ok which one of you was this

138  2019-04-01 by Sea_Safe


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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β€œSay the N-word!” πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

He had to build up some steam first.

What a pussy, he didn't even say it himself

Lol everyone knew where this was going

That’s the magic slur.

He even subverted them by doing it on the fourth, because you know they expected it on three.

I like how the black guy on the left stood up like he was about to do something but then turned away instantly lol virgin black man vs chad Jesus teammate

The Howard Dean scream stopped him in his tracks. Clever maneuver, really.

If he was a dramanaut, he would call white people mayos.

Sorry OP, this is false flag.

You mean m slur right

Surprisingly enough, mayo is not verboten by the invisible Reddit rules.

Really makes you think.

Reddit admins must be racist against the m*yo menace

Slurs have to be against people

I'm calling PETA on you.

Don't you dare! πŸ™…πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

That part made it worth the watch

I liked the delivery on that n-slur myself. Pretty funny.

The hysterical shriek of it all

Narrator: β€œHe dared”

Not Ron Howard?

πŸ˜πŸ€²πŸ•ΆοΈ NigNog 😎


i would never do that! hahahah this is hilarious

white slur - i sleep mexican slur - eeeh arab slur - ugh... black slur - DON'T YOU DARE! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I was kind of hoping they'd attack him, end up kicked out of school, and have their lives ruined.

Imagine being on the side of the racist

Oh no, not racism!!

Imagine being a chapo

Imagine being a chapo

Literally shaking right now

out out OUT

🀒 OUT πŸ‘‰

shut the fuck up you roody poo

shut the fuck up you candy ass roody poo

Don't you dare!

*hypothetical racist

Were you not paying attention? He said he would only say those things if he was a racist. Ergo, he can't be a racist

Sniff sniff smells of Chapo

Deport deport deport

Imagine not being on whichever side is less powerful to maintain the balance of power for maximum drama


Bless that woke white girl ally who gets especially heated on behalf of POCs

That word is only acceptable when she is chucking her future husband



lol she was the funniest. Just paced around at "camel jockey" and "spics" but got riled up "OMG DO NOT SAY IT" and the hard r n-slur hahahaha

op are you still a nazi despite being a subhuman MENAcel?

i went thru ur post history xDDDD

no it's just that i tag lolcows

been here for years, stop friendly fire f slurred r slur

Lol at the woke white woman diving in front of the n word like a secret service agent taking a bullet for the president

white woman

woke white woman

the language we've been reduced to. Oh the hugh manatee.

Humongous wot?

Mrs Obama get down

I like how the white girl is the one getting all hissy on account of blacks

NAACP likes this video.

This reminded me of that famous Howard Dean speech. White people have the best melt downs Because they're usually non threatening but if they go home then come back you should probably lock yourself somewhere secure


Holy shit, the absolute madman

I'm blocked by whoever this is

omg he used the hard r n-slur.

top 10 anime moments



OUT # πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰

Mad white boy lol above me lool haha

Are u lost?

bruhhhhh read my mf post history

He'd just be in jail just like his dad.

If I was