"Yikes", "who hurt you" and other peak plebbit expressions are thrown around after some random mong decides to fantasize over a mortal cougar attack, causing a myriad of disgusted reactions on r/natureisfuckingmetal.

140  2019-04-21 by le_epic_xd_part_2


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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One might say a BIG YIKES

Let's unpack this





Once you see a pic of the victim you know why you'd leave him to die

The victim was the one who made the mistake of running away first. The cougar originally had the other guy's head in its mouth. The victim ran, so the cougar decided he was actually the one whom deserved death. The original victim, now wounded, was like "fuck this, that fucker left me to do die. I'm outta here."

I don't blame the survivor. I wouldn't save an asshole that ran away immediately and left me to die a horrific death. But the victim running away immediately without even a thought of picking up a stick or a rock was shitty. Yes, I am the guy that made the original post in r/natureismetal.

A literal cliche reddit drone npc tried "dunking" on you. Which was super cringe lel

So basically you won

I kinda feel like I won by the post being linked to in r/Drama. I'm not a partisan fella by any means, but I found it so goddamn funny that I got this message immediately after posting in r/Drama:

subreddit message via /r/Fuckthealtright[M] sent 8 minutes ago

You have been banned from participating in r/Fuckthealtright. You can still view and subscribe to r/Fuckthealtright, but you won't be able to post or comment.

Note from the moderators:

You’ve been banned for participating in a subreddit that regularly engages in brigading, witch-hunting, doxing, and harassment, [r/drama]

If you have a question regarding your ban, you can contact the moderator team for r/Fuckthealtright by replying to this message.

Reminder from the Reddit staff: If you use another account to circumvent this subreddit ban, that will be considered a violation of the Content Policy and can result in your account being suspended from the site as a whole.

[–]to /r/Fuckthealtright sent 4 minutes ago

lol Fuck you. I never heard of your shitty subreddit. Fuck off

(I couldn't help but reply to them)


Come. Stay a while and listen.

wut up Deckard

r/fuckthealtright isn't about fucking the alt right, it's more like a retirement home/psychiatric facility for trainwreck ex-powermods like u/belleariel and u/devavrata17 who are too impaired to run other subs but miss the sweet taste of jannie power.

When you think about it, considering BelleAriel's history, there is a pretty good chance she did fuck the alt right, or at least one of their members. So in my opinion, the subreddit's name fits perfectly.


Volcel if you wouldn't

Friendly reminder that both u/belleariel and u/devavrata17 have a scat fetish and u/belleariel let's a pedophile take care of her children.

Woah we're gonna need a sauce on that buddy. Too good to pass up.

Sort top of drama, someone made a big compilation of u/belleariel and all of their exploits.

"I'm not a partisan fella by any means", you're gonna fit in just fine here

Im glad you got that off your chest

It's a stupid good video tho

why did that guy lash out at you?

A bunch of people thought I was being a tough guy by calling the shitty fuck a coward for running away and leaving his friend to die a slow, painful death without even trying to help. I'm pretty sure 99% of people would attempt to help their friend, so I'm not saying I'm "brave." There's another story of two women who were attacked by a larger mountain lion (120 lbs vs. the 100 lbs one in this story) and the friend stayed with her friend and they both survived after calling for help from other bikers who had the idea of throwing rocks at the lion.

Basically, I was stating a common decency belief and a bunch of shitty cowards thought I was boasting that I wasn't a shitty coward, I guess?

I'm pretty sure 99% of people would attempt to help their friend,

imo thats ridiculously optimistic to think the percent would be anywhere near that high.


but try to do better with your titles

I wouldn't save an asshole that ran away immediately and left me to die a horrific death.

lol what was he supposed to do? give the cougar a stern talking to?

it's a fucking cougar and this isn't an anime. it's not like him staying was gonna change anything.

How is two morbidly obese men fighting a cougar not an anime?

Not quite enough tentacles, iiuc.

The victim was the one who made the mistake

The victim made many mistakes in their life


>The victim was the one who made the mistake

He made enough mistakes in life that he's less a victim and more just him

That doesn't make any sense.

He was the kind of guy that would get himself killed fam

Yikes, who hurt you?

The cougar help me please.

who hurt me? i’ll tell you who. all the people who think skyrim is some groundbreaking game that changed everything, who constantly make skyrim jokes even to this day and jerk off todd howard like he’s some steward of amazing game design. bethesda has taken a linear downward path since they released oblivion, the only exception being FO3 and even then the story left a lot to be desired. people try to pretend like skyrim can even hold a candle to oblivion but especially morrowind, when in reality it’s just an action game with no re-playability.

imagine constantly posting the elder scroll forums in 2009/2010 pumping up a game you’ve been waiting years for, only to be greeted with a shell of an RPG. “Fus Phone Da Number” just end me now bro

u/Seikoluka bazing!

Lol I’m just confused to as why the OP went so ham in his description, I mean it sounded like he was really letting if some steam about this dood

I'm confused as to why you have a grainy, low light shirtless photo of yourself in bed with a face looking like you're going through HIV treatment on your user profile and why you'd possibly think saying "shits gon be poppin" is a good look for you lmao.

It’s not a matter of look idgaf, I run an Instagram shop selling vintage watches and was letting the people who follow me that I have some new shit comin in. If ya need one holla

Is that an elaborate way to avoid taxes?

Na just a hobby I work in healthcare

Nobody fucking asked

Actually probably

Who is going to buy a watch off some disheveled dude taking photos of himself in the dark laying naked in bed? Due to your littyspeak I could only guess 14 year old hypebeasts would be dumb enough to buy from someone reselling Chinese knockoff watches on Instagram. Which then begs the question of you're selling to teens why are you posing naked for them? Hmm...

Well the amount of effort you put into reddit is quite incredible, you really really must be addicted to em upvotes. I’m actually quite alright doing my thing over here, not as upset as you seem to be.

But anyway, na my “littyspeak” is just for fun. But also na I sell and collect Seiko watches.

Shop Page: https://instagram.com/p/BwagP5VnCGM/

Personal Page: https://www.instagram.com/p/BwQJjgLHUUs/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1w0zfuyi2vb2e

Take a look might see something ya like

how much do i need to pay for free shipping?

If you’re in the states I gotchu don worry bout it

You know u/IronSidesEvenKeel is in this thread too right? You should tell him your thoughts here

I’m coool I believe the thoughts have been expressed

It’s “dude”, you fucking retarded faggot


That's hate speech.

Yes but I only used “dude” to illustrate a point.

Please use d-slur for that purpose.

This ain't Jesus, fan. Yikes.

  • Nature

  • Talking to a stranger

  • Touching a vagina

Boring, mundane things treated like an epic adventure tale on Reddit because none of these gaymers ever fire down their “battlestation” long enough to wipe off their micro schlong and waddle outside

u/Seikoluka u/IronSidesEvenKeel what do you think of eachother?

Were best friends whatcha mean?

Dood like waow oh man who hurt u? Na bro.


You seem to be up on stupid slang, so maybe you can answer this (personally, I have a day job which precludes me from keeping it real, as it were): why do black people call each other “Monica”? Is that a popular name?

Personally, I have two day jobs and have a bachelor’s in biology and Spanish!

But I’m assuming your day job must be something rather menial. Additionally, I’m also 25 years old so it may be a correct to assume you’re also just some old fuck on Reddit?

I manually masturbate caged animals for artificial insemination, Monica.


Big oof from me, dood duder friendo cocksucker

How do I make my mobile app able to see NSFW profiles like yours?

Actually you may be a bit younger than I expected, your pretty impressive at redditing. I like the friendo to the cocksuckerth power, nice touch


You know, an undergrad degree in biology is just about worthless.

Didn’t know that, I’m doing quite well. Can’t wait to goto medical school and put that worthless undergraduate degree behind me!

Community colleges don’t offer that sort of program :( :( :(

Sorry dude

If you do what you love you never work a day in your life.

Actual question, why do you use those shit leddit sayings like "who hurt you?"

Typically the question is utilized to try and understand why an OP is being a dick

Yeah but it makes you sound backwards, why not just talk in your style instead of copying mongs on reddit like the unique little star Mr. Rodgers knew you could be?

That’s my bad, I’ve never really used reddit for discussion. Will know better next time.

Was this in Sri Lanka?

I hope you have a more relaxed and less agitated evening.

Ewwwww he's even doing that "fake concern" thing.

Why do they do that. Why programmed these NPC's, and why?

Sarcasm would be the correct word for the “fake concern thing”

I think it's called concern trolling.

who hurt you, sweatie? You incel.

What are they even talking about

Didn't the dude just link an article?

I always though "who hurt you" came from 4chan

"Let's unpack this"