IT'S HAPPENING! Prepare for the ultimate in cope/gloat as r/politics discusses The Mueller Report.

440  2019-04-18 by Quietus42


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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Thank you man.

Gimme your title of choice/comment chain of choice and I'll post it. With crediting you obviously (tbh it'll be more about shifting the blame in case dramatards don't like it).

Title - Goth Thot baits plebbitors who respond by showering her with neetbux. Instead of feeding 3rd worlders.

Comment chain - you pick.

You dont need to be approved to submit ya dumb sperg

It's 450 fucking pages

They found lots of evidence he tried to obstruct but basically because of a memo written in 1972 they decided not to indict him and made no call.

That's why he said incompetently

They didn't charge him because they legally couldn't not because there wasn't enough evidence like you implied.


I wish my retardation had saved me from being convicted of obstruction of Justice lmao.

I am a feeling and obstrstructed Justice seriously

He incompetently tried to obstruct justice and failed but they couldn't find evidence so they can't charge him

When you fail at something so badly the cops can't tell if it's a crime.

I forget the exact quote but the report says Trump tried really hard to obstruct the investigation but nobody listened to his orders so he mostly failed. Absolutely cucked.

Literally being too incompetent to get anything done to own the libs

also the only thing he obstructed was the investigation which was into nothing

Yep, his tard wranglers kept him in line

So /rpolitics got bent over and bumfucked while t_D was denied a victory by Blompf's own incompetence? Noice. Here's to a few days of 'I'm not mad YOU'RE mad!'

Uh oh SpaghettiOs

Trump directed American campaign staffers who used American sources to fail at legally acquiring some oppo dirt? Gottem.

Yeah but his name was Peter Smith. I don't think you're catching the conspiracy drama angle here.

Peter Smith is made out of jet fuel?

His name was Peter Smith

Peter Smith can't melt Russian hackers. Checkmate, Smithcels.

Trafficking stolen goods while violating wire fraud statutes and anti-unauthorized access laws is legal now? Holy shit.

Blunpfmph did that?

Actually, that's exactly what is being alleged using Flynn as a cut through.

Alleged? Isn't the report supposed to have a conclusion for this kinda thing?

From the snippets I've been reading, not in large measure. There are a lot of referrals to Article I mechanisms of investigation, and the number one person that could've been charged with the crime that wasn't a sitting executive has already plead guilty to other crimes. The other one is dead from an apparent suicide.

The other one is dead from an apparent suicide.

His name is Peter Smith

Quietus42, your comment ID had a Happy Number in it!

The Happy Number was 79, and your comment ID was el7g795.

Here's a link to what Happy Numbers are:, and if you're willing to risk YouTube links, here's a video explaining them: Comment ID's are unique 7 character strings which identify comments in the sea of Reddit.

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anti-unauthorized access laws

WTF is that? NOT not authorized? So authorized?

unauthorized access is one thing, dear lord don't be thick.

You said "anti-unauthorized" did you not?

anti - against, opposed

un - prefix meaning 'not'

So "anti-unauthorized" (if it was a word) would mean

"against,opposed" "not" "authorized" or simply 'authorized'.

Is English not your first language? I'd love you to fight through antidisestablishmentarianism though

That's rich coming from the anti-un poster.


It's the end of the beginning.

Chapo selfy thread

That explains a lot.

ngl some of those traps are cuties tbqhwyf

You must have very low standards :(

volcel if you wouldn’t

OP trannies are objectively at least average for women. You’d be attracted to them if you didn’t know they had dicks. Prove me wrong.

The one in the back has a hairline worse than my granddad

Not average at all, but they at least pass unlike literally every other pic I clicked on it that thread.

Honestly those t-slurs are more attractive in the face than a lot of the f-slurs I work with

That's because you cant get past the 300 lbs underneath their face.

The heavily upvoted ones are fine, but I do not recommend scrolling too far, it gets rapidly worse very quickly. Still though, the trans part of Chapo most likely looks better than the cis part of Chapo, which is kinda sad.

The troons outnumber the ones who pass at least 5:1, but you're right, the ones who pass are upvoted to the top.

Id smash that those trussys raw tbh

It's exactly what I pictured.

The maternal (though with no kids of my own) part of me wants to say, "STOP!"

I'm happy they are okay with themselves but WHERE they are posting the selfies?

Chapo is shit. I just want to say... STAHP! Protect yourselves.

even though Chapo is an absolutly retarded commiehole, i'd gladly smash some of those Ts.

Wait, how is the chapo selfie thread related??

How is it not?

None of them are talking about Mueller


chapo selfie thread

They're all white trannies... I swear MDE was more diverse than chapo.

mde and pol are way more diverse than pretty much everyone that bitches about them

Incels come in every color.


Holy fuck. The Faces of Chapo. I've been waiting for this.

Like the final piece of a puzzle, it all makes sense now. The #Resistance, Tumblr, LGBTQA+, Communism, Antifa, AHS, TMOR... It all leads back to CHAPO

Uh oh SpaghettiOs

Dude. That's not illegal. That's opposition research and would be a public service, frankly.

Memba when Hillary's IT guy came on Reddit and said, "Um... how do I completely and I mean totally get rid of a super duper VIP's emails"? And to their credit, MOST of the redditors said, "That's illegal dude!"

Uh oh SpaghettiOs

Dude. That's not illegal. That's opposition research and would be a public service, frankly.

I'm pretty sure that trying to obtain classified emails is a no-no, no?

Memba when Hillary's IT guy came on Reddit and said, "Um... how do I completely and I mean totally get rid of a super duper VIP's emails"? And to their credit, MOST of the redditors said, "That's illegal dude!"

Lmao yeah that was really dumb.

I'm pretty sure that trying to obtain classified emails is a no-no, no?

So the subpoenas for them were doing something illegal?

He only asked for the deleted ones and she said she only deleted emails about yoga and the grandkids!

I'm pretty sure that trying to obtain classified emails is a no-no, no?

So the subpoenas for them were doing something illegal?

No cause that's official government stuff. I guess it would really depend on what steps Flynn took in trying to get them.

He only asked for the deleted ones and she said she only deleted emails about yoga and the grandkids!

Did she? Fuckin Hillary lol.

491 comments in 8 minutes 😱😱😱

These people 🙇

Fuckin lmao but tbf they've had blue balls for years now.

Still, a comment a second ? How is that even possible ?

Well since it's no collision not yes obstruction I'd guess that is both politics and td having a slap fight.

Maybe I'm a retard but won't TD be happy since Daddy is clear (ish) ?

Yeah and they want to go gloat/argue with the libtards. Neither side realizes how pointless their arguments are cause they think owning the libs/repubs online is praxis or some shit.

TL;DR rampant retardation.

online is praxis or some shit.


they're already sticking to the "i'm fucked" line like frosting to a cake. as if it actually means something.

Wdym? There’s 5 million subscribers

Still, these people are nutters.

Comment a second ? These people were literally refreshing the sub until auto mod posted the thread.

It’s a major news event...


Bots, you mean.

Mmmmm I love the smell of cope in the morning.



It needs to be coping. That makes it two syllables, like Folger's, so it'll feel exactly like the jingle.


That works, too.

Whole damned hill had that gasoline smell. Smelt like stalemate.

This is beautiful, all this time waiting for the report and it pretty much says “Well we didn’t find anything criminal, but this doesn’t mean he didn’t do anything criminal”. A perfect set up for one side to scream “Witch Hunt” and the other side to scream anything they deem incriminating right back. Truly a blessing for dramafolk.

Inshallah 🙏

you muslim ??

why call self cuckold ??

muslim never cuckold

I like you.

Muslims are the true master race brother

Piss be upon her

This is the best day for dramacoin

Trump and his supporters are going to get vindicated and Reddit will have a meltdown.


These are the days my drama-loving heart beats for.

drama-loving heart beats for

Owo what's this?

It's the gravy pump for the body.

Trump and his supporters are going to get vindicated

he didn't do anything illegal, but the report definitely proved that he is a fucking retard, and easily the dumbest sitting president we've ever had. no wonder yokels love this dude, it's like when they finally get one of the letters right in wheel of fortune

he didn't do anything illegal, but the report definitely proved that he is a fucking retard, and easily the dumbest sitting president we've ever had

Did anyone need a report to know that?

Apparently a lot of burgerstanis do.

Implying anyone in flyover Burgerstan is going to read that report

I'm from Idaho and just got off the road. I'm gonna download it and read it over the next few days.

Tl;dr the report for me in sections.

I’m one of the illiterate yokels that can’t be bothered to read ~400 pages of a report that amounts to “We didn’t find anything actually incriminating.”

I'm 1/3 of the way through it.

First part: definitely the Russkies hacked the DNC and also used their legion of vodka-addled trolls to fuck with the election. There is no evidence that a single American citizen knowingly aided them in this.

Second part: for a bunch of pages it goes through all the Trump associates that were investigated (Carter Page, Poopodododoolous, Manafag, etc). These people broke no laws in relation to Russia hacking and the former 2 guys tried to set up various meetings between Russians and the Trump campaign, but nothing ever got anywhere. The meeting in Trump Tower appeared to be Donny Jr and Kushner trying to get dirt, but it was a waste of time. They got nothing, let alone secret illegal information from the Russian GRU.

TL;DR so far: Russkies gonna Russkie, Trump dindu nuffin in regards to their hax0rs and meme farms.

So pretty much what the drumpftards have been saying the whole time?

Yeah, except the FBI is real sure that Seth Rich wasn't involved and the Russians actually did all the hacking and trolling.

I still gotta get to the obstruction part, but since Bobby Mueller didn't recommend any charges, I'm gonna pre-emptively guess that Daddy was tardsperging and didn't do anything actually illegal, but who knows.

well maybe they want a dumb president, ever think of that?

Well the report proved he was dumb enough to obstruct an investigation into something he should know he was innocent of, and failed at it.

I think bush was dumber but idk

Bush was so smart he tricked you into thinking he was dumb, Yale Harvard.

You thought it was a coincidence e his accent suddenly changed after he married Laura and lost the gubernatorial election?

Some hardcore cope in your comment

Mmmmm the drama season out boys

no evidence of wrongdoing

well he's still stupid dumb ugly idiot poopoo head

the cope is coming from inside the thread

dude you can support him and still admit that he's a retard. I honestly cannot believe people think he's intelligent.

read the report lol

I won't even read the wikipedia page for this. You think I'm going to run the risk of caring?

if this conversation were happening IRL and not over the internet, I wouldn't be convinced you even know how to read tbqhfam

100% of furries and CTH users started as young literate kids. Fact.

maybe you should stop careposting and go outside you metaphorical person of color

Nihilism-the ultimate cope

Based and black-pilled.

You’re absolutely right. What about on page 356, does that change your view of Trump’s criminal obstruction?

There is an art to flying [4D CHESS], or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground [BE REALLY FUCKING STUPID] and miss [STILL WIN].

hitchhiker's guide to /r/panichistory

It’s called a lolcow. Stroke its ego.

I think Wilson take the cake. You must be one retard to make the Federal Reserve

Its unironically better to have a retard in office who has reason to hate the stuffed suits as compared to intelligent self-serving assholes who will do whatever the administrative state wants without question.

Bipartisan unity and a President everyone "respects" is another way of saying the people are getting buttfucked harder than ever before. Whenever the security agencies and the media are both happy with a President, you can assume they're bad news.

that's true.

while it's embarrassing as hell to have someone this dumb be the figurehead of our nation, it's comforting to realize that he is quite sincerely too incompetent to get anything he or his base wants done.

Can you give me a rundown where it says that. That sounds fun and I too lazy

Anyone with a brain knew Trump was retarded

Just not "get your dick sucked by an intern in office", or "run a private unsecured email server" types of retarded?

Muller is peak radical centerism


Yeah. This report has just enough in it to agitate both sides. Very radical centrist-- if a bit too inconsequential.

And that's just the obstruction side. Russia side is the Russians did it for free

Russia side is the Russians did it for free,

mods are russians confirmed

Удалите это

ёб твою мать

I'm sorry I don't speak communist.

I hereby accuse /u/... uh... /u/El_Guero_Alto of murder!.

What's that you say, there's no evidence that /u/El_Guero_Alto murdered anybody?

Well... you have no evidence that he didn't do some murdering, do you?

Check mate rightoids.

From page 2, of volume II:

"If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the president clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would state so. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, however, we are unable to reach that judgment. The evidence we obtained about the president's actions and intent presents difficult issues that prevent us from conclusively determining that no criminal conduct occurred. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him"

I was just memeing but it sounds exactly like I described.

That's what I mean, "we cant conclude one way or the other so we wont."

So you’re saying there’s a chance?!

"This report does not conclude that the president commited a crime, it does not exonerate him."

Everyone got what they wanted. It's telling that drama seems to me leaning to one side though.

Mueller confirmed based centrist.

"Do it to em Congress" basically, which means nothing will happen to daddy, allowing him to continue his dramacoin mining operations, while top minds like Camí Mami and Devin Nunes throw poo at each other

There's a bit more than "we didn't find anything criminal" here, tbh. The report is more damning than I thought it'd be.

And much, much, much more. I knew it'd be kind of bad when Trump's lawyers were preparing a "counter report" while also claiming it cleared him, and Barr kept implying a president could not be indicted by the DOJ.

These would be more damning if trump didn’t tweet all of this as it was happening.

There's some things we didn't know.

I'm sure there's things in the reports we didn't know, but we knew all about McGahn and the Kushner/Jr. meeting.

As far as I know, it was claimed the main Trump campaign didn't know about the meeting.

The report seems to conflict with that.

That was the "nothing burger" meeting.

I don't know if I'd call meeting with the Russian government for political dirt a "nothing burger."

I was quoting Jr.

and none of it really matters in the end

idk, that guy in New Zealand live streamed his shooting and that seems to have made the evidence against him even more damning

He called his lawyer, drove to the White House, packed up his office, prepared to submit a resignation letter with his chief of staff, told Priebus that the president had asked him to "do crazy shit," and informed Priebus and Bannon that he was leaving.

Damn that's like what you see in cartoons where somebody says something and the other person immediately takes comical lengths to GTFO

"do crazy shit,"

I'm deeply pleased that the people running this country talk like undergraduate criminal justice majors.

You didn't even think to change the major to something hypothetical. Low level IC stooges are the dumbest people in our society.


It was everything I had hoped for and more. Glorious 2020 propaganda. The president is a confirmed retard now.

That was confirmed 40 years ago retard

Sure, but this is absolute proof. There's no way for his base to claim it was 3d chess.

There's no way for his base to claim

Fuckin lmao.

Well, they can claim it, but only the most die hard of Trumptards will buy it.

Of course. But the true believers (and there's millions of them) will just 🙊🙉🙈 fake news lol get recked libtard.

the most die hard of Trumptards

this is literally the only type there is

He'll still win 2020. How does that make you feel lmaooo?

Daddy Yang will save us

This is the same base we are talking about.

you can always add extra dimensions you know

IMO the reason why this result is so great is because if the rightoids want to embrace the report for no collision then it's harder for them to fake news it over the obstructions. They'll still do it but it makes it easier to mock them for it.

His rally speeches weren't absolute proof? His tweets weren't absolute proof? If someone needs the Mueller report to see Trump is a retard then I'm not so sure Trump is the most retarded person in the room... I gave him a chance by watching one of his New Hampshire rallies in late 2015 and five minutes into his speech I knew he was easily one of the top 5 most retarded people to run for President.

Trump, the biggest dumbass of a president ever in history.

Honestly though, I blame his age. The dude is like 70. Isn't he our oldest elected president? What person of right mind would put him in office?

Although no lie, I enjoyed the lulz and as people constantly and still talk about Trump it's enjoyable. Imagine... caring so much about one person.

If there's any lesson learned from this people, put down the politics and live a normal life.

The reason people get so into politics is because they are physically incapable of having a normal life.

Also, I called it a year ago

However in regards to Russian collusion, I think the chances are pretty low that Mueller comes up with any really damning evidence. I would put the chance that it is confirmed that Trump was controlled by kompromat or that he exchanged policy for money/loan repayment or something equally as sinister at less then 10 %. I would put the chance that there is no smoking gun but there is something in some grey middle ground as a little higher.

I think a very likely outcome of the investigation will be some obstruction of justice charge without convincing evidence of collusion. I personally think that this would be a kind of bs "show me the man, i'll show you the crime" sort of thing.

Yeah, I said that day 1 too. What's your point?


link your prediction dawg

U seem to think it was some complex scheme by the Russians to to make it seem like they were colluding rather then the press being hysterical

It was a fucking scheme by the Russians. They're trying to destabilize NATO, they've been doing it in Europe for years:

Hell, modern events were laid out in the foundation of geopolitics:

The United Kingdom should be cut off from Europe.[9]

Ukraine should be annexed by Russia because "Ukraine as a state has no geopolitical meaning, no particular cultural import or universal significance, no geographic uniqueness, no ethnic exclusiveness, its certain territorial ambitions represents an enormous danger for all of Eurasia and, without resolving the Ukrainian problem, it is in general senseless to speak about continental politics". Ukraine should not be allowed to remain independent, unless it is cordon sanitaire, which would be inadmissible.[9]

Georgia should be dismembered. Abkhazia and "United Ossetia" (which includes Georgia's South Ossetia) will be incorporated into Russia. Georgia's independent policies are unacceptable.[9]

Russia needs to create "geopolitical shocks" within Turkey. These can be achieved by employing Kurds, Armenians and other minorities.[9]

Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".[9]

Like I don't know why people keep pretending Russia doesn't do shit like this.

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

I am a bot. Contact for questions


Common sense: 1

Pizza: 0

cope faggot  😂😂😂

Dramacoin has never been such an attractive investment

Maybe the real obstruction was the slapfights we instigated and provoked along the way.


all this time waiting for the report and it pretty much says “Well we didn’t find anything criminal, but this doesn’t mean he didn’t do anything criminal”.

Fuck man. It really has been going on for 2 years.

Well, Trump is now having a flip out, It has become Total Bullshit today, its fake, not real when he was claiming it cleared him earlier.

they are in absolute cope mode, downvoting anyone who says something about no collusion lol

Sounds like A good op to post cope for free karma

they aren't upvoting any cope lol

I mean it’s pretty 100% there’s collusion. Just not necessarily evidence Don himself was involved, but he probably was based on the evidence.

Lmao cope

Can you read?

Dramacels are in absolute cope mode, downvoting anyone who says something about there being collusion lol

I was upvoted at one point then Daddy’s defense force came to the rescue. What’s funny is I really don’t give a shit about collusion, but the report makes it pretty obvious there was either corruption or just complete idiocy from the trump campaign.

The Donald is funny too. People are link parts where Trump looks like an idiot and they coping hard

Imagine being saved from obstruction because your staff thinks you are a drooling vegetable

When you try to go full Nixon but your staff ignores all your commands because they know you'll forget in 5 min anyway

Final proof that burgers are the best country


Honestly at this point lets just hope for a race/civil/world/intergalactic war

I'm so bored of waiting lets just lose it

I genuinely feel like a kid during Christmas Eve, I cannot fucking wait for 2020 for the sheer amount of bussyblasting that will occur.

Picture it:

USSC tied for voting on executive power overreach. One flopped over. Dead. Gone.

Senate is deadlocked on confirmation of new justice. Incredibly polarizing debates. AOC creates a storm of “like” and “umm” so vast that the library of congress needs to create a digital transcript copy of the 5 sentences she had written down.

Tragedy strikes. Senator is assassinated midway through the term. Newly elected governor has to choose successor. Decided to take care of the country into their own hands and appoint opponent of murdered senator to office.

Final vote confirmed lifetime appointment of SC deadlocked for months.

That's why I have guns. Well not really I am actually compensating for my penis but I like to talk big :)

intergalactic war

That would unite men women black white lizards/jews.

just like Starship Troopers, fascism but inclusive because you reserve all your hate for bugs

>hoping for the stable society that allows you to live in comfort crumbles so that it'll force you to leave the house/feel something other than boredom

Just take some anti-depressants jesus christ

But I'm a gamer that's what we've been preparing for 😎😎😎

Really looking forward to the post war economic miracle.

Reminder 👏they👏won't👏read it👏.

Headlines + ragepost !

Obviously, that’s why the snippets copy pasted from people in the comments are gilded

I actually want to write something incredibly incriminating just to see how nobody checks it

They would read it if you put J.K. Rowling's name on the front though.

I just finished volume one and the cohen and manafort parts are juicy af


For anyone curious, here is the real takeaway from today:

"we will make available to a bipartisan group of leaders from several Congressional committees a version of the report with all redactions removed except those relating to grand-jury information."

Which means all the squawking you're about to hear about redactions and framing is mostly pointless!


Im ready give me my drugs and comfy chair time to harvest enough salt to season all pretzels that have ever been made

seriousposter out OUT OUT

Regardless of what else happens moving forward, Trump's Presidency is effectively over. He's going to be investigated and most likely impeached for this every single day for the rest of his Presidency. He's going to get absolutely hammered every single day leading up to any potential election where he would be the nominee over this issue and he will be buried by it. Every single down-ballot candidate is going to suffer for being associated with Trump in any way, shape or form.

Trump is finally done.

Wow /u/ILikeGo how does it feel to have finally defeated Drumpf? This must be a huge day for you!


He's going to get impeached daily?

Yes every single day they'll do it each morning and then at night erase his memory with drugs so that he has to do it all again the next day like that Black Mirror episode

This comment brought to you by Rachel Maddow's wet dreams

An eternal cycle of impeachment and repeachment. The Myth of Sissyfuss.

Your comment history is beyond creepy.

How so my guy?

It's over. Not only did he finish daddy but he finished u too r I p

Your comment history is milky.

If I wanted my own comeback, I'd wipe it off the back of your mother's throat.

/u/ILikeGo actually does seem to like his milky

seriously using the “If I wanted my comeback” line

Anyone who relies on Reddit to supply their insults must be pathetically dull. I bet you’ve told someone to jump off their ego onto their IQ.

"Mmmmmmpardon me, good sir, but I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain this to you."

Reddit insults are all hot garbage.

Oof, yikes dawg. There's a lot to unpack here, sweetie. Listen, no, I want you to really listen 🙏

"you have neither the warmth, nor depth"

So bad.

Rule of thumb: if your comeback contains the word "nor", it is not good.

omg 👏 HE 👏 IS 👏 CAN 👏 CELLED 👏

/u/ILikeGo literally finishes Drumph and /u/Yall_Cant_Behave in just literally ONE day!

Funny enough I actually do have a fake tan right now

:-( It's over for orangecels

Welcome to the party. We're all retarded and disgusting.

can I get a YIKES


Would you say it reaches the level of yikes or maybe I can't even?

How insane are you ? Like wtf dude. You are beyond crazy in your comments.

Why'd you delete your pics 😥😤

He's going to get absolutely hammered every single day leading up to any potential election where he would be the nominee over this issue and he will be buried by it.

I'm an outsider and I know this is what he and his supporters thrive on. How are they this retarded?

Trump is finally done

I wonder how many times this has been posted on reddit since the election?

Bernie can still win!

Match me!

To seriouspost for a second, it was genuinely fucked up to see all those unemployed NEET millennials who complain about how broke they are all day on Reddit give away what was probably their last $27 to that greedy old communist fuck nugget

If they wrote books, they could be millionaires too.

You just need unwavering faith and extraordinary effort

dude there's literally a 45 minute youtube video of people saying Trump is done before election day.

Trump is finally done.

if nothing is found with this his reelection is secured. cope harder.

Yeah I pretty much accepted we're in for four more years of spray tan when it first came out there was no collusion. This is just confirming information I've already made peace with.

At least it's good for dramacoin

Not particularly he’s about to get hit with a bunch obstruction and financial probes through congress that he won’t be able to do anything about and he won’t have Barr or the DOJ under him to run interference there.

Trump 2020: Technically not yet found guilty in a court of law!

will every election just be a reality TV show from now on?

Kanye 2024


Get hype'd

I would love Kanye 2024, then Taylor swift 2028, then Arnold Schwarzenegger 2032, then Mark hamill 2036. It would be awesome.

Mark hamill 2036

disney will decommission him well before 2036

Wait is pinging back?!?

It's like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. You always had the ability to ping, the benevolent mods just wanted you to go on a magical journey to find the pinging in your heart


based and redpilled lolcow /u/ilikego

Trump's Presidency is effectively over

if I had a dime....

Someone tell me whether I should be coping or seething

You should be celebrating the drama it’s gonna create. That’s the radical centralism platform.

Cumming all over the drama

You should be sad. This is a dark day for democracy. Putin got to Muller :(

Alternate between the two in three supersets, 8 minutes at a time

will this lead to better gains?

Is this the /fit/ crossover episode

Ideally both. Michael Flynn directed Peter Smith to pay Russian spies to do a Watergate, but Trump's only crime is surrounding himself with people like this. It's actually really believable that they would do all of this without his knowledge or direction.

It's the best result drama could hope for.



Be in a quantum state of both coping and seething depending on which news network you are watching.

Best piece of physical evidence ever collected

The document shows the president launched an 'f bomb' when he found out a special counsel was named to investigate him.

I like the use of "launched" over "dropped". Kinda implies more gusto to it. Lik, a running start at least.

S-hit, even daddy subject to automod

a running start at least.

even verbally and metaphorically I don't think Daddy is capable of running

finally the end of drumpf

This but unironically.

Orange man bad

Why do you think this is /r/politics?

The politics thread is turning salty


Listen I’m not saying the holdomoor was strictly neccesary but industrialization is a bloody business and queen victoria killed 29 million in india alone while also perpetrating the boer war. But also the last ww2 era SU-85 was in use until 2014 so hows that for quality mobile armored field guns?

Good and reasonable take

How does a megathread turn salty? It's a few reddit sleuths and a bunch of people saying hi to future historians.

Trans? What were they before?


I would fight and die for you.

Wouldn’t be much of a fight

One thing I've noticed from watching MAGAcels fight Antifa spergs on YouTube is that yeah, you would assume the tankies and trannies would go down pretty easy, but COT DAMN SON, they go down even easier than you'd expect them to. Like there are middle school girls who could hold their own for longer.

Im just a constantly confused AMAB Masc NB over here stealing trans valor. Every LGBTQ+ Comrade is part of my family, though, and I would fight and die for you. Solidarity with all trans and NB and GNC cuties!

I can confirm confusion.

Awww that's so adorable

No. No it is not.


even better than "my wife is asian"

Is that a guy trying to be a girl? It just looks like some nerdy sperg

The funniest thing about this is that if this dude were a chud, his appearance would be mocked relentlessly and justifiably by them. But give him an eldritch gender identity and all of a sudden he's serving looks.

I wonder if the people replying with heart eye emojis and "slay kween!!!" know deep down that they're lying to uggos, or if their mushy little brains are so damaged by tranny rhetoric that they can't even tell the difference between good looking and ugly anymore

😍😍😍 She's beautiful!!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍

Added to the sticky.

You are the Lord’s messenger.

omg this deserves a separate post

It's almost fitting for this one tbh. Like a nice tasty side of garlic bread to a meal of delicious pasta.

looks more like undercooked rotten meat scrubbed off some diseased cat

Not a good idea; the admins would bussyblast us hard for a thread like that



Okay but you know damn well if there was a /r/drama selfie post chapotards would dunk on it hard

Psssssst - And they'd be right

Still surprised they haven't come after Lawlz or Stephen. Mainly Stephen, he's like their natural pale skinned enemy

ye, i remember the last one. worth

a shame, this could be the next Faces of Atheism

It was a simpler time...

This HAS to be a joke. LUL

Sorry that the patriarchy has brainwashed you to be unable to recognize real feminine beauty when you see it

Thanks a lot. But just as an FYI, trans women are real women. The word you're looking for is "cis". Those chuds are just jealous of me. I turn heads all the time and I look better than they do. But to all the assholes here, thanks for the entertainment over breakfast.

Thanks a lot. But just as an FYI, trans women are real women. The word you're looking for is "cis". Those chuds are just jealous of me. I turn heads all the time and I look better than they do. But to all the assholes here, thanks for the entertainment over breakfast.


deep breath


I have a might need

A need for speed?

If we're talking drugs absolutely

No ducking shit this is for snappy

Snappy where art thou

/u/justcool393 there is a need

I turn heads all the time

Now that I believe.

Is this a snappy quote or a bussy quote 🤔

Hey you are cute. Are you Trans tooo?

I have zero doubts that you turn heads wherever you go

Especially in black neighborhoods

"LOL yo why that white boy wearing lipstick?!"

They'll just laugh and call him a fag

Real talk, I wonder the amount of mental gymnastics these people have to do when black people react to them, because if there's one group of people who are based as fuck when it comes to tranny shit aka mayo nonsense, it's blacks.

They probably rationalize that the poor POC have "internalized transphobia" that will disappear after the chuds have all been guillotined in le glorious revolution

They'd never go to a black neighborhood because deep down inside, they know it's as bad as people say they are.

I imagine even the black trannies would join in to clown on the pig in lipstick lol

And also that most blacks are devout Christians who are significantly less tolerant of their degeneracy than your average InfoWars watching mayo Trumpkin

I'll be honest with you, I don't know about that. There are a lot more black people nowadays who have become more tolerant of these things (most of them are women though).

I lived in a ahem darker ahem neighborhood not too long ago and everyone was as church-y and "heteronormative" as they'd ever been.

I'm sure you're right when it comes to the coastal cities or university towns, but it's still business as usual in the south at least

Post hog

Sorry only my girlfriend gets that.

is man has girlfriend no attempt to transition beyond some cheap ass hoodrat drugstore lipstick applied straight from the tube

But yes sis, you're totally a lady, for sure

You know, I've kinda been on estrogen for almost a month now. And I've fully socially transitioned too. And the fact that I'm wearing my lipstick in public is actually a big deal. Facts don't care about your feelings, loser.

You know, I've kinda been on estrogen for almost a month now

Wow a whole month. I've been on it since I was born with a vagina and a uterus.

And I've fully socially transitioned too.

Oh okay cool. I could tell all my friends I'm the real Taylor Swift but it doesn't mean I'm playing Madison Square Garden anytime soon

And the fact that I'm wearing my lipstick in public is actually a big deal.

To you. It's a big deal to you. No one else gives a fuck.

Facts don't care about your feelings, loser.

Agreed, like the fact you were born a man, you'll die a man and no amount of Revlon Fire and Ice that you shoplifted from Ulta is gonna change that

lmao why are you getting so angry and catty at this low-effort man-woman-wannabe.

take a breath. the only thing your angry seriousposting is doing is making you look retarded.

I know you're right, I let my 'tism get the best of me

Not to get all identity politics but when you're a foid yourself you start to get really sick of these freaks literally forcing you to act as if they're "real women" who are no different than you while they simultaneously try to shove their way into your locker rooms and saunas

Not for me because they're pissed at all men, which I'm not. Just the ones who put on sparkly lip gloss and insist they're a real girl

I let my 'tism get the best of me

continues autistic ranting about some TERF bullshit

good god, grow a personality beyond "I am woman HEAR ME ROAR."

The only thing I agree with TERFs on is the tranny issue. That's it. I hold zero other "feminist" beliefs

grow a personality beyond "I am woman HEAR ME ROAR."

grow a personality beyond "oh no a foid said something, better neg"

better neg

lmao typical woman, thinking anything someone says to you is them hitting on you.

lmao typical woman

The accepted language in 2019 is "foid," this has been your call-in, please do better

above: r/drama REEEmale desperately attempts to fit in despite S E E T H I N G

Sweetie, you're talking to /u/Yall_Cant_Behave, the patron saint of /r/Drama.

the patron saint of r/Drama

that's a weird way to spell pizzashill

I let my 'tism get the best of me

This is what happens when an autist has too many spoons.

You're a good foid. You've replaced snally and the Cherries Blossom chick in my heart.

Nooooooooooooooooooo I will never try to come for snally's crown. She's the Brit to my Tay Tay, the OG

/u/snallygaster if they ever try to put you in the loony bin I'll get you sprung sis

Jam bro. No one's coming after snally.

I open my heart up to a foid and this is what happens 😢😢😔😔😡😡😠😠😠 Never again.

Thanks pal, much appreciated ✊

Look who can't behave now!

I include myself in the y'all

We are all y'all

We are all y'all

...on this blessed day.


yikes sweaty

The true drama is always in the comments

Seriousposting at trannies. 🤦 Low hanging fruit would be an understatement.

And also a double entendre heyyooo

I could tell all my friends I'm the real Taylor Swift


Were we the lolcows all along?


Embarrassing. Who cares.


The lolcow won, congrats

🤢🍾 🤢🎉 🤢🎈 🤮

On one hand kind of a roast, on the other hands seriousposting reeee

"Sometimes one must risk a seriouspost if the roast will be lit"

  • Karl Marx

A wise man well before his time.

Wow becoming a womin is that easy? I should try it, heard it has a lot of benefits

Nah it isn't that easy. I've always been one so I didn't "become" one.

Then why did you feel the need to take estrogen?

Because the Testosterone makes me miserable.

But if you were born a woman, why do you have testosterone?

Lol everyone has testosterone in their bodies. You just happen to naturally have less than me because I am man and you are woman.

based on that sexy jawline she probably has more testosterone than you, chud


Oh relax I've been laughing at you guys all morning.

Good. You need something to laugh at since there a 40% chance you might kill yourself. Glad I could help.

Lol fuck you.


Thank you for keeping this community healthy 😍

We live in a society



Nah it isn't that easy. I've always been one so I didn't "become" one.

so then what did you transition into?

And I've fully socially transitioned too.

The definition: "the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another."

You said yourself that you transitioned. The word when used in relation to trans people means that you are changing from one gender to another. If you truly had always been a woman, you wouldn't need to transition.

Facts don't care about your feelings, loser.

Not very ladylike of you.

/booming voice, threatening posture


Facts don't care about your feelings, loser.

Men who think they can somehow turn into women should follow this advice.

full time after less than a month


Facts don't care about your feelings



the fact that I'm wearing my lipstick

Ah yes, lipstick, one of the many inherent biological traits of female humans.

Facts don't care about your feelings

Fact: You're a man, always will be.

shouldnt you just be a dude considering you already are though

Pretty convincing troll tbh

a whole month.

nothing has ever been less of a big deal than whether or not someone wears lipstick. even if it's you. it might be hard to find something that's mattered less.


real woman


Somebody let /r/braincels know that this lovely woman gets her dick wet and they don't.

Lol. I'm pretty sure a decent chunk of them are actually trans women or gay men in denial. I mean I used to be borderline incel.

I mean I used to be borderline incel.

Are you Mike Pence? Because I'm shocked.

I mean I used to be borderline incel.

C...can you go back?

Nah. I was a miserable little shit back then.

I don't see any difference, chapos and incels are kinda 2 peas in a pod who don't realize it.

Both are: Whiny, Poor, Unhygienic, Cowards, Broke AF, social abilities of an autistic toddler

Probably better than looking like a homeless bogdanoff that works the corner for cigarettes


Remember everyone. Do not downvote the lolcows


Thanks a lot. But just as an FYI, trans women are real women.

Then why even make the distinction? You ARE a woman, not a trans woman, not a mentally ill man with messy lipstick, not a burden on society for having to accommodate a demographic less than 1% of the population, and definitely not an entitled wh*te person who wants attention. You are a woman, plain and simple.

entitled wh*te person who wants attention. You are a woman, plain and simple.

Why make the distinction?

Sent from my iPhone.


lmao and they say this shit isn't a mental illness.

It’s now a mental disorder. Now post hog.

Why the hell is that portrait so low?

Those chuds are just jealous of me. I turn heads all the time and I look better than they do.

I'll take things that didn't happen for 500 Alex.

Go take a walk in the hood to show the PoC you feel so sorry about the face of the revolution that will save them haha. It's gonna be fucking hilarious when you idiots realize 99% of PoC don't like trans people lol

We should be happy we get free walking freak shows unlike our ancestors who had to pay to go see a bearded lady.

trans women are real women.

jut call them women then. why are you being transphobic?

trans women are real women


Preach on sister!!!

Well said! Trans women are the real women.

Cis women are f*ids.

You're half right. Both cis and trans women are real women.

No, please don't mansplain to me

trans women are real women.

In pretend world. Every woman knows you’re not actually one them. Your just the kid who’s going to get bullied because you look like you do and they semi feel bad for you until you try to claim you experience actual womanhood like them.


Folks remember to upvote the lolcowz

You're not real women though. That's why you bitch, cry and whine even more than actual women cause they won't let you into their clubs and such.

Trans Women Are Women

I turn heads all the time

they're probably not turning their heads for the reason you want them to

You turn heads because you’re an ugly little fuck

No u

Remember to upvote lolcows

You fell for it, fool


Hahah gei

you could be a beautiful transwoman if you did more than just put on lipstick

What’s your definition of a woman, out of curiosity?

trans women are real women

He said the meme guys lol.

Why are you lying

This one is 100x better.

Your dick hard yet?


Buffalo bill is that you

Now I imagine this guy every time I see the 40% stat. Thanks.

Allah has truly abandoned us.

God is dead and we killed xir

is that chris chan's brother or what?

/u/IDFSHILL take a look, this chick has the same moustache as you!

Ok, all jokes aside, is this person a man becoming a woman or a woman becoming a man. It’s like she/he is on half way to transition, but I can’t figure the direction...

My erection is so confused right now...

You know how you can sometimes smell bo and stale farts through a computer? No? Well you do now.

That is hawt bussy. We need to step it up.

holy fuck dem pigtits are disgusting

This is sad.

Mainly because it looks like the average Berkeley resident

would you fuck me? I'd fuck me so hard

do dooo do dooo

When I was first looking through this, my first thought was these were the pictures a casting director would receive for the role of Buffalo Bill for a Silence of the Lambs remake


I can barely even mock that, I just cant.

Let’s just say I’m not expecting the revolution any time soon.

My mind has literally shutdown. I want to mock them and deride them. But this is le revolucion? Fucking seriously?

It always makes me sad I'm in the midwest and miss all the RL sperging. Nothing good happens in my damn city!!!

You gotta be the change you wanna see

Volcel if you wouldn't

no sweaty that's the face of the revolution right there

puri puri prisoner

Is that pizzashill?

Looks like a Oblivion character.

10/10 Joker cosplay

The retard don't doesn't even know how to put on lipstick 🤭

Holy fuck lol that has to be someone fucking with them. Then again it's Chapo so all bets are off

Holy shit these are the people SPS REEE over twice a day

Hnnng wait is it h0//\0 if I fap 😁

Holy shit your not kidding lol I guess these are going to be the people overthrowing the government or whatever

/u/lazarusdmx Wanted to touch base and see how your dark humors are going. I know you aren't at work rn because you're rapid fire posting about Bernie Sanders, but please take a minute to touch base with your old pals at /r/drama, we're worried boutcha boo :-/

Still got em buddy!

That's sad. :-( Does the resurgence of Bernie "Check Out My Dope Vacation Homes" Sanders give you hope for the future, comrade?

ah not especially, but maybe Bernie will give me a dope vacation home too once he becomes president?

But then you'll be a chud and you'll have to get the wall :-(

yeah I probably would get a wall around my dope vacation home though, because my dog likes to roam.

"hehehehehe, got em, those chuds will be seething when I make a joke about their precious wall!"

Go be a depressed Reddit superuser elsewhere, without tranny pics ur boring sis

see I thought you were making a more-clever riff on the socialist revolutionary trope of putting the bourgeoisie up against a wall and shooting them, it was just a reference to the border wall? But seriously, if Bernie gave me a free vacation house, I would really probably want to put a wall around it to keep my dog in, no joke.

Do you really not see the disconnect between saying "I'd put a wall around my vacation house" and being a chapotard?

I mean ultimately it doesn't matter either way because Trump's going to get another four years and Bernie will live out his days as a very very very rich not president who never accomplished a single damn thing in his political career.

wait, fuck, where do you see the rule on the ctf forum about not being able to have vacation homes and walls? How could I have been this wrong, for so long?

Sorry to hear that. I’m donating $500 to Bernie, will you match me?


Good lad! I’m actually on his Bay Area bundling team. Please in the comment box let them know “Courtsier Diqueauf” and her team arranged the donation. The more we bring in the more campaign materials we receive to support the cause. Since it’s the Bay we go through material pretty fast.

>They actually call themselves partisans

gun ownership is the number 2 predictor of fatal suicides, right after knowing a suicide victim.

So owning a gun increases your likelyhood of getting shot? Who would have fucking though. Owning a pool increases your likelyhood of drowning. Imagine paying $50k for a degree in sociology just to make that connection.

> and we all know this sub is full of large adult sons. DO NOT BUY A GUN IF YOU HAVE SADBRAINS



these are going to be the people overthrowing the government

no, its even more pathetic than that.

my wife and I are both trans

Of course they are

Mental illnesses are contagious.

"I'm Brian and so's my wife"

Really putting the trap into that house.

Meth or heroine?

Why not both?

Just feminism

*progressive feminism

GC radfems have been converting them like crazy over the past few months or so

Not GC cause they love trannies. This is straight up intersectional progressive shot straight to the vein

Neither. Mental illness.

Is that a girl (female)? I can't even tell with them.

can't tell which one is the "before"

That’s because there is no difference it’s just a different shirt.

that's Adderall enhanced mental illness right there

Can’t we have both?

Volcel if you wouldn't

I sure as fuck am shuddering when I see this beautiful womxyn and kweens and so should you.

They'll overthrow us all I'm warning you.

Tay Tay *who*

Most of them look better than me.

Doesn't take much I am afraid.


You must be a literal slug.

I threw up in my mouth a little bit.

My wife and I are both trans.

Be gay, do crimes.

so they were born men, identify as women not lesbians because gender is a social construct but say their gay while their both feminine but not lesbians but going by their biological sex to declare their sexuality...

there was more to this but my head hurts now.

Did anyone else have that like human Coors Light of an uncle who used to make that stupid "I'm a lesbian trapped in a male body" joke?

tl;dr - Real thing you can be in current year

I make that joke once a week to my wife.

It’s no longer funny.

that human Coors Light of an uncle who used to make that stupid "I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body" joke


I'll summarize it for you.

Attention whoring. That's all it is

No they just mean gay as lgbt in general or "queer", its confusing but everyone does it these days.

while railroading gay men out of their little community.

funny how that works.

Dude just die your hair and say youre genderqueer, if straight girls get in that way then you can too.

"i could never pass. you can cut glass with my jaw and i get 5 o'clock shadow at noon, and theres this ridiculous moustache..." was what i was gonna say.

but then i remembered that picture of the wedding and how words dont mean anything anymore. and ive actually just decided to start telling people "im not gay, i just suck a lot of dick and find vaginas kind of icky".

Holy shit I’m dying ahahahahahahaha.


Imagine these fags trying to lead a revolution. Like seriously, try to imagine it, it's fucking hilarious.

Hi, The_Pandemonium!

I am dropping by to offer you a robot hug! I hope the rest of your day is fantastic!


Fuck you

Couldn’t have said it better myself

Does reddit seriously need a therapy bot for when someone says “fag” too many times?

Yes this place is a hotbed of verbal hate crimes.

Reminder most of brapobraphous said they actually want guns gone because they said they were too unstable mentally to own one.

They hate the military because it’s “imperialist” but the underlying reason is that they can’t join 😹😹😹

who would want to join the military lol

its for highschool drop outs and chronic gamers

high school dropouts

So half of chapo (other half unemployed 20s who went to a shit uni for 200k debt)

chronic gamers

What else does chapo do all day other than post on reddit

Chapo is high schoolers, adjunct professors and trans coders

I'm willing to bet the barracks ran a train on your high school crush

I went to a fancy high school. There was like one military guy in each grade and everyone of them was invariably a weirdo outcast.

Omg same. Here’s a kiss 😚 cause I like you as a friend and relate.

Every military man is issued one dependapotamus, guaranteed. Most of them are way to ugly to slay beyond that.

Yeah nothing says ugly like being in good shape and physical fitness. Women hate that.

Tons of people in the military are in pretty terrible shape

lol that's simply not true. Fat bodies exist but they are a minority.

Source: I see soldiers every day


Only the enlisted. Officers get normal gussy.

Though I hadn't admitted this to myself earlier, it was perhaps inevitable that the very first thing I did when I brought the gun home and was alone with it was to put it in my mouth. Unloaded at first, then loaded (which may account for my difficulty loading the magazine). I danced around this ritual for a long time, several hours in fact, but I knew I had to get up close to it. This was the step beyond the drive-by, beyond the parking, beyond the browsing. This was brinkmanship with the part of myself that insists my existence has no value, that things will never improve.

Crazy stuff.

I thought about it for a nanosecond and realized /r/guns would win with Gucci Glocks.

You know what I actually want them to do it. In a revolution usually the extremists get into power and not the faggots who browse chapo and the extremists ie tankies would kill all the degenerates that populate that board. That is assuming they can actually organize a revolution without half of the population laughing at their faces.

"non binary"

Literally just a woman

lol non binary literally isn't real they're just f-slurs who want to get victim points but don't wanna give up their f-slur privilege

Xir has wedding pics in his post history where he wore a kilt to marry a hambeast and yes the whole thing is renaissance themed

...please be satire.

narrator it wasn’t

Fuck. These need to be archived

Do it. The memes from these will be fucking fantastic

I've been saving as many as possible. Gonna make a nice collage and have it printed on toilet paper. I have a feeling that would REALLY trigger them seeing their pictures used to wipe actual shit.


I'm following you from now.

Jesus fucking Christ, it’s like satire at this point

These are the people who autistically y’all “POST HOG CHUD” fucking lmao.

I mean tbh what did you expect

I always pictured the most ugly ass freaks and zit faces I could imagine and then times'd it be 1000

It would be shocking if they were all even normal looking

This should be confirmation that being a tankie or an Antifa loser is just a MASSIVE COPE because you're too ass ugly to be successful. It's either this or go full incel.

And incel is just the righty cope. 🐴👟 Always confirmed.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

&nbsp;If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

The right wing are gonna feel so stupid when we have trans gulag guards reeducating them. Solidarity ✊

/u/shittyusernamelover Okay, be honest. A part of you knows deep down that there is not a single right-winger who would be the least bit afraid of this crop of limp wristed oogly ass NEETs with cheap lipstick and a face full of pimples who post non-stop about how depressed they are, right? Like you're just LARPing as someone who actually believes yall are intimidating in the slightest?

Deep down they all know that there will be neither a violent revolution nor a peaceful radicalization. At least trans people are doing what they do best: infiltrate communities and make everything about themselves.


Yeah pretty much. It takes a lot of delusion and lying to yourself to spend day and night (time you could be using to better yourself bucko) posting about a revolution that you know is never going to fucking happen deep down.

Why gee whiz it's almost like the kind of delusion it takes to have a five o'clock shadow and a dick and insist you were BORN A WOMAN!!111!

I feel like Chapo's revolution strategy would be like that scene from the South Park movie where the general explains "Operation: Hide behind the darkies!"

That's pretty much what they're doing now TBH. They jump on board with minority causes even though their asses never leave the suburbs and they only associate with mayos because they somehow think that paying lip service to Black Lives Matter will end in Mommy Government paying for their laser hair removal so they can be the true wimmenz they are

Considering China has billions of leftists and is gearing up for World War III as well as several other left wing countries, I’d watch what you say, lmaooo

Doubt you’re going to last long in any conflict sorely outnumbered, cuck

You’ll go straight to the wall, don’t worry.

Considering China has billions of leftists and is gearing up for World War III as well as several other left wing countries, I’d watch what you say, lmaooo

LMFAO, you've got to be kidding me. Yeah, I'm sure you little LGBTQ+ chapotards would do beautifully under Chinese rule.

Doubt you’re going to last long in any conflict sorely outnumbered, cuck

For sure. Absolutely. You little nonbinary NEETs are this close to starting le glorious revolution. Just gotta shitpost about it for a few more years, right?

You’ll go straight to the wall, don’t worry.

Will this be before or after the second term that Trump is definitely gonna get?

I’m not gay or trans, but I support the community through and through. I don’t trust right wing media reports. China is more progressive than most countries and decriminalized homosexuality way before America did.

We absolutely are going to end you nationalist basement dwellers. Count on it. Regardless of what President wins in 2020, we’re growing in numbers and cannot be stopped. You will submit or die, preferably the latter.

China is more progressive than most countries and decriminalized homosexuality way before America did.

I genuinely hope you are a very committed troll.

China decriminalized homosexuality in 1997.

America never decriminalized homosexuality because it was never criminalized in the first place.

We absolutely are going to end you nationalist basement dwellers. Count on it. Regardless of what President wins in 2020, we’re growing in numbers and cannot be stopped.

Right okay. A quick peek-o-roo of your post history says that you're a trucker who got the job to pay off student loans for a degree you're not even using.

Considering you people can't even navigate the basics like personal finance and planning for the future, Ima go ahead and not be afraid of yall puffin up your little feathers on Reddit.

You will submit or die, preferably the latter.


I’m amused you’re so fat and pathetic you’ve got to dig through my post history and post a paragraph to try to cut deep into me. Keep trying, because you’re only making yourself look pathetic. Try getting out of momma’s basement for a while, Billy.

I’m amused you’re so fat


Keep trying, because you’re only making yourself look pathetic.

Ima level with you chief, even if I were this basement-dwelling MAGA moid you believe me to be, it still wouldn't be as pathetic as a guy who became a trucker to pay off the student loans for his liberal arts degree

It was a science degree and I make well over six figures hauling chemicals. What do you do? Post on Reddit all day while suckling momma’s tet?


You gonna do a gunless revolution? You’re too scared of killing yourselves to own guns

I can’t speak for all leftists, but I own plenty and intend on using them when the time comes.

I see, we've now decided that China is an actual example of True Socialism™️

And here I was thinking it'd never been tried!

Communism has never been tried, socialism has.

If you were educated and not a cuck of the right wing, you might know that, but I can see intelligence isn’t your strong suit, bitch lmaooo

Communism has never been tried

Fuckin got em

? Yes a classless, stateless society has never been established? I’m confused on how I’m “got,” cuck

Gonna need a rope for all that cope

Socialism is when you have hundreds of billionaires and a huge private sector of multinational conglomerates that own everything from Fortnite to the infrastructure of African countries while you also cleanse your nation of minority cultures? Sign me up!

Socialism has never been tried, the means of production in china are not socially owned, read your own fucking literature PLEASE

I know this is bait, but google what China does to trans people

China isn't leftist, it's state capitalism, gtfo revisionist chud scum

GTFO fascist beta third positionalist

imagine being a worse leftist than a fascist beta third positionist

Imagine being put up against a wall. Found our first volunteer! 👀

lmao limp wrist, PLEASE start a violent revolution, I'm in the bussy bunker waiting

in the meantime, go join the Socialist Rifle Association where they'll lecture you on microaggressions while you stan for the neoliberal political establishment and pretend to be """revolutionary"""

Considering how often you post to Reddit daily, I’m assured you’re in top shape for any revolution, be it violent civil war or just getting up out of your bed. As long as you have your McDonalds, you’re ready for the next world war, amirite? Lmao get real. You don’t have the capacity to establish any alliances to crush us. You’re not ready for what’s coming, bruh.

Go scroll through my post history, copy the post dates into an activity heatmap on a 24 hour day and get back to me sweaty

you've got no idea what kind of weaponized bussy will be deployed against your AIDS riddles cohorts. It's really, actually, eternally OVER for all the chapocels

I’ve got better things to do than to argue with a “bunker” (momma’s basement) dweller and make a heatmap of your posts lol like actually training for a conflict and working a decent job and having a social life. I’d say you should do the same, but I think you should keep doing what you’re doing bud. I have a feeling you’ll be an easy pushover when we drop a bunker buster over your home lmaooo


😘😘😘 ty ty

don't cuck me now explain to me more about how you're going to massacre the chud masses

how can be same time so few pussy but so much pussy in thread ??

Maybe it's his secret daughter

Errrr secret... son... I don't know the joke is it's his kid

Fuckin' rape babies man.

they did my man assange like they did my boy manning 😭😭😭😭

you havent seen julian in a while

that poster looks a hell of a lot better

🤔Well now. That explains everything🤔

look at all that bussy

its a bussy-bonanza



imagine not being a beautiful dramanaut and instead being an ugly chapo. You could just make the choice to transition CtD and be attractive!

I'm pretty sure it's the rare tranny chopstick, typically avoided due to tiger parents beating that nonsense out of them at a young age

Prolly adopted by mayos





I love Chapos so much

Please make this a post

jesus at least put in some effort chapos being a woman is probably more work than that

I personally treasure watching their speedruns

these are the people who will fight you in the 'revolution'

fucking dead lmao

Some of these are so perfect. The best is try to find out if they’re male transitioning to female or female transitioning to male

Take a guess on this one.

Maybe that'll be how the evil tranny soldiers in the glorious gulag torture us chuds. They'll make you guess their birth gender and if you get it wrong you get the bullet, which they throw at you, because they can't have guns on account of the dark humors

u/distortedlines you’re the expert on this super mutant menace. What should we expect when they rise up?

Let's see how you look like bud

/u/ComedicSans why hath you sided with the Ch*pos?

Do you really want to sacrifice the entirety of this sub to make fun of chapos for a few mins?

Do I get banned as a liability if I say yes?

These are the same people talking about owning guns and leading s violent revolution?

I honestly hope that they completely let him off the hook. I've never seen drama so feverish, but so boring. At least watergate-cels had something to look forward to.

Even if they found a smoking gun, the Senate needs a super majority to convict. Nothing will happen. At least Bill's impeachment trial had funny joke fodder. We already know the President's clueless.

Barr summary bad

Redditor summary good

Well there's more quotes...

Copecalypse now jfc


Enough with this dog and pony show, there are real issues to focus on.


You laugh, but there is genuinely more evidence for Britney being held against her will than there ever was for collusion

Aren't loonies usually held against their will ?

I know, this is such BULLSHIT!!!! The deep state could bring down Drumpf, so they turned their guns on poor innocent Britney. I hope Pelosi is finally satisfied with the one scalp she was able to claim.

To all the nerds who are asking for a tl;dr the Mueller report is 448, the average wizard shit novel is around 486.71 pages.

out of all the people who will endlessly comment about this report, what is the o/u on % of people who will actually read it?

my guess is like 3-4%

More like 0.3-0.4%

I honestly, absolutely believe no more than a few hundred or thousand will read the full report. The people in intelligence agencies, news organisations, maaaybe a few really interested PolitSci professors, apart from that? People just want to know if it benefits their efforts to Impeach or if it gives them license to gloat over the left wing 'witch hunt' turning up nothing. They want a snappy title and four bullet points, not four hundred pages.

why read when i can just get bukkaked with headlines from

or just read the juicy parts of daddy acting retarted

you can't misrepresent that

The real question is how many people will let the TV explain it to hem and then tell everyone they read it?

99% don’t even read past the title of articles they are commenting on

As in the whole thing? That's pretty generous, I wouldn't think even a whole percent.

The time it would take someone to get through this is probably less than the time of Capeshit: Endgame. But we all know what policels will be doing 😂🤣🤣😩

I should just post some made up quote in there about the piss tape being confirmed true and see how much traction it gets.

Buy Dramacoin NOW!

How does this get yang appointed president?

this is your finest work yet

How does he consistently produce such strong work?


yes, retards finally got their representative

Brother you must go and spread your message to the politics subreddit now

He can't keep getting away with it.

I appreciate the mileage you’ve gained with this account.

Don't forget to link the megathread from /r/the_mueller

Thanks fam.

To be honest, no. Given his track record on Twitter and in the press, I'd be much more surprised if he'd just said something like "Alright then" with a stoic face.

Sure if it’s true I meant.

Regardless, the report does make him look like a bigger dumbass than I would’ve imagined. Not like anything’s gonna happen to him.’

We've been seeing articles for months stating a belief that Mueller's report wouldn't conclude anything criminal, just politically damning. We'll just have to see how politically damning it is come November 2020.

He’s gonna win again lmao

Honest to god that'd be hillarious as fuck

How did you not know that Trump was a dumbass?

The degree of dumbassery was questionable

He literally says later in the paragraph that these things go on for months and he won't be able to get anything done.

To me, this is more about the efficiency and face of his presidency than admitting guilt.

I hope you’re not suggesting I read into what I post?

Out of context, he was saying that if presidents get investigated then it takes up so much of their presidency that it’s over <— we’re here but it’s not over

He said “I’m fucked” because he thought the rest of his presidency would be only investigation and nothing getting passed

Nah. It just shows he cracks really easily under pressure and has no goddamn discipline in front of others.

In the TD thread, they're not analysing the report.

It's just 'liburls bad, trump good, WiNNinG'. lol


This but unironically

Oh boy. Time to go make some popcorn.

Overheard in Oval Office after Mueller's report: “He got me,” Trump said of Mueller's dunk on him. "That f***ing Mueller boomed me." Trump added, “He’s so good,” repeating it four times. Trump then said he wanted to add Mueller to the list of investigators working on Hillary Clinton's email servers.

Micheal Cohen yelled, “There you go!” Nancy Pelosi gave a look of pleasant surprise. AOC belted, “We got a fucking squad now.” And before Rob Mueller hit the locker room door, ex-FBI star James Comey hugged him & said, “Y’all look so different.”

Sources: Trump is beside himself. Driving around downtown Washington DC begging (thru tweets) Comey's family for address to Mueller's home

I heard he was playing Papa Roach’s “Last Resort”

/NBA is objectively the best sports forum on the internet.

i think its hilarious u guys talk shit about mueller. u wouldnt say this shit to him at the white house, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol.

Is he behind you right now?

I'm also aware of NBA memes

Thanks for sharing

As an initial matter, this Office evaluated potentially criminal conduct that involved the collective action of multiple individuals not under the rubric of "collusion," but through the lens of conspiracy law.


collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the U.S. Code; nor is it a term of art in federal law.


For that reason, this Office's focus in resolving the question of joint criminal liability was on conspiracy as defined in federal law, not the commonly discussed term "collusion."


The investigation did not establish that the contacts described in Volume I, Section IV, supra, amounted to an agreement to commit any substantive violation of federal criminal law -- including foreign-influence and campaign finance laws, both of which are discussed further below. The Office therefor did not charge any individual associated with the Trump Campaign with conspiracy to commit a federal offense arising from Russia contacts, either under a specific statute or under section 371's offenses clause.

The Office also did not charge any campaign official or associate with a conspiracy under Section 371's defraud clause. That clause criminalizes participating in an agreement to obstruct a lawful function of the U.S. government or its agencies through a deceitful or dishonest means.


The investigation did not establish any agreement among campaign officials -- or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals -- to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period.

And, as discussed in Volume I, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume I, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other U.S. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.

Page 181


I don't really know what any of this means, but it sure does sound like libcels got eternally btfo

All them words won't bring your pa back.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

So Daddy was so retarded that he actually did obstruct no collision.

Sometimes drama really do come true.

I’ll dumb it down for you. They couldn’t find any direct quid pro quo of a tit for tat agreement of we will give you X for doing Y. X or Y being something like attempted voting system infiltration which Russia tried anyways according the what congress actual agrees on about all this.

It's weird he'd obstruct the investigation into this nothingburger.

It's wierd that this report clearly shows there was no obstruction.

Sorry, what?

oh this is gonna be good

So pretty much Russia ran misinformation campaigns to support Trump with Troll Farms. Not only that, but agents hacked into the DNC to sow more discord by releasing emails to a third party which was WikiLeaks.

I don't know about y'all, but that's pretty much collusion.

I need a stiff drink now.

Unilateral collusion baby.

”it was totally collusion right guys?” and y’all posting


How do people survive being so retarded?


/u/idfshill gonna need your hot cope take on this one bby

The report was everything I had hoped for.

the report brought your dad back?

Elaborate. Seems pretty boring tbh.

Anyone else almost shaking? Here's what I see, release of report delayed closer to Easter to minimize people talking about this BOMBSHELL, and let me remind everyone out there that today is Maundy Thursday which is the day that Jesus was crucified and what do Christians (majority of his base) do on Maundy Thursday? They go to services at their church, further providing distraction and minimizing talk about this. Easter Sunday is the day Jesus rose from the grave, 3 days earlier on Thursday was the day He was crucified... I have a taste of possible irony in my mouth...The ONLY Thursday of the year where every Christian church has services and they release it today, and Barr gives the speech before mimicking Trump's 'No Collusion, No Obstruction" so the Trump friendly news can make that their headline for it will take hours to read through this report....This administration is a smooth criminal!

Trump = HitlerJesus confirmed

Politics is evolving since it's not a capeshit or wandshit reference

The Bible is the original cape/wandshit.

The Dems can bitch all they want but without a Senate super majority, shit doesn't even matter.

Meh the house is about to open probes into his finances and muller said in the report they can open their own obstruction investigation outside of DOJ standards without Barr involved. So get ready for more. It’ll be solid attack dirt for 2020 even if they don’t go to impeachment with it.

So get ready for more. It’ll be solid attack dirt for 2020 even if they don’t go to impeachment with it.

I'm pretty sure this was the plan all along.

Doubt it. I think even the elected dems are scared of the media at this point. The media posts headlines daily about trump committing treason, colludjng with russia, banning guns or supporting some green new deal building trains instead of nuke plants.

Most people only listen to five corporations that produce all the news and those corps back the most retarded candidates possible because lets be honest, dramacels at their PEAK can't even compete with journalists and their agendaposting.

Mueller literally cited opinion blogs in his report lol.

Tl:dr, I’m not charging a sitting president, do your job Congress

We already knew that tho.

Does anyone love days like these, free my willy ㊙️

lol this doesn't sound anything like Barr's statement

This is like when the conspiracy nutters got the JFK files lol

HOT take:

House impeaches Trump

Senate does not convict Trump

Nothing changes

The DJIA might.

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a copy of the Mueller Report and I literally screamed at her and hit the report out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the release of the Mueller Report tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he not in jail? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the Mueller Report is so corrupt. I want a report to believe in. I want Mueller to fix this broken report. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was going to jail???? This is so fucked.

That is literally a post on the r/politics megathread. I did not make it up.

Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the results tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he losing? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want a future to believe in. I want Bernie to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought he was polling well in New York???? This is so fucked.

is this real life?

It's just pasta

Are people eating the pasta?

Do you not recognize the pasta

You're sharp.

Please link it.

The great news is Muller dropped a couple hints in the report that he wants congress to do something to Trump for his obstruction. If we are lucky then the house will start impeachment proceedings and dramacoin will skyrocket.

yeah im pretty sure dems knew this would happen but they know they can just imply its incriminating and keep bringing it up until the next election

It's a decent game plan, IMO.

probably the plan all along, they have to have known how much bullshit they were talking about russian hackers and all that shit

its not like dems are squeaky clean and clueless about how to cheat

The report and Barr confirms the Russian hackers.

lol no it doesnt just give up already

Yes it does friendo. That was confirmed pretty much after the election.. That's why there was an investigation.

Cool flair bro

lol coping so hard

lmao dude who u fooling we all know whos coping and will be until the next election

until the next election

and for the next four years

It's what Trump did with Hillary.


I'm gloping super hard rn

Is Mueller (((OUR))) guy???


Wait so basically now they’re going to try nail him on obstruction. Literally his whole shtick from the beginning was to obstruct or stop the investigation because he believed it was a witch hunt for political purposes and a waste of taxpayer money (and let’s be honest he probably is hiding something).

With this report, it turns out the narrative of Trump being a Russian agent/puppet/cockholster was in fact a witch hunt. So the next move is trying to impeach him because he objected to an investigation that drained his political capital and turned out to be a witch hunt?

How the fuck have Americans managed to survive for 241 years? Notre Dame is France’s punishment for sending so much as a bullet to this continent of morons.

Gonna steal this and post it in the r/Politics threads thanks babe

By all means, go ahead. I’m saving my ban for the 2020 election.

(and let’s be honest - he probably was hiding something, no one is dumb enough to so blatantly obstruct if they’re innocent).

With this report, it turns out the narrative of Trump being a Russian agent/puppet/cockholster was in fact a witch hunt.



not a Russian agent

The scope of investigation was Russian collusion. That accusation has been shown to lack evidence. I don’t believe Trump is a total fucking moron, and you’d have to be a total fucking moron to behave the way Trump did if you haven’t done anything questionable. This can’t even be dismissed as lib conspiracy theories, the Mueller report said the same thing with regards to his behavior.

There is literally no other explanation for his behavior, unless you’re going to buy into the media’s image of him being an illiterate demented lead-poisoned-brain boomer.

I don’t believe Trump is a total fucking moron

PM me for an exciting business opportunity.

Fine, you caught me, I do. Can I still PM you?

Yes 😈

97% of the media wielding pitforks in that witchhunt plus his regular ridiculously bombastic communication style explains his behavior. What do you think explains it?

It's over. This is the beginning of the end. The walls are closing in on Trump's presidency. What an absolute BOMBSHELL!

Who has the popcorn?

A different sub.

It’s a good day.

I'm just making popcorn. Might as well put the ungodly amounts of salt to good use.

TIL bencil sharpeniro isn't well liked on t_d

Regardless of what else happens moving forward, Trump's Presidency is effectively over. He's going to be investigated and most likely impeached for this every single day for the rest of his Presidency. He's going to get absolutely hammered every single day leading up to any potential election where he would be the nominee over this issue and he will be buried by it. Every single down-ballot candidate is going to suffer for being associated with Trump in any way, shape or form.

Trump is finally done.

EDIT: This comment pissed off the Russian trolls holy shit.


Did you just copy and paste this from another sub?


forgot the arrow lol

I think this has to be my favorite response on the T_D megathread

I am completely serious in suggesting this: Donald Trump needs to have two extra years tacked onto his term for putting up with this (ridiculous bullshit). POSTPONE THE ELECTION UNTIL 2022 AND TEACH THESE INSUFFERABLE FUCKS A LESSON THEY WILL NEVER FORGET.

Why not just abolish term limits?

I kind of love what the report is saying. My interpretation is: "Trump really tried to obstruct justice but he wasnt a good enough leader to do it"

More like everyone but Donald realised they'd be having a gruesome accident at the gym if they tried to oppose the deep state.


600 comments? I might as well just through 400 fucking pages

Yeah you're late to the party.

Oh well

mfw /r/drama gets political :|

Seth Abramson is a gift.

My god, Mueller spent years to say that maybe Trump maybe did a crime?

Everyone is upset, great drama

/u/userleansbot u/iamacooolkidd

Author: /u/userleansbot

Analysis of /u/iamacooolkidd's activity in political subreddits over the past 1000 comments and submissions.

Account Created: 1 months, 3 days ago

Summary: This user does not have enough activity in political subs for analysis or has no clear leanings, they might be one of those weirdo moderate types. I don't trust them.

Subreddit Lean No. of comments Total comment karma No. of posts Total post karma
/r/againsthatesubreddits left 8 14 1 0
/r/politics left 1 -18 0 0
/r/cringeanarchy right 1 6 0 0

Bleep, bloop, I'm a bot trying to help inform political discussions on Reddit. | About

/r/fuckthealtright also has a few hilarious takes

Yes, Donnie, yes you are. And how.

From the moment you became president you were fucked, more fucked then anyone in the entire history of the world. And that includes Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and John Fucking Kennedy. In fact, if Archangel Michael himself had landed down from Dallas that fateful day and given JFK a choice between two fates – his or yours – he would have kept on smiling and waving until Oswald’s bullet ended all that. If Crassus - a man whose naked greed ended up him being killed by a face full of molten gold had to make that choice, he would ask for seconds in case the first wasn’t enough. Ala ad-din Muhammad, a now obscure ruler of Persia who made the fateful mistake of insulting another then obscure ruler to him, Genghis Khan, ended up having such a fuckstorm of pure death unleashed on his country that Iran took until 1920 to recover in population. He too, would choose to insult the Khan, and probably send a few rude drawings of himself and Genghis’s mother to make sure he didn’t have to sit in your hot seat because it’s about to left the Sun in shadow.

Where to begin? It’s like stepping into the Library of Alexandria. Except it never burned down. And they kept updating it to this day. And every book was filled with childish insults, depraved perving, idiotic nonsensical statements, senile ravings, stupid faces, and debasement of the United States of America in a way that has not and will not ever be repeated. For no other idiotic moron inbred lunatic in history had cameras, recorders, phones, aides aiming for lucrative book deals and fucking Chinese goddamn spy satellites following his every move, 24/7. And that is just the last few years – which have felt like a century. You were a known bag of the runniest dogshit way, way before that. Like boy, my puppy once ate three donuts and a bag of gummi bears when she learned to open doors. You leave her in shame.

Where the fuck will I begin, Donald? Is it the time you speculated about your infant daughter’s hot tits? Is it the time you were told not to look at an eclipse and you did? Is it the time you told your personal doctor to lie about your weight in a physical? Is it the time you started your presidency by exaggerating your audience size? Is it the time you hit on an Irish reporter in the Oval Office while the cameras were running? The other time you told another doctor to lie about your weight in a physical? Is it the fifteen times Angela Merkel had to explain how trade in the EU works?

Is it the time you had a fight with a Gold Star family? The time you pretended to be working by shifting papers randomly so you wouldn’t have to talk to the reporter? The time you said “You’re the puppert, you’re the puppet, you’re the puppet” on live TV? Is it the time you told a seven year old he was too old to believe in Santa around Christmas? Is it the time you cheated on your wife, who has given birth to your son, whom you named after a fake identity you made you to suck your own dick in a live phone interview, with a pornstar, who compared your dick to a mushroom, then tried to silence her?

Is it the time you said the thing in common with your daughter – another one – is sex and how you would date her if she wasn’t your daughter? Is it your revolving door of an administration? The time suggested us Finns don’t have forest fires because we rake our forests? Is it the time when you couldn’t name a single Bible verse? The other porn star? Is it Mooch, Spicey, covfefe, Omarosa, Cohen, Flynn, the very important nuclear and cyber, hamberders in the White House, 5th Avenue, and grabbing the pussy? It is impossible to choose.

Every day – every fucking day of since you decided to run for president AGAIN – has been filled with you. Everywhere, all the time. With the exception of uncontacted tribes in the Amazon and those guys in Andamans who throw spears at helicopters and missionaries, everyone knows who you are. You’ve achieved the ultimate ascension of narcissists. I tip my hat and hate to you Donald. You have become immortal. All presidents do, but never again will such a perfect collection of all the negative traits of humanity with zero of the redeeming ones occupy the highest office of the planet Earth. You have branded your name on the human collective memory for eternity. All what I mentioned above is a mere fraction of the total. How could you not be? You think we still wouldn’t be watching live footage of Caligula or Henry VIII all the fucking time if they had HD cameras following their every move?

So yes, you are fucked. You will be forever fucked by history in the worst fucking ways it has ever devised, as those who supported and voted for you become a dwindling memory and a joke. It will just be about you in the end, just like you wanted. The magnitude of the humiliation conga that will be visited on your syphilis-ridden senile ass will make whatever a hypothetical offspring of Giĺles de Rais and Hieronymus Bosch could dream up in his wildest fucking acid trip look like Peppa Pig.

And I chose to write how you will be fucked by history, because I quite frankly don’t have the stomach or the imagination to describe how hard the law will fuck you. Because like said, you are very good at leaving a trail.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Uh that guy sold probably be reported to the FBI.

I tip my hat and hate to you Donald. You have become immortal.

God Emperor confirmed.

So apparently it's over for trump but no one can point damming parts of report? Why is that?

Reminder that Seth Abramson is currently on a 400+ tweet rant about the report.

I added that to the sticky.

He is already at 450 and there are no signs of him slowing down.

Evacuate the city, engage all defenses, and get this man a Gold !

Capeshit was a mistake.

can’t stumpf the trumpf

I've been waiting on the SRD thread about the drama following the report, but there seems to be none.

How weird.🤔

The cope is coming from inside SRD.