Why the OK Hand Sign is Not OK and Blizzard Got it Right

1  2019-04-09 by sakfad


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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double plus bad

double plus bad ungood*

Fucking normie.

Honk honk

I unironically want to see some 4chan hot takes on this

You don't even have to click on the video to know what the guy looks like.

fuck me Trump is going to win in 2020

Did he unironically cite the adl hate symbol dictionary

Honk honk

Gaymers S E E T H I N G in the comments👌

What’s the point, my life sucks, I’m not doing anything with my life, I’m dumb, and all I have in life is the ability to idly watching people like this embarrasse themselves, while still having a better life than me.

All the real shit in the world, and fools are actually trying to police common hand gestures for microaggressions. Every time I think I understand just how hopelessly stupid people are, they prove I have overestimated their intelligence yet again. Well trolled Chan. Well trolled.