Seriouspost: A lot of people say to shop locally versus at larger retailers because you would be supporting small businesses and families but why does that responsibility fall on the consumer? I'm interested in getting the best deal, not paying for the owner's daughter's college fund.

59  2019-04-07 by MasterLawlz

It's not that I'm opposed to shopping at small businesses but I don't understand why I should support a business specifically because they are small. I really don't care about every business owner's sob story or where my money would be going. I'm interested in getting the best product or service for my money and if that means shopping on Amazon then that's where my money will go.

Now, in some cases that would be at a locally owned business. Family restaurants will almost always have better food than large chains. Local mechanic shops will be significantly cheaper than going to the dealership. I'm more than happy to give those businesses my money but only because that's where it makes the most sense going, not because I care about the owners on a personal level.

Plus, almost every large chain originated as a small business anyway. McDonald's was some rinky dink little burger joint until Ray Kroc built it into an empire. There was an episode of South Park where they decided to all shop small but this ended up making the small business into a Walmart-level corporation so then they had to start all over.



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Who cares lmao

Maybe their daughter(male) will fuck you for it

Not even if she was a r3t@rd would she do that.

>Not stealing

Remove mayo from premises

Congrats you discovered what capitalism is

more like crapitalism

How can burgers ever recover?

It falls on the customer if you’re a decent human being and able to chose local businesses.

that still does not explain why

It partially falls on you, the consumer, for the same reason anything else does. If you have the ability to not do something harmful, and choose to do it anyway, do you not have some of the blame?

because in this scenario that I mentioned, I'm referring to cases where it would be cheaper and/or more convenient to purchase from a larger retailer

If it was more convenient to rob someone than earn money in a more ethical way, would you not still be morally responsible for robbing someone?

this is the dumbest response I could have imagined

But... it's true. Your argument is pretty stupid because it works regardless of any moral concerns.

Except in that situation you’re breaking the law, endangering people, and directly taking money away from them. Not shopping somewhere isn’t taking money from them because it was your money and you weren’t obligated to give it to anyone other than the government when you have to file taxes. The two aren’t comparable at all.

By your logic, I’m robbing every single business out there that I’m not buying from.

You didn't get the point at all (which is no surprise). Your argument that you should shop where it's most convenient or you get the most for your money doesn't work because it extends to stealing, or supporting slavery.

your trolling is too obvious now, goodbye

Not an argument libtard 😎

There is no “moral concern” about supporting small businesses. It’s a contrived platitude.

Whether there are or aren't is not the point here.

It’s a contrived platitude.

It keeps more money in the community, is more likely to give you personalized service if you're a frequent patron, and creates a more interesting array of shopping options. Plus small businesses are better able to cater to the needs of the community, whereas big box stores cater to the lowest common denominator. Would you rather live in a place with a unique and vibrant downtown, with shops run by people you know and that allow you to make special requests, or a place that's served exclusively by a Walmart and some other corporate big box stores? I'm not sure about the morality of it all, but living in a place that's full of chains fucking sucks. You may as well be living at an interstate rest stop

Yeah I agree with most of that. I mean I like quaint places where yuppies with too much money will go and spend it at small shops. Personally I wouldn't unless I had some kind of connection with the business. Going to big-box stores isn't usually a problem for me.

Thats pretty much it tho, some dont have the option to pay local because its more expensive, also availablity, like some people may not even have local stores and just the big guys near them. The rich can if they want but even they may not.

I'd shop there if their prices were the lowest

decent have being

Where do you think you are?

lawlz if you actually went outside and found some friends you might find someone who will talk to you about this shit instead of boring all of us with it.

but if I go outside, I can't have discussions while also selecting which porn tab I'll go with, now can I??

No ones ever said you can’t do that.

Lol if you can't do that then you are a huge fucking pussy. Grow a pair bro

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, you can get porn on your phone while outdoors.

getting btfo by lawlz

the absolute state of approaching 100k cels

There should be a walmart of strip clubs.

Skip the middleman bullshit and buy direct from China.

Item Prie: $5 Shipping: $10 EDD: 4-8 weeks

And if you're lucky it will be what you actually ordered.

Buying from China creates a surprise Christmas for yourself. I bought a bong off some chinese website for cheap, completely forgot about it, and had it randomly appear at my house 2 months later.

I ordered a slip ring for an electronic project. Months go by I had completely forgotten about it. Then 5 show up in the mail. Definitely a mini Christmas.

Clean your room



I tend to agree. I dislike inefficiency. A mom and pop used bookstore is the definition of inefficient. They don't really contribute anything to the economy.

But how are they gonna survive when Amazon shuts them down? The answer is UBI bitch.


On one hand, market darwinism. On the other, $1000



based libertarian take

The only reason this post is made sticky is because OP knows it'd get downvoted to oblivion and dramanauts will move on to real 'interesting dramabulous content' without even pissing a single comment on this one.

buddy you just described every post I've made for the past several years

I am proud of you.


Is this your first day here lmfao

Implying you have ever bought anything in your life

imagine not just creating what you need from scratch

I'm hoping the wheat I planted grows soon, I'm starting to get really hungry for that sandwich.


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Who gives a shit

Local mechanic shops will be significantly cheaper than going to the dealership.

Why do you care? Your mom drives you everywhere

it gives her more money for tendies

Valid point I guess

Fuck off with your based capitalist shitposting

An autist goes shopping greentext.

I'm going to have to ask you to keep your giant dumps in the toilet

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Because shopping in a small local store requires you to actually interact with another human being. It's healthy for autists like yourself.

I buy everything I can from online retailers, and the rest goes to regional, state, national, and multinational corporations. I'd rather give my money to the winning team than back a bunch of losers who can't even make millions. (I mean this all unironically.)

This is why I support the Shop Small® Movement and use my Marriott Bonvoy Brilliant™ American Express® Card to support local businesses and earn Marriott Bonvoy Points for use at participating Marriott Bonvoy hotels.

Don't be ashamed of your Walmart trolley collection job lawlz. Many autists are stuck as unemployable.


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Your stickies are terrible, but whatever, I'll answer your question.

Two main reasons behind the theory. I'm not endorsing either.

First is that it builds the local economy. Money spent on Amazon goes to the company. Money spent at your local store goes to the owners, who now have more money to spend locally, and so forth.

Second is once Amazon has put the small shops out of business, they can raise pricing because they're a monopoly, and then you're in trouble

Second is once Amazon has put the small shops out of business, they can raise pricing because they're a monopoly, and then you're in trouble

I feel like Amazon has put tons of smaller bookstores out of business, but their prices are still pretty cheap. Maybe this is part of their master plan, but I doubt it - it's not like they're losing money on selling books today.

Part of being the only business in town means everyone is forced to buy from you, meaning you have some level in flexibility and are able to price low if you choose. It’s just that most businesses won’t opt for that practice.

but their prices are still pretty cheap.

As far as used books go they can't compete price-wise. Though you have like a 1/20 or lower chance of finding the book you're looking for at a used bookstore if it's remotely obscure which is why people can sell their used wares for ridiculous prices. As far as new books go they still have a decent amount of competition from other online retailers.

But they'll always have online competition. The whole reason the "walmart strategy" works is because the people in the local area have no other options. But when it comes to online purchases, a company can set up shop just about anywhere and serve basically the entire US.

unironically good points lol

why have I read this before

This is even more banal than usual for you, Lawlz.



It's not something you should do if you don't have much of your income from local customers. It's not long-run efficient (buying from the suppliers that can use resources most efficiently to offer the lowest competitive price is), but it's temporarily useful for people in small towns to counter the paradox of thrift on a local scale, which might accelerate the town's decline.

The idea that a small town is dying is self fulfilling: merely the expectation of hard times causes people to cut back spending and save for a rainy day, or to move away entirely. This becomes the on a local scale: local purchasing falls, local employers scale down and lay off workers (or close). Those workers will have less income to purchase from other local businesses, who then may scale down and create more layoffs. Some of these workers will then also move away, reducing their local purchasing to 0. This is one cause of the Rust Belt.

The sentiment of buying local counters the above effect by telling local workers their company isn't going to be out of business immediately.

You want the worker to think: "A bunch of my neighbors say they'll keep buying from my company, so I guess I can go eat BBQ tonight instead of worrying about how to sell my house."

The shift to remove suppliers will still over time because those suppliers are usually using inputs more efficiently (applying better technology, training, and economies of scale). But it won't be accelerated by people panicking and cutting consumption unnecessarily out of fear.

One somewhat misguided sentiment counters another.

So local employers can wind down over-time, reducing the frequency of layoffs, and in the best case just wait for people to retire and close the position.

This minimizes taking coal miners and factory workers and telling them to learn to code.


The town is still going to shrink, but it will be less catastrophic to the people involved, and it might not shrink as far if some people born there train for service industries supported probably by whatever primary industries remain (namely agriculture).
On the other hand, as agriculture becomes even more labor efficient, the end game might be a the equivalent of logging camp with a couple haircuts in the middle of nowhere. But at least not as many people got BTFO in the middle of their careers and turned to smoking fentanyl under railway trestle.


All them words won't bring your pa back.

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There was an episode of South Park where they decided to all shop small but this ended up making the small business into a Walmart-level corporation so then they had to start all over.

wow lawlz, put a spoiler warning next time

It's just an ethical choice. You don't have to if you don't want to

That small business owner will spend most of that money in the community though, which will benefit other local businesses. There is a reason why jewish people, mormons and other tight knit religious/diaspora groups often do so well and it is because they keep money in the community if possible. The money you will spend at a wal mart will just go to administration costs in some far off headquarters, foreign investors and hedge funds. Also fuck you automod for deleting my seriouspost for saying j ews. How is that a slur you robot mong?

Interesting post Sensei. I agree that we should all support monopolies for the easier access to goods and services.

I'm more than happy to give those businesses my money but only because that's where it makes the most sense going, not because I care about the owners on a personal level.

I know this might be a horrifying or scary notion for you, but the people who live near you are usually people you know. When there are people around you that you know, paying an extra 5% to shop at their stores instead of overnighting produce from malaysia is perfectly fine.

I buy local produce and meat, it's not cheaper and definitely not that much more. It's not about the better deal. If you haven't tried something local and fresh then you're a r-slur who eats garbage peasant food that tastes like nothing. Go to a strawberry farm during peak season and eat a strawberry from the plant. Then go buy some bull from thousands of miles away because you saved 25 cents and taste the difference.

Except in that situation you’re paying a premium for what you view as a higher quality which I already covered

It's not premium, its the fucking standard that everyone should demand.

Phmygod. ShutTFU lawz.


the responsability falls on whom has the less amount of melanin, if you are fair skinned you are just taking advantange of a minority, if you are darl skinned you are being oppressed and must ask for reparations, if you are both the same color,who cares, you are probably mayo and the mayocide is coming soon

Stop sticking your posts you fat f-slur


And the proper verbiage is “stickying”



I know right

It's not that I'm opposed to living beings but I don't understand why I should care about human life inherently. I really don't care about every person's sob story or their kids or whatever. I'm interested in getting the best product or service for my money and if that means stabbing people for in the stomach and stealing their wallets to go shopping on Amazon then that's where my knife will go.

Now, in some cases I don't need to kill people, as I have enough money and they aren't getting in the way of my desires. Sometimes I even need to associate with humans to have my desires fulfilled. Sometimes taking an ugly f-slur out on a date will be significantly cheaper than going to the dealership or getting the puss by force. I'm more than happy to let those kind of people live but only because that's what makes most sense at the time, not because I care about the people on a personal level.

What you sound like

Nice meme

The economically rational take is that if you only support megacorps then you'll probably end up with a market cornered by a monopoly or near-monopoly, and they can then charge you obscene prices which you'll just have to deal with. A little inefficiency in encouraging competitors to grow up is worth it overall.

It's a hard concept to grasp but some people actually care about others, especially members of their community.

Do you think business owners care about you?

That's part of the point, if you actually buy at small businesses and aren't socially r-slured, then you can develop a relationship with the owners/employees. Also I know it's a hard concept to grasp but some people actually care about others and this includes business owners, who believe it or not are real people.

If I ever run a small business I'll let you know and give you a handjob in the back room, just to prove it to you.

It’s the equivalent of buying American. Trade deficits apply on a city to city basis as well. When you buy from a foreign town you are allowing wealth to be siphoned out of your town.

Generally I agree but I’d say there are some legitimate (for some) reasons to pay more at small businesses:

  • If you have some kind of small town shopping area and like the feel, it’s better if the businesses don’t go bankrupt. Also local tax dollars and whatever.

  • You like the atmosphere of a place and appreciate the knowledge or character of the people that work there. This is probably the biggest one.

I can understand the second point definitely. Shopping at HUGE stores is kind of a pain. But that's also one reason Amazon does so well, you don't have to deal with it at all.


join r/neoliberal you clearly have become one of us with this post. just ignore the succdem infestation

what's succdem?

if saving money means more to you, shop at big chains

if protecting communities means more to you, shop local

vote with your dollar, just don't get mad at suppliers for meeting your needs

/u/MasterLawlz, a lot of small businesses don't end up going anywhere, what I think is important is that we make things easier on "young" businesses and new business, and allow them to grow into large firms an enterprises.

The real argument is that mcdonalds and the other chains have low quality shit that breaks easily and/or makes you fat because they're (((profit seeking))) and do that, and local business are less likely to spray your food with all sorts of neurodevelopmentally disruptive pesticides or intentionally break your machine 2 years after you buy it so you have to get another one.