Brave dramanaut ventures into SRD, is viciously attacked, compared to supporters of segregation, for not kneeling to the f-slur menace known as Feminism

144  2019-04-05 by want-dick-in-butt-xd


I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


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i'm gonna break your fucking kneecaps

Robo-jannies on suicide watch


With the amount of hurt feelings GC causes, I can't help but root for them

Any man who roots for GC is cucked beyond saving. They are the feminists who might go after you in an organized, methodical way. Not the SRDines.

They share all the same opinions as SRDines except a love of Shenis

Yeah but the SRDines are 75% male feminists who only virtue signal because it’s expected of them.

Some of us shill feminism to get paid by soros, you know

Bro, payday!

Destroying the west feels like its own reward, but being paid for it feels good my man

This looks like a job for the #YangGang

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Wait til I tell /r/AZNidentity about this!

This looks like a job for the #УаngGang

Yeah but the SRDines will make everyone miserable with the absolute nonsense they believe in.

At least GC’ers would probably be happy if they got things their way.

Oh no, heaven help me, the ft whte women are clacking on their keyboards.


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You forgot the s


I've said it before, but this is a group that has such unabashed hatred for men that you can renounce your manhood to the point of cutting off your dick and they will still hate you. You have to respect their dedication to their values. They don't try to deny their misandry like non-T*RFs.


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They're idiots and holy shit do they hate men, but I just can't hate on them for all the juicy drama they cause on this site.


Its like a horrible monster but that monster eats mostly homeless people.

Am I doing this analogy thing right?

sounds accurate enough

Check the two removed comments, they sent them into orbit. "Spicy", "crazy", "bait"... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

You’re welcome.

Hey now, that was a complimentary spicy.

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Oh, hey. FYI I consent to pings.

That’s not what transgender people believe at all. Truly transgender people feel intense gender dysphoria, independently of their clothes or their hobbies. They literally have outward appearances that do not match their psychological makeup.

Had no idea that sub was filled with disg/sting trnsmedicallists trscum gatkeepers.

Apparently all it takes is posting a meme of some g*ssy actress from a show to get the jerk going 😒

Not being a f.eminist is literally the same as letting people die in a burning car.

"Women are constantly patting themselves on the back about how hard their lives are, and no one corrects them because they want to fuck 'em" - Bill Burr

Am I a misogynist simply because I don’t want to get involved? Yes. Just like if you see someone trapped in a burning car and you don't try to pull them out, you have some of the responsibility for their death.

God, I hate SRDines. By this logic, unless you give money to every homeless person you see, you're responsible for their poverty.

Day of the can when?

Redditors are the q*eens of shitty analogies that don't stick

Reddit's love of garbage analogies made me realise that if you seriously need to use an analogy to make your point then you're a mongoloid who needs to be extinguished.

what you just said is fucking stupid

oh? Well um then what about this thing that sounds similar but isn't actually the same at all :)

And the majority of the time it's about a car. Reddit has a fetish for really shit car analogies, see them all the time.

Oh man, the car thing goes all the back to slashdot.

In my experience, food analogies are easily the most common. I blame amerifats.

Everyone who has unironically used that r*tarded poison m&m analogy should be sterilized.

Analogies can be great for explaining a complex argument simply. Reddit however seems to use analogies just to hide the meeting of their argument.

It’s because popular Reddit stances aren’t actually all that nuanced.

Orang man bad, and such other shing arguements

Reddit analogies are usually drawn to Harry Potter or Marvel movies


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Don’t worry. If you lack the strength, tools, or technical skill to extract someone from a fucked up burning car, the media will say you died a hero.

The first responders will say you were a fucking idiot, but everyone will think nice thoughts about you during evening news.

and then promptly forget about you after 10 minutes.

nah whoever has to scrape your melted skin and fat off the road will remember you for at least another hour or two

not only that but it goes against every safety measure, ever. trying to pull that person out just puts yourself in more danger and makes it likely there'll be not one but two deaths.

altough, in the case of an SRDine, that's not a bad thing.

Just like if you see someone trapped in a burning car and you don't try to pull them out, you have some of the responsibility for their death.

Are you tho ?

indeed. i'd also bet that if the trapped person was of the opposing ideological political party then they'd magically find an excuse not to help.

If the person in the car had a MAGA hat and you saved them then you literally have caused the genocide of minorities.

rev up those trolley problems, it's real moral philosophy hours in are slash drama

I am seriously asking, tho.

I mean the distinction between directly causing a bad outcome and allowing a bad outcome to happen is an actual point of debate in moral philosophy. Consequentialists would say yes, you're responsible, deontologists would say no. It's a much bigger question than you can really get into in a drama comment tbh.

I'd personally say no, you're not responsible for that person's death unless you caused the wreck.

Fair enough.



Why do r*dditors always come up with such reartarted analogies.

Yes. Just like if you see someone trapped in a burning car and you don't try to pull them out, you have some of the responsibility for their death.

Imagine using this analogy in defense of first world feminist women, the safest, most comfortable and privileged creatures who have ever walked beneath God's blue sky

I always like it when reddit f-slurs act like there are only two sides and you have to choose from those two sides. Feminism is trash and it definitely isn't some infallible morally right movement that everyone should support.

More importantly the r-slur dramanaut should know better than to seriouspost and argue with f-slur srdines in SRD. Echo chambers like which is filled garbage from cb2, Chapo, menslib, mcj, gcj, etc.... aren't exactly a place for fruitful discussion.

There’s really no place on Reddit for fruitful discussion. Without a forum, it’s easy to just downvote and circlejerk.

Some of the learnx subs seem useful.

And there’s no learnfeminism subreddit.

reddit circlejerking >> forum middle-school tier drama/politicking

You claim not be opposed to feminism. Heck, you probably encourage equal rights for women. Yet you vehemently oppose any kind of action on your part, because you 'dont want to get involved in the drama'. These people are fighting for rights that define their lives, but you just cant be bothered because of 'drama'.

I didn't know SRDines have Africans or Middle easterners among their ranks.

Those are wh*te people pretending to be Africans and Middle Easterners.

can the SRDine



Arguably groups that support men’s issues are feminist groups, because the reason why men’s issues aren’t taken seriously enough is due to the ideal male not having issues at all and systematic issues against men being totally ignored via sexist ideas on gender. This has been a historic thing already but the revulsion yo the term feminism has also moved to exclude these groups from having the support and recognition they deserve. Basically by claiming to stay neutral due to avoiding the use of a term, my understanding is that it is effectively pushing out and re-ostracizing the exact thing you believe deserves more attention.

Not so much 'you're with us or against us', as 'you're either with us or against yourself'.

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Arguably groups that support men’s issues are feminist groups, because the reason why men’s issues aren’t taken seriously enough is due to the ideal male not having issues at all and systematic issues against men being totally ignored via sexist ideas on gender. This has been a historic thing already but the revulsion yo the term feminism has also moved to exclude these groups from having the support and recognition they deserve. Basically by claiming to stay neutral due to avoiding the use of a term, my understanding is that it is effectively pushing out and re-ostracizing the exact thing you believe deserves more attention.

Not so much 'you're with us or against us', as 'you're either with us or against yourself'.

...'western feminism' isn't just about western women. I mean, for some people it is, just like for some people, feminism is only about wh*te women, but those people are wrong and shit.

Ah, the Tracy Beaker school of philosophical argumentation strikes again.

[I had to repost this because of that c*nt /u/Automoderator]

I love that they're basically berating the guy for not wanting g to do anything, implying that they actually do something themselves.

But chances are they're actually just stupid enough to think that their keyboard wars are "doing something"

When a group starts getting all culty with this "you're either with us or against us" shot, that's a pretty clear signal to get the hell out.

They’re attacking me too. You might need removeddit, IDK.

"You can't believe believe in equality and not be a feminist"

SRDines are r-slurred as Chapos. CMM.


Imagine comparing modern day feminism to ending racial segregation

Was Martin Luther King a feminist? Wasn't his own behaviour with women reputed to be rather bad? Wasn't he a Christian pastor, and doesn't the Bible explicitly say that women should be subordinate to men?

The amount of smug it takes to tell someone else you've never met in your life and know literally nothing about, what their own beliefs are is something I can't even begin to wrap my head around.

Thank god Reddit is not real life.