I literally cannot get over how ridiculous Bran Stark's wheelchair looks

120  2019-04-22 by MasterLawlz

I'm still enjoying the show but the wheelchair is legitimately the dumbest fucking thing they've ever done. I laugh every time I see it. He spent the first several seasons being lugged around by hand or while holding onto a piece of wood then out of nowhere they made a full-blown modern looking wheelchair for him to be in. I would have been okay with it being something like a wheelbarrow or maybe something slightly more advanced than that but no, the producers thought it would look totally natural to have a modern technological device appear in a Medieval fantasy setting

That's literally like, what, 600 years worth of advancement in just a couple? Google said the wheelchair wasn't even invented until 1783.

What I don't get is what's even the fucking point if he never moves?? In almost every scene, he's sitting perfectly still so it doesn't even make a difference.


modern technological device

Its wheels on a chair you troglodyte.

yeah, something that wasn't invented until long after the time period this story is trying to emulate

A wheelchair is literally a wheelbarrow with a chair instead of whatever that dump thing is called. The reason it was invented so late wasn't because we didn't have the technology, it was because no one gave a shit about disabled people.

I bet you that I can push something across a street in a wheelbarrow that you can't.

Your mom?

A wheelchair is literally a wheelbarrow with a chair instead of whatever that dump thing is called

A barrow?

Holy shit.

this guy gardens.

Fuck you

What year does this show take place?

Medieval times

And that was when everyone still rode horses... 1783!

Doesn't it take place in a fantasy land? So there's no actual year

But it's obviously trying to be like a Medieval society. So no gunpowder, no electricity, etc. Typically what fantasy writers do when they need advanced tech is just say some dwarves invented it but I don't remember if they even said who invented this thing. They literally just pulled it out of thin air because the writers needed something for him to sit in. It basically like if a character from Mad Men randomly whipped out an iPhone and sent an email.

Yeah I agree though for sure, the wheelchair is retarded

I don't even watch the show i've just seen the guy in the wheelchair and thought the exact same thing

Off topic but this show seems campy as fuck, I tuned in for 15 mins last week and the two people hopped on a couple of dragons and just stared rippin em around the sky before they stopped to fuck in front of a lake. It was fucking odd

It wasn't always like this tbh

watches 15 min of the 8th season of a show and is confused

Yeah there was nothing in any of the other episodes or seasons that explains the point of that scene. You did good.

Oh I pissed off the capeshit types

Sorry but th show is pretty shit television from what i've seen. Cheesy writing, campy fantasy, pointless scenes that drag on

How can an adult sit there and watch two people ride dragons like motorcycles and think "yes, i am spending my adult time wisely"

This is the final season, and it will only have 6 episodes. For some reason, they've spent the first two episodes on boring exposition and characters smirking and quipping at each other. Fuck all has happened, and now they have to cram like 3 epic battles minimum into 4 episodes while wrapping up a trillion plot points.

lmfao dragonshit fans BTFO

It has gotten far worse since they've gone past the books.

Like most things fantasy the purely mechanical shit in dragonshit seems to be more advanced compared to our world, Lawlz. It's not that surprising they thought of putting wheels under a chair 😘

For me, it's largely because he spent so many years having to be lugged around by Hodor. It felt like a realistic portrayal of being physically disabled 1000 years ago. Then, boom, wheelchair.

Hodor was unironically the better option though, better than a wheelchair.

Can the wheelchair hold doors open

The dumb retard who could also fight well was just a better choice than a wheelchair. Since the dumb retard is dead it's option B time.

Bran warged back in time and made them make a wheelchair

Please share literally ANYTHING that you know about the Middle Ages that you didn't get from video games or Disney movies.

Explain dragon fire.


Greek fire was an incendiary weapon used by the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire that was first developed c. 672.

Wheelchairs aren’t a new concept. There are examples going back to ancient Greeks and Egyptians.

The problem is that you need to have money. Not just to buy and repair it but because to maximize the ability to use it you need to have someone make a home that’s large enough to accommodate the chair and the area around it has to be cleared of obstacles and flattened.

So you really had to be pretty wealthy to even consider it. Given that they’re nobility it does make sense that he could have access to one.

As to why he didn’t get one before? I would say that it takes a while to actually make and that with his brother starting a war the resources were prioritized for the war rather than his crippled ass. Given that he was still young it would have been pointless to make him one until he was like, 16 anyway since he would outgrow it.

That and he was also on the run through woods, farmland, inter trees and in caves. It would have been a trifle inconvenient and get stuck constantly. Wood dragging and people riding were the faster option. Now back in winterfell, there is room and relative flatness.

Technological evolution is driven by war, fighting and survival. The reason why there’s “advanced” looking tech while others are still stagnant is because for a few hundred years there were dragons which were the ultimate, indefensible weapon and the people that had them were the ruling class. There was never the push to develop gunpowder like in the real world but having contemporary looking chair is not they big s deal, especially for a noble.

The Martel prince of dorne had a wheelchair too

medieval times... no gunpowder

Yeeeah, you're not going to die on this hill are you?

Seems like it's a lazy replacement of the saddle Tyrion gives him as a gift.

Or wait, was that in the show too? Why didn't they just have him sitting on a horse that's shitting itself in the great hall?

And if you're trying to think about it logically(which is retarded) it literally doesn't even take place on Earth since seasons can last anywhere from a week to decades.

So 1979

what the fuck is a horse carriage then?

It is not set in our world, but let's argue about the historicity of it anyway.

2025, just one year after Daddy wins his third term.

GOT is actually in the distant future

like how star wars is in the past I guess

yeah, something that wasn't invented until long after the time period this story is trying to emulate

Henry VIII had a wheel chair in old age you idiot.

Number one Westeros isn't real you fucking dork and nothing about its world makes any sense.

Number two wheelchairs have been around for thousands of years in the real world, like Ancient Greece level of antiquity.

Number three if these people can build an 800 foot tall wall that spans a continent then I'm pretty sure they can figure out sticking wheels on a chair.

I’m honestly sad the show will end without trump saying “see, walls work everyone!”

Or the other way around, maybe DnD will pull a fu trump and end the show with some dumb shit about walls not being the answer.

I would love the drama when George RR Martin would turn into a right-wing JK Rowling:

"When people ignored Trumps warning about immigrants, this is exactly how people ignored Jon Snow"

"Actually the Red Viper was completely straight all along and the orgies were a political necessity and a sacrifice he made for his country."

"Littlefinger is a typical male feminist."

"That is, Littlefinger was gay, and raped women."

"Arya Stark is pro-gun."

"Varys is a law-and-order politician."

"Cersei is pro-abortion"

The wall already failed, you unironic negroid species.

Imagine if Westerosi would buy captured white walkers for use as tireless farmhands.

I'm not exactly sure if you are throwing shade at me but if you are I loved that lmao.

What about dragons, when were they invented?

China invented dragons tbh

except leviathans and dragons were a greek thing first in literature.

They had medieval technology about 3,000 years earlier so it really shouldn't be a surprise that they invented a lot of things. Realistically they should be more advanced than us.

technological development isn't linear like history rts games present it is and it's outright stated that the maesters have been suppressing scientific advancement for a very long time

it's likely that bran just looked into the past and told people how to build this thing, but even if he didn't it's not implausible or that far out of the show's aesthetic

GRRM has mixed all the historical scientific inventions. Forget the wheelchair, Old Valyria was 100 times more advanced than the current world.

That’s because they were unconquerable due to having dragons which is like having Apache helicopters and harrier jets when everyone else still has sticks and stones. They had infinite resources due to being unstoppable so they had the time and freedom to become advanced.

There really isn’t anything comparable to the real world since war drives all technology and can be duplicated but valhrians had exclusive rights to dragons so the lack of balance is sort of believable I guess. I mean they were only undone by natural events/themselves

The earliest records of wheeled furniture are an inscription found on a stone slate in China and a child's bed depicted in a frieze on a Greek vase, both dating between the 6th and 5th century BCE.

you stupid fuck.

It wasn’t hard for disabled people until wayyyyyyy later though

Not really. Philip II of Spain had a wheelchair-ish device, and that was in the 16th century. The middle ages are generally seen as having ended at around the year 1500 so it's basically whatever at that point.

long after the time period this story is trying to emulate

It's not on earth, and it's far in the future.

The story takes place inside a dyson sphere in the deapths of space. The humans there are humanities descendants. Once the inhabitants population density and technological advancement meets a certain threshold the AI that runs the shpere dims the artifical sun at it's core causing the long winter, then it sends it's nanobots aka White Walkers, to cull things down and the cycle begins anew.

Psst- Dragons aren’t real, either

Which is really useful if you're living in a world with a lot of flat surfaces. I don't watch cloakshit but I'm gonna assume they don't have everything paved over in their dorky fantasy land. This is why even wagons weren't very common in medieval times.


This is good.

I stole it off someone in this sub a few days ago. I knew I'd have to use it myself someday. 😂


Stealing this

What kind of pretentious faggot says troglodyte unironically

While I think OP is kind of a fag, to be fair, civilizations can be oddly stupid about wheels. The Japanese didn't even seem to figure them out until the 1800s.

Most definitely a fag

What is this even referencing? The Bible or some other medieval weebshit? I don’t care about your dungeons and dragons board game, YAWN.

Destroy all incels 😡

Why can’t a show with dragons be more realistic?

  • Dragons = OK

  • Armies of living undead superhumans = OK

  • Dude dying and being brought to life by a witch = OK

  • Witch = OK

  • Talking tree = OK

  • Cripple dude able to see through time and space = OK

  • Cripple dude in a wheelchair = FUCK THIS SHIT

It's a fantasy show you oversimplifying illogical dick. Magic exists. Modern engineering and craftsmanship doesn't. Would you be just as fine with them suddenly having indoor plumbing too? How about light bulbs? They have dragons, so them having electricity isn't totally nonsensical and ridiculous right?

Stop posting on Reddit.

Something like light bulbs actually shows up in the books and there are theories about them being important later

They're magic candles not lightbulbs

Lightbulbs are magic candles

indoor plumbing

They had that in the books lol

Magic exists


Bruh, the romans had indoor plumbing.

Oh so dragons are fine but danaerys having an iphone isn’t??? MUH REALISM much???

OP is retarded but you are too. The world they are in is magical but doesn't have advanced technology. Would you be ok with Jon Snow pulling out a cellphone?


J.Sno: "sssuuuuuuuuuuuuh"

Imagine thinking that coming up with a wheel chair takes centuries of research.

Only if it's a Windows phone

This is SRD tier logic when they try to justify black people in medieval shows

Martin should have made Game of Thrones an isekai

You can't expect a fantasy or sci-fi to be realistic, but you can expect it to be internally consistent.

Depends on the type of sci fi. I mean silver age stuff was 80% fucking descriptions of astromechanics and rocket maneuvers. The Golden age was when we really saw a departure into more of a genre of actual entertainment and political allegory.

GoT hasnt been internally consistent for years.

This and all supporting smug comments below it are srdine tier garbage takes

Is this how you cope with your posts being too shitty for /tv/


How is that possible /tv/ is a fucking containment board



Needs a wheelie bar and flame decals imo

Confession: I have never seen a single episode of Game of Thrones and have no desire to watch it at all.

Oh I know anything with swords and maidens or what ever the fuck can hit the bricks!

You haven't missed anything, don't waste your time.

the HBO adaptation is just a blatant marketing ploy to suck subscription revenue out of idiot millenials

Wow! So you're saying that the 18 -30 age range is the most likely age group to use an online stream service. Ain't that the boomer take of the day.

Home Box Office subscription service has been around a lot longer than the modern streaming service, little one. It's all marketing.

Throneshitters are worse than capeshitters 🤷

My gf wants to maybe watch them eventually. I’m eh on it. I’ve seen like one episode of the first season.

First Season is very true to the books. After the fourth season it starts going downhill. I hate being an obnoxious "the books are better" faggot but honestly the books are much more nuanced. Just audiobook it.

Gotcha. Maybe. Got a lot of shit to read before I’ll go to throne shit but you never know.


Back r/ASOIAF with you

I admitted I was being pretentious 😔 ASOIAF is the only series I'm more knowledgeable about than the rest of my friend group. Jaime is better in the books. 🤭

You're not a faggot because you think the books are better than the TV show. You're a faggot for being a fan of them when they will literally never be finished.

This but unironically 😔

We're the lucky ones brother, medievalcels are no better than capeshit 😤😤😤

it's somehow more boring than the Lord of the Rings movies.

Me too thanks

I would only recommend season one. Everything after that makes you a dummy.

Oh really? I've never met someone who's never seen an episode of Game of Thrones. You're truly an unique and interesting person. /s

Last episode got me all horny and shit. u/MasterLawlz dtf?


send me your address and I'll book a flight

This complaint makes no sense, you utter brainlet.

Technological advancement is not linear. Wheelchairs aren't high tech, they could've been invented many years earlier. All the prerequisites are already there.

If you want to complain about something, complain about Arya handing Gendry "blueprints" with no dimensions or materials or anything at all specified.

If you want to complain about something, complain about Arya handing Gendry "blueprints" with no dimensions or materials or anything at all specified.

lmao, I kinda thought the same thing. It literally looked like something drawn up by a four-year-old.

She wasn't a four year old in the hay sac 😏😏

lol westeros scientists: ‘yup we had our top minds working on a modern cuckchair for Bran to sit in. Also we cured cancer’

thinking its hard to attach wheels to a chair

Proving you are qualified to mod this subreddit one sticky at a time.

The amount of awkward jokes they've tried to shoehorn into these episodes is ruining shit for me. One of the main reasons I enjoy GOT is because of the grittiness and this MCU level humor is fucking gay in a bad way













Is finally on it's fucking way out due to the world being pretty grimdark rn, I wil never understand you people who want to escape into misery

Game of thrones is a fantasy capeshit?

Unironically this

And it's more widespread than capeshit

I don't think an HBO series is more widespread than huge blockbuster movies that gross over a billion dollars every iteration.

How the fuck are there two episodes in a six episode season that are nothing but "hey so-and-so how's it been?" "Pretty good, how about you?".


People got mad when they asked me what I thought about the first episode and I said I thought it was slow. This episode was even slower. They've wasted 1/3 of the show on pussy ass gay shit.

If at least three important characters don’t die next episode I’m out.

Dont worry its just filler season, next one will be better

I watched every episode up until the first one of this season and peaced out about half way though

yeah, these next four better be really eventful or I'll be pissed

Ffs, no one has even died

I disagree tbh. The first six seasons were good because they were slow. The 7th season was bad because they rushed everything. They basically tried to close all plots except for war against the night king in just six episodes. Jon Snow traveled five times through whole westeros in just 1-2 episodes. It was terrible.

So in a world where the main enemies are undead snowmen your smooth brain ass complains that the wheelchairs are unrealistic?


Also where are all the wheelchair ramp?

It's not really drama, but it's still kind of pathetic all of the people who are creeped out about Arya and Gendry fucking over on /r/gameofthrones.

Like Jesus fuck. It's a 22 year old woman playing an 18 year old who has been stabbed, beaten, blinded, has killed dozens of people, and literally fed a man's children to him before killing his whole family.

But they freak out because she says "Yeah I like you and I want to know what dick is like before I die".

I honestly thought it was more amusing that he didn't really want to

If I looked like Joe Dempsi I wouldn't want to fuck someone who looks like Maisie Williams, either.

Omg gendry is Chris from skins?

Are you just finding this out now?

Imagine being Joe Dempsie in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Maisie Williams, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific bugeyed quasimodo face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously, imagine having to be Joe Dempsie and not only sit on those sandbags whilst Maisie Williams flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her scars and pimple ridden skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that undressing scene. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's SO GROWN UP and DAMN, MAISIE WILLIAMS LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking troll face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of fangirls and strippers and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the arsecrack of Nottingham. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Joe Dempsie. You're not going to lose your future Bond career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the toilet not in my replys 😷😷😷

I am a bot. Contact for questions

I'm gonna need a sauce

I meant the text

/tv/ copypasta originially about Jamie Lee Curtis in "True Lies"


I see maisie williams as a challenge, more than anything. Here is a woman who, in every single aspect, is absolutely revolting - her exterior AND her personality - yet I can't help but wonder what would be like, to plunge balls-deep into her repeatedly.

That's right. Balls-deep. With no protection.

I won't lie, I'm extraordinarily-hard while typing this. I want to grab this... thing... and that's what maisie williams is, let's not delude ourselves, a "thing"... by the hips and ram mercilessly in and out of her quivering, malformed cunt with the force of a gladiatorial chariot, while she makes stupid faces and contorts orgasmically, unable to control her bodily reactions even if she wanted to.

I would erupt violently inside that corrupt and corrupting womb as though the entire fate of humanity depended on my seed penetrating the foul walls of one of her ovaries, the electrical fusion from this coupling creating the Antichrist, as our combined, guttural, Chewbacca-like roars shattered glass and walls alike around us, the house toppling down while we lay there in a filthy, disgusting mess.

Yeah. I reckon maisie williams does it for me.

Dude take a walk

I find Maisie cute, it's true she doesn't have model looks, but she's by no means unattractive. I mean, let's be real, everyone looked ugly in that episode.

I'm 65% sure that that is a body double though.

Is this loss?

Christ Almighty you're a sperg


Thank you for starting this discussion.

An town idiot angry he hasn't the ingenuity of joiner to create simplest device.

I agree. They could have at least made it look more simple. But it’s very hefty, as if there’s a full battery and electrical system. Very out of place.

Why doesn't he just turn into a centaur and use his big dick on his sister

They ALREADY had a Wheelchair in the SandSnakes part for our backstabed King.

Google said the wheelchair wasn't even invented until 1783.

that's because the value of a cripple's life up until then was essentially zero

of all the things in game of thrones that could tilt one's 'tism you went with a wheelchair


It's the greatest acting job ever though: he gets to sit down all the time. And those furs look comfy.

Well, if it makes you feel better you fucking princess, Bran will die a horrible death next week so calm your tits.

Mods, if lawlz can do this, can I post my autistic GoT nitpicks too?

well shit, I can actually understand a lawlz post this time and he has a point.