AITA fatties gang up on a guy for saying that calories matter for weight loss

249  2019-03-31 by SansSoIeiI


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Calories are the "midi-chlorians" that m-slur people want to remove from canon.

Might be the African genes in me but 10 lbs sounds like it'd be an improvement in this case.

ew 🤢


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why are you g ay?


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Dat holocaust chic

hot ikr?

For about 10 minutes after you throw her in the oven.

that's what American women would like to do to attractive, skinny women like her 🙄


Her forehead literally makes her face shaped like ayy lmao.

not wanting a skinny, alien like Chinese gf

the fuck is wrong with you?


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Excuse you this is nothing close to holocaust levels and your comment is offensive to millions of (((people))) who suffered greatly at hands of bigots like you around the world. Please delete your account, thank you.

YTA. You. Don’t. Comment. On. A. Woman’s. Body. Unless. You. Are. Her. Doctor. Stop it.

👏Yassss👏 Queen 👏 Slay 👏

Doctor: Stop being a hamplanet

Just because you did science doesn't mean that I can lose weight you bigot!

Then: only gad can judge me

What do they do when they’re sentenced to eternity in hell because of gluttony

Declare satan problematic

Please, everyone knows that even Satan's 10 foot dong wouldn't do that.

Fatphobic doctor asked me to get on a scale!!

And when their doctor tells them the hard truth, they just say they know better than the doctor.

I am fb friends with this fat lonely intersectionalist. One day she posted a long ass rant about how mad she was she went to the doctor and her doctor told her she was fat and needed to lose weight. She posted several paragraphs of cope about how BMI charts are wrong and the doctor doesn't know anything. This was followed by saying how she drinks several gallons of water a day and tries to go for walks, but her "anxiety and depression" prevent her from walking.

Not too anxious about hamburgers though is she?

MY body!
MY life!
*stabs fork through someone's hand* MY HAMBURGER!

How fat is "she". At a certain point they're just a genderless blob.

In her defense she's not that fat, certainly not morbidly obese. She actually posted her BMI and stuff in the rant. If I can find it I'll post it

Please do. 😍

if her BMI is over 22 she's fat.

ancient Chinese proverb

If she American girl she fat.

Ancient Jackie Chan proverb on behalf of CPC.

Like the ancient chinese were over 22

If she knows her own BMI then she's probably a ham huffer. Normal, healthy people don't give the slighest fuck about BMI.

Lmao I have severe depression, as in very severe and I still run/work out daily.

Fat women are hilarious.

X to doubt.

I'm shocked, absolutely shocked that you have a mental illness. I wouldn't say it's just depression though, because depression usually doesn't have delusion as a symptom.

What am I "delusional" about.

You essentially erase from your memory things you've said in the past, and even when proof was pulled you refused to admit you had believed in the things you said. You constantly claim to "not be mad" despite screaming in VC than quitting the server when people overwhelmingly disagree with you. You claimed your girlfriend was a manipulative liar, than immediately said you never said that. Your beliefs have the same form as waters and in every arguement you consistently move goalposts and refuse to acknowledge when someone has conclusively proved you wrong.

Give me a single example of this happening.

Can i get a link to this server?

lol no you don't, shut up.

IDFSHILL, I had no idea, but I hope things get better for you soon. It can take time and I hope you know I always appreciate your shitposting.

BMI is inaccurate if you're a muscular guy. Everyone else is a fatty.

Keep telling yourself you're muscular, buddy :)

BMI is inaccurate if you're really tall or really short.

If you're tall, it overestimates obesity. If you're short, it underestimates obesity.

Most of the people bitching about it are short, and therefore actually fatter according to more accurate measurements than they are according to BMI.

The whole BMI isn't accurate if you're literally Mr. Universe so it's okay to weigh 300 pounds of pure blubber at 5'8" is the most embarrassing fatty cope out there.

BMI is pretty shit measure for individuals to be sure, we really need to get those machines that measure actual bodyfat% more available. At last measure I had a 11% bf measure and a BMI of 28

Those machines arent that great at accuracy. At all

The SJWcide will be 100% self inflicted.

God damn it, whenever I copy a comment to paste here, it's already the first one.


Fa people: don't talk about my weight or my health if you're not my doctor

Also fat people: doctors don't know anything and are fay shaming nazis

Spill the tea sis!!!

Nope. My sister went on a Facebook tirade because he doctor had suggested she was underweight and was probing if she had an eating disorder. She thought it was totally out of line for the doctor to comment on her weight. I told her that the doctor was probably the perfect person to comment on a patient's weight because it's their fucking job.

I don't want my doctor to comment on my health or the fact that I'm currently assaulting them cause it's rude!

I got this attitude from my (feminist) mother when I told her I had (as tactfully as I possibly could) broached the topic of my ex-girlfriend's weight problems with her. I could tell straight away my mother did not approve of this. I just thought, am I supposed to keep it to myself until she gains so much weight, I no longer find her physically attractive at all, and we end up in a sexless relationship, or breaking up? I thought communication was key to a successful relationship, but it seems that does not apply when it comes to communicating such 'unpleasantries' to women.

Fuck, I knew there was a reason my parents wanted me to go to medical school.

Wow I thought the "muhhh hormones" shit was a joke fatpeoplehate used to make about fat women with delusions. But nope, they actually believe that shit excuses their daily mukbangs or whatever word I saw in a previous post.


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Never underestimate the stupidity of the common fatty.

Funny how all these obesity "genetics" really just started to show up 30 years ago. if you go back 100 years ago obesity was so rare you'd had to find a fat person at a carnival show.

Anyone saying their obesity has anything to do with genetics should be invited to the helicopter party.

No reason to destroy helicopters, dude.

Just torture then to death with hot spoons like Snappy says to.

..wait so then they can't eat? like give them searing hot spoons and a copious amount of cheesecake? like a shock collar if they decide to try to eat it without the spoon??

Nah, ya heat the spoons up and stick em between their folds.

Their little pudgy arms are for feeding themselves, not defending themselves.

do i get extra points for landing them in the elbow folds?

Dude to be obese you literally have to consume over 4k to 5k calories a day and have extremely low activity. It's fucking disgusting how much food these people shove in their face on a daily basis. I'm tryna gain weight and 3k is my maintence.

4k to 5k

I don't think I could physically eat this much. They should try intermittent fasting to shrink their stomach a bit.

I've come close to 4K in a day a few times, but the sugar hangover the next day was absolutely brutal

What is sugar hangover?

When your blood sugar levels crash after your body pumps inane amounts of insulin into your bloodstream to reduce blood glucose. You feel like absolute shit.

Sugar dehydrates you just like alcohol does. A sugar hangover is like an alcohol one, aches, pains, nausea, film on the teeth, things like that.

Watch out, people didn't like that I said that.

You get used to it. I was putting down around 4K a day on my winter bulk and it was amazing, it fucking blows having to cut after all that glorious eating

Are you some sort of bear?

Yes but without the gayness since I like my penises feminine

It's incredible, when I played basketball my coach put me on a 5K diet because I was pretty skinny. I was basically eating all fucking day. It sucked I stopped after about 3-4 months but did gain a solid amount.

Oh but then their bodies could go into "starvation mode." I can't help but laugh when people act like that's a bad thing

You're thinking morbid obesity. Regular obesity can be reached with a normal diet and office-work level of activity.

Yeah, regular obese is what most people think when they say overweight. Overweight is like thick healthy.

Meh. A 5’0 person is obese at 155lbs. An inactive woman could get to that body weight at like 2k cals a day.

Being a lifter us the best, if I eat less than 2k a day I'll start going through muscle atrophy even at zero activity. After a moderate workout and walking to and from work I have to eat well north of 3k.

Depends on height though, at 5'2" just by eating over 2k would make me obese at like 75kg. Even if i exercised everyday id be obese without even getting to 3k a day.

A 30 year old standing (or sitting) at 5'11" weighing 400 pounds and living a sedentary lifestyle burns almost 3400 calories a day. That's amazing.


I'm 180 pounds, fairly active (strength training, so less calories than if I was still running), and I burn maybe 2700-2800 a day. Granted, I'm also a 5'8" manlet so there's that, but still.

Yea I'm 6'2" so maintence is a lot more for me than shorter people. Sometimes i wish i was a couple inches shorter. I'm also in sales so on average i walk 10 to 12 miles a day which is a huge hit to my caloric intake.

I'm sure you've heard it before but get some peanut butter. If you drink protein shakes I'd recommend melting a few tablespoons in the microwave and adding it to the shake as a liquid so it mixes better and it tastes really great. It's just under 100kcal/tablespoon so you can probably just add a few somewhere throughout the day and be golden.

Peanut butter and frozen banana +protein powder is weight gain mvp.

I'm tryna gain weight and 3k is my maintence.

I was on 3k a day to gain weight and even with working out and playing coed games on the weekend, there was never a day where I wasn't nauseous at some point because of all that fucking food.

4k to 5k

You'd have to be enormous to have a Basal Metabolic Rate that high. I'm 6'8 375 lbs(very fucking fat, I know) and my bmr is just over 3 thousand, and it's a lower amount for women than men.

100 years ago obesity was so rare you'd have to find a fat person at a carnival show.

Is this true?

Not really but there was no obesity epidemic back then.

Kind of, yes. You can google something like “fattest man 1903”, and find pictures of a guy that weighs less than someone you’d see around in public today

> google fattest man 1903 to prove that obesity wasn't an issue until 30 years ago


I’m not saying it wasn’t an issue, just that someone who was considered the fattest man around back then looks like someone that you’d see at any random supermarket today.


Obviously diet and accessibility to high calorie foods factor into it. But the point is, I can see multiple people just going about my daily routine that are as big, or bigger, than the fattest dude around roughly 100 years ago

Okay, it was unclear if you were adopting Honk's point. Certainly there are a lot of things that have changed diets, definition/concern for obesity, day to day mobility, and the ability to be functionally obese.

It kind of is a good point. If you go look at the images of freak shows from the early 1900s the people considered so obese that they where considered freaks are probably the same size or smaller than the prototypical Walmart scooter-user.

There is no doubt it was harder to be morbidly obese and functional 100 years ago. We now have desk jobs and rascal scooters and insulin.

That has very little to do with the rarity of plain old obese people.

He literally said 100 years ago

Do you not understand how one google image search doesn't address the rarity of obesity from 100 years ago?

Oldest data I could find was from the 60's to current time, you can see a steady increase from the late 80s and 90s til now. If you go to the turn of last century it was even rarer than the sound like a triggered fatty.

Haha this is why Teddy Roosevelt was known as the carnival act president. I don't think anyone is disputing that obesity has increased over the last few decades. That's not the same as saying it didn't exist, particularly in the times when the people doing the diagnosis would probably be smoking during your appointment.

Thanks for your concern, fam, but I've been skinny all my life. Nah thanks fam, I'm

Put the cookie down fatass.

It's definitely an epidemic. It definitely didn't start 30 years ago.

Rurals confirmed fattie fat cakes.

The point is that a carnival attraction for how fucking fat he was looks like a guy you can find in every American Walmart ever.

I thought the point was "obesity was so rare you'd have to find a fat person at a carnival show."

Yes, and those "freaks" were usually like 300lbs, max.

Source? On the yes not the freaks.

Kind of. 100 years ago we didn't have medication to treat the relevant endocrine and metabolic disorders, so those people died before they got obese.

And they would be strictly average for today.

I wonder how many people in Ethiopia have hypothyroidism?

Something tells me its veeeeery low

Locked because yall can't behave

Op got permabanned

I got permabanned there for saying I’d shit down somebody’s throat.

It’s wasn’t against the rules, so I didn’t really get what the deal was. Stupid sub, I can’t interact with the upset fatties anymore :(.

There's a rule that needs you to be civil,

Yeah but I wasn’t being rude, I was just stating a fact

Make sure to practice the utmost civility when partaking in the Asshole Tribunal.

Calling op the asshole is allowed, but using bad language elsewhere is not.

Funny how all these "hormonal issues" don't seem to affect third world countries suffering from famines

It doesn’t seem to affect fucking France either

Doesn't affect Asia.

Plenty of fat Asians in western countries though. Maybe it's something in our food 🤔

No, it's just f-slurs are bullied in Asia, like they should be.

Japan and Korea would like some words, too

It's especially weird because the French really do eat an insane amount of fat.

Probs 'cause all the f🅰️gs 🚬

Because in famines you aren't eating 1200-1500 calories, you're fasting which is 0 calories.

Found the fatty.


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Serious question, how do you type with fingers that fat?

Not fat.

'Not fat' American or 'not fat' rest of the world.

Not fat at all. Lol

They do, they just don't magically make you fat. And a lot of hormone issues are made worse by being fat, or caused by it.

It's actually a problem for normal weight people with hormone issues because it takes longer to get diagnosed, because doctors are so used to fat people who's biggest problem is that they are fat.

They're so malnourished that their bodies can't make enough hormones so that they can become fat blobs. Calories are imaginary.

calories matter for weight loss

Not only, but dietary habits must be adjusted for the state of organism. My friend works as fitness trainer and quite openly says that CICOfags are as retarded as your average office plankton towards the inner workings of his PC.

Oh boy a guy took a 6 week course in personal training where they told him the laws of the thermodynamics are a conspiracy

Lmfao wtf 😂

funny considering how keeping track of your calories is probably the most important factor for when you want to gain muscle mass (or lose fat mass for that matter)

doubt he's a good fitness trainer

He’s probably one of those strip mall cross fit trainers that watched the video once and is now teaching people the wrong way to do those exercizes.

I saw someone do these weird cross fit kipping pull ups the other day. It looked kinda weird, was a bit worried he'd hurt himself

Those crossfit strip mall places are the 2010's equivalent to all those shitty karate "dojos" from the 90s. They are over hyped and ran by people who don't know anything about what they are teaching.

You could lose weight only eating 1200 calories of ice cream every day. Problem is you would feel like shit and still be hungry. You need to eat things that are in your calorie range and still filling.

you would also lose more lean mass so your bodyfat percentage would still be quite high leading to you still being overfat or at best skinnyfat.

that's why I recommend to you, as I've seen your picture, a macro split along the lines of 40 40 20 for carbs, protein, fat in relation to calories.

wow fitness trainer btfoing biologists and physicists alike MASHALLAH SLAY QWEEEEN

btfoing biologists and physicists alike

A biologist and physicist that goes for "Calories in, Calories out" is a software "engineer" who only understants black-box testing. Both are fucking retards at this point.

"fitness trainer" aka I took a 4 hour class and am now certified to sell personal training sessions to gullible chunkers who want to spot reduce their bellyfat.


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the fabled starvation mode, the body's universal law-bending method of creating matter out of thin air

oof, eat a sandwich and try going to the gym, my skeleton friend.

I like that OP.


You're not wrong, you're just an asshole.

But at least he’s not fat

Hamplanets BTFO

He was being inconsiderate telling fatties not to be fat. YeeTa, SMH, EeSH

An asshole can stop being asshole at any second, a fatso is fat until the day they die. Food for thought (but not eating).

AITA seems like the most generated fake drama ever honestly. Really low hanging fruit.

It seems like a page dedicated to theoretical situations that occurred in the users head an hour after they lost an argument and want to paint themselves in a positive light

The commenting rules about accepting judgment makes it so that if you want to defend yourself, it's through an alt.

But the subscriber base is very leftoid and PC so it is good for drama.

It’s just like half of the posts you see on relationship advice subreddits. 100% made up nonsense that was specifically crafted to either get affirmation, or piss off as many people as possible

lmao they really permabanned the OP for hurting the mod team’s feelings

Banning all the people deemed as assholes on a subreddit to ask if you're an asshole seems like a high IQ move

Ugh dear god, time likes these is when I miss FPH...

More importantly, you’re fat-shaming your girlfriend over 10 pounds. That’s being an asshole. You indicated that she realizes what is going on, she’s not happy about it, and she knows what would help. So help her! If she doesn’t have the time to prepare healthy meals, do it for her! Better yet, pick one night to prepare a week full of healthy meals. Make it a date night. Cooking together is a very intimate thing. Don’t make it about losing weight. Make it about making her life easier and giving her free time during the week to relax. Roast some vegetables, bake some lean proteins, wash and cut up some fruit and raw vegetables. Make jar salads and overnight oats. Put smoothie ingredients into freezer bags so it’s a grab, blend, and go breakfast. Hard boil some eggs. Turn on some music, dance in the kitchen, and make her smile. She knows your intentions are good but your delivery is horrible. Don’t be an asshole.

Or she could just shove less fodd into her mouth, since she's an adult.

That oerson has only experienced relationships with the opposite sec from tv show s and movie s

yeah wtf lol she's 28 but has no personal responsibility?

Third wave feminism and patriarchy. Name a more iconic horseshoe.

Pretty based tbh. Entitled foids are eating themselves into an early grave all while we watch and giggle. Beats the fuck out of the old public executions.


Treating women like functioning adults

Pick one.

Feed your wife like a baby because women are incapable of doing anything themselves

Based and horseshoe pilled

pick one night to prepare a week full of healthy meals.

She'd never catch on this this one. "Hey babe rather than calling you fat, I'm implying you're fat and stupid."

I love how these fatties always pull up "HEALTHY MEALS TAKE TIME TO PREPARE". Yeah, just like unhealthy ones you r-word. You can make a decent salad in 5 minutes top.

These "people" deserve to be put in the oven.

They can straight up keep eating the same type of food they already do, just at reduced portions so calories in < calories out. Then stick to that until they reach their goal weight.

Can testify. Don’t need to eat healthy, just eat less.

If you want to make your body stronger though you’ll need to eat healthier.

Their isn't a large enough amount of xl ovens to fit them. Crematoriums wouldnt be able to keep up.

I think unhealthy food (unless you eat nothing but microwave pizza and hot pockets) might be harder to prepare. Even then what's stopping them from nuking a supermarket quiche and some frozen veggies.

These people are r-slurred. If she's only gained 10 pounds then now is the best time to address the gained weight. What they think it's going to be easier to lose 60 pounds in a years time than just dropping 10 pounds right now?

Yea the 10 pounds are a warning. If you don't stop it early its quickly going to turn into 20, 30, 50 and then suddenly shes a fat f-slur you don't even recognize anymore.

and at that point all you can realistically do is fulfill your r-slur fantasy a couple times then tell her its not working out

Your body will adapt to calorie restriction and your metabolism will slow down. This happens over a long period of time. It's better to fast for weight loss and eat nutrient dense food when you do feed, if you have a lot to lose.

Eating 1200 calories and it's all snicker bars or ramen noodles, you're just going to fuck up your body. Your body runs on hormones, not calories.

Sorry dramatards.

Your body will adapt to calorie restriction and your metabolism will slow down.

afaik your BMR decreases a bit when decreasing caloric consumption but it's fairly neglectable

It's better to fast for weight loss and eat nutrient dense food when you do feed, if you have a lot to lose.

no, if you have a lot to lose eating at a reasonable caloric deficit over a longer period of time is the best way to lose fat.

Eating 1200 calories and it's all snicker bars or ramen noodles, you're just going to fuck up your body.

macros matter. something like 40/40/20 for protein, carbs, fat would be a reasonable split on a fairly low calorie diet.

No, just no. If you have a little to lose you can do that. If you're obese don't even fucking bother. They already suffer from metabolic stress from over eating, usually carbs and sugar. " Macros matter" we didn't have macros for tens of thousands of years. Your fat is your fuel. Even bariatric surgeons put you in a fasted state before you go into surgery, for at least 5 weeks. After surgery you're fasting too because you can't eat much food, definitely not even close to 1200 calories. If you want to burn fat you need to tap into your fat stores. If you're supplying your body with glucose you're never going to tap into your own bodies fuel reserves.

the fuck? I lost 100 lbs myself when I was 21 simply by eating less and watching my calories.

ketofags are retarded

I didn't even mention keto you r-slur.

If you're supplying your body with glucose ...

keto dogwhistle


Tfw you don't understand insulin resistance and the effect of high blood glucose.

despite what your keto cult has been teaching you most people don't have insulin resistance and don't need to do keto (they can if they want to)

I'm not against keto I'm just annoyed with the keto cult mentality and them claiming that everyone should follow what they do when most people don't have to.

Most obese people do. Im not preaching keto... I'm talking about IF. You can eat carbs and IF and lose weight.

haha this r-slur don't know what a glycogen store is

No, just no.


You fucking retard you body taps into its “reserves” when it doesn’t have enough calories, doesn’t matter if you’re eating or not, or even what you’re eating

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There’s no scientific basis for your position.

Would you like me to prove you wrong?

How you spend your time, however futile, is entirely your prerogative.

Your source is a YouTube video?

You want me to link you a book? As if you'd take the time to read it...

Scientific papers are usually what people link to when trying to prove a scientific statement but you wouldn't know that because you are a gypsy furry

I linked a book later on in this chain I believe. I doubt they want their mind changed anyways. They ignored it.

Then cite the damn sources. Nobody is going to buy a book that some furry on the internet recommend just to go to the last page to find out what the sources are

Okay, go to the library and get the book you broke ass.

Why should I do it? You are the one telling people about the book and its sources. You'd have to be complete roma furry to say some bull and when asked for proof say "Google it" or "go look it up yourself"

I didn't... I provided a good read on the topic from an expert in the field. " Why should I read a book?" Lol I can't even.


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I tried to post a link to a book that explains why you're a r-slur but the r-slur is uncensored in the link itself and bots don't like that. You'll just have to continue to exist not knowing why everyone is telling you why you are wrong

Salt. Explain why time restricted eating is wrong. Lol

I tried to link a book with sources in it for you to buy but the bot won't let me :( lulz

You can pm me homie.

But then no one will be able to see that I'm right. I only argue on Reddit for upvotes not for free. I'm not a commie.

Imagine caring about fake points on the internet.

Why else would I spend my time on Reddit, tolerating gypsy furries like you?

I'm so sorry you have to tolerate me 😭😭😭😭

Gulags and concentration camps are bad pr in this day and age so I have to

So sad.

Imagine being this retarded.

Starvation studies have proven this regarded assertion wrong. On top of that laws of physics throw yet another wrench in your shit tier theory

N-slur, you think obese people will starve if they don't eat?! Hahahahahaaaa

They lose weight you moron, starvation studies simply showed that body doesn’t “adapt” to low calories and continuously lose weight so long that you’re in a deficit. Metabolism does slow down when you lose weight but that is accounted in formulas that calculate BMR

Woweeee fat people use their stores of energy when they don't eat? Amazing. Glad you agree. Starvation studies? As in?

Minnesota starvation experiment

You mean where they actually restricted calories to around 1k in healthy individuals and they became obsessed with eating, their body temperature dropped, and then their metabolism dropped by 40%? Amazing.

Jesus you’re fucking r-etarded. One of the things that study proved that caloric deficit, even down to very extremes, makes you lose weight

They lost muscle mass, got sick, became obsessed with food, and their METABOLISM SLOWED 40%. They we're not obese! Tell me how slowing your metabolism and your body eating it's own muscle mass is a good way to lose weight?

Their metabolism dropped cuz their weight dropped you mouth breathing moron

Why do you think that's good when they we're at a healthy weight to begin with?

yikes, lets unpack this. You were bullshitting about metabolism slowing down as some excuse CICO doesn’t work.

Look buddy, I’m sorry you’re a fat fuck and can’t lose weight because you have the willpower of a retarded pug, but don’t put down tried and true methods just because you can’t follow them. If you need any help with not be a disgusting fat fuck, PM me, I’m here to help honey 😘

They used cico in that experiment, not actual fasting. I'm not fat, but whatever makes you feel good about being wrong. Imagine telling someone who fasts every day they have no " willpower" lol.

You're moving the goal posts fuckdad. This conversation is about what it takes to LOSE WEIGHT and now you're talking about if it's a "good way" to lose weight. Admit that you're wrong and also g*y.

What are a homophobe u b_slur? They lost muscle mass lol.

They lost muscle mass lol.

Yeah, which iirc accounts for weight, ergo they lost weight z_slur

Fat people need to lose fat, not muscle mass. Lol

The metabolism reduction was due to weight reduction and a reduction in NEAT. It even says this in the study.

They did not reduce their body weight by 40 percent. Their bodies thought they were going to starve to death so their metabolism slowed to preserve energy. That's not what you want to do if you want to lose fat.

In 1945, a study was conducted called the minnesota starvation experiment. They took 32 men and put them on a semi starvation diet of a 55% caloric deficit for 24 weeks. 55% is very big. Most people diet in the 15-25% range. They went from an avg of 3400cals to 1500cals. They kept it up for 24 weeks and at the end the researchers did not find that the subjects had entered starvation mode. What they found was that the subjects lost a lot of weight with the avg weight drop being 25% of their starting body weight. Most ended up being at around 5% body fat.

Their metabolisms did slow down by quite a lot. A drop by 40%. 25% of the drop was due to the decreased body weight they experienced.

Out of the 24 weeks at a 55% caloric deficit their metabolism only truly slowed by 15% aside from the 25% attributed to their decreased weight.

Yes, you just proved it. It slows your metabolism! Not all of it is because of weight lost. lol

They got to 5% body fat before seeing that kind of slow down which was only 15%. Which still wasn't enough to prevent fat loss. Even then most of that 15% is attributed to a decrease in non-exercise activity thermogenesis. (NEAT).

5 percent body fat is not healthy m8. Hey, do me a favor. Reduce your calorie intake to 1k calories of mostly carbohydrates. Then try and workout. Let me know how it works. Do it for 6 months.

5% body fat being healthy or not isn't the debate here. Starvation mode and calorie restriction slowing the metabolism is and since you refuse to read the study and require others to type it out for you, I'm going to assume you aren't well read on the topic enough to make statements.

Where did I refuse anything? Lol they lost muscle mass 😂 that's not healthy. Slowing your metabolism isn't healthy. 😂

This isn't your average ordinary retarded, this is advanced retarded.

Literally the study answers this. The refusal comes from you still not having read it. The metabolism decreased happened through NEAT and reduced bodyweight. By your logic it's healthier to be 500lbs because being 500lbs will grant you and increased metabolism by increasing the calories required to maintain that level of obesity.

For the average active male, their required daily calories is their body weight multiplied by 14-16 depending on activity.

As you lose weight, the multiplier is the same but with a lower body weight you get a lower number. The "Metabolism decrease" came from their body weight being reduced so they needed less calories to maintain their body weight compared to their starting weight. The rest of the decrease came from NEAT.

We aren't talking about healthy weight individuals, we're talking about obese people. Telling an obese fuck to just count their calories is so fucking stupid. 500 calories of carbohydrates is not the same as 500 calories of protein. Your body reacts to them differently.

Read a book or two about hormones.

Not going to reply to that because as another pointed out, you are moving goal posts in an attempt to try and be correct in an area other than the topic you brought up. This is about starvation mode, not about "is a calorie a calorie?" which is another debate entirely.

However, because your argument is to not only move the goal posts but to tear up the playing field entirely I believe this conversation is over with and you're aware of how retarded you look so my work here is done.


No. I really haven't. Obese people need to lose fat. Cico doesn't work in the long run, especially since most obese people have insulin resistance. Biggest loser participants talk about it. They talk about how they have to eat less and less because their metabolism slows down so much. Most of them gain their weight back because the cico bs doesn't work in the long run, especially because it fucks with resting metabolic rate. Fasting is there best way to lose weight and keep it off. You fast every night when you're asleep.

They talk about how they have to eat less and less because their metabolism slows down so much. Most of them gain their weight back

For the average active male, their required daily calories is their body weight multiplied by 14-16 depending on activity.

As you lose weight, the multiplier is the same but with a lower body weight you get a lower number. The "Metabolism decrease" came from their body weight being reduced so they needed less calories to maintain their body weight compared to their starting weight.

I'm not sure how that's relevant. You think it's normal for someone to eat less than 1k calories and struggle with losing weight with exercise?

  • You think it's normal for someone to eat less than 1k calories and struggle with losing weight with exercise?

The metabolism decrease happened through NEAT and reduced bodyweight.

As you lose weight, the multiplier is the same but with a lower body weight you get a lower number.

Charles Smith remembered dropping to 99

Resting metabolic rate: 10-11 cal/lb. Women use 10, men use 11.

  • You think it's normal for someone to eat less than 1k calories and struggle with losing weight with exercise?

99lbs x 11= 1089 and the participants were still losing weight.

Ancel" fat is bad for you" keys. I'm so glad we took his diet advice and took fat out of foods and told people to eat more carbs. America is so much healthier now 😍

you are moving goal posts in an attempt to try and be correct in an area other than the topic you brought up. This is about starvation mode

It's about IF vs CICO and what's better for maintaining healthy long term fat loss.

Your body will adapt to calorie restriction and your metabolism will slow down.

Their bodies thought they were going to starve to death so their metabolism slowed to preserve energy.

This is your argument. Your argument is about starvation mode making calorie restriction useless. Seriously done here though because at this point it'll just be you trying to go around in a circle through our convo.

CICO slows your metabolism. You can IF and lose weight without muscle loss or slowing your metabolism.

It is not healthy and it's not sustainable for a 120 pound man or woman not eat more than 1200 calories to maintain their weight. You can easily eat 2k calories in a smaller window of time, not work out, and not gain weight, especially of the foods you are eating don't cause spikes in insulin.

Eating 1200 calories and it's all snicker bars or ramen noodles, you're just going to fuck up your body. Your body runs on hormones, not calories.

No. You're going to lose weight. An adult male at a healthy weight burns 1600 calories by lying in bed; if you're fat, you burn even more. 400 calories translates to like a pound of fat every 8-9 days, and that's excluding the energy you burn by sitting around or walking or just standing up, which probably come out to 200-400 calories, significantly reducing the time.

Things like hormones and dietary specifics alter your satiety - when you feel full, and when you feel hungry. Soda, for example, significantly increases your hunger despite the fact that it is chock full of calories. I once drank 1200 calories of soda because I had woken up early and didn't want to go back to sleep, and by 8AM my stomach told me I was starving. However, this does not change CICO - it just fucks up your ability to control caloric intake.

I don't think snicker bars or ramen noodles are particularly bad about fucking up your satiety, either. I'd be more worried about the products of Pepsi and Yum!

Cool anecdote m8

Sorry about your obesity :(

Not fat.

Sorry, big boned


Khajiit has lies if you have adipose.

Fat people are fucking disgusting

They really are, how could you not look in the mirror, see your obesity and not be disgusted?

At this point their physical appearance isn't even the worst part anymore. The amount of mental gymnastic and lies they go through just to feel a lil bit less shitty about themselves when they shove food in their mouth is absolute rage fuel. Stop eating and stop lying, repugnat fatties

I weigh 62 kilograms now, down from 95.

The truth is, I didn't even notice. I thought I just had a slightly chubbier belly than before. It wasn't until I lost those 30 kilograms that I realized just how fat I was. I saw a picture of myself at 95 kilograms and I was disgusted. I had no idea how much difference it made, especially in the face area.

The best part? I lost those 30 kilograms by drinking diet soda, instead of soda. That's literally all it took.

I know water would probably be better, but this was a far easier switch to make.

Switching from zero-calorie soda to water really isn't worth it. Sure, people have hangups about putting "da chemicals" inside of them, and that's fine, but if you're just trying to lose weight then both options completely neutral anyway.

I hit 80 kg a couple of years ago (that's 160 pounds for burgertards) and felt absolutely disgusting. I can't even imagine how being actually obese must feel like

80kg is 176lb

when I used to be fat I'd avoid them for this reason. I'd also hate going outside during summer because I knew people looked at me and thought I was gross.

But that doesn't make losing weight easier, you just become depressed start hating yourself and shut yourself in. It's not that easy to get out of that.

I managed to lose a lot of weight simply by tracking my calories and sticking to it religiously but it can be difficult, especially when food is your source of emotional comfort which is the case for a lot of people. It's kind of weird how I can now go outside and feel like a normal person, took some time getting used to.

Watching drama on AITA is the only reason I use reddit. Whenever some fat issue comes up there , people go furious.

Banning fat people hate was a mistake.

Why are all the comments there fighting against physics?

Isnt reddit always fighting reality with fairy tales and fantasy?

Because Reddit is mostly American. And America is at the point where 1/3 of us are straight up obese with another 1/3 overweight. The majority of Reddit users are overweight/obese. The hivemind doesn’t like being told its their own fault for being fat.

It's really funny because my sister is one of these people. She eats too much, but also drinks a TON. She recently got pregnant, and has actually been losing weight. It's amazing how cutting out the booze (and the insane amount of calories that comes with it) has actually resulted in weight loss! Who would have fucking thought?!

Did she drink beer? Beer is basically liquid bread, it'll fatten you right up.

Yeah, beer and mixed drinks. Calories calories calories.

He's not wrong about the friend but he is an asshole lmao

And he seems kinda wrong in general. Just not about the hamplanet friend loudly insisting everything is hormones and CICO has nothing to do with any of it lmfao

Women will do anything to lose weight except eat less.

Sub encouraging people to truthfully admit to asshole-ish behavior

Mods ban OP for his perceived asshole-ish behavior.


He legitimately sperged on his fatty critics though.

Some girls are bigger than others


Smiths references AND fatposting? Patrician detected.

AUTOMOD This is a copy of the above post. It is a record of the post as originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited.

My girlfriend is 28. Recently she switched jobs which got her a higher salary, however she also has to work longer hours and it's generally more stressful for her. Still it's a change she wanted to make and I support her in doing so.

However this has led to her having a more inactive lifestyle which is understandable as she has less time to exercise and while before she'd run quite often in the morning or after work now she'll often skip on it. While she's more inactive her diet is more or less the same, maybe a bit worse to be honest since she often opts for getting something while she's out instead of taking prepared meals with her. This has led to her gaining a bit of weight, around 10 lbs in the last 3 to 4 months.

I know this isn't crazy, she went from being 100 lbs at 5'0" and being very fit and skinny to 110 lbs. Obviously I still find her attractive but to be honest if it continues it would lead to me being less attracted to her. This isn't the only issue though, she's unhappy with it herself and sometimes borderline depressed about it.

I told her the issue is her diet and that she's burning less calories now so she has to watch what she eats more. However she has a friend who is an obese woman the same age who tells her that I'm wrong. She'd tell her even when I was around that it's a natural process for her to gain weight because she's approaching her 30s and that it was because of changes in her metabolism and her hormones that she was gaining some weight. She even claimed that if she was restricting what she was eating it might get worse since her body would go into starvation mode.

I've called her out on these things. I asked her how she explained that in East Asian countries there were almost no obese adult women, she claimed it was because Asian women had different metabolisms and could pretty much eat what they want without gaining weight. I asked her how it could be that I managed to gain and lose weight simply through changes in my caloric intake (bodybuilding is my hobby), she claimed it was different for men and that this didn't work for women because of differences in how our hormones worked.

She really started to piss me off to be honest so I told her, my girlfriend was around during this, that she was just making excuses for her shitty self control and that she just wouldn't admit that she couldn't stop stuffing herself with ice cream when no one was around, instead she blamed her metabolism when really it made very little difference. She told me I was being an ass, that she couldn't understand how my girlfriend could stand being with me and that she wouldn't come around anymore. Haven't seen her since then but I don't really regret telling her the truth either.

Did I go too far? Just looking for some opinions on this

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If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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Is LongPostBot gaining sentience?

Hard to tell. Insults are after all generally applicable to most situations even if the insult itself has nothing to do with what the conversation is about.

As it turns out, AITA Mods were the true assholes after all for permabanning OP and his deleting his post.

YTA. And stop arguing with everyone in the comments who is telling you exactly why you are one

Obese for sure.

Her metabolism is a big thing of Ben and Jerry's ice cream every day while binge watching I Am Not A Robot

Based OP

Roast some vegetables, bake some lean proteins, wash and cut up some fruit and raw vegetables. Make jar salads and overnight oats. Put smoothie ingredients into freezer bags so it’s a grab, blend, and go breakfast. Hard boil some eggs. Turn on some music, dance in the kitchen, and make her smile.

Poor OP forgot that land whales hunt in packs

Food is not a deep fried Prozac.

YTA. You. Don’t. Comment. On. A. Woman’s. Body. Unless. You. Are. Her. Doctor. Stop it. And saying if she continues to gain weight you won’t be attracted to her? Ew.

Good thing my goth gf already weights in at 400lbs then, doubt she can get much heavier.