r/CringeAnarchy applauding literal Nazis.

191  2019-03-30 by Ghdust2


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Where is the lie

not appreciating trussy in 2019

CAfugees will be held in camps until you can assimilate to our culture.

I’m all for it, only problem is that it’s not deep enough and pretty dry


The proper reaction is to just submit to your Jewish betters

Agreed, CAcels are genetically inferior

Can we mass flair them for when that shithole gets banned and they flood our borders?

We need a "one drop" policy.

One comment in CA means you're banned forever

B-but that's a slippery slope! Soon we'll be banning people just for breaking the rules, and then we'll be like all the rest!

Rip Pizza

Special exception for lolcows


I was against this at first but shits gone downhill so flippin fast lately. I still check it daily to make sure it's still there though. Gotta keep an eye on the degens.

Nah fuck you

CAcels are subhuman, tbh

And so are /r/Drama nauts

/r/drama will be extinguished for good if CA gets axed.

Luckily it looks like it's reddits holding bay to keep retards out of drama

I thought the same about MDE before that was removed. I think they're still one NYT opinion piece from deleting CA too

MDE got too close to God's chosen people and that made the epic nono for reddit. CA bans the word iew

Mde was actually banned for making fun of Serena Williams

In Minecraft?

Of course

People keep saying this but they weren't the only sub who did that is it really hard to accept that mde got too ret*rded for its own good

No I was there, they were going hard. They had been ready to martyr themselves for awhile tho, it only vilified them really.

I thought they got banned for threatening to kill people

-in Minecraft.

Not if I can fucking help it.

Save us TMOR daddy

And I'll do it for freeee.

based janitor

I'll suck your cock for freeee 😍


Yours tooooo 😍

it's a sad day when i have to align with a lib f-slur like you, but in a time of need as dire as that i will make such a sacrifice


my skin is so white its basically translucent, which if i understand the conventions of the meme correctly means i get to be the black arm

I came here from CA because you think just like them but you make fun of everyone! Hi!

im so triggered rn :<

We are all triggered on this blessed day


You did the right thing


The only solution is to arm ourselves against the colorless, soulless, white menace on our borders.

For comparison, this comments section resembles \r\cringeanarchy circa 2017 (not sure if the CA mods would be alerted if i tagged the subreddit with /r/). I am in favor of restoring all previously banned subreddits, including outright Nazi ones, with the exception of those promoting criminal activity (sorry jailbait) to keep the fringes occupied while CA and other mockery subreddits can be run free of proactive moderation without fear of being over run by literal retards fleeing the fringes

And That's A Good Thing

"Omg why are people I don't like allowed to post here 😠"

yeah exactly

CAcels aren't people

lmao this thread is crawling with them already... bunch of NEETroaches

How have you not OD'ed yet?

This but unironically fuck CA

You want people unironically saying Hitler did the right thing to have free reign?


That's where you're wrong.

no one likes you but youve been freely posting here for years sooooo

You silly fuck. Let me explain the difference between a flair and a ban.

While Chapotard soyboiz might also be subhuman, genuine Nazis unironically do not deserve human rights.

people I don't like

Yeah those literal nazis sure are a bunch of poo-poo heads aren't they


CA and loving Nazis I'm not even surprised

Is the link not working anymore?? I thought even removed threads can be viewed

I can see it

they're just nazis .... this isnt really new news

Oh literal Nazis.

Same, I was like okay didn't expect to see some againsthatesubreddits agenda posting here in drama.

And then I clicked the link and was like 0.0. Oh they are legit nazis.

You better report them to your nearest police station

What's the sub's motto? "The cringe is the subreddit itself"?

Truly, the tapping of the Deathwatch beetle for the MDE subs was the soy was coming from inside the sub itself.

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I’m curious, does soyslur work?

im reporting you for slur evasion, god will judge you

Taking G-ds name in vain

No u


No u

Get Guds

Dont talk that way about y-hw-h

shut up faggotslur


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Truly, the tapping of the Deathwatch beetle for the MDE subs was that the s_y was coming from inside the sub itself.

Honestly surprised they haven't been banned yet. Only thing I can figure is reddit is saving them for a rainy day when they need to appear to be doing something against hate online without banning r/the_donald

They'll be banned within a month. I guarantee it.

The amount of Midwest teen angst in that thread is hilarious. They know they are going to have miserable lives and it drives them crazy

They are the brave few that will form Space Force!

What can you say? The N-slurs did do a lot of things right - a united country works better than a country that can't even agree if a Hotdog is a sandwich or not.


Wh*tes are bad

I guess this must be a joke about East Germany getting split off but I don't get it.

Didn’t their economic model consist of going deadbeat on their debts, then stealing money from their Hebrew population so they could loot even more wealth away from Slavs? I fail to see why the gibsmedats of Western Europe should deserve anything beyond derision and ridicule.

They united it so well it was split in two.

a united country works better...

Yeah, WW2-era Germany was such an amazing success story.

I mean, they had a good couple of years. Followed by utter destruction by multiple other countries. But ignoring all that, a few good years.

They followed a meth addict and tried to invade Russia in the winter. Even if you exclude the genocide, they did a lot of things wrong.

To be fair though, everyone's invaded Russia during winter - ask a non Russian what month is summer and they'll get it wrong every time. Most people assume it's like Australian Winter. Yet in the same breath, fail to realize that the southern areas are infinitely warmer to the point they have rainforests there.

Part of Russian war doctrine is stalling off the enemy before autumn begins. The autumn makes it virtually impossible for mechanized units to advance due to the retarded amounts of mud. and shit on the roads.

and tried to invade Russia in the winter.

June 22

Ironically, had it not been for Winter War and annexation of Poland and Baltics, Krauts would have succeeded with the Blitzkrieg.

a united country works better

It's Bismarcks achievement, not Hitler's, though.

np posting

Edit that out right now

Does this place have special rights to use non np links on leddit? Don't wanna get this place shut down by the admins

This sub is probably one bad day away from a ban so it doesn’t matter. Drama with np links wouldn’t be worth saving anyway

this place has never been worth saving, that's its one redeemable feature.

lmao admins stopped giving a shit about np ages ago, they're all about slurpolicing now

Listen here you f-----, you can't possibly believe half the s--- you write so just face your r-----ation and get over yourself. N

lol what

I fucked it up your meant to say r-slur not r----- but I think you get the point

I understood the words I just have no clue what you're talking about

Oh right I just thought I'd right some nonsense to include a few slurs you c-slur

well have fun I guess

Thanks. You too man

Does this place have special rights to use non np links on leddit? Don't wanna get this place shut down by the admins

It's more like people who post np links are special

Guess it's time to acquaint myself with knots and chairs

No it's fine. Just show us your male anus and all is forgiven.

Male anus. Sounds so unwieldy. If only there were a shorthand...


Does this place have special rights to use non np

Way back in the day (pre-serena), /u/mircy blew /u/kn0thing and we've been a participation shelter ever since.

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Holy shit. They’re literal nazis?

No, they're white nationalists. There are no literal Nazis anymore. Literal Nazis almost conquered Europe, these fat basement dwelling fucks couldn't conquer their own waistline.

I wish we could bring Hitler back just to show him what modern white supremicists are like, he'd probably be more disgusted than if someone threw I'm in the center of a Jewish/Slavic gayngbang.

He would side with the j-maybe-slur and laugh as europe dies and laugh at the US



With communist gypsies playing music in the background

Furry Nazis exist. Hitler would probably Hitler himself once again after seeing that.

I dunno. There are plenty of semi-ambulatory trashkin among their ranks, but there are also more than a few current and former .mil/police/etc guys that ol' Adolf would be fine with making into a neue Wehrmacht.

His chimpout at the end where he decided that the German race should die because it wasn't good enough to win his war was great. It would only be made better by rubbing his face in how his ideology is only preserved by middle school edgelord kids scratching swastikas into the seats of their schoolbuses and Tila Tequila.

His chimpout at the end where he decided that the German race should die because it wasn't good enough to win his war was great.

At least he was solid in his beliefs and applied them to himself and his nation. Modern nazis screech endlessly about "muh Rhodesia", "muh Drezden" and "We dindu nuffin, how dare those subhumans fight back, they are evil and it's the fault of DA JOOS"

Tbh I think Hitler would be fine with their degeneracy as long as they supported the cause. Hitler and his posse were pretty degenerate themselves.

Don't get me wrong, Little Hitly and his bois were fucking degenerates on a personal level even when you put aside all the Nazi ideology. But that at least had this pretense of what may be called 'class' in their own sense.

They are neither white, nor the nationalists, though. Most of them look like something straight out of "Der Untermensch" and the jerk off over Third Reich more than over their own country/people.

In fact, they HATE their own country and people, because it doesn't live to their "Triumph of will" fantasy.


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Their relationship with Hitler is a bit complicated.
On one hand, they think he was a hero who did the right thing, but on the other, he also failed and gave ethnic cleansing a bad rep.

Yeah. Killing innocent people, no matter who they are is wrong. This is why Hitler blows, he made being proud of being white β€œbad” because he slaughtered innocents, and now this f*ggot shooter is going to make not wanting ethnic replacement β€œbad”.

Please don't tell me you actually believe Hitler killed innocents.

Most of them are still big fans though and anti-Hitler rhetoric is usually met with downvotes.

That comment has 35 undoots tho



( β€’_β€’)>βŒβ– -β– 


(βŒβ– _β– ),

You came here ILLEGALLY from CA! You are NOT welcome here so OUT OUT OUT SMELLY RAPEFUGEE πŸ‘‰πŸΏπŸ‘‰πŸΏπŸ‘‰πŸΏ

ooga booga where da wimminz

ooga booga, where da white drama wimminz

Right? What the fuck. There isn't a hint of irony in any of the comments, almost as if they are serio... ohhhhhhhhh wow.

Yeah, it used to be ironic but the past ~6months the vibe has gone to shit

It's been unironic for far more than six months.

It all started when MDE was banned and CA was quarantined. They basically give no fucks now and are trying to get banned to martyr themselves, a lot like MDE did near the end.

Reminds me of chapo..

I liked CA better when it was just anti-PC memes instead of alt-right propaganda.

Just goes to show that censorship only makes things worse.

Nah, if they get banned - they’ll come here. We need the lolcows.


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It’s dramatic.

There's no drama in the thread

Mugabe did nothing wrong

there is in this one tho

not really tho, kind of business as usual

This dude is right tbh, they have Nazi posts almost every day. It's been like that since they were quarantined.

This isn't SRS

it had been for a good while now

thinking you have to be SRS to not like neonazis

I don't like neonazis. There is no drama in this post

but posting it made the drama because CAtards are so thin skinned

This is just smugposting by the worst element of /r/drama

SRDine rejects.

then why are you crying about a thread devoted to roasting neonazis

This isn't SRD or SRD


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im sorry you thought this was a safe space, but it isnt, f-slur


get out agenda poster

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They made their fathers proud that day.

Something that will never be said about a CA user.

Their not saying they love nazis. There just saying that nazis are the lesser evil of the two, which is objectively true.

There just saying that nazis are the lesser evil of the two, which is objectively true.

Imagine being so afraid of bussy that you randomly gas people


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68-19 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Nazis are genetically inferior sweaty

That's some working class angst mixed in with some legit nazis.

Odd of reddit to keep that sub over wpd (insert 3 thinking emojis) almost as if it's all about optics.

working class angst

this is a meme

Ew cartoons.

The modern scientific name is economic anxiety

socioeconomic difficulties

rural menace

Nazis? Don’t you think that’s a little excessive? I guess everyone is a nazi now according to the left.

r*rals should be property

Out out out

its okay, i thought it was funny


Fascist in /r/drama? Color me shocked 😀

Not even Italian fascism, let alone based Falangism

They're literally praising literal Nazis who were in charge of Germany from 1933-1945. What is up with moronic white supremacists/white nationalist/racists who think they can just play "well people call everything racist nowadays" when they fucking jerk themselves raw over mass slaughter?

apparently r/drama needs an /s to remove any subtlety from the joke like the rest of plebbit

This is the consequence of political windbags making "Nazi" a meaningless word.

Now when you try to refer to actual nazis they pull this kind of shit.

You serious-posting bastard.

But yeah, u right.

This is the consequence of political windbags making "Nazi" a meaningless word

Nigga no one's ever called Mitch McConnell a Nazi

b-but they called trump a nazi

You're too underage to remember when they called Dubya and Reagan Nazis. Calling the president you don't like a Nazi has been a proud American tradition since Nixon.

Now when you try to refer to actual nazis they pull this kind of shit.

Implying that wasn't the alt-right's intent from the very start.




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i hope you live an extremely long life, and that at some point in it a girl finally looks at you with an expression other than undisguised revulsion

Well said bro, we are not nazis, we are evolian social white nationalist who believe in the hyperborean theory of evolution.


Also, natsoc is cooler.

After the quarantine, it never was the same

When that cesspool inevitably gets shitcanned r/drama is going to be overrun with these reptoids. It'll be over for us dramacels for sure 😒

Its been over for us since spez cucked us into going no-ping

And then took our slurs 😒

But it’s creating tons of d-slur 😎

I’m already here in anticipation and yeah we’re getting the axe at the same time obviously. We’re just so fixated on *-slurs it’s gauche to be associated with us

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Where do you think they'll go idjit?

in reality? some other garbage sub with lower standards. justiceserved maybe? ideally they'll all off themselves and go to hell tho

Is there some way to automate the sub to go private the moment CA gets banned?


Implying that MDE ban didn't already turn this sub into a hellhole.

Bop the clown 🀑


hehe BASED PebbleChuck meme


"literal nazis applaud other nazis."

Spiderman sieg heiling Spiderman

Raimi went too far that time.



Some say the Nazis died in 1945 but I say sprit still lives today. They will not wear the same uniforms or speak the same language or come from the same country but that burning flame that animated them will be the same. That purifying fire burns the whole world clean.


One of you millennials mind explaining the point of larp?

Get to pretend you’re superior to literally anyone on earth despite having done fuckall with your shitty life other than jerk off and watch capeshit

Friendly reminder that the OG Nazis these guys idolize were so fucktarded, they pretty much nixed every chance of the developing an atom bomb and winning the war by labelling Einstein's theories 'Jewish physics' and driving him and his colleagues out of the country.

Jerking off on fictional superiority while being textbook subhuman filth.

100% chance that mook watches anime.

That sub's gonna get banned someday, and no one will be surprised.

I crawled away from that sub when I started realizing that they actually meant their f-slurs.

The same happened with MDE and I'm afraid will happen here, especially if CA is banned. People post shit ironically, non-ironic fools believe it and think they found a home and begin to migrate until it becomes a festering hive of unironic stupidity.

mde wasnt ever not ironic


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same tbh

I call people fslur and rslur but I of course don't actually hate gslur people or mentally disabled people, just dont act fslurry or rslured

^ gosh dangit i wasnt even diddly darn saying gslur in a slur way RREEEEEEEEEEEEEE

... Is this satire, or are you some kind of SRDine?

Fuck a SRDine, but I ain’t tryna get blamed for the downfall of Western society because I suck a dick or two dozen by the neckbearded cretins on CA.

gays will be permitted in the fourth reich, but Grindr will be converted into a monogamy-enforcement app with child-rape and indoctrination sensors.

You can shack up with your hubby, and even adopt some poor orphans to raise, but if you turn to degeneracy, you're done.

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g-slurs will be permitted in the fourth reich, but Grindr will be converted into a monogamy-enforcement app with child-rape and indoctrination sensors.

You can shack up with your hubby, and even adopt some poor orphans to raise, but if you turn to degeneracy, you're done.

Thank God I left hoin’ behind πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

This is your daily reminder that Arthur "Jews don't write history, I do" Harris, didn't go far enough with Dresden.

The man who really didnt go far enough: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodore_N._Kaufman

Back when shitposting took some effort.

Since Germans are the perennial disturbers of the world's peace ... they must be dealt with like any homicidal criminals. But it is unnecessary to put the whole German nation to the sword. It is more humane to sterilize them.

Tbh he should be given an award for having such a humanitarian attitude toward animals.

Henry Morgenthau Jr. did nothing wrong.

CA: is embarrassing for years
dramatards: omg when did CA go off the deep end

This was obvious as soon as they made the sub because "reeeee we can't say the n word on /r/cringe", but like so many echo chambers it has definitely gotten worse over time.

CA was good at first. It was /r/cringepics where you could post more things than Facebook screenshots and did have a healthy amount of radical centrism in the beginning.
Unfortunately, it was run by an agenda-pushing powermod called Deathwave88 (lol).

/r/cringe is sterile and boring. They will delete anything that isn't some mundane interaction between 2 adults on some shitty reality TV show

No it definitely went off the deep end. I used it a fee years ago when it was mostly "ben shapenis DESTROYS dumb feminism" type content, and it was never this bad.

imagine my shock

Can't they pretend to not be Nazis?

Welp CA is quarantined apparently (?)

The fuck did they manage to do.

Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because they contantly post stuff like this:

Some say the Nazis died in 1945 but I say sprit still lives today. They will not wear the same uniforms or speak the same language or come from the same country but that burning flame that animated them will be the same. That purifying fire burns the whole world clean.

Wtf I love the Nazis now



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nazis like nazis i cant believe it


wow 82%

CAnimals and COPE, name a more iconic duo.


Uhh.bro. That's kinda cringe bro

Christ this sub has unironically become trash on par with chapotraphouse and gamingcirclejerk

S E E T H I N G 😀😀😀

agenda posting mayos out out



It’s about time that sub became good.

81% upvoted

SEETHING CAnimals back at it with the drive-by downvotes, I see πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I've got 10,000 karma from CA before they went all Nazi, and I'm embarrassed by it.

As long as they can piss off AHSfags, I honestly dgaf.

well ... yeah

It's was unironically so sad watching that sub degenerate into literal pol tier nazi garbage.

Back in 2015 it was at least somewhat amusing

Man there wasn't this much overlap before all of the MDE kinda subs died. I used that sub a lot up until MDE was lost and those refugee scumbags decided to shack up there

Then I found this shithole. What's wrong with me


I cannot tell the political leaning of this sub. True centrist sub achieve??


CA definitely has gone off the deep end

Where’s the drama?

Remember when CA at least dogwhistled their ideology. When did they decide to screw the optics?

Tell us something we don't know.