Male feminists are at it again!

157  2019-04-02 by XhotwheelsloverX


womp womp


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That realization you get when you're surrounded by creep fucks because that's all you attract since your only contribution to your group of friends seems to be that gash between your legs.

It's what that song Hole - Doll Parts is about.

beautiful analogy, you have my respect brother Sanchez.



This should be on a TShirt sold at TSwift concerts.

Say it with me: not all rapists are male feminists....

But all male feminists are rapists.

Has there ever been an "Ugh men" post that didn't center around how the OP was sick and tired of being sooo desired by sooo many men?

It would also help to know what type of guy that are desiring them.

Most likely itā€™s these types of guys.

If it were guys like this, there wouldnā€™t be those ā€œugh menā€ posts.

this tbh

Pretty much, someone in the thread who goes by something something latte outright admitted in a comment that her male friends are guys she finds ugly, if she didn't find them ugly then they wouldn't be her "friend". I loved how caviler she was with that statement as well.

There is a direct correlation between those first three guys and guys who say ā€œI donā€™t life because I donā€™t want to get bulky, Iā€™ll still with bodyweight exercise.ā€ Then turns out they canā€™t do that because they have no strength because they refuse to pick up a weight.

"I don't want to turn into Conan."

Itā€™s either too many guys desire them or itā€™s too few desire them. No matter what trollX will have issue.

I have never seen a TrollX post where the OP is directly complaining about men not being interested in her; at best, it's very oblique shit about "fuckboys" and "creeps" on Tinder or whatever.

Also for all the complaints about sexism in the workplace I've never seen anyone mention e.g. the way older male supervisors fawn over and baby mediocre pretty young women that they want to fuck, a very common phenomenon that any adult has witnessed multiple times. You don't see those posts because any woman making them would be admitting that she was the ugly girl, and most women would rather die than admit that.

Iā€™ve for sure seen people on there complain, usually when they were younger no guys paid attention to them. Also Iā€™m pretty sure there was a post on here from them talking about how they lose their looks when they get older and it devalues them.

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To be fair, the middle age m-slurs working in the IT department thirsting over the hot HR girls is the definition of pathetic. They wont touch your shaggy haired, cargo pants wearing dick unless you paid them

I love how women will create a stable of orbiters and then pretend to be shocked when they make moves.

Most women aren't that self-aware. They don't understand what they are doing or why they are doing it

I find it very hard to believe they aren't at least somewhat aware of why so many men are nice to them.

I'm sure some of them have passing thoughts about it but generally speaking these dudes are so far off the radar even thinking about them romantically is a incredible shock to these women. I guess it comes down to whether you think a woman is malicious about these things or just naive

Orbiters are barelly above animals, can't blame women for treating them as such.

Really the best point in the thread.

Malicious and naive arent the only options. You could consider them to be barely above the emotional and psychological development of a 16 year old. Except the really ugly ones, thats a far as they need to develop.

Maybe Carlson was right when he called them primitive....

It's because beta men aren't viewed in a sexual manner. It'd be like learning your sofa cushion wants to fuck you.

Wow it really is over for couchcels

It's only fair after slathering it in cum for years

It'd be like learning your sofa cushion wants to fuck you.

I'd just be happy the feelings were mutual.

i have a pretty nice couch, i'd be flattered.

The really hot ones are in a cynical way, the mopeds are in a resigned way, but 90% of them are genuinely clueless.

Women donā€™t think or use logic at all, what did you expect? You canā€™t blame a woman for making a mistake much like you canā€™t blame a dog for shitting in the carpet. The man has to train them both.

This buy unironically

Hitler was raised by a single mom!

The exception that proves the rule. All that power and he concentrates on family values.

Now imagine what would have happened had he been raised by two mums. You'd be all speaking German by now.

Oh bullshit, they know, they absolutely know. I'm friends with some women and actual friends not friendzone nonsense. They know everything about the friendzone and having orbiters around that they can seek validation from. Most women, not all but most will line up their options while already in a relationship.

Lol cool, time to take the blackpill

not being blackpilled 15 femtosecond after slipping out of your mama

šŸ‘BešŸ‘better. šŸ‘DošŸ‘better.

Blackpilled, femtosecond and slipping out of your mama

Is this a Berserk reference?


weebs raus


Take the Behelit-pill

Itā€™s over if youā€™re not an Apostle with a six foot dick

Just lay down and reincarnate into a Godhand

Why take the blackpill when you can take the dogpill

I'm friends with some women

Eww why

Because I enjoy their company, they use to be my clients from a prior job, I left the job but still maintained contact with them. They outright told me the truth about how sociopathic many women can be when it comes to dating and also about how it is primarily about looks when it comes to a women's attraction. You know someone is your friend if they are willing to tell you the truth about things. It took me sometime to realize that a lot of the women I was "friends" with in the past weren't my friends but, I guess that's all a part of growing up.

how it is primarily about looks when it comes to a women's attraction

lol no shit, this isnt exactly unknown lmao. It is only on Reddit where people think that doesn't happen. Who is a woman gonna choose a man with the body of Micheal Moore or Chad gym bro.

Yeah I suppose you're right, people on reddit act if women are blood hounds who can readily decide which guy's personality is toxic on a whim. I still use to sort of cope when I was younger though and thought that looks aren't that important, that it's about having an endearing personality and being a good person. I was naive.

Looks or money. You can get by as a guy being sort of ugly or old if you have money lol.

The full equation is LMS: looks, money, status. You have to have at least one of these in abundance if you ever hope to attract and keep a f*id. Rules of the game.

But did you actually have an endearing personality, and were you a genuinely good person? Because those things certainly don't hurt one bit, and women often do find that very attractive. Problem is, on the internet some people think that it's a synonym with being a boring pushover, when it's anything but.

That's not to say that looks aren't important either, because of course they are. But people who think muscles are everything are just as dumb as the "it's all personality" crowd.

people on reddit act if women are blood hounds who can sniff out bad traits and readily decide which guy's personality is toxic on a whim

But they also cannot decide if the drug dealer that beats them every third day because hes on the meth is a bad guy or just misunderstood because they loOooOOOOOoooOOve them and, like, some guys just hide it well and gaslight you to insanity.

And this isnā€™t even unique to women, itā€™s just how people work

Well of course not unique to woman lol.

Dudes dont shriek and strike and call you no-no names when you tell them they are shallow though.

Because I enjoy their company, they use to be my clients from a prior job, I left the job but still maintained contact with them

Prostitutes, got it

I bet your parties are very fun

and some are the opposite, they know exactly what they're doing and have no problem 'insecurity shaming' you when you notice and voice concern

That's just not the truth. It may seem that way to somebody who has never spoken to a woman, but they aren't all retarded. They know, it's just it's very upsetting so people consider them a victim because they really do find it upsetting. You have to listen to Hole - Doll Parts, they pretend they are not a doll to be fucked and broken but ultimately they are pretending to be that doll to be liked. And SUNDAY YOU WILL WHAT i ATE.

I disagree unless OP is still quite young. Itā€™s quite obvious between the guys who are really your friends and those who want more.

That's an interesting concept but, given that they succeed, it must be easy enough to do by instinct alone (which would imply men are extreme social-sexual weaklings) or they must have a mental proxy for creating a stable of orbiters that enables them to believe that is not what they are doing while skilfully doing it.

Or creating a stable of orbiters isn't a goal it's just a side-effect of their strategy or a natural state of things.


Sometimes it seems like a subconscious maneuver and other times it seems conscious and calculated.

In the OP's case, it could be she was keeping orbiters for the fun of it (without consciously admitting that's what she was doing) but after the breakup, shit got real emotionally and her sidelined prospects fucked up their timing and got too aggressive without acknowledging her current emotional turmoil.

Human beings are weird in that we'll lie to ourselves about why we're doing something while outside observers can accurately detect our true motives. In this case, people will surround themselves with potential sexual opportunities but deny they're doing so, because we're fucking advanced apes at the end of the day who have to balance base instincts with complex social pressures and internalized moral dictums.

Bro , your comment is so insightful.

Human beings are weird in that we'll lie to ourselves about why we're doing something while outside observers can accurately detect our true motives

Reading this after reading that post completely clears things up. And whatever you said is true 100%.

I have met so many people on reddit who have much knowledge about the world and how society works in general that I now feel like a stūpid ret@rd.

Maybe it's because I am too young and others probably have way more life experience than me.

Bro , your comment is so insightful.

Human beings are weird in that we'll lie to ourselves about why we're doing something while outside observers can accurately detect our true motives

Reading this after reading that post completely clears things up. And whatever you said is true 100%.

I have met so many people on reddit who have much knowledge about the world and how society works in general that I now feel like a stūpid ret@rd.

Maybe it's because I am too young and others probably have way more life experience than me.

I've seen this up close a few times, and I think you're right, what gets people is a sudden predatory shift right when someone is vulnerable and looking for support. Women are usually aware that those friendships have a not quite platonic aspect to them, but they still see it as, you know, a friendship - and the sudden realization that it really isn't can be disorienting.

I get it, it kind of sucks. At the same time, it's often a situation of their own making as well. I remember an ex begging me to take her out for her birthday after we broke up, and when I asked why she wasn't going out with her friends, she started crying and said that all her friends just want to get her drunk and fuck her. I felt bad but... come on, you knew.

I dont know why any dude would even want to be friends with a woman unless they tryna fuq.

Women cant help you move, they are too weak to carry anything up stairs. Women cant help you get laid, a good looking male friend will do a million times better. They cant get your back in a fight, they are too weak and generally cry and fall down when punched. You cant shoot the shit because most of them dont like when they arent the topic of conversation. They cant provide emotional supprt because why do you need emotional support you fucking pussy?

Ugh. I feel this post so much. When my bf I've been with for 10 years and I got into the tiniest fight my guy friends would hey instantly angry I didn't leave my boyfriend for them because they were "nice to me". Lost lots of friends due to that. And we never broke up either. It was literally one day of a tiny spat between us. And I'd vaguely mention it to my guy friends. It immediately became romantically and sexually charged conversations. But like others have said it really shows who isn't your friend. Real friends don't do that.

bitch what ??

this ho got angry at her boyfriend for 1 day and just told guy after guy about how she and him are fighting? probably a reason they all thought she was interested. sounds like she feeds off orbiter m*le attention

There is nothing weird about talking to your friends that you're having a fight. That's a normal human thing to do, mr roboto.

why ho have so many guy friends ?? why she talk so many in day ?? why she mention so many she have fight ?? u dont tell all friends when u fight with spouse. she tell same many fo*ds ?? how many total 50 ppl ??

have ever had a relationship ?? she dumb wh*re and a dumb n-slur

do not speak again to me

Even for drama, this is some advanced autism.

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Even for drama, this is some advanced 'tism.


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I had to look because this reads like a teenager or college student at the oldest. Of course she post in /r/teenager

This isnā€™t drama she is just becoming aware of reality

Oh man wait until she gets to college šŸ˜‚

Men only want G-Slur when it should always be B-Slur cuz they R-Slur-ed. I blame Mueller-slurs.

When you're accustomed to tremendous unearned privilege like the woman who made the post, even the most minor annoyances such as men that you find undesirable wanting to be your significant other will bother you like no other. The entire thread is primarily salty women with fucked up views of men or women who are humble bragging about how many men desire them as a prospective girlfriend.

This entire thread is made up of bitter beta orbiters

ugh what a freindzoning b-slur

how can she not at least give out handies to the bros now that shes public property

who the fuck wants a handjob

I can do a better job any day of the week

de-escalation blowey joeys at a minimum

If a guy is hanging out with a woman friend, not talking about other women, and chronically single she has to be r-slurred to not see what his intention is

>woman > not r-slurred

Are you sure youā€™re allowed to have pizza in your username?

She's going to bitch up a storm when she stops getting any attention at all.

I miss the old /r/drama, agendaposting from /r/twox is like shooting fish in a barrel. Fucking MDEfugees and chapotards.

It's possible they like her as a friend and also want to fuck her, but are just shit at flirting.

I feel devalued as a human being.

I keep seeing this shit over and over again, and I've begun to think... maybe these people really just aren't as valuable as they think they are.

Am I worthless as anything other than a cock sleeve?


No, it's the men who are wrong

Most men would not loathe to you whine about your life for hours straight if they arenā€™t in a relationship with you or want to bone you.

I learned this lesson a long time ago.


What's with m-slur r-slur which makes them r-slur?

my male friends have decided this is an opportunity to show interest in me and try pursue some sort of sexual relationship for me. Itā€™s really awful; I feel devalued as a human being.