Youtubers post videos about how they wish all baby monkeys would be tortured and die. 4chan ghost-believers think it's a pedophile cult. It looks like the 4chan ghost-believers might be right

573  2019-03-29 by theiggywithmynameinb

Infograph explaining this

Basically there's a huge weird following of youtubers who post videos of baby monkeys getting hurt, with comments like "I am a staunch supporter of primate abuse. Speaking from experience, there is no better feeling then torturing monkeys. Causing monkeys suffering is better than sex. These little rtrds deserve every bit of their heartbreak. I only wish the keepers would injure them physically too. Break every bone in their arms slowly (again, talking from experience). They scream and cry so wonderfully when you torture them. Monkey suffering caused by your own hand is exquisite." The biggest is a user named Peter Riddell

These attracted the ire of /x/, the 4chan board on paranormal activity. They concluded that these people want to hurt monkeys because they're sadistic pedophiles and abused baby monkeys are the closest things they can see to abused baby humans. From the /x/ thread

The way they refer to baby monkeys as "spoiled and misbehaving" creeps me out. Gives me serious kidnapper serial killer vibes.

closet pedophiles with torture fantasies, they want the next best thing to a human/child, a helpless little monkey

rhesus macaques are the closest related primate i believe

Nonsensical pizzagate stuff right? Well /x/ discord groups started forming talking about this, and Peter Riddell enters the group and starts sending child porn to the users. And not just any child porn, but the infamous "Daisy's Destruction," considered the sickest and most disturbing video ever made.

I want to get down to the bottom of this. Who is Peter? Edgy LARPer or dangerous pedophile? We know he's at least seen a CP film.

There have now been about six /x/ threads on this (I can't find the first one)

Of course, all the 4chan ghost-believers talking about them leads to people from the baby monkey abuse community to come into the threads and defend themselves

It's all just fun and games. Like shooting bald eagles or big game hunting or drowning kittens. It's a way to express one's power as man and utterly dominate nature. It's transcendental in a way. It is completely normal and can be fun and invigorating. You kids are too weak and soft thinking all life should be coddled and protected.

Ethically speaking, there's no difference between killing a lion and killing a kitten. The only life that has any kind of value is 1) human life and 2) life that provides value to humans (such as a work horse, for example). And the only reason human life is valued is because we have an implied social contract not to kill each other because people don't want to be killed and doing so breaks down social trust. All other lives are for the taking.

As the thread continues, theories get more rtrd*d genius

Not sure if someone else suggested this: could it actually be something related to AI? Like AI training/testing? The disconnect between the extreme nature of their comments versus the relative tameness of most of the videos suggests to me that they do not actually view the videos (or the AI is incapable of “watching”/understanding videos).

was also thinking this! not the first time evidence of AI testing on youtube has come up, and the similarity of all the account names and their comments makes it seem like it could be computer generated. we also know that conversational AI's trained on the internet have a tendency to get dark and violent pretty quickly...

Of course, this is then posted on reddit, where the theorizing gets more rtrd*d closer to the truth

I think this phenomenon might be veiled racism. "Monkey" has been used as a slur for various minorities for a long time, and considering this is linked to 4chan, I wouldn't put it past them.

Finally, a subreddit is made only for looking at these videos for research and trying to get the word out. r/monkeyhategate

Well, what do you think? Harmless and fun display of machismo? Secret underground pedophile cult? Artificial intelligence training? Racism? Those are your only options and nothing else could possibly be true


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what the fuck

everything posted on /x/ is true unironically

when you meme “unironically” too hard and the default meaning becomes “ironically” again

🤔really makes u think

This but unironically

Went the way of "literally"

Ironically, “unironically” literally means “literally”

so how does one summon a succubus gf then?

You just need to do a semen suicide ritual to give your tulpa physical form

my tulpa is a fat neckbeard tho

Well, you'll get laid in any case

Is sex with fatties really sex?

Sure it is, and just think, with all those folds, its always going to be a virgin orifice. Just pick one and go to town.

Oh god, but what if I get one of those folds pregnant??? 😨

You'll be the proud parent of a new /r/Drama moderator

TIL How MasterLawlz was conceived

Need more detailed description of this. I already have my cock in one hand, what do I do now?

Jerk off onto a sigil

Come on bud it isn't that hard 🙄

/r/occult just had a discussion about this.

Be careful not to catch ghost aids, especially if you let the spirit take you 'skin-riding'

Convince Capcom to make Darkstalkers 4

This is some good shit. YouTube is full of weird videos and communities filled with creepy stuff that goes unnoticed mostly, this apparently one of them.

Jesus that's spooky

Reported to youtube. Seriously, fuck that noise.

Reported to youtube. Seriously, fuck that noise.

I’m too much of a weenie, what is it?

It's a ???? menacing what looks like a young girl.

What’s a “????”?

It's a man or woman, perhaps in a monster suit?

This conjured up some bad memories where I discovered what “zentai” is. Men who wear latex suits that look like women. It’s seriously disturbing and nightmare fuel

I can watch people dying but this scares me Not going to watch

Holy shit, a fetish I didn't know about? Weird fucks.

Not all of them, some are like this where the girl just makes really creepy movements.

Horror series? If so, its brilliant.

A Jewish guy with an Israeli wife is like a white-racist-nazi-literally-hitler having a black friend. You’re 👏 not 👏 fooling 👏 me.

Why isn't this talked about more?

The media loves to talk up Pewdiepie's supposed ties to neo-Nazis like Ethan Klein, but seem to have ignored the hubbub about the large number of creepy pedo-ish videos (e.g. Spiderman and Elsa videos with millions of views).

Ethan Klein? You mean the Jewish guy with an Israeli wife? A Neo-Nazi? Seems legit.

He leans slightly to the right of Marx, therefore he's neo-nazi.

Yeah just like Mussolini man, always gets tagged as literally Hitler just because he wasn't a Communist!

Klein is further to the right of even the notorious Pewdiepie.

Get this serious posting g-slur shit out of here

Ethan "Dresden was bombed after German capitulation and the allies are just as literally as the nazis" Klein.

I don't know about comparisons to Germany but between Dresden, and Nagasaki it doesn't take a Nazi to see Americans as kinda awful in WWII.

It kinda does.

Kurt Vonnegut: Major Nazi

It was before the capitulation and like nazis he made the argument that hundreds of thousands of people died. Not saying he is a nazi, more that he us uninformed and got his info from questionable sources. Basically a useful idiot.

(not that 20k deaths is little, but it was fairly normal during ww2 bombing campaigns.)

WW tactics have all the subtlety of using a railroad ties to swat a mosquito. I'll admit that most of my education on Dresden comes from Kurt Vonnegut which is not a scholarly source but it is an eyewitness. Most of my education on Hiroshima comes from Jack Hersey, and between the two, arguments of statistics and abstractions seem... barely adequate.

The Nazis distributed maps of Polish cities to the Luftwaffe with the word "Juden" written over Jewish areas of cities so they knew which parts to bomb more.

Well, that's just common sense.

Maybe in some weird Wehraboo universe where logistics or basic morality doesn't matter because of cool tanks.

Why do you hate your country so much you'd talk about something like this? Germany is a white country, this is just self-flagellation of white countries. There is no shame in being German.

You seem like the kind of person who would have had fun shooting Jews in the back of the head during the war.

There is no shame in being German.

There's plenty of shame for being dumb enough to think German = Nazi.


Yup. Pewds has also collaborated with another Neo-Nazi named Ben Shapiro.

Too short to be master race.

People have forgotten what a Nazi is, as was predicted.

Look at that giant essay from OP.

Media journos would have to do actual work to even find this stuff like OP did, let alone an in-depth investigation.

Even the weird Elsa videos work had a lot of traction on places like Reddit first before the media guys heard about it and basically just put a camera to it.

The hacker known as 4chan...

The Momo hoax was an effort to turn people's attention away from this kinda shit.

Please don't tel me you actually believe that

I have no clue what momo is, so maybe you are talking about zoomers knowing it. All parents I know know firsthand about the elsagate shit, tho.

Go look at the date the above video was published, then search Google Trends for "momo" and it's derivatives.

LOL you're crazy


People were getting woke to crazy shit on YouTube and someone thought it'd be funny to add to the chaos.


It was a coincidence with crazy timing


I'm a YouTube intern on psyop duty.

based coincidence theorist

What makes the first one require a video? It takes little effort to create an internet hoax campaign that grabs people, like the water-proof phone hoax that started on 4chan.

The newsmedia pushed it.

You'd think they'd want to see proof of it existing before pushing it so hard.

The news doesn't need evidence to publish about internet news, it never bites them hard enough to change. See: The hunt for the Boston Bomber; the teen who smiled; the gaming tournament shooter's Reddit handle; the other Voldemort's supposed stint as a Navy SEAL; and etc.

If you're online and think the media is trustworthy, then you're naive or ignorant.

If you're online and think the media is trustworthy, then you're naive or ignorant.

My whole point is that they're not. Thanks for playing along.

With a second point of deflecting attention for YouTube's attention. You won't find anyone here disagreeing about the first point. But that second is laughable.

based coincidence theorist.

Look at this doofus.

No collusion

Get to the part about pizza parlors!

George Pell says go fuck your daughter

Momo is standard 'save the children' media panic you mong. It's literally no different than 'people are poisoning trick or treat candy!' or that clown phenomenon a couple years back. This is prime media bait and has nothing to do with 'elsagate', which has been covered by numerous media outlets. As have the pedo rings recently discovered on youtube; that made international news and everybody is aware of it.

The media isn't reporting on this monkey shit because they aren't aware of it yet, and it's only worth a human interest piece because it's just a tiny group of probably mostly voyeuristic sadists. You're trying to find a conspiracy where there isn't any. Nobody is trying to distract people from youtube pedos with a scare piece. They could have just not reported on youtube pedo rings, but that clearly did not happen. Consider getting a psych evaluation you paranoid.

Surely you have a video of Momo infiltrating and otherwise harmless video.

Because Pewdiepie is the largest youtube account in the world maybe?

Which means you expect some stories. But 90%+ of stories in the media about Youtube channels are about him.

Normally "think of the children" stories sell really well where I live.

How many journous follow Trump? Are they all Trump supporters?

is there any reason to follow pewdiepie if you aren't a fan? Trump's tweets can have worldwide effects.

The point is, saying "you support X because you follow some people on twitter" is really, really dumb.

For some reason people want pewdiepie to be a nazi really really bad

He should be in prison after that mosque shooting

I think every time a white supremacist says his name it should add 1 year to his sentence

Thank you, this is what I e been saying. I follow crazy people on social media too because I love drama. Doesn’t mean I like the person.

The media loves to talk up Pewdiepie

that was close! we almost went an entire 10 seconds without talking about this guy

good thing you brought it up in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with him

I might just be a massive pussy, but that channel got me worse than any horror movie I have seen recently. I didn't even watch any of the videos and I am thoroughly spooked.

I might just be a massive pussy

You are

what a pussy, it's barely scary.

Don't worry about those comments. I speak Spanish, and most of them seem to be in reference to a Youtuber which did a video on these monkey channels. Some are joking about the dude being an entity which must be summoned or whatever. I assume it's mostly edgy teenagers who are desensitized to creepy content.

Y yo me estoy riendo como loca creo que me pasaron la risa 😚🤣🤣

Spanish speakers are natural Ed-posters

I sort of assumed the YouTuber himself could be Spanish, I mean he is liking some of those comments, and is just using Vietnamese for extra spook, while all this is some ARG shit and the comments are in on it. Still very weird and creepy to people that are not.

ARG shit stopped being spooky a long time ago. It's rare that one comes along that isn't just some cryptic website or a youtube channel with dingy no-context videos and contrived messages. If you've seen one you've seen em all, if you want some real good shit find the right paranoid schizophrenic's blog or channel

petscop is the only good ongoing ARG and even then it's barely even an ARG

Got a quick rundown?

Go on 👂

Por favor me da tres tacos de asada.

El tu r gayo

bien 😊

Yeah it's mostly Spanish meming (cortese el pelo, gei).

Kinda took the spookiness out of the whole thing.

What the fuck.

Great post. Weird as hell. I don't know what to think about this at all.

Who is Peter Scully and DD? (I don't want to google it at work)

Peter Riddell is Hillary Clinton in a mask. Done.

And she would have gotten away with it too!

But the monster mask goes on the outside

the guy who made the DD videos

I'd never heard of this and I kind of want to know more about it, but I'm too scared to google it

I don't actually want to see it, I just want to know if they ever found out who made it, is it real, etc

I'd say that is a stone better left unturned.

Pretty sure it’s a dark web urban legend video of a couple raping and torturing/dismembering an infant. You won’t find the video just by googling the name, though, if it could be found in a search at all.

Can't be an urban legend if a dude was literally arrested for it.

Fuckin Aussies shitposting IRL again

Got this all of Wikipedia. He was an Australian man who lived in the Phillipines and abducted child prostitutes, or promised food to the children. He had two accomplices, who were both former child prostitutes who he groomed to assault children.

DD was a video of him and his accomplices torturing/raping an 18 month old infant, and two other young girls. Apparently he sold it to other pedophiles for $10,000. He's in prison for life now.


It's real. It sounded familiar and so I put on the vpn and duckduckgoed and read a couple of articles that don't come up on google and that's where I saw the mugshot. I heard about it when that hurtcore stuff happened a couple of years ago. The articles I read went into a little more detail than the wikipedia page and that was enough traumatize me. Thanks Hillary.

the funniest thing is how defensive these people are when someone calls them out.

It's like the boomer version of elsagate

Who knows if there are any real people at all. Could be one guy playing all parts in this mess.

doesn't change the fact it's one guy larping as a pedo who's probably a pedo

>boomer baby monkey hating group with pedophilic undertones


I wanted to use that cliche about how 'this is like a David Lynch movie' but honestly this goes way beyond any of that



Honestly is anyone surprised that this exists? Monkeys are little shits

so are f-slurs but its still fucked up to beat them

Is it tho?



What the fuck is Daiseys Destruction

I'm not going to lie, reading that made me sick to my stomach.

Pedophile shit is like the only thing that still truly disgusts me online

That and the innocent torture of animals :'(

Always remember with all the Governments spying programs they have the power to stop this but choose to focus on the non-existent problem of "terrorism"

The only thing that is scarier than reading about it is knowing that the video still exists on the surface web with no need for tor. Correct me if I'm wrong but it is available on the web?

probably in FBI honeypots

For sure

You can probably find it somewhere if you dig deep enough. You always can. I would not even put that shit in my search history though.

I knew a guy who was considering becoming part of NCIS (US Navy crime investigators essentially). He was pretty much game for everything, knowing that it could mean investigating murder, rape, etc.


Dude was fine until he realized he may have to do shit like actually see CP as part of an investigation, and if he was the dude interrogating the guy who got caught he may have to play the "sympathetic cop" who says he can understand wanting to do all the shit that's in these videos to 'relate' to the guy and get them to open up. Its crazy that for some people the idea of people getting blown into bits by explosives is fine but watching CP and trying to pretend to sympathize with the guys caught with it is too much, but I get it. I probably would have done the same thing, CP is one thing even decades of the internet wouldn't desensitize me from. Its genuinely too fucked up.

I could never have a job like that, I have no idea how people do it.

The kind of people that choose to become cops.

One of my best friends is an officer.

I don't see you stepping up to do a job like this, but I know its much easier to be a NEET and bitch about shit on the internet.

One of my best friends is an officer.

they prefer to be called, "class traitors" tyvm

Tbh I had to take some ginger to settle my stomach after reading it. The nausea went away but there's still some deeper form of sickness. Probably gonna be with me for an hour.

This is why I don't read crime articles generally. Tbh I can only think of a few stories that have affected me like this though. Most of them were war crimes too.


I was about to read the article... maybe I shouldn't. I've turned into a gigantic fucking pussy about this stuff since having kids, it's really weird.

Fuck why did I read that :(

what the actual fug

I truly and unironically hope prison justice is a real thing, this cunt deserves hell in prison

WTF is up with Melbourne where all these disgusting pedos come from there? I mean, I know we often joke that it's our version of San Francisco, but seriously, the degeneracy is real.

Are you familiar with Adelaide?

Melbourne's a city of more than 4 million. That's more than LA or Chicago- of course there's going to be a few nutjobs in a population that big.

But at least it's not Adelaide- a tiny country town, where every third prson's serial killer.

few nutjobs in a population that big


running the worlds largest kiddie porn and torture / murder website


Nobody's perfect.

Good people on both sides!!

Melbourne having more people than LA? I think not. LA is 20m+

Google said 4mil.

yeah, that's misleading. Technically it's correct that LA proper has "only" 4-5 mil, but most people who actually live and do stuff in LA live outside LA in all the suburbs. And those suburbs are expansive. Where I live is technically a suburb of LA, and it's still like an hour drive to get downtown, even without traffic.

Can confirm. City I used to live in was 40 minutes away from LA. The first thing Wikipedia has to say about its demographics is "most people who live here commute to LA."

But at least it's not Adelaide- a tiny country town, where every third person's serial killer.

I am now notably more suspicious of Brady Haran

more than 4 million. That's more than LA or Chicago

Only if you ignore the suburbs. There are 13 million in the LA metro area, compared with 5 million in the Melbourne metro area.

Australia's Cultural Capital TM

When I saw the title in the description I got that Tails comic vibe (you know the one) but I don't even know what to say.

It blows my mind that "Daisy" survived. I guess it's a good thing that at 18 months old, she probably won't have any vivid memories of what happened, but you have to think that would still fuck her brain up for the rest of her life anyway.

She has a lot of injuries apparently from the torture inflicted on her.

This is why we need pedocide

You know, I'd unironically be for that. If we could count on it being limited to actual pedos who've acted on their urges. Trouble is I don't trust anyone to not expand either the definition of pedo or the umbrella of crimes that warrant execution

Trouble is I don't trust anyone to not expand either the definition of pedo or the umbrella of crimes that warrant execution

Exactly what a pedo would say. Get the chopping block, fellas!

I get what you mean but I think you actually just advocated child murder

good thing words have no meaning in (((current year)))

Cant have pedophiles if theres no kids to molest 👉😉

Well, that made me want to puke. Those poor kids. My morbid curiosity wants more info but deep down I know I don't want to know what they did to those babies.



This is why we need to keep the death penalty. As well as drawing and quartering. Hell this guy deserves the judas chair.

I stopped reading at the title of that kiddie video, because I do not wish to know more about any of this.

for once this is the right answer

big oof! big yikes! that is enough internet for me today !

That claim is 100% a LARP unless the police get involved


I believe he's saying having and sharing the video and sharing it is grounds for getting on knock on the door, so if we don't hear about something like that... it's fake.

I disagree. Do you know how hard it is to get the feds to pull up? You have to find the guy yourself, find the right field office, then hit "Go"

I'll take your word for it.

Got into a swat battle one time with a dude. He was talking all this shooter shit, so I kept hitting him. First the feds weren't trying to hear it, so I tried a local field office after finding his location. They were interested and transferred me to an anti terror team who had me comb through his postings (they weren't social media savy), until I found identifying information. Then they needed screenshots. Then I hit his current location. It was pretty cool, cause you could hear them launch the raid over the phone. They missed, then finally they tracked him down. Lpt of back and forth, lot of death threats, bomb threats, etc. He was then taken into custody and placed on every watchlist ever. My phone now suggests sharing with the feds whenever I hit share, lol.

(they weren't social media savy)

How long ago was this? Surely they've got a young guy who knows how to internet there. Either way, good work citizen.

This was a few months back.

Theygonhate: You guys really need a cyber division.

Anti Terror: We have one, this isn't it.

Theygonhate: I can see that.

DD is (surprisingly) real, and the guy who made it was caught

I'm not doubting that the vid is real, I just think it's incredibly unlikely he posted it when the source is an anon on a board dedicated to LARPs

wtf is it? Im not about to google that shit. Fuck I dont even want to click any of the links in the op...

DD is the closest thing irl to one of those deep web video creepypastas
18 month old little girl getting tortured and raped
The full title is Daisy's Destruction and it cost several thousand to buy on release and might be the only genuine snuff film made

Genuinely asking, do all those recorded cartel and isis execution videos not count as snuff films? Or like the 3 guys, 1 hammer videos? Is there a specific criteria for snuff film that disqualifies those?

a snuff film is done for profit as a commercial product depending on if she dies on camera or not daisys destruction might be the only one ever made

What a post, deserves pinning OP.

Its a recruitment tool for SJW Eco terrorists looking for anti human sympathizers. Sub to r/AntiVegan to learn more.

Artificial intelligence training?


AI is the near-future sci-fi version of magic, so all the ret*rded conspiracy-theorists use it to handwave anything they don't understand.

I don't know, I could see Microsoft spending millions of pounds to create AIs that spam YouTube with detailed hate videos about baby monkeys. Such an AI would have dozens of industrial applications - you could use it to spam YouTube with detailed hate videos about baby monkeys, for example.

I feel like they’re trying to justify the behavior being from a ‘non-human’ because they can’t possibly imagine someone could be this fucked-up IRL.

I don't know why but I hate seeing those ugly baby monkeys

Found darq's other alt.

Implying that they are all bot accounts programmed to talk to each other or something


Forgive me for this but


'Yikes' is such a virgin term, it is fundamentally defeatist and not good. Whereas 'zoinks' is much better. 'Zoinks' accepts that the universe is chaotic and a strange place, but that one should do their best still. Shaggy from Scooby Doo says 'zoinks' not yikes. Casey Kasem who voiced Shaggy didn't get worried about the dangers of life. Instead he got butthurt about small concerns like Arabs being portrayed as always the baddies and that slight tiff between Israel and Palestine. Do you think he would have been able to do that if he was a 'yikes' guy? Nope it was a 'zoinks' from him.

>Shaggy was voiced by a Lebanese expat



Gonna serious post here but, Honestly don't go too far down the hole of looking into these monkey abuse commenters, it's just terribly sad and not good for your mental health, these are very sick people. Idk whether it's related to cp or not but it's not worth it

You, this might mean I'm a sick bastard just like those guys, but the the first thing I thought of when reading those comments was "this would make for some great pasta".


...I need a goddamn intervention, man.

Nah, you're just being a good prosumer.

You could say the same about visiting this subreddit. I only visit it to check in on what the psychotic fucks are talking about.

yes I agree /r/drama commenters are 100% unironically just as bad as child porn consumers and baby monkey torturers

Peter riddly coming in unsolicited offering up daisy video, as fucked up and disgusting as it sounds seems like a LARPER. But fuck man this whole thing is just fucked from start to buttom. 😔 Mayocide can't come any sooner.

i'm drunk as hell.

We must secure the existence of our monkeys and a future for monkey children

Reported for veiled racism.

It's the same thing as the people who do snuff of chibi version of touhou characters,

Me playing a Touhou game is snuff of chibi versions of Touhou characters.

If you abuse animals you have no right to call anyone "weak". Abusing defenseless animals is something only weak and insecure people do.

true shit

What if you a abuse adult gorillas and rhinos after beating them into submission with your bare hands? That's pretty strong

That's not abuse, that's combat

Punching ✊✊ up

Neither of those animals are defenseless.

Thats just natural selection. If a rhino can be beat in hand to hand combat then it didnt really deserve to live

This shit is actually really old, no one gave a shit about it. Just in normal videos of monekya doing supposedly cute things you saw these creeps commenting as about their fantasies with torturing monkeys

Exactly what a paedo would say.

It kind of reminds me of the people that watch popping videos. They know it's fucked up but they have a sick fascination with it

This has been around for years, why is it posted now?

Cause you didn't post it first saying PEDOS and r*ddit saying RACISTS really says something about our society.

that we live in one, supposedly

Of course reddit has the coldest take possible. Wormy brained redditors and their dog whistles 😂

Fuck I hope Phil de Franco sees this, can we link him to this thread?

Do it. There are a few prolific YTers who could cover this. Paymoneywubby comes to mind.

No. Seriously, unironically, don't.

YouTube has already suffered Adpocalypse 2: The Sequel No One Asked For earlier this year and it does not need a muckraking of some weird and disturbing subculture lurking in an obscure corner of the the site triggering yet another massive outrage that leads to yet another media attack, then yet another advertiser pullout, and finally yet another knee-jerk, [r-slur]ed TOS change that'll only succeed in killing the site faster.

And trust me, no ammount of increase in the value of Dramacoin can make up for that shit.

And trust me, no ammount of increase in the value of Dramacoin can make up for that shit.

mods ban!!




Imagine not wanting something horrific like this to be made more public and for more people to be made more aware. I don't give a flying fuck about YT, I just care that people who make content like this are exposed. Go f-slur yourself, r-slur.

If you want this to be dealt with, just report it to either YT or the police (preferably both) for animal abuse and be done with it.

No need to make this into a public outrage, especially considering that those usually tend to do more bad than good.

Like YT gives a fuck, its owned by Google and they have admitted they don't have the manpower or care about shit like this. Just look at stuff like Else Gate and videos like this,, its somewhat talked about but than people move on to the next big outrage. Ill report it to all of those things and also prolific YTers just because you told me not to and its obviously something that gets you buttblasted.

and they have admitted they don't have the manpower or care about shit like this

Citation, please?

Also, Elsa Gate, unlike animal abuse, isn't illegal in most places. It was only relevant in the first place because it was essentially an exploit in YouTube's algorithm as well as a fault in its age restriction system. And guess what, that exploit has been solved. YouTube has actually done something about it. That's why people don't talk about that shit anymore.

Look, if you want to go on around wanking to your self righteous outrage fuelled (and outrage fueling) justice boner, you can go ahead, but only as long as you don't jizz in the sites I use. Because if you do, don't get surprised when I and a bunch of other people get buttblasted at you.

Imagine defending Youtube.

Advertisers completely leaving Youtube is actually fantastic and would kill off so many worthless channels for good

Your whole comment is bad. Everyone should be accelerating this process, not resisting it. What, is Defranco gonna cry?

can we link him to this thread?

haha fuck no

Kill them all (the people not the monkey's)

The monkeys are pests in some areas. That's why they set up electrified cages. There were some videos in India doing that.

The monkeys are pests because they have associated people with food, it's their own fault, even so the people commenting on these videos aren't Indian

However, except for the hunting videos where someone sits at long range and plinks off a bunch of monkeys or a bush tribe catching one to roast, the other videos were made in India and the monkeys are a pest. Rats also are around humans for food and they still get killed.

There are almost as many rats as humans tho, they are literally a pest species

And look how the Pajeets have destroyed a ton of the monkeys natural habitats, what are they meant to eat, poop? What shall they drink? They can't drink from the poop stream.. some rivers in India are so polluted they have literally 0 oxygen content

This is one of the only posts on Reddit that made me go "what the fuck". I was subscribed to wpd until it got banned too, this shit is fucking insane.

I’ve had enough internet for today. Only 8:39am.

See ya tomorrow, Reddit.

for all I hate seriousposting this is unironically, unironically disgusting

This makes me sad :(

This is just as much of a conspiracy theory, but I'm thinking that this kind of weird shit is an AI experiment. Bots posting that have been trained in specific likes/dislikes

AI was a mistake

Intelligence was a mistake

What the fuck lol

What in the f-slur is wrong with people?

TIL daisy's destruction wasn't an urband legend, god almighty

It's all just fun and games. Like shooting bald eagles or big game hunting or drowning kittens

I don't know if I agree with that user's definition of 'fun and games'

Good trick referencing a specific film and saying it's noteworthy without going into detail. Gonna trick a few guys into googling it and going to jail, good for the markets

The ascent of man was a mistake.

lol @ people acting like they wouldn't like to torture and kill monkeys

At this point I think the only reason YouTube comments still exist is that the FBI uses them as a honey trap.

Pretty fuckin bizarre, reminds me of this shit that got exposed not too long ago

I remember seeing this on /int/ years ago and we all thought it was pedophiles back then as well

They could have free electricity if they caught these rats and forced them to run on treadmills connected to 12v dc generators. Instead of a wind turbine, make a tree rat turbine, if they stop running on the treadmill they get shocked. Green Energy

I believe there is also the hatred indian people have for monkey (monkey are huge parasite in india that steal stuff and attack people sometimes causing death) I know for sure that hating monkey is a thing in India it might be as well in other countries in south/east asia


Death to all that threaten the monkeys! 🙈🙉🙊

no surprise youtube is full of pedos when two of the top "stars" they keep cramming down everyones throats are degenerate trannys

Good night 🖐

The internet is SO fucking weird lmao

die babby monkey, die!!

holds blowtorch closer

Man I hope god is real so these people go straight to hell.

Man looks like the snally got gastered.

Did /x/ just stumble across an actual pedophile conspiracy? What the fuck am I even reading here?

This is awkward because I don't like monkeys