A man wants to be indoctrinated into the church of feminism.

189  2019-03-28 by FineLow


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Menlibs are the modern Cybele priests.

fuck off with your knowledge of history, NERD

Cleanse thyself of thine Toxic Musculinity 🙏


Say five hail Sarkeesians and donate to my patreon and I'll throw in this vintage "I'm with Her" t-shirt and a 'de-escalation blowjob' gift certificate, redeemable at your local socialist meet-up.


The deescalation blow job is the best kind of blow job. CMV.

Can I just take the BJ and leave the shirt?

What is a de-escalation blowjob

when you're dealing with a pure alpha, testosterone dripping sexual predator like Aziz Ansari and you find yourself without a visible exit, sometimes you gotta suck a little peen in order to de-escalate the situation so you don't get sexually assaulted.

As if they have any masculity to begin with.

Nothing to lose but your testes!

It's equivalent to the original sin, you can never cleanse yourself of it. You just have to constantly repent for being born.


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misogynist filth

It's the latest "lol so random" thing from the do it for frees who deny they're a do it for free.

I for one welcome our new Goddess and Saviour. The future, like the Force, is Fem*le 😍

Guys with toxic masculinity actually get laid thou

I don’t think they know that though.

wants to be indoctrinated into the church of feminism.

Simple, start taking the BetaPill by Dr Wang.

This has to be a troll.It reads exactly like a copy pasta.

It's real. He's just pathetic. Welcome to reddit.

I almost feel bad for a lot of these guys tbh. It's like seeing a black guy trying to join the KKK.

> voluntarily going somewhere that everyone thinks you're a total joke and doesn't like you

pizza surely you see the irony in you of all posters saying that in this of all subreddits

Imagine thinking I care even slightly what people here think. I come here for low hanging fruit and easy argument wins because the people here are so uneducated on average.

That's literally it. I can't even think of a word in the English language to describe how little I care what anyone here thinks.

I can't even think of a word in the English language to describe how little I care what anyone here thinks.


lmao this is one of the most perfect responses I've ever seen in this shithole

Based and Pizzashilled.

ty bb

New snappy quote

I come here for low hanging fruit and easy argument wins because the people here are so uneducated on average.

You really do live in a fantasy world of your own, don't you?

A fantasy known as reality. I've lost a grand total of 1 argument on this subreddit and it was to someone that wasn't even from this subreddit.

Who judges win or losing and argument on the internet? If you say yourself, then you're proving my point that you mentally exist in fantasyland.

I only argue things in which an objective truth exists for this very reason.

I really wanted to go through your comment history and find an example of you arguing a subjective thing, but your comment history is too boring. Make better drama.

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Clearly he decides if he wins or not. And he thinks he hasn't lost any arguments.

Pizza is the Charlie Zelenoff of internet fights.

I'll bite. Which argument have you lost?

Was over the wage gap. An actual economist showed up and I wasn't completely prepared for a real opponent.

Most of the time when I want a wage gap argument I'll pull up all of my sources and kind of organize them because I know exactly what arguments they're gonna make.

I was kind of fucking around on /r/drama before anyone really knew me and bit off more than I could chew at the time.

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Automod won this debate, so /u/IDFSHILL better up that to 2

Was over the wage gap. An actual economist showed up and I wasn't completely prepared for a real opponent.

Most of the time when I want a wage gap argument I'll pull up all of my sources and kind of organize them because I know exactly what arguments they're gonna make.

I was kind of fucking around before anyone really knew me and bit off more than I could chew at the time.

Are you on the spectrum? I promise I'm not making fun here, I'm genuinely curious.

Trailerparkbride, I've had discussions with you before and determined your intellectual abilities are too low for me to get any joy out of insulting you.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments.

You're just boring.

Most of the time when I want a wage gap argument I'll pull up all of my sources and kind of organize them because I know exactly what arguments they're gonna make.

Pizza if youre actually saying this without a hint of irony, then i seriously worry about your mental health. What kind of hobbies do you have besides getting dopamine hits off of thinking that you won arguments against faceless fart huffers?

I never knew you were actually autistic. Now I feel bad for if I ever mocked you, I apologize.

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I didn’t know you were actually an autislur. I’m sorry for if I’ve ever mocked you before.

Yeah, but have you ever gotten laid as a result of p0wning the DDF on /r/d-slur?

I met my current girlfriend on this sub tbh.

GG! How's that working out for you?

Which mod is it and how big is her feminine penis

Imagine dating a dramatard

She doesn't really post here anymore.

she's in all the discords though which is probably worse

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No one ever wins internet arguments. Either you enjoy them or you don't but you sure as hell don't manage to convince anyone of anything

Just because you won't admit I was right doesn't mean you won, nerd

What is it you think you were right about?


And I'll argue my point again if you want. You're still wrong and I'm bored

Ok so you're saying you would have to get an 8+ year education to have an opinion on any topic then? You dont trust doctors or scientists when they have guidance on relevant topics?

No I never said either of those things. I don't really get how you got both of those conclusions from what I wrote considering they contradict each other. Regardless, I work in scientific research, so of course I trust scientists and doctors, but not because they are scientists and doctors, but because they can show their work.

What was your argument then?

That what he was wrong about what an appeal to authority is

I had to click up like 4 times through a bunch of [deleted]s and it still looks like you dont know what appeal to authority is

Uh-huh. Whatever you say. Just because someone has studied a topic for x years doesn't mean what they say about that topic is inherently correct. If you can corroborate their statements then it's more likely to be true, which is the point of peer review. Why are fighting pizza's battles? I just wanna make him mad

Lmao, you did not win that argument. You not understanding what appeal to authority is in a modern context is not you winning an argument.

Appeal to authority is only considered fallacious if the authority in question is:

A) Not an actual authority.

B) There's no consensus within the given field.

C) The authority in question is simply declaring something true with no research backing it.

When someone appeals to NASA on something related to space flight; that is not a fallacy.

If you unironically think you won that argument after attempting to dismiss modern logic textbooks and repeating incorrect definitions of appeal to authority, I suggest you seek mental health help.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Oh yeah talk dirty to me daddy. I love it when you effortpost

Imagine thinking I care even slightly what you think. That's literally it. I can't even think of a word in the English language to describe how little I care what you think.

Did I claim you did care?


And here he thinks he is bright.

I mean, you're copy pasting my own comment back to me, what else am I supposed to take from that?

You forgot what sub you are on Mr. Intellectual

What you just described is just as sad as caring.


easy argument wins


I come here for low hanging fruit and easy argument wins because the people here are so uneducated on average.

Actually believing this.

B-Baka! I don’t care about you people!

It's so obvious how much you don't care, perhaps the word you're looking for is "Dunning-Kruegar"?

So you come here to cope.

oh man dis nigga is getting bombarded lately lol

everything over there is ridiculous, maybe they're all trolling, all 300 of them right now.

It's got to be because the dates don't even match up. He says he grew out of it when he was 19 but that would have been in 2013 which is when all this idpol shit started ramping up. Was he watching anti feminist youtubers in like 2010? Back then it probably was all guys with shitty mics sitting in basements reeing about women

2010/11 was the very beginning of it. There were rumblings about blanket CoCs, elevatorgate was just kicking off along with the Dear Muslima letter. It was the lead up to Atheism+ in 2012, so it's plausible he started taking soy replacement around then and by 2013 was well on the path to MensLib

I dunno, man; lines up with me pretty much, Atheism+ was sorta a prelude of the coming zeitgheist; so the atheist youtube community had a slight headstart with some years before the same thing happened in other communities.

For example this video was posted in 2011 from The Amazing Atheist,

There was some anti feminist stuff online back then, but it was primary in MRA circles tho.

That subreddit is 100% angry women, no man actually goes there.

You underestimate what thirst will drive men to believe

I mean the guy is basically the human equivalent of copy pasta, so...

Even if it’s a troll the comments are just pure aids

A f*oid advertises it's gender to the world in a comment that has absolutely doesn't require it to.

(I'm a woman, so i apologise if my opinions aren't welcome here. I follow this sub as i have a lot of men in my life who i love so i'm interested in men's issues/perspectives too)

Now that I know it's a femoid, I feel compelled to send her my fav dick pics. Don't you think it's rude not to?

I have a lot of men in my life who i love so i'm interested in men's issues

Found the cure to fe(minis)m.

Just kill every fo(id's) husband, father, brother, son, uncle etc.

That way they'll stop bothering moids.

Wait, we can say femoid but not f*male?

Seeing f*male is out of the dictionary, I experimented with femoid.

I went through something similar fairly recently after being introduced to the concept of 'whiteness'

and then,

Speaking as a non white person, even I used to have that intuition. It's weird.

Actually /u/Etiam_vitae I think this sentence nails 'Whiteness.' Whiteness is so ingrained in society that even non-white people sub-consciously favour it. That's actually similar, but different to 'white privilege.'

Jesus Christ! A brown man like me can't redeem himself. I need to watch this Jesus Christ and wash my brain.

wait, people come in white? I thought my mirror was broken

World would have been a different place if we come in all colors like dogs: white, orange, black, black+ white, black dots on white, white dots on black, white stripes on orange ....


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I want to be gray like an elephant 🐘🐘 ( more like g-slur, lmao)

Hi, I went from one extreme opinion to the opposite one in the span of a couple of years because I'm weeetarded.

opposing an extreme isn’t extreme.

that's not what's happening here. Stop huffing homofarts out of your boyfriends arse and try to keep up.

anti-radlib isn’t extreme

Menslib is an extreme sub.

You can say something like, "chauvinism is wrong" (it's not) without becoming a Gender Critical poster.

It is extreme. Anti sjw isn’t

Are you crying right now?

maybe shit and cum a little?

Never have I wanted to say, "Yikes let's unpack this y'all" more than I do right now.

Sjws are jews tho

i don’t get it


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There's a ton of people who bounce between extremist ideologies because they have no real values and are actually just searching for either friends or control, Lke the BelleAriel lady.

There will always be people like this. I guess the real problem is, as usual, the internet.

As part of the generation that actually built this, lemme just say "My bad." If we had known how people were going to use this, I would have been the first person setting servers on fire and strangling myself with OC-48 cable.

Stfu asshat.

Who is BelleAriel?

She's most known for being a mod of /r/fuckthealtright and getting into fights with other leftift sbs. There too much to explain really. Just search her name in this sub.

This shit seems to happen so much. There was someone in a chapo post the other day I think it was, who was crying at someone about using the r-word. They get into it, and the guy crying about the r-word was like a neo nazi a couple years ago, before seeing the light. They just swing from one extreme to the other.

TL;DR - "Being an asshole didn't get me laid, I'm going to try being a slightly different type of asshole to see if that will get me laid."

I always wondered who is the audience of Amy. Mystery solved! All of them are Menlibbers trying to get rid of their non-existent masculinity.

Muh pussy be stankin!!!!

Soy milk and poz loads.

Menslib is full of gay soy sucks

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I hope his victims have the strength to come forward.

Too bad there aren't more men like him 😣

Poe's Law was a mistake

Some of those answers look like they come from people who just post the same response to every menslib submission.

Oh my god I think I just found my new favorite cringe sub.

It's ok to still have some leftover misogyny in your stupid cishet male brain. Just don't ever publicly question anything.

Remember: your first reaction is what you were trained to believe.

So let's train you to believe something else. Donate to this Patreon to get started.

This man’s post might have to be used as an example in the urban dictionary definition of a c-slur

This guy sounds like a closet rapist and sexual harasser.

For what other reason would a man adopt the "male feminist" mating strategy than to infiltrate women's safe spaces and exploit their lowered defenses?

Disclaimer: Not a dude, just an ally. I thought it might be helpful to hear a feminist woman's perspective in this case, but if I'm writing this out of turn I apologize.

From now on every comment has to start with this or a menslib cries

If your gut instinct is "not all men" you should probably go with that.

The reason you are having that (correct) gut instinct is that so much of feminist rhetoric is over-simplified and full of stereotypes and guilt by association.

I don't see a problem with this. I actually want to be a girl scout leader. Since girls were recently allowed in the boyscouts, I figured I could reach out and talk with our local chapter. Apparently I'm a creeper. It's bullshit. I hope our retarded culture catches up to science and philosophy. My gender and age preference shouldn't matter in what jobs I am allowed to do! Its also super embarrassing that now they think I'm a pedophile. I'm not! Just because I identify as a nine year old girl does not mean I want to molest children. I just want to be molested. I made that very clear to the woman interviewing me several times. Whatever. No point crying over spilled urine I always say. There will be another glass soon enough, after all.

Instead of thinking "not me" think "what are the ways in which I have contributed to this problem".

My bones are 💀 chilled af right now.

Literally no way in which you aren't somehow guilty. Off to the gulag for me I guess.

But y tho.

When I was a teen, I got sucked into the anti-sjw and anti-feminism "communities" on youtube and reddit. I never added to those discussions as far as I remember, but I certainly absorbed a lot of the content.

Oh it's one of those "I'm a follower, and have realized the error of my ways. Let me error my ways up even more fam smmdh."