t*rds now

Out of the loop for this event. Can anyone tell me why this happened or what was the reason behind this?

Something to do with Mueller Report. They are shitposting IRL

T_d did it, not people

hey will they can use that salt to ice down their sidewalks and shit

To be honest, that is funny as fuck.

Jesus christ, I actually can't believe this is real lmao.


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Spending thousands of bucks in fines, bureaucracy and inconveniences to troll the libs, to own the libs.

Quite epic tbqh.

holy shit thats wonderful ive never heard of anything like this before cause cnn are just salty that the internet is better for news than legacy media

Hint: they’ve always been hilarious. And as you might be slowly realizing, they’re been more right than you might think

That saf