This is legitimately the worst song ever made

129  2019-04-19 by Ghdust2


Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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This popped on my release radar today. This is brutally embarrassing to listen to

when are we as a society going to grow out of parody musicians? They're not funny

The Lonely Island were pretty good though

And Weird Al

There has never been anything appealing about the accordion

maybe i'm an mra drumpf supporter but I just don't get it at all

And Eminem

Did you see Popstar? It was basically Lonely Island: The Movie and was pretty funny

Lil Ugly Mane was a parody at 1st and his 1st album is brilliant

Anybody who appears on this song should have their street cred reset to -10.

need a fantano review

You need some mind bleach after that. Here is the greatest song and video ever made about nature and Native Americans:

Thanks glad to know I'm loved

wow you weren't kidding.

kinda chuckled at the kanye part though

Gonna need a time stamp for little jon clam


Much appreciated, gotta love the odd shit Lil Jon is willing to do/be associated with

i liked the line about how humanity has been around for a long ass time and hasnt learned shit. that spoke directly to my largely uninformed sense of smug moral superiority.

Never thought about it like that. It's like COME ON IT'S 2019

human bad! slurps bottle of palm oil

that spoke directly to my largely uninformed sense of smug moral superiority.

Thank g*d I am not the only one

I couldn't get past the "Hi, I'm a baboon!" autism

That's when I stopped cringing and started unironically liking it. Unfortunately it got worse again.

I don't know why any self respecting rapper would would exist in the same universe as this video

see thats the thing, Kanye wouldnt if he had to, thats Kevin Hart doing his voice



Does anyone else think that progress feels a bit unbalanced at the cost of the world we're reconfiguring?

He literally rubs monkey ass on the screen and asks you to save this world

Listening to that song is how you get tapeworms🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮

Nothing says quality song like taking a break from being a song to preach about global warming

I'd prefer the tapeworms tbqh.

Yes, I think the creators are aware. They know people will spread it like here because it's dumb, that's why it's number 1 on youtube.

all of Lil Dicky's songs are retarded and trash, there's nothing ironic or self-aware about it

being self-aware about your trash music doesn't excuse it

It's like those catty girls who go on about how much of a bitch they are. Just because you admit it doesn't make people think you're anything other than a smug reptile

nah I'm saying it may be intended to create further views to make it kind of dumb, it's for charity too.

charity is a spook

A lot of catty girls are stupid hot tho.

11yo kids are a real market and they love it.

I hate Lil Dicky so fucking much. Literally Reddit the Rapper.

haha check out this new track! He's changing the game through parody and clever wordplay!


"i'm sorry but I just don't get it. I don't think it's very funny"

"what's the matter with you, fucko? Do you hate fun is that it? Look at this fucking MRA drumpf-voting piece of shit"

Literally the first minute of that video

The next minutes:

I am a human, holds up spork.

Fuck cancer.

Faith in humanity restored.

The people disliking this video are probably the ones who don't believe in climate change

A song by people who never go outside, for people who never go outside.

I bet he is going to start saying /r/woooosh in his raps soon.

Lemme freak is funny 🤷‍♂️

That album had a few funny tracks but everything since by him has been certified AIDS

It's certainly better than autotuned-to-shit animal assholes

Yeah I think Lil Dicky's alright but this song sucks ass.

And my rabbi asks why antisemitism exits 😑

Aye Tone

Lil Dicky is a line cutter who cuts lines just because he wants pizza

I have literally never heard of lil dickie before this. But I assume he's a huge faggot.

India: Nice big temple

Germany: A city

China: A huge ass wall

Africa: Some mud huts

Bet you can’t make a mud hut tho

Probably not, but I'm not a civilisation of 1.2 billion people that has existed for 1,000's of years and the best view Lil Dicky has of them is mud huts.

He probably can’t make one either tbh

If he could this song into it's real world equivalent he'd have a shit palace so grand San Francisco would be proud.

That's how SF was created

a civilisation of 1.2 billion people that has existed for 1,000's of years

Africa is not "one civilisation" and it never had even close to 1 billion people in its history before the Green Revolution, you retard. Europe outnumbered Africa by two or three times until the 60s, probably five times or so before the 20th century.

Africa is not "one civilisation"

Nice Tr retard, if that's true then why 2oule black Americans identify themselves as African?? 🤣🤣


Why do wypipo think Africa is just mud huts.


China,India,Germany = countries

Africa =continent

You've got the fucked up desert part in the North, and the fucked up tropical part in the South. Any other division of Africa is just pointless pedantry.

Why do wypipo think Africa is just mud huts.

yeah there are cities and stuff, maybe they forgot it was colonized

yeah if they're going to do the mud structure thing, they could at least go with Timbuktu, the cool looking one with the fancy patterns and rods sticking out of it.

Pretty accurate tbh

Everywhere I see this song people are fellating it because "ThE mEsSaGe Is ImPoRtAnT"

Unless your fucking 8 years old you already know this shit. This was just an excuse for a bunch of shitty musicians to circlejerk over how much good they do.

I wonder how many animators starved making this video

This is terrible.

I absolutely hate you for making me aware of that

This song is awful and I say this as someone who kinda liked lil dicky

I wish he just stuck to making songs about his peepee and featuring in songs by black rappers who actually know what sounds good

That song was beyond mayo.

we forgive you germany

Yeah we really craved for that shlomo Amerimutt forgiveness. Seriously I feel ashamed that I may have some blood relation to this guy. I don't want to be a chosen one anymore! 😞

we forgive you germany

Germany probably will never forgive the Jews for the holocaust, though.

Pretty shockingly bad but there are worse, but my vote for the worst song ever made is still atomic dog

get to fuck george clinton is a legend

Boo this wretch

Fuck yourself

It’s like someone took this song and unironically tried copying it

Oh no

Fellas, don't you love the cum when you have sex? (Ayy)

And I heard women orgasms are better than a dick (Uh)

Only an absolute genius could come up with such inspired lyrics.

This is why music is haram.

It’s funny I used to think adults were smart

How are you going to save the earth if you have the mentality of a 5th grader

These moral platitudes brought to you by a guy that did a collab with Chris Brown in currentyear+3.

"hey russia - we're cool"

Cancel this nazi fuck.

I hate all rap, change my mind.

No really, I want to hear a rap i like, I really do.

Please send me rap songs that have strong consistent melody and isn't emphasizing beats.


Well, thanks for trying! :) Sadly I dislike all of them.

1st one: too much auto tune for my taste and melody seems very flat and repetitive.

2nd one: a bit less auto tune than 1st, but still very flat and repetitive.

3rd: too much auto tune, but melody at least isn't flat! Also too much emphasis on beats for me.

4th: same issue as 1st one. Also too much bass for me.

5th: same as 4th.

To each his own i guess.

These don't have melody though

as /u/N897 said, there's no melody in these.

Future historians will identify this moment as the moment that marked the decline of the American Cultural Epoch

i got a cavity listening to this

what trash lmao

fourth reich when

lil dicky makes music for the typical reddit loser

i have an infection on my leg and i like it more than this

It’s like a nursery rhyme but the say “fuck” a lot. I beg to differ.....scouring YouTube garbage last night and this one might take the cake