Remember kids don't approach women in public.

139  2019-04-15 by FineLow


Man whatever happened to shooting your shot. No wonder the virginity rates have gone up. Bunch of male feminists afraid to approach le female in fear of coming across as “aggressive”.

Yeah it's sad.

Yep. This girl I’m dating told me a wonderful story about her friend getting married to a guy who gave her a note on the subway. It’s sad to see guys start to lack confidence in themselves and give up their desires just to avoid annoying someone briefly.

Inb4 serious postER


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Don't approach women in general. If a femmeroid asks you for help just ignore them.

Honestly, if he sees a girl out in the world minding her own business and knowing nothing else about her but that she is nice to look at, he doesn't approach her.

Lol okay

Instead, find women at bars, clubs, on tinder or similar apps, at singles nights, through friends or other similar places

Remember all the other threads where just because a girl is at a bar or club doesn't mean she is looking for guys?

These fags have limited social interaction, and as a result have never bothered to go out of their comfort zone. You see a girl, you give them the speil "i just had to take the opportunity to say i think your gorgeous blah blah blah". Worst case scenario your ego gets bruised and you wasted 2 mins of your and her time.

These fags are acting like it's goddamn sexual assault to tell a girl she's pretty.

Lol at my uni that is sexual assault, the whole uni had to do a sexual harassment online module thing where it was just walls of texts and scenarios basically saying that

“Janet is studying in the library, John sits next to her and says hi, John asks about her day and her classes, Janet responds uh huh feeling uncomfortable but unable to tell john she doesn’t want to talk to him, John has made Janet feel uncomfortable, John has sexually harassed Janet. Sexual harassment isn’t just physical it’s also verbal, stop and ask for consent”

Uh that's a bit different, i definitely wouldn't constitute that as sexual assault, just being fucking annoying by invading the persons personal space. If you're tryna gets a girl's number i don't see how the interaction should be more than a minute and a half at most. But yea colleges are fucking crazy now. Half my orientation was how the no means no rule is replaced by the yes means yes ; meaning that you have to have a verbal agreement that you're going to bang.

I mean me and my friends got in trouble because we took it too “seriously” and during lectures and group work we would ask people if we had their consent to ask them a question, apparently that warrants all five of us getting put on academic probation all because one of the girls overheard and reported us.

>not having rich alumni parents who threaten to pull their donations if the school hassles you

I can very easily imagine you, a redditeur, loudly mocking the sexual harassment seminar to his classmates with no context at all and then complaining when he gets put on academic probation when he makes everyone uncomfortable. You’re doing God’s work

My uni has an alcohol and sex orientation. Most of it was just "don't fuck drunk people at parties" which is common sense in 2019 and even if it seems fine in the moment you still shouldn't just in case, but then they told us that having sex with your gf/bf while drunk/high is rape too and that's about when I zoned out. Even the presenter looked like he didn't believe in that shit. Someone asked him what if the couple already had a healthy sex life and consent wasn't really a concern since it's heavily implied and normal on both sides and he was pretty much like "uhhh that's tricky but you still shouldn't anyways"

I feel like all these guidelines to modern consent were either written by

A: people with no life experience and don't understand the many nuances of social interaction

B: people who experienced too much 90s/2000s frat life and can only think of solving the issues they had with the most extreme solutions because the concept of "don't rape" is too hard for some people to understand


They're sexless hags who want everyone to be as miserable as they are.

We got it right. If you see a hot guy you suck his dick behind a dumpster and move on with your life.

Every r/drama user is the roller-skating prostitute from Reno 911

If I could be that fabulous my life would be complete

Based and fabulous-pilled

Terry is awesome!

Wait. We were supposed to charge for the blowies?

I have never been to Reno.

Foids are brainlets, water is wet

It gets worse: Most of those foids are rapists male feminists. They're just in there doing their bit of performance art trolling for a blue haired feminist to roofie.

It's just circular reasoning to avoid saying "DON'T TALK TO US EVER, YOU RAPIST!"

Can I approach women out in public?

Ew no creep, you're not entitled to their attention. Talk to them in social places like bars!

Can I approach women out in bars?

Ew no creep, just because they're at a bar doesn't mean they want to talk to you. How about meeting them through friends.

Can I approach women through my friends?

Ew no creep, just because they're part of your friend group doesn't mean you get to make them uncomfortable. Talk to women it in public!

It seems like as dating apps grow in popularity this type of logic becomes more and more widespread. Within a decade or so online dating will be pretty much mandatory

"Below average" (80% of guys are rated below average) guys need to ask out dozens, maybe hundreds of women to get a date.

The flip side is that women are rejecting dozens, maybe hundreds of below average guys. They do eventually say "ok", that's how the majority of women get into a long term relationship (a top 10% guy isn't sticking around with an average woman) but they resent having to reject all those guys just like those guys resent having to be rejected.

Of course, to feminists it's a gender issue in which men are the bad guys.

The endgame is that the only socially acceptable way to talk to women is through dating apps, where they have the complete upper hand.

No the end game is that you skip the whole courtship phase and just buy the foid from her father in a black bag for 15 goats. If you throw in an extra camel you might even get to see the foid before the wedding.

They have the complete upper hand irregardless of that.

Is it just me or is reddit literally a hivemind of betamales and women

Posted on /r/NeedAFriend two days ago and has a post asking women what a mans room should look like lmao. But we’re all “betamales”. Maybe fix your trash personality and people will actually want to be around you in real life. Or just die alone, desperately asking for friends on the internet while trashing Muslims and women. That works too.

It's far more respectable to be a failed alpha than a willing beta in my mind.

I can respect a guy who wants the life style of a Tom Brady or Henry Cavill but wasn't born an athlete or in the top 0.1% on handsomeness and is willing to take shots.

You ask why the groups you represent are pretty much universally loathed by everyone who isn't them, it's because you're incel-tier, too, you're just on the opposite political spectrum.

But the toxic, aggressive, bad culture you claim is terrible is exactly what you're expounding. I mean FFS the guy says Reddit is full of betamales and you do a full dive into his post history and tell him he is going to die alone? And to post it on what is presumably an alt account so the guy cant counter insult you?

That's not only infinitely pathetic but also counterproductive to what you claim you want.

Oh lawd he’s got backup

haha "oh lawd", what a whacky phrase, I totally read that in the voice of an obese black woman, which by the way I'm totally cool with and love black people, too.

Not doing much to help your rep as a beta male my man

Any supplements your recommend to help treat my beta male syndrome? Maybe from Alex Jones?

Any supplements your recommend to help treat my beta male syndrome

Yes, a sense of purpose and maybe a little pride.

It's not too late for you, it's not too late for anybody to be honest, you just have to change your mindset.

RIP to the poor guy you just killed to death.

If a far ugly guy believes his own hype, women around him will believe it too.

If a far ugly guy believes his own hype, women around him will believe it too.

Once again proving that women are gullible and easily led.

That ugly dude is probably a blast to be around. Women will take an ugly but fun guy over an average nice-is-my-personality guy.

That's not only infinitely pathetic but also counterproductive to what you claim you want.

Not if what they want is...


This but unironically

Nah not just you

I found this out after wasting years on here.

Accept the fact your genes aren't good enough to procreate with now that women have jobs. Hope you like long walks of dying alone with no beckys under your belt. Maybe get the commie rape limo fired up and you can get what you want?

P.S. hookers make you feel even more lonely just like after porn

my jeans are levis are those good enough? or do i need prada or whatever?

Wearing those kind of ((jeans)))


i mean, they're not wrong. you don't just randomly walk up to a stranger in public and go "Hi" and expect to start up a bond/conversation. there has to be an actual reason or you have to have something to say. social interaction is more nuanced than "How do I say hi to a hot girl I see in public?"

if you can't figure out how to do it on you're own you're a brainlet and shouldn't bother trying to meet people anyways.

you don't just randomly walk up to a stranger in public and go "Hi" and expect to start up a bond/conversation.

Its a thing in the US.

no it isn't. walk up to a stranger in public and say "Hi" and at best you'll get a "Hi" back and they'll keep walking.

that's why i said

there has to be an actual reason or you have to have something to say

have to have something to say

Yeah it's Hi I think you're attractive want to grab some coffee later?

if you think that works with random people on the street then you're probably retarded.

Retarded sexy, yeeeaaaaa

2 hot 4 me bby sizzle

It actually does work of the person doing the asking is also attractive and you're single ready to mingle. You clearly never get asked out on dates.

entertain for a second that you see a girl you really think is attractive. you wish you could go on a date with her. she walks up to you and asks you out for coffee after saying hi. now turn the tables. there are definitely women who see men who wish they would just randomly ask them out.

Ya it is especially in more rural areas.

rural areas

we're talking about interacting with people not southern hicks.

Let me guess you didn't pass US geography?

thinking i'm going to care what some rural """person""" has to say

Says the redditor acting like a typical redditor.

by saying that social interactions are more nuanced than "say hi, get laid"?


Totally normal to do, but you better have a conversation topic or bring up one. 99% redditors do not have the social aptitude to carry a conversation past "Hi."

Well ya. Most redditors think face to face socialization is taboo.

"I didn't think I'd get this far."

Lmao @ this cope from ugly people.

You can literally walk up to a girl and say hi anywhere if you’re not a bumbling idiot or good looking and get a number.

lol ok pussyslayer6969

is there anything more pathetic than a redditor - an r/drama user no less - trying to brag about how easy it is for them to get laid?

A dramacel crying about not being able to get laid?

Don't worry mummy thinks you're handsome

she doesnt

crying about not being able to get laid?

sounds like projection to me, unless you can find a single instance of me ever doing this?

The person that typed this out doesn't have regular sex.

/u/d-amazo has to be a European or something because this is objectively shut in incel mentality. You can start a conversation with people on the street here in America. It happens all the time and people are generally cool. You can even make friends or get dates if you're not a total autist. The idea that only some Chad pussy slayer can do such a thing is horseshit.

You can start a conversation with people on the street

you guys are weird, is this not exactly what i said when i typed out

you have to have something to say

just going "hi" isn't going to make a conversation start for no reason.

i mean, they're not wrong

But they are. You can talk to random people in public for the most part without needing some important reason or anything just by shooting the shit. Small talk between strangers happens all the time and it often starts with hi or any other greeting.

I'm not saying you should go full Johnny Bravo but most people have can start and hold conversations with strangers here.

often starts with hi or any other greeting.

right? which is why i also said

an actual reason or you have to have something to say

i didn't mean that the reason had to be important. but i seem to have garnered a lot of comments of people guaranteeing me that they have no problem getting laid. which i never questioned.

like i said you guys are weird.

M8 you said the posters in that thread weren't wrong, which is why we are all doubting your social skills because they're espousing complete shut in logic nonsense. They're saying it's wrong to approach strangers on the street for conversations. If you think talking to women in public for the purpose of getting a pickup or number is something weird I don't know what to say to you my guy.

so wait you read the first three words of my post, didn't read the rest,

If you think talking to women in public for the purpose of getting a pickup or number is something weird

make up things that i literally never said, and you're saying i'm the one whose social skills are in doubt?

besides i should've said they're not entirely wrong. you don't just say hi to someone and expect to get laid. which is all i meant. i never meant to doubt your ability to crush puss.

you don't just say hi to someone and expect to get laid

No one in that thread ever tried to make this argument what the fuck are you trying to disprove this obvious fact for? Who the fuck just says "Hi" and then expects someone to pull their pants down? That's not what OP said.

Also why do you keep bringing up "crushing puss?" We're just baffled(although on /r/drama we shouldn't be) about someone who's agreeing with antisocial tards.

No one in that thread ever tried to make this argument what the fuck are you trying to disprove this obvious fact for? Who the fuck just says "Hi" and then expects someone to pull their pants down?

this is the angriest way someone has ever agreed with me. this is exactly what i'm saying, champ. calm down.

that's why i also added at the end of my first post

if you can't figure out how to do it on you're own you're a brainlet and shouldn't bother trying to meet people anyways.

y u so mad?

You're trying to backtrack here but

you don't just randomly walk up to a stranger in public and go "Hi" and expect to start up a bond/conversation

Is literally wrong.


social interaction is more nuanced than "How do I say hi to a hot girl I see in public?

Most conversations start like this too. So wrong again. Not my fault you wrote multiple dumb things and get mad when people make fun of you for them.

You're trying to backtrack here

no i'm not, literally the second sentence of the post

there has to be an actual reason or you have to have something to say.

all i meant is that "you have to be able to carry a conversation beyond just 'saying hi'"

i'm sorry that my half-assed post on the r/drama sub about relationships wasn't more thoughtful and worry of debate. i'll do better next time.

I'm a manlet, and in my prime I was probably a 6, at best, yet I could strike up meaningless conversations with attractive foids and occasionally that led from things ranging from dinner dates to sexy naked fun times. Everything you just said is hardcore C O P E. L2Socialize, loser.

Le sexy times 🤙🏻😏😎

A manlet i know has a 8/10 gf and hes kinda awkward. But so is she. Maybe he got a big ol dick cuz i accidentally saw it when he was running to the shower late one day no clothes right when i turned around in the hallway with a spoon of yogurt in my mouth

Anyways why am i even typing about this

sexy naked fun times.

how do boobs feel? like a bag of sand?

Just give your moobs a squeeze, fatty. They're like that, only slightly firmer, and there's generally no hair on the nipple unless you're banging an Armenian woman.

u/jokengonzo I met my last girlfriend by putting my car in park at a stop light, getting out, and giving her a card with my name and phone number on it. We dated for 2 years after that. Don’t let those lonely ass women on that sub tell you not to approach people you find attractive. You’ll most likely be rejected like the rest of us but once in awhile you’ll get lucky.


gtfo u don't belong here

don't kinkshame

I met my current gf randomly as well

What was even the point of asking that sub this question?

Did you honestly expect feminists to give good dating advice?

I basically enjoy hearing their viewpoints on things I think they are wrong in a lot of stuff this for example but still

We here call that “Milking the lolcow”

Gabba gabba one of us!

Gabba gabba we accept you!

Why do you still go to the mall when Amazon exists?

I like the chicks at the mall better. Like, the Amazon Women scare the shit out of me.

To check out the mallmeat, duh.

Literally met my last girlfriend during a 10k run on my campus for some event, can’t even remember what it was just that my friends started bugging me to join them.

I tripped when stepping off a curb and knocked the wind out of myself. She’s the first person to reach me because she was right behind me. I just reflexively make an awful joke when I get enough air to speak and it actually worked.

Random success is the best.

Real men get e-girlfriends 😎

Yikes sweaty, e-girlfriends CANNOT consent! E-bussy is where its at. 😎

If you didn't by your gf with osrs gp she isn't your real gf

Only mayos have this problem.

I see people stopping strangers and asking them for their numbers all the time. Wherher they want it or not I have no idea, but lmfao imagine this being an issue.

Mayocide, when?

Why do you feel entitled to talk to her and bother her?

Spoken like a r/Truefemcels poster

It's ok as long as you cut your penis off and offer it first so you'll seem non-threatening

If she's a TERF, that'll just make it worse.

Do you use an ad- or spam-blocker? You probably do. And the fact that these programs/extensions exist is an indication that people want to go about their business without being bombarded by people trying to get their money. Similarly, women want to be able to go about their daily lives without being spammed by men who want sex.

Good news, IRL ad-block for women exists, it's called a pixie cut.

Or obesity.

We're talking about a post on /r/AskFeminists...everyone there is fat.

Or weird colored hair


Stop srs posting in linked threads

Reeee! I will die free!

imagine unironically giving gussy the time of day

that they really mean is, just approach roasties if you're chad. thats it. If you're asking feminists on reddit, you are 99% not one.

Incels are right about everything. Inshallah

right to privacy and not being bothered.

Ah, the criminally underrated 69th amendment.

I'm supposed to follow her home, so I can approach her in private?

you are getting good advice but there is something you should know. You can talk to a woman after you get "permission" in non-verbal ways such as through eye contact and posture. Don't talk to girls you haven't made eye contact with. If you have, try to get a bit closer and judge their body language. If it's closed off and turned away from you they're not interested! If she's looking at you and turned toward you, or maybe takes an active step in your direction, then it's okay to say hi! Basically, it should never be unexpected.

It's over for autismcels.

Sounds like they are bitter that no men want to approach them

Bring back hijabs