Gillette is in hot water again after producing an ad showing an aquatic landmass, skinnycels kvetch in the comments that their whale is too obese

259  2019-04-04 by theiggywithmynameinb


You’re not a woman. You’re a tomboy at best.


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Are you sure that isnt just a fetish account

😩😩🤤🤤💦 tbh

big if true

Morbidly obese is true.

If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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Good marketing. Landwhales will use more blades in shorter period of time.

But they can’t reach all the areas that need shaving

Not with the new MAXI HEAD shaver.

On a stick

Oh shit

A person too lazy to fucking walk from time to time is not going to shave, too much effort:D

There is a certain breed of fat woman who spends a lot of time making herself look good. Not in a way that's effective, like diet and exercise. But in a way that's easy, like slathering herself in beauty products. This type of fat woman will also criticize "skinny bitches" who aren't wearing makeup.

I'm not trying to be a dick, but I can't imagine a girl that size (in the photo) is going to be able to reach anything but saddlebags, knees and shins.

Awww yeah all the sexy zones.

Fat Shins!!


don’t talk about my mom that way

I always found fat people to be smooth and soft. The body just gives up on growing body hair, when you're obese. Like, you're so chonkers, your body knows it's close to death, and starts shutting down.

I like em so large that they get out of breath just eating, which is often.

Why would cutters cut themselves with razors designed to make it impossible to cut yourself?

Some people enjoy a challenge.

For attention.

"See my suicide attempt?" shows scratched forearms

It's pretty easy to take safety razors apart tbh

Safety razors are the ones that you replace just the blade, not a cartridge. Very unpopular with women.

Whatever it's really easy to take apart razor cartridges and take the blades out.

I had to bail out my son in something of a hurry after he'd reached into a sponge bag and grabbed the wrong end of his big brother's razor, so you'd be surprised how much you can make yourself bleed even with a nice safe cartridge. Fortunately, although I'm 99% useless and don't care who knows it, it turns out I can figure out how to control bleeding in a crisis. (I mean, we're not talking hospitalisation here, but it was messy-looking and the poor kid was panicking.)

Every sentence of this incredible story was more riveting than the last.

Where's the upvote then?

He put it in the same place I put glitter.

As long as you're happy and your shots are all up to date, what's to worry about?

Lel can you imagine the fallout if gilette ran an anorexia acceptance ad

I would support it. I was kinda sad when reddit banned /r/proed.

Bring back the skinny chicks.

we're on edanonymous now ;)

I know. Still, kinda miss the old /r/proed. Helped me a bit to understand the "sugar is a invention of the devil to make people fat and lazy and I will kill you in your sleep if you buy sweets" mindset of my wife.

So she’s skinny now?

She always was. Probably thanks to her "honey, I know you're pregnant but you should eat for two not for three" mother.

Good thing she has a mother like that. She could have ended up Gillette beast here.

Is that a sub or a separate website

What was it about?

Was it France or whatever other europoor country banned ads where the girls were too skinny. They need to hurry up and bad whatever this whale of a woman is.

I'm pretty sure that was the UK. Not because I know anything about that particular situation, but because the UK (and Sweden) are typically at the forefront of woketardedness on our continent and because I have a somewhat hard time believing that France would ban hot women from... anything, really.

Yeah, could have been. I couldn’t remember and all Europoor countries are pretty much the same. That’s a good point though, the French have some hot women. I’ve never seen an attractive British woman though.

One of the EU countries for sure.

Aus also banned porn with women you have too small breasts since they 'look like children' or something lmao

It wouldn’t be believable. The hair growth cycle on anorexics gets messed up so they don’t really need to buy razor blades for shaving.

Yeah marketing to fat women probably captures a bunch of women with PCOS. Along with giving you a propensity for being a fatty, PCOS often leads to increased body hair. Gillette isn't marketing to landwhales by accident lol

I didn’t think of that. I use to do people’s waxing for them and my sister asked me to wax her friends lady moustache. She didn’t tell me her friend had pcos and I had to wax her lip, beard and neck when I’d never done that before! 😯

Don't they get this fuzzy sheep fur when they're close to becoming a skeleton?

Shit it's not just this photo it's a whole campaign. Women with skin issue, scars, stretch marks, heavy freckles...

I guess their sales are down so they need to tap into new markets.

Uggos 😳😳😳🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

Get woke go broke.

If you actually believe this buzzphrase, congratulations, you are retarded.

sometimes it's true

In this case it is

The entire premise of modern (((advertising))) is to conflate ur product with hot men or sexy women -and they're doing the opposite

Well they probably did a research and found out that fat ugly foids don't buy their razors so they launched a campaign where they're trying to cater to them, and "body positivity" is a big thing nowadays.

With a brand like Gillette that everybody knows the point of the ad isn't even to make people aware of their products per se but to more to show them the product is right for them which this ad does.

I think fat foids still hate fatties tho, maybe they'll get some chubbo chasers

Wew lads, watching this comments upvotes and downvotes is a quite the ride

Weirdly fat foids are the most entitled of all of the subspecies of human know as foids

If you think celebrating massively out of control obesity and health issues is "body positivity", you've got a problem. How does anyone think it's okay to be that unhealthy. Typically when someone has a problem, like a food addiction, we try to fix the problem, not encourage it.

And don't feed us that genetics bullshit. It's calories in calories out and occasional exercise to stay healthy according to literally every peer reviewed fitness study. That girl in the ad would have had to look at herself and proceed to keep slamming twice her needed calories for a LONG time to get like that.

Woke capitalism: multinational megacorproations pretending to care about social issues in order to sell products to 'people' who pretend to hate capitalism.

Comic books

Yeah comic book sales are trash. Why might that be?

A - they are woke

B - the writing is trash, the drawing is trash, the new characters are shallow and have nobody likes them, and in general the books are not targeted at audience that cares about said books (no, this is not what "being woke" means, you can be "woke" and still hit your target audience, I mean all the previous heroes were quite woke for their times)

Only marvel


they said the r-slur

Has this actually happened yet lol

No rightoids are just desperately repeating it as all their boycotts fail

That's what I figured

BF5 sold half as much as BF1 so they had a survey in their headquarters to act like the public was fine with mayocide in their games and it wasn't the reason the game bombed.

I thought people were mad because of girls with robot arms or something

Captain Marvel made like a billion dollars and are still going.

ah yesm, the shitty movie piggy backing off of Robert Downey Jr.

If disney's first capeshit was captain marvel there would be no more capeshit,.


Dishonored, battlefield, mass effect andromeda enter up overdosing on wokeness and getting fucked over as a result. Dishonored and mass effect are effectively cancelled and battlefield's future is uncertain at best.

TV wise, troy fall of a city (The one with black achilles, black zeus and interracial cuckolding gangbangs), coproduction of BBC and netflix, had a budget of 16 million pounds and a Saturday night primetime slot, and yet it started with 3.2 million viewers (average for the same slot is 5 million plus) and lost half of them by the fourth episode.

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Dishonored, battlefield, mass effect andromeda enter up overdosing on wokeness and getting fucked over as a result. Dishonored and mass effect are effectively cancelled and battlefield's future is uncertain at best.

TV wise, troy fall of a city (The one with blacx achilles, blacx zeus and interracial cuckolding gangbangs), coproduction of BBC and netflix, had a budget of 16 million pounds and a Saturday night primetime slot, and yet it started with 3.2 million viewers (average for the same slot is 5 million plus) and lost half of them by the fourth episode.

If I dial your username on my phone will I be able to chitchat with you?

Yes, try it.

Well now I'm too nervous 😳

Trust me.

The guy that was so woke he stopped selling Nike because of the NFL drama went out of business.


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my little brain cant process not using slurs you meanie bot

Freckles are masterrace tho

Subtle ones are... ok but this doesn't really look good to me.

rethink life

It's like someone threw shit through a screen door at her

She looks gorgeous fam, you sure you're not one of them wh⁣ites?


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you sure you're not one of them wh⁣ites?

I am 😭 but when I tried to paint myself bIack to get rid of my whit€ness and live through bl@ck experience people had this weird judgemental look at their faces idk what exactly did I do wrong 😞

You know you can just say bl⁣ack and wh⁣ite, right? They're not slurs or anything.

Are you using Russian е and с?

100% Latin baby

No can do sir. Using uncensored bl@ack and vvhite helps perpetuate racism and the backwards outdated thinking of races that causes much pain in today's world. I'd rather avoid that.

*mayos you ducking racist


I've got subtle freckles and a sweet tan.

Want sum fuk bb? 🍆💦

I've got subtle freckles and a sweet tan.

Want sum fuk bb? 🍆💦

I think we could arrange something..

I put glitter in my butthole flair

Yeah I'm gonna be sliding into your DMs and that butthole 😎

That looks like my toilet bowl after a rough night

> MFW I eat his ass and he lets out a wet fart


Gross dude

Women with skin issue, scars, stretch marks, heavy freckles...

all stuff that the "body positivity" movement SHOULD be about. it shouldnt be about stuffing your face until you're an unrecognizable blob

Agreed. I've got no problem with that kind of body positivity.

If the whole premise of bitching at Victoria's Secret skinny models is that it encourages eating disorders... well this lady also has eating disorders. "Yay morbid obesity" isn't a particularly better message to send than "Yay bulimia."

I am not really 100% with them tbh because the are usually trying to push the message that all these various skin issues are beautiful and that "Western beauty standards r toxic". Which, I'm sorry, unless someone has a fetish for them, 99% of the population doesn't think it's beautiful.

The message should instead be to like yourself the way you are and that outside beauty isn't everything.

disgusting people are disgusting.

After the "Best a man can be" ad I saw basically every P&G item in Costco go on special.

Fucking christ, what is that mutant at the top of their page?

I guess their sales are down

Those damn nonshaving feminists 🤢

Yeah. The should stop pandering to them and instead launch a campaign to encourage all men to shave their bussy instead 😋 They can start here, the mods are cheap hoes so it won't even cost much.

Prime opportunity to start our own campaign about clean shaven bussy awareness, # FREETHEBUSSY

Some of the comments are pretty good

Body shamming is what I do best

I fucking hate obese people I work with two morbidly obese people and they smell like fucking sour cum all day

I am sorry for your loss.

You may be on to something. I'm assuming the water is brown where she shat herself previously.

Ask them to shower after you fuck them 🤷‍♂️

Make them smell like fresh cum brah ✊🏿

/r/fatpeoplehate... Oh wait. Admins had to ruin that place.


My whole building is fat people. On 'pie day' (3/14) I overheard a coworker talking about how he didn't bring lunch and his plan was to gorge on free pie. I was astonished

Being r/drama, I can't tell if you're joking or not.

Can evolved whales manage to reach and shave the undercarriage all by itself? In fact, what full fat yoga position would a whale need to be in to reach?

Imagine still having a Facebook account


Anyone that can see that page has a Facebook account, you're all a bunch of fucking normie idiots and should all be banned.

Can you even imagine taking a shower and knowing there's a part of your body that probably hasn't been cleaned out because you literally cannot reach it, god knows that lurks below that big lump of fat but at this point you're too scared to check, but then again the smell is too strong to ignore. But you're still beautiful and healthy

I was fat enough I would pull a muscle cleaning way back there when I got over 300lbs. But I never thought I was beautiful or healthy.

How did you live with yourself being so fucking fat?

How does anybody live with themselves?

Easy, when you can shower properly.

Well somehow people are alive, so they are living. I lost 75 pounds since then.


Holy fuck just literally stop eating so much, it's that easy. Literally eat 200 less calories a day and if your fat fucking ass needs to put food in your mouth then either drink a lot of water or go to bed...Jesus Christ

based and skinnypilled

It boggles my mind that they don't know the secret to actually liking the way your body looks is to eat less and move more. If you cannot muster up the mental strength to put down a can of mountain dew or a brownie then I don't know what to say

So I’m not fucking crazy, huh? Any time I’ve ever mentioned “just drink a glass of water and you’ll feel full” in a conversation about weight loss and hunger, I’m told that “that doesn’t work” and “that’s not a normal answer sweaty. Water quenches thirst not hunger.” Wtf it’s not complicated. Stomach feels empty? Fucking fill it with water, not 22 “snack size” bags of Low Fat Healthy Y’all ™ blueberry muffins.

You aren’t crazy. Like drink a big glass of water and give it like ten minutes and you won’t be hungry anymore. Then you aren’t hungry and you are well hydrated. Kills two birds with one stone.

Fiber helps a lot with water retention in the stomach, and I somehow have the feeling that hamplanets aren't eating a lot of fiber.

Better yet, lock yourself with nothing but a years supply of fresh water and no food

Based and scurvypilled.

Also remember, people out of high school just sort of live their lives

I've lived my life out high school for like years now and never got fat.

Have you considered going to hospital to be forced into restrictive caloric diet?

(I'm being genuine, not trying to make fun).

Hmm good point

Can anyone screencap the comments? I don't use FB.

Can anyone screencap the comments? I don't use FB.

giving attention to large companies and their ads to PWN them epic style

You sure showed them!

One of those big consulting companies that other big companies subscribe to actually came out with a study on the gilette ad a few weeks ago. Apparently the jury is out with respect to whether or not the last ad was actually a good strategy for increasing brand loyalty, but there's long-term promise if they actually commit to the message that they conveyed. So I guess this might just be what gilette does now. An interesting side-note from the paper is that men and women on social media were shitting on the last ad in near-equal proportions. I wonder if this will increase positive female interaction, probably not because the types of people who are into tubby models are social justice types who would support the last ad. Well that and feeders

Do you have the study? I want to read it.

I'd post it but I don't want to get sued. This guy makes reference to it.

I went thought the entire thing but I can't find the study you're refering to.

Can you just shot me up a PM of it?

I went thought the entire thing but I can't find the study you're refering to.

Can you just shot me up a PM of it? Or were you refering to the energy consumer index?

I'd post it but I don't want to get sued.

Sued by who?

It's funny how there's nothing inherently offensive about this picture, just that it's so utterly disgusting to look at people are offended.

Based and logicpilled

Did sales go up after the last Gillette ad?

Even bad PR is still PR


The only good thing about the HAES movement is that it'll die early

unfortunately, like the homos, the fats breed not through sexual reproduction but rather through corrupting the minds of the youth. The individuals will die but the movement will survive

lol people unironically have beef with joe camel but not this.

I wasn't willing to quit using their shitty products out of annoyance but at this point I might out of sheer repulsion.

This is probably what trigger warnings were actually meant for, almost vomited opening that link. 🤢🤢🤮


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This is what companies should be doing with small penises. Make them beautiful.

This isn't real

They sell cartridge razors. Of course they're going to market to people with poor decision-making skills.

based gillette for pissing off absolutely fucking everyone (which probably constitutes 20% of the picture featured)


Whats the point of a land whale shaving? Who are they trying to impress?

what’s the problem? it’s bad enough society allows fat girls to walk among us but at least they can be clean shaven

Roll her back in the ocean

Before seeing the picture: OK maybe she's just a little chunky and /r/dramacels are just exaggerating as always.

Sees the picture

I kind of want to bet on how long she has left to live