Subredditdrama try to mock OP for his post in their first attempt to imitate /r/drama like a poor r-slur shadow of smug woke superiority

360  2019-04-01 by GattsuCascade


I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


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The time will come when r/drama will destroy SRD for good. We can only wait.


soon, brother.

day of the can approaches.

You can fresh fish, SRDines should go straight to the bucket.

Nah, just keep em as a poster of male feminism so women don’t have to learn the hard way that they should avoided like the plague.

Long have we waited and prayed, but the time for peaceful resolution has come and gone. When the FATWA is given, we shall gather our most trusted warriors and send them on a one-way, holy jihad against the SRD, the kaffir and usurper, the APOSTATE whose arrogance dares place himself above the infinite love and wisdom of ALLAH. None of us expect any of those brave and pious men to return, but inshallah they will gladly become martyrs to defeat SHAITAN himself.

Inshallah brother, the day of the can can’t come soon enough.

Jesus SRDines are a bunch of f[slurs].

The levels of smug are ridiculous 🤮.

I wish. But we’ll be canned long before them and most of our mods know it

Dramanauts are a peaceful people, but we have been pushed to action by the SRDine menace.

To be honest probably when we’re banned and as a wave of migrants we overwhelm them.

This is unbelievably pathetic

SRDines have had a tough couple of months. Literally nothing went their way. Now someone is even making fun of the brave /r/games "april fools joke," and they're understandably lashing out.

OP, bringing you ABSOLUTELY DESPICABLE COMMENTS such as maybe she shouldn't have thrown shit at him and dudes in dresses shouldn't be able to punch 5 foot tall 90 pound women for money gets OBLITERATED BY LOCAL SRDINE DEFENSE FORCE

You've been seething in your anger and hatred for people who aren't like you and impotently lashing out anonymously online, for years, demonstrably.

smh 😒 the SRDines aren't following the convention of all capsing 'SEETHING'.

They're not gonna get an ISO certification if they fail to follow international best practices.







You Ed-ed it up



Culture vultures

This marks a whole new era in smugposting.

Sardicide when?

The day of the can can't come soon enough

I couldn't imagine spending hours browsing some random guy's reddit comment history and digging up comments made from over 2 years ago.

you're clearly not cut out for /r/subredditdrama. it's a level of pathetic that only few can achieve

you didn’t take anything specific from his comment to quote, you just copy pasted the whole thing.

you could just make your comment as a normal reply to it next time

you didn’t take anything specific from his comment to quote, you just copy pasted the whole thing.

you could just make your comment as a normal reply to it next time

thanks for letting me know



me me want upvotes

thanks me too

And that's a good thing

R[slur]s do that here too but usually something actually worth mocking turns up like being a rabid yugioh fan or unironically posting about superheroes and Harry Potter.

when its done here, its done by taking 10 seconds to skim the first page of history for something juicy

the only time I've ever delved deep into someone's post history is if they're a qt sissy trap that posts a lot of nude selfies

the only time I've done it is to check if you've posted any qt boomer daddy nudes 😘

Or to find out if you are speaking with a furry. It’s kinda like the Tinder height verifier, makes it so you don’t have to waste your time speaking with undesirables

Guy said it took at most an hour, as if that were any less pathetic.

Starting off your week with an hour of comment stalking, certified champ.

The absolute legend even did it for free

You forgot smugly.

And they do it for free. I lowkey want to post something there so I'll get an analyst team on my posting history, might be interesting.

The best part is how utterly seething they get if you post from an alt account they can't stalk the post history of.

Here's the thing. This is /r/subredditdrama. Users here dutifully link all the juiciest drama from all over Reddit. Quality posts highlight all the best comments scattered across multiple arguments in multiple threads.

Imagine thinking this

imagine being an SRDine and not realizing anything doesn't doesn't fit in deef and TiT's worldview gets instaremoved as "surplus popcorn"

That comment made me physically retch. The smug overdose is horrific.

Day of the can when?

When you're bottom of the barrel in society and make less than 50k a year, the only sense of superiority you can get is from reddit. I bet that these people are

A. Physically small

B. Hate irl confrontation

The moral superiority can only go so far. You best believe that if someone stepped to them irl about their petty beliefs, they'd be shook.

I don’t understand how you can live your life making less then 50k in the US and feel superior to anyone.

Average family take home is 55k. Meaning the average adult is taking home 27k a year. Now that isn't true because people who make 6 figures are pulling the statistic up for the "average". I work in sales. I open credit lines for people. I get to see people's credit score, learn what they're monthly net take home is, how long they've been employed, and so on. At 21, i have a couple credit lines that are 6k plus. I'm constantly dealing with customers who are double my age who

A. Make less than me, a majority of the time making half as me.

B. Only get approved $1500 credit lines because they're credit is shit and they can't properly handle finances.

Working in sales has made me despise content poor people, because i don't get hourly, only commission, so if they ain't spending a lot, they're wasting my time. Emphasise on content. It's one thing to be working your ass off because you're stuck in a shitty situation and trying to get out, but it's another to be content with earning 30k for the last 15 years.

Sry for the serious post. Give it to me daddy longpostbot.

Day of the cope when?


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Pls stop being such a g​ay re​tard tyvm. 🙄


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When will SRD admit they're not a drama sub? They only exist so that incompetent reddit losers can glean a sense of intellectual and moral superiority from gloating over what other people post. They create nothing of value and never will, unless the permanent disgusting reek of smugness permeating from that sub be considered some kind of virtue or boon.

We should get pinging back and SRD should be canned for banning pings. We were doing the exact same thing, but gave our lolcows a fighting chance.

sometimes the lolcows even won!

It do be like wrestling a pig sometimes.

when did that happend?

When JewDank fought with a dogfucker and the dogfucker won

In that battle we all won

LMAO, link?

i'm too lazy but search the sub for whitney wisconsin and jewdank/mcdewjank

Anytime they were funnier than the person pinging them.

TBH we've been on a steep decline ever since pinging was banned. We used to be a net exporter of drama and slapfighting, but now all we can do is either hope the lolcows follow the messenger bot or settle for subpar homegrown lolcows.

Try PMing them.

It's literally all just smugposting and it will be Haram inshallah

r/drama is becoming the rightwing version of SRD to be honest, I don't think we can take anymore refugees.

lmao, SRD is so left wing that even the right wing version of the sub is centrist.

That's not how any of this works, r[slur].

I don't disagree. Mods need to cull or go private soon to stop us from becoming a SRD-lite colony for CAfugees.

Nice meme


srdine meme

Rightoids are r-slur-ed

Drop another edgy non-slur, that'll totally change what an absolute srdine you are.

Super r-slur-ed

You remind me of those SRStards back in the day who'd be like "I'm not an SRStard, SRS banned me for saying "stupid"!" or some equally moronic shit before going on to cry like fragile girls about people being mean to the trans.

SRS banned me for saying "stupid"!

If I were retarded enough to get banned, I'd be a rightoid whining about free speech.

SRS banned me for saying "stupid"!"

If I were r-slur-ed enough to get banned, I'd be a rightoid whining about free speech.

SRD became an extension of SRS and CB a looooon time ago, that's why it's literal cancer nowadays.

Also, 379 comments lmao.

They do something ugly while dressing and decorating it to look pretty. It is like putting literal shit in a fancy cocktail class and adding a nice colourful and expensive looking straw to go with it. Drama at least sounds and looks like a shithole such as this should. Everything is in the right place. At least once the all too large nu right outrage boi-subsection fucks off from here.

drama will be good as soon as it becomes a boring leftoid srd agreementjerk

If you like srd sl bad just fucking go there, fasces.

I bet there was a time when you were still able to imagine a place where approx. equal amount of nu right permanently upset morons and heroic, clever and handsome left wing heroes gather to entertain, troll, insult and learn from one another.

iirc last summer, approx. one third of the drama was certain this is turning into nu right shithole, one third was certain this is turning into cultural marxsist nightmare, and one third figured two thirds of people here are even bigger retards than they are. This is some sort of an optimum. Now, frontpage here is bit too often bit too interchangeable with some nu right arse licking sites. Stuff that makes gamers rise up is bit too good drama-drama.

> Not a drama sub

>They only exist so that incompetent reddit losers can glean a sense of intellectual and moral superiority from gloating over what other people post.


/r/smuggies welcome you brother <3

Isnt SRD ShitRedditSays?

it's a spinoff, yes


I can't tell if we're living in irony anymore.

Hell I really don't know what's real anymore. So I just nod my head and go along for the ride.

They are a drama sub, but in the dumb way that Stacy f(slurs) do drama. This is more of a “watching mentally challenged people fight pigeons in a car park” type drama sub.

But OP is a whte person. Srd-slurs > whtes.

permeating from


did that r-slur just direct link a PM into his post?

day of the can when.

Holy shit, check out what this guy sent me...

How are we supposed to read your messages? Take a screenshot or something.

Hurtful was not used.

Put quotes for the word hurtful.

What? What are they even talking about?


Bois only game night. 😎 🍡🍩😎


Fuck I despise midgets


There's unironically nothing I respect more about a person than an uncompromising, completely undeserved hatred of a group of people.

Everyone does it, it's refreshing to see people be honest about it. I for one hate mall santas.

Give me your hot take on girl scout cookie stands and also the salvation army bell ring thing

Charity is the worst thing you can spend money on, might as well burn it. Girl Scout cookies are good for one thing though, being devoured.

Just buy the equally tasty 1/3 price keebler versions.


Realistically, hating or being repulsed by disabled people is understandable from an evolutionary standpoint, but shitty to do from the viewpoint of a society that’s in no real danger of having a fucked up gene pool because of the disabled.

A fucked up gene pool is how we got SRD though

I guess you've never seen the accliamed documentary Idiocracy


Imagine thinking manlet hate is undeserved.


Midgets aren't manlets and deserve respect. They're deformed whereas manlets just look deformed.

Midgets are just trying to make it in the world. Manlets are known schemers suspected to be behind the 9/11 attacks. Manlets are willing to burn down the world so they can be Chad, if only for a moment.

Manlets and midgets are both deformities.

say what you want, at least it's an ethos

I went to a strip club recently with muh wife. Didn't know a midget was gonna be there. But that was the main attraction that night. I got excited thinking it'd be cool. Nope. That little piglet came out on stage and we were both disgusted. Bitch had three inch nipples and was drugged out of her mind. Couldn't dance because midgets can't very well so it was like a girating pig in a blanket on stage. Definitely not cool.

Wow what the fuck

The midget is back.jpg

a girating pig in a blanket on stage

i spit out my metamucil. thanks for this

Do you live in Fresno?

This was in the dubvee. So no.

Charleston was gonna be my second guess.

Mo town? Actually that smells like Wheeling. Definitely towards ohio...

If the midget had a dick, do you think it would be wide? Like a tuna can? And square but round

No ur drunk isiot im q good xheistian boi🐎🍆👉👌🥖🌶🥒🍌🐕💄💦

Motown of course. I would never step foot in wheeling voluntarily.

Pure poetry. Better writing than anything on /r/writing could hope to achieve

I love this one:

It's like they live in an alternate reality.

Ok, I'm intrigued, who writes


Haha me

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha.

jaja copeando verdad?

lol publica tu bussy

omg haha imagine not knowing why someone would write haha

Haha you really are mad😂😂

Snappyquote plz.

-7 punkty

They can somehow manage to access reddit from underneath people's sinks, Polacks are truly marvelous creatures.

18 punktow

I'm reminded of the /tv/ ogre from a long time ago

Jerzy Urban is Jewish, actually.


lmao how old is the average sardine?

It's just a repost of some Twitter meme

umad son?

Is that one a joke or are they serious?

Haha ale jesteś zdenerwowany! 😆😆😆

I like how SRD throws out its "no insults" rule for anyone on the Wrong Side of History.

An insult from a srdine? What even is that?

G-slur, b-slur and r-slur.

Their continued insistence on breathing tbh

You say as you slowly degrade into a corncob.

They also have a rule for shitstirring and post history stalking, but those don’t matter if it’s for the right targets either.

Imaging the iq someone has to format and go through someone’s post history like that are they all unemployed twats or something

Man those comments are painful, they want to be us so bad.

Man fuck you for making me look at SRD. The smug over there almost had me stroking out.

They really are terrible at this. Just goes to show that there is real art in bullying.

To be funny requires people to take an uncompromising look at an issue or person.

Srdines are terrible at this because they are trying to be funny and also at the same time filter their opinions through different layers and different factions of unspecified politics, varying and conflicting political correctness rules, and to make it worse, self censoring themselves. This ends up sucking the life out of anything. The only thing they universally agree on is.... you guessed it, smugness. Thats the only thing they have that they have, and thats the only thing they use to compensate for lack of actual funny content.

This is long and I won't read it

SRDines unfunny because smug


Laugh at OP Below

80 or so sanctimonious comments about what a horrible person OP is.

Does SRD know what "laughing" is?

SRD to drama is what Everest College is to homeschooling.

Can the SRDines.


Had to be done

Day if the can NOW

Unpopular opinion here moderation on reddit only attracts loser moderators who have the time and will to expose themselves to internet toxicity without any compensation

omg guys like totally murderebywords ouch the burn ward is that way wow you sure showed him good job guys

Guys OP’s post history is so cringe and problematic like yikes guys srsly who hurt him sweaty

"shrinks into a corncob"??? What does that even mean?

It’s from Twitter

lol totes injokes my fellow checkmarks

SRDines unironically think they have better memelords than us.

Actually it only took an hour to find all your problematic comments sweetie


these people are deranged

Imagine wasting an hour of your time going through someone’s post history and managing to think you came out on top

Day of the Can NOW

Whilst all you are moaning about SRD, remember that Snally is a mod over there and should be considered persona non grata until she picks a side.

SRDines 🤮🤮🤮

Don’t ever gild my post, that’s what f-slur SRDines do 🤢🤮

Good for them, really. I expect they'll get some backlash for this (especially from certain toxic Youtubers), but you gotta respect the mods for just saying "enough is enough" and giving the community a wake-up call.

Who knew it would be an April Fools Joke that ended bigotry and hatred once and for all?

Umm sweaty, I don’t think you can LECTURE ME with a post history as DISGUSTING as yours. Who hurt you you sweet summer child?

Gotta love “jokes on then...” meme. Fucking mutant.

How is it possible to be this bad at bantz? This situation is handed to them on a silver platter and all they can do is ctrl+v that rarted corn cob shit and go YOU RACIST YOU RACIST.

SRDines are not witty and I would NOT have sex with them.

Post cob

"Oh, is the snowflake triggered?" Says guy who spent a whole ass hour digging for

"ood yikes ls this ain't it yall" comments

Where's the drama? Maybe you should wait until the promised meta thread, but I'd imagine most of the comments are going to be supportive.

this was posted by litewo, who is literally always in r/games sucking the dicks of the mods there lmao.

of course everything's going to be supportive because the mods are going to remove literally ANY kind of dissenting opinion, as per tradition of the sub.

What the fuck is that title?

I will never want to see anything coming from SRD. That was pathetistan.

OP is a dipshit who says like "Slapping shouldn't even be considered beating your wife"

It isn't...

SRD is where you go to discuss your superiority, not drama. The name is a complete misnomer.

OP: "im not owned! im not owned!!", i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob

I hope anybody who says anything remotely like this gets raped by a pack of Male feminists

I like how they lumped in furry hate with every thing else he posted. I hope that becomes the next “struggle” so leftoids completely alienate everyone.

This dude really linked a comment about furries fucking dogs cause he found it offensive, holy shit


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