Gay "influencer" (lol) gets CANCELLED by woke twitter

335  2019-04-17 by Mamalgam


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


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ALL of you have literal demons inside of you.

Demons DO enter your body through the anus, because the mixture of pain and pleasure caused by the immoral act of sodomy causes so much psychic confusion that a portal to your soul opens up in your anus for the demon to enter.

This is how demons get inside of everyone. They conflate pleasure with pain. They also conflate truth with untruth.

The anus is only ONE way that demons enter a human body, BUT IT IS ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT ONES.

This is why so many of you have suffered from pedophilia and sodomy as children. The demons spread to you in this way, in the same way that vampirism spreads through bites.

Reject these homosexual demons and drive them out of your body. I implore you. The world will be a better place. I will forgive you if you expel the demons from your body and stop causing harm to the world around you.

This message is brought to you by truth and decency and concern for your well being as well as the well being of the world around, NOT "bigotry" or "ignorance".


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Snappy you're too good for us 😭😭

He claps them front hole cheeks

That's hot

It is called "docking"

When I think of radical right wing reactionaries, I think "this person probably believes in the Kinsey scale!" A sad day for all of wokedom.

What the fuck is a Kinsey Scale?

Google it

Oh for fuck's sake...

"Instead of having a talk about gender fluidity and other made up bullshit, bisexual man claims he isnt "full gay" and that's transphobic."

I can't imagine trying to talk to one of these "writers" irl. I'm assuming it would take about 15 seconds of conversation before I commit sudoku on myself.

We're about 18 months away from people being unable to have normal conversations, and instead having to draft everything they want to say and have it approved by a panel of "sensitivity readers" before they are allowed to say it. Like being in a woke deposition.

That’s only if you care about being part of the “woke sphere”. Better to just stand back and watch the ever shrinking circular firing squad and just laugh at it all.

like musical chairs but bullets instead

Or in this case, Musical Theatre chairs.

circular firing squad* haha the perfect description! ZA44 I’m stealing this for sure.

drop the words, asshole, no one has to die here today

Circular firing squad, saw it in a Richard Seymour piece on ppl trying to cancel Novara, or is was it in k-punk? I'm sure they nicked it too, all is borrowed and knowledge is collective anyway

Get out of my Taiwanese role playing forum you normie.

Barack is canceled! 😤

I mean eventually they're gonna run out of nonsense cause everything is eventually offensive, right? They'll just regress to grunts?

Grunts take too many spoons. As a mentally ill, minority man who sleeps with other men, the problematic masculine aggression of the "ugh" sound triggers my sadbrains. Grunting is cancelled.

ooga booga faggot


Hey, they just said that triggers them. That wasn't a nice thing to do.

Let's unpack this

I heard self respect can help curing sadbrain

So can hot lead injection

i can't fucking wait for daddy to win again

this but unironically

The game is rigged. The elite know we are going to stop them. Trump 2020 is civil war 2

Exciting 😃

Trump vs. Kamala "Hillary Clinton but with resume boosters instead of marriage" Harris should be interesting

Middle way dem Interesting

I like your optimism

Gonna be hilarious when Trump drops the Jussie bomb in a debate insisting she orchestrated it lol

Cocoa Clinton

Same. I’m actually going to vote for him this time. Just as a stick in the eye

I remember people trying to one up each other into saying penis louder when the sunday school teacher was out of the room but possibly in nearshot. This is one of those times

We're about 18 months away from people being unable to have normal conversations, and instead having to draft everything they want to say and have it approved by a panel of "sensitivity readers" before they are allowed to say it.

Lol no we're not. Go outside more. Crazy people online don't represent even 1% of the population. Nobody gives a shit about the advanced woke-ology of random bloggers irl.

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Seriousposting get out

They are there, lurking in every conversation, tallying every micro aggression committed within their office clique, WAITING to bring forth the charges when the rainbow storm flies over.

At least, that’s what I’m doing.

It really depends on what circles you run in my dude, and it only takes a few to ruin a workplace, social group or club.

18 months? Hey guys we’ve got an optimist over here

Yes, we're totally not enjoying the juicy drama of the tiny group of extreme left. Everyone is like this

Sshhh the world is coming to an end gender norms are over the west is dead ect ect.

Nope; the wave is cresting I think. We are about to see a nasty snap back of “I don’t give a fuck” and it’ll be led by comedians and then Hollywood will pretend they knew what the fuck is going on because lol fags.

Is that where you write puzzles on your body??

Thankfully they never seem to fully manifest irl. They’re definitely around you all times but rarely do they full on spergout and say the shit they do online in person. I’ve only seen it maybe once or twice


Please be mindful of Japanese culture, thank you.

Yes I'm a big fan of bukkake

SPOILERS! First, it was established in the books that ciri is white. She comes from the kingdom Cintra was the name? That one was one the border of Nilfguard and Northern realms. So pretty far north. Now, guess what color have people on the north in the real world. White, becouse thats how we evolved through ages.

Now we actually have black people in it from zerikania and places on south. You get it? SOUTH!!! There is polish version of the serial, not bad but not great either. There is a character who has 2 zerikanian woman bodyguars and they are black in the book (they are kinda black in the serial) and everybody (in the books and serial) confused/interested in them. They are also really badass.

So for the sake of the story, the actress should be white. Now the main "problem" is, they way how they did this is: they asked from the start, they are looking for a BAME actress. I am all for merit and if there was a concurs for everyone and the black, asian, whatever was the best, ok.

But no, they are specifically looking for non-white and thats just, silly, becouse of the arguments above.

I sincerely hope you took the time to type that all out. Also, where the fuck is long post bot?

still unemployed then?

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I love you, bot.

All of this stuff relies on taking the least generous readings of statements as possible. It’s pretty obvious that he’s talking about being attracted to feminine features.

Side note - do you mean seppuku (or harikiri?)

Now all I’m picturing is you doing sudoku on your forearm in permanent marker. Hahaha

By saying that he's not "full gay" because he's been attracted to trans men, Charles effectively said that he doesn't consider trans men to be actual men. Which is not only completely wrong, but just plain offensive.

Lol and they're gonna bitch when they lose the next election all because all the lefts subgroups hate each other. 2020 Copeageddon inbound.

Which is not only completely wrong, but just plain offensive. 

Sounds like cope.

The transgender lobby is just cope: the movement.

It's blatantly obvious to anyone who's not an brain worm infested retard that all of their motivations come from a desire to prevent people from saying the truth they are hiding from.

You joke until Bruce Jenner uses his trans privilege and wealth to become the trump of the left

Caitlyn is a massive rightoid though. Endorsed Ted Cruz even though he hates traps.

Based Bussy


She has a trussy now thank you

Imagine Caitlyn as the Republican nominee. The democrats would implode.

That wouldn't be a circular firing squad. That would be a person, giggling and crying, bringing a gun up to their mouth.

They'd prefer it, since Jenner decides Trump is a giant liar and publicly called him out over and over.

Imagine the first femoid president not even being a chick, if this isn't proof of the based patriarchy idk what is

Margaret Thatcher and that Jewess.

He would never run as a Democrat. Probably still didn't approve of gay marriage

Can someone explain the appeal of influencers to me?

Do people like getting told what to enjoy that much?

Can someone explain the appeal of influencers to me?

Have you ever felt you have no thought of your own? Why not crib your lifestyle brand full cloth from media personalities? Enter influencers, a modern day philosophers.

It's like St. Frances or Siddhartha, but they help you decide which Nikes to cop.

Its Jmes Chrles so it's actually which overpriced highlighter to smear on your cheekbones and then facetune because you can't blend

Tbh if it's something I full on don't care about like what cut of jeans I want to get or what haircut I want just letting someone tell me seems viable, although I don't think that's how the model actually works and it's the people who care way too much that usually follow these people.

your lifestyle brand

What is this madness?

Do people like getting told what to enjoy that much?

The NPC meme had some grounding before it was butchered by everyone.

The NPC was almost exclusively used by people who the meme could apply to 🤭

Ultimate Irony.

...It's not a story the NPCs would tell you

An internet sociofact accurately reflects the culture and behaviors of internet users? Color me shocked.

It can be applied to every brainlet

lol pretentious

I'm not pretentious I'm just right 😎

Wheres the lie tho


It's not a story the NPCs would tell you

whenever someone tries to retcon the NPC meme into some “both sides” bullshit, remind them which side felt absolutely violated by a cartoon, again

user reports:
1: Amusingly the three people offended by this comment are DDF's

Fragile DDF's? Say it ain't so!

Read up on Plato's Five Regimes, or better yet study esoteric fascist mysticism and perennial philosophy and come to learn why the caste system is eternal and inescapable. We are soulless men led by soulless men imitating their bronze and iron forebears. The decline of the warrior caste coincided with the decline of the priestly caste and these bronze and iron men took their place, but they too have fallen to the shapeless masses, who, unruly as they are, beg for a return to the sanity of slavery.

Any specific recommendations aside from Plato?

Nah bruh start with tha king <3

If you're going for standard smug radical centrism, Marcus Aurelius.

I'm looking for "esoteric fascist mysticism".

Star with "The secret teachings of all ages". I'm assuming you're a brainlet, so you should also enjoy Evolva. After that consider joining the Mormon or Egyptian Coptic religion. Get hooked on meth, start a twitter account, then finish with ecofash by some Norwegian faggot with a sick beard and uncle Ted.

Here's a warning: Do NOT start with Deleuze or Geunon, you'll lose your mind before you begin

Pizzashill / onionbits plz invite my alt PineappleTopping.

Nice, I'm almost ready to start a Twitter account

Does the wacky meme talking act ever get tiresome?

Thanks for the recommendations. Deleuze looks interesting, although he seems to be more of a postmodern left wing guy than the fascist mystic I was promised.

Reminds me of the Grand Inquisitor:

And as man cannot bear to be without the miraculous, he will create new miracles of his own for himself, and will worship deeds of sorcery and witchcraft, though he might be a hundred times over a rebel, heretic and infidel. Thou didst not come down from the Cross when they shouted to Thee, mocking and reviling Thee, “Come down from the cross and we will believe that Thou art He.” Thou didst not come down, for again Thou wouldst not enslave man by a miracle, and didst crave faith given freely, not based on miracle. Thou didst crave for free love and not the base raptures of the slave before the might that has overawed him for ever. But Thou didst think too highly of men therein, for they are slaves, of course, though rebellious by nature. Look round and judge; fifteen centuries have passed, look upon them. Whom hast Thou raised up to Thyself? I swear, man is weaker and baser by nature than Thou hast believed him!

It's a poem inside the Brothers Karamazov where the Inquisitor basically argues that Jesus should have embraced the three temptations of Christ, and that because he didn't, the church has taken the mantle: "we have corrected thy work, and founded it upon miracle, mystery and authority".

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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I've never read that, thank you for sharing it 😊😊😊😊

Can someone explain the appeal of influencers to me?

zoomers spent their formative years with their faces stuck in their phone, and it nuked their brains

Yeah unlike Boomers who only accept influence from hosts of cable news shows it's a very different thing

Get paid to shill products. Media gives you attention. Its basic marketing. It has zero basis in what people need.

Yeah but there is some basis in what people want. The demographic data behind followers provides a pretty direct way to get to customers.

It's no different then nerds watching the lifestyle streams on twitch. People just like watching the dramatic lives of others.

It's just famous people shilling you shit. It's at least as old as advertising itself, but some dipshit journalist/ad exec invented the term "influencer" so everyone could pretend like like it's hip to shill.

People see a blue check mark and suddenly feel like their opinions are worth more than non checkmark paupers

Twitter are a bunch of fucking robots

If you're being serious: it's the same thing as someone watching people review movies, books, or games. Dude does tutorials, reviews makeup, and does fashion-y shit.

You have to understand the average person doesn't actually have opinions. The average person, especially women, base their opinions solely off of whatever they consume. Now most people consume social media and reddit literally all day.


Influencers have more sway over the average person than the 10 smartest people in the world.

You're saying that like it's a bad thing.

We are but dogs, Instagram models are out masters

They're living commercials. It's the final form of reality television.

Trump is an influencer

Do people like getting told what to enjoy that much?

Have you watched a television since 1950?

I can explain you tubers, Internet fandom and influencers in one sentence:

It’s like a friendship that doesn’t require effort at all.

Effort is anathema to millennials and every generation after them. So that’s why para social relationship are getting so popular.

None of these people pay for food because they are too busy eating their own.

This is absolutely not funny. Delete this before I call the cops.

Full gay confirmed.

8.32 Million views.


Maybe we should start by sinking cruise ships

Why do you hate the elderly?

What was it ?

It was a video of a guy sucking another guy off in a ski lift.


By saying that he's not "full g-slur" because he's been attracted to t-slur men, Charles effectively said that he doesn't consider t-slur men to be actual men.

say m-slur, bigot

Eat my boy vagina bigot





Charles effectively said that he doesn't consider trans men to be actual men. Which is not only completely wrong, but just plain offensive.

MtFs are creepy and gross but FtMs are hilarious. If you’ve never had some 4’11” Oompa Loompa with a patchy moustache and hips twice as wide as their shoulders waddle up to you and try and act like a tough guy because you glanced in their girlfriend’s general direction you’re missing out

I saw that actually happen once back in the dark ages (pre-social media). It was amazing.

I arm wrestled the toughest lesbian at a bar table with a bunch of lesbians once. The stakes were a round of drinks if she won, and a kiss from the cutest if I won. After I hammered the butch's arm down, I waited for my kiss on the cheek and turned my head really fast at the last minute to get a lip kiss. The butch was pissed.


And you were crowned king of the lesbians that day

Koochie King

Big dick move

That shit is so cute if they aren't on hormones or what have you. You're just dealing with a woman trying to flex like a dude. I like to bang them to show them how its done.

Based and redpilled

Weird sex but ok

Not really. Usually its just girls that aren't traditionally attractive cutting their losses. They'll still shoot their shot though, and if you respond, it's all good.

You'll find they have everything, but are wearing clothing in a manner to hide that they're women. They are.

That's because this sub is a gussy-free zone.

Imagine upending nearly every facet of your life just to become a manlet

Non HRT FTMs are based tho


>tfw no tomboy gf er i mean bf

fuck, my first crush fits this description

I have a friend who is ftm and that description is 110% accurate

If you’ve never had some 4’11” Oompa Loompa with a patchy moustache and hips twice as wide as their shoulders waddle up to you and try and act like a tough guy because you glanced in their girlfriend’s general direction you’re missing out

Decades ago, back when you had to actually seek out this kind of retardation, I was at a lesbian bar in Hollywood with a friend of mine, an older women who was a lesbian. I think she thought it was funny bringing this (young at the time) kid from the midwest to a dyke bar.

Anyway, I don't even remember how it started but this lesbian who looked like an angry charlie sheen got right up in my face about something and started yelling, imagine a young mexican chollo thrusting their (duct taped down) chest into you and you wouldn't be too far off. I kind of just laughed in her face, because frankly it was fucking ridiculous. This set her off and she decided to take a swing at me. Even then I still didn't register her as a threat because my response was to place my hand on her head and shove her back to hold her at bay.

If you can imagine a scene of a big dude holding a runty little kid at arms length by their forehead while that kid swings windmills at them, then you'd have a perfect mental image of the scene.

Ended up with her getting tossed out on her ass and the bartender buying me a drink. Evidently my friend was some O.G. west hollywood lesbian or something, like a grand pooba of pussy. I had no idea. She thought it was hysterical though.

No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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this man live sin

hope find Allah

(In don corleon voice)

Look how they cancelled my boy....

He’d be a cute woman ngl

Never go full retard, always go full gay, and definitely don't touch half Asians.

This is my tombstone wish

Holy scripture

I deleted my YouTube account because I’m an old white guy who only subscribes to cooking/smoking/bbq channels and yet Google’s sophisticated tastematching algorithms kept putting this guy and some other tranny trainwreck makeup artist in my feed beside Malcom Reed and Harry Soo

You may want to see what your kids are up to.

dun dun dunnnn

oh I get a lot of wheels on the bus recommendations too

If you click the little x's next to the recommended channels in your home page eventually it will stop.

old white guy who only subscribes to cooking/smoking/bbq channels

This is the most boomer thing I've ever read

did you miss the part where I said I was an old white guy

You're an embarrassment to everyone who's ever met you.

Does that include you? Nothing would please me more

YU SMELL THAt... smells GUUUD!!! 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

YU SMELL THAt... smells GUUUD!!! 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

I thought he was a t-slur?

Holy fuck how do you people even know about some of this shit?

Idk, I just watch Philip DeFranco sometimes and he’s talked about him.

What do they mean by "influencer" I thought the term was "personality".

I had to read this out loud to myself 6 times before I understood what the issue was.


Fucking belter of a way to start an article, Bailey

Dear LORD let it end soon

Faggot is a faggot, who would have guessed it? It's over for maninadresscels

Hi, GoopSqwad!

I am dropping by to wish you the most fantastic day of your life! Have a good one!


Thanks fren bot 😌

Imagine being influenced by that abomination to do anything

He's personally responsible for ropes and wobbly stools being currently sold out on Amazon.

Its over for the sistercels

The lefts circular firing squad continues

this season of jersey shore, has really taken a nose dive

the video was actually very intellectual


My favorite part of being LGBT is the tslurs going nuts and making the movement all about themselves just like they do with everything else

So if I'm straight and into women does that mean I'm apparently stating that I'm also attracted to trans women? Because I'm not. What's the appropriate word to state that?

I was told I have an exclusive fetish for female partners and possibly even a vulva fetish when I asked this question.

If you were to ask me, I'd say you're a heterosexual (means into members of the opposite sex), with a preference for femininity.

The article starts with UMM, so I couldn’t read it without killing my whole family.

idiots and poopoo heads: sexuality is on a spectrum, sweaty 💅


Also idiots and poopoo heads: HOW DARE YOU NOT FIT INTO A BOX, CANCELED.

The new gay bashing is gays bashing.

What a time to be alive.

But... They sail the same ship!

That article reads like it was written by a fucking secondary school student.

“OUT Staff Writer Rose Dommu said it best when she wrote on Twitter that Charles' comment "sister sucks."”