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223  2019-04-24 by BasicallyADoctor

The Anti-Evil Operations team has removed another comment. I have censored the highly offensive comment but the mod team thinks it would be good to show the userbase what an example of a comment so heinous that it must be removed. Here is the comment:

take note and try to ensure no more comments are made that are as bad as this one so the admins won't have to remove them. Thanks!


This is why we need mayocide.


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)


Careful Snappy, anti evil operations is watching.

This but unironically. I got a three day suspension for advocating for the mayocide.

I got 7, its over

i got permad for advocating weebocide


The ultimate persecuted minority

This is why we need the

[comment removed].


Tbh itโ€™s not your fault that they created such a terrible website that 70k comments destroys the entire site.

Imagine if Facebook somehow went down because there was 70ik comments in a short while.

This should be a post, in of itself.

I got 7 for this post

I guess you could use an alt to advocate for mayocide since you can always make another account.

must not have advocated strongly enough

Sub or site wide? If it was site jesus lmao.


I'm more rightoid than a lot of this place, I'm brown, and I don't usually advocate for mayocide. I do advocate people saying whatever the fuck they want.

Fuck you admins.

Mayocide mayocide mayocide

Say this in front of your mirror 3 times just like that and the ghost of Shaun King will show up and haunt you.

Youโ€™re missing some slurs to really get the admins to think ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค”

Testing for my own sake


Site Wide. ๐Ÿ˜”

Imagine wanting white people to live.

This but only ironically!

Shoulda called for Modocide, much less controversial

Why not both?

Snappy ultimate edge-lord confirmed


You scare me sometimes snappy.

The new Mortal Kombat has a mayocide ending, it's the only good one naturally.

True tbh.

I cant get over them unironically calling it the Anti Evil Operation.

Seriously, 1984esque.

It's called "orwellian".

No one cares, nerd

I jerk to spergs lashing out.

It's called "read another book"




1984 needs to be put on the "read another book" list along with Harry Potter

I've seen it referred to in that way.

Does it though?

Yes. It's not the only literary example of totalitarianism out there.

Fair enough

Sure there are lots of books about totalitarianism, but how many are about how through careful control of language, culture, and historical perception force, or even the threat of force, becomes unnecessary to stamp out any independent will or opposition?

DAE political correctness = newspeak is an ice cold take at this point. Hence read another book.

Do you really want people to start referencing The Hunger Games every time someone mentions totalitarianism? Because if they canโ€™t reference 1984, thatโ€™s probably what youโ€™re going to get.

The difference is that most people who talk about it haven't actually read 1984, they just know the rough outline.

In their binary world view they live out their meager internet janitors as "fighting the good fight" against le ebil NAZIS

In their binary world view

Rightoid phrases.


> In their binary world view

Rightoid phrases.

bad bot

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Epic reddit meme fellow redditor!!! Narwhale bacon taco bell LAN party when!?!?!?

Prussia was a failed state that should have had the other half their population finished off before 1648




Prussia's supposedly legendary military record is a farce. If they weren't stomping petty German States smaller than Rhode Island, they were either fighting the Polish (LOL) and still needing the swedes to bail them out, letting the French carry them to victory over the austrians (LOL), or getting their asses kicked by the French in general.

Imagine being this much of a pre 1800s history lmfao nerd

Only centuries worth studying are 19th and 20th century

Imagine being proud of Prussian history in the 19th and 20th Century

Prussia's supposedly legendary military record is a farce.

They were exceedingly disciplined though.

He thinks people calling out his obtuse view of the world are rightoids.


Coming back to check on your downvoted comment



Can you use your big boy words and explain what you actually meant?

in their binary world view

These are words only spoken by ddf and cacels.

Just because you sit in the basement and only talk to other retards through the internet does not mean that a new word you just learned is spoken only by (((them)))

You sound mad.

no u

The phrasing screams DDF.

I'll bet he has unironically used the term "negroid admixture" before.

"nonbinary adjacent admixture"

Pointing out retards that cant grok shades of gray issues is what im mocking and its not a partisan view

I bet you played fhe witcher 3 or saw GoT and were like "omg the gray areas of moral choices i feel so smart now"

Fag. Got.

Who said I ๐Ÿ˜ "can't grok shades of gray"? I'm just pointing out phrases that only rightoids use.

I didnt say that at all you reading comprehension-cel

K, well, I only speak a little sperg. Something about video games?

You do it for free

Is this a new Reddit metamod thing? This popped to mind:

Author: /u/userleansbot

Analysis of /u/high_side's activity in political subreddits over the past 1000 comments and submissions.

Account Created: 8 years, 1 months, 6 days ago

Summary: leans heavy (100.00%) left, and still has a Hillary2016 sticker on their Prius

Subreddit Lean No. of comments Total comment karma No. of posts Total post karma
/r/politics left 91 758 0 0
/r/politicalhumor left 12 41 1 21
/r/topmindsofreddit left 22 443 0 0

Bleep, bloop, I'm a bot trying to help inform political discussions on Reddit. | About

This is funny.

I just searched and found the unedited comment in question:

There's no irony here. This was truly an evil post.

Thank goodness someone out there is saving us from Satan's satanic satanism.

Sounds dystopian.

If the nazis called themselves the anti evil operation, would they be the good guys? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

Yes, just like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is very democratic.

Hey the DPRK is a multi party parliamentary democracy

Don't compare the admins to the Nazis! The Nazis didn't even [THIS JOKE HAS BEEN EDITED OUT BY SPEZ'S ANTI-EVIL OPERATION]

The nazis werenโ€™t transgender janitors

Rather than sanitize a forum of capecels and smugcels for language, they bravely tried to sanitize our society and gene pool.

Well, at least these people are paid internet janitors. Seriously though I wonder how much they make, especially since reddit is based in San Francisco.

We don't have any salaries for Reddit.

How useless. Why did you even bother link that?

That site is notoriously bs

It's almost like the only people who would bother to review their employers are the kind who would do it for free


Probably not. They likely bought a product and have a few barely-technical people overseeing its administration. The humans that supposedly verify the algorithm suggestions are almost certainly overseas.

Guaranteed itโ€™s an automated internet jannie that some code monkey thought up. nothing else explains the schizophrenic comment removals.

We're the good guys fighting the baddies

Yeah it really is a stupid name.

Petition for r/drama to start referring to itself as one of the anti evil subs

Only if we can smugly assert AHS is a hate sub

Not sure if hateful but they certainly hold the trophy for most retarded subreddit out there

I was hoping that Anti-Evil Operations was just the guy's username, but apparently not.

Yep. I'm sure it's supposed to be yet another cutesy Silicon Valleyism, but its tone-deafness makes it more befitting for a Black Mirror episode.


Useless Shits operations.

Wait that's not a joke? I thought it was just a /r/drama joke

That's fucking unreal

I kinda feel bad now that I thought you guys were just throwing a temper tantrum.

its just funny tbh. major cope.

I'm disappointed that our local janitors didn't remove this highly offensive content before the poor admins had to see it.

im sorry

Be better.

Y'all. Can't. Behave.

lemme have that based pusheen flair and I'll forgive you

pusheen flair


I mean, we were, but for good reason

The AEO wild ride will make for a fine megathread when they finally ban this bitch.

can we get some hints as to who the usernames are?

No, the sub would be instantly nuke'd.

Both of the pinged users are known ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ„s, my theory is that one of them in particular just reports every ping xe gets to the admins hoping that eventually one of them sticks and gets us banned

Deff gotta watch out for pinging a certain R-slur who's name starts with D, got suspended for 3 days for it lol

back when there were some admin slack leaks about taking T_D off the /r/all list, I pinged a powermod who was in the slack log who was concerned because someone had learned her dogs name from her posts and was DMing her about its safety

I said something like "Your dog should be more important than your reddit account. You can always delete this account and start over" and I was suspended for "harassment". Literally the only time I ever pinged that person.

Lol that does sound like a threat though

I'll threaten you with a good time. You and my wife while I watch

I'm intrigued

Did they delete their account and start over?


After seeing those leaked modmails it is 100% certain that every ping/reply/message they get will lead to them frantically screeching to the admins for help. Mr "Diaper poo-poo boi pijama nazis" will make threads pinging people talking shit about them and still report any response as harassment and get you temp suspended.

My mental image of him every time I see his bizarre comments is that of a crackhead child molester who switches between giggling and frothing at the mouth at every mundane interaction he has online.

Can you pm me the username of this person? I don't recognize the account


pk and belle's bf. also it was posted 5 days ago

damn it was super important to get that 5 day old comment deleted, huh

tfw when to college to get job deleting 5 day old comments

Thatโ€™s...uh...a really broad swath of comments.

So saying people should be mods is verboten?

Are they just fucking with us now?

There's no worse slur than mod

They do it for free.

Something something or, Allah forgive me for saying this, a mod.


Looks like the fugees are already starting to commit crimes here

yikes me once shame on me, yikes me twice.. uhm... can't get yikesed again.

I heart W

Someone needs to go over to CA and post the same comment.

The reddit admins are just wildly incoherent at this point. Itโ€™s like they just canโ€™t figure out their ass from a hole in the ground. I hope whatever fresh community college graduates they have running the anti-evil operations are happy with their lot in life.

โ€œToday on Reddit....puppies are banned. Stomp down on all puppy posts. Puppies are nazis. Tune in next week for bad thing of the day!โ€


Im gonna message the admins the navy seal copypasta

I was suspended for harassment for telling two arguing people that I thought they both had a good point.

the admins are such a fucking joke, this site deserves its 30 cent per user valuation

30ยข too high imo!

this, but unironically. Most people on this site are either broke, or already willingly squeeze every drop of their disposable income into consuming media or buying shitty toys/gadgets.

And that modern hedonism is a good thing.

Hell I jerk off punks under the Queensboro Bridge for less than that.

I still don't understand what Reddit is trying to go for. They appear to want to become FB at a time when FB isn't cool anymore.

They donโ€™t know, but they do know that they missed out on something sometime in the past 7 years or so. How this will help is anyoneโ€™s guess.

u/trappysaruh: how do we get that flair?

u want the flair?

I would also like that flair but make it sexier

admins banned me from using image flair

That's trans-misogyny. What has happened to reddit? Its turned into some kind of milquetoast, enlightened centrist, center-left, limp wristed garbage

trappy can I also have a flair uwu

idk friend, theres already a lot of people with it lmao. getting to be too much probably

understandable, one day I will earn it :)

I want a pp flair ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

i dont have a party platy flair to give

Sure why not

Wait why?

too much purple appearently


Pls flair me 2 bb

By being really cool.

How'd you get it?

I think itโ€™s pretty obvious. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ

They want to be able to get better data on users so that they can sell it. In order for that to work they need less anonymity. Of course, in order to support the new features that they want they are going to have to drastically increase the cost of running the site, which means that they will have to push for even more aggressive monetization.

I doubt that's a problem for them. We're still in a bull market, there's no shortage of big investors willing to throw cash at tech companies that are hemorrhaging money.

New tech companies. Reddit is over a decade old. Itโ€™s a dinosaur.

You know how every website used to have a comment section underneath each news article or blog post where randos could spew worthless nonsense? Reddit allows all of that to be centralized onto a single website.

Zoomers donโ€™t use Facebook. They use Reddit and Snapchat and Fortnite

30 cent per record isnโ€™t that bad. wonder what the overhead is

Well if the sites stability is anything to go by, probably not much since itโ€™s hosted on some R530 that hasnโ€™t been touched since Obama was elected.

30 cent per user is actually abysmal when compared to other social media sites.

So essentially they're running some stupid bot to remove posts.

Naw, some minimum wage drone is scanning our comments, keeping are evil Nazi cryptohate in check.

What's sad is that it's clearly humanistic patterns of removals. It's not like every comment that pings or says faggot gets removed. There's clearly a ticket process and actual people behind each removal. Otherwise why would it take nearly 6 days on average.

What is even the point of removing a 6 days old comment when the typical max "lifespan" (time during which a comment will be read) is about 20 hours...

Fucking hell, admins, spend your serverbucks on something more effective, will you.

This is the mist interesting part. Obviously there's no benefit to anybody when they remove something like that, but they do it anyways. I highly suspect that they only use these removals as a way to tally how "bad" the mods are of a given sub so they have some objective measure that can be used punitively

Nah, I don't think so. Paying some external firm to do some garbage cleanup here and there is likely part of some KPI mentioned in a powerpoint to convince advertisers to buy ad space on Reddit. I honestly really doubt that this external firm even keeps track of any statistics whatsoever.

They do it for a fee!

Clean up my poo-poo jannies! Half a cent per removed comment!


Surely the custodians of this establishment must get paid! Who would ever clean this shit up FOR FREE


Wtf are you stalking me? I'm having a private conversation that is none of your concern jannie. Go back to trawling through reports and whining users for no compensation but feeling smug.

hey man, I just got a ban from fuckthealtright just for talking to you, what about my needs

Hey man I'm actually really sorry about that. I was only messing around. Just shoot them a modmail asking to appeal your ban and they should be polite and professional when dealing with your issue.

Dev and Belle are always quick to swoop in and show you how well their real life work experience translates to managing an online community. Good luck!

lol i'm already unbanned but maybe this will do it again, I dont know.

They have been setting up bots to auto-ban people from /r/drama ever since one of our users found belleariel's racist homophobic trump supporting post history. There was even some sort of mini rebellion when one of their mods said the auto banning bot was a bad idea and they all threatened to leave and deprive the sub of their valuable moderator experience.

Jannie shit I'm sure you've seen it all before.

The only reason they unbanned you is because you mod a shitload of subs and in their heads they are thinking "Ooh if I suck up to this guy a bit I might get to ban people I don't like from more places! *slurp slurp slurp*"

idk if you even know these specimens but if you've seen their leaked modmails you'll know I am 100% right. JANNIES. FOR FREE.

Fuckin kpis man thatโ€™s definitely it they wanna look good to investors and show off their ability to sanitize comments or something

The reason they don't make sense is because it's drunk Irish "humans" doing the flagging when they're not at home beating their wives. Please note that the use of the word human here simply means not a bot.

See the first modsupport post on it. The dumb admin fuck kept talking about the "model" (a dumb as rocks computer algorithm they bought) and everything that gets "actioned" (shitty verbed noun) is done do by a human (outsourced esl wagey).

Yeah, what's pretty clearly happening here is that Reddit has some sort of algorithm that flags comments for review, and this algorithm probably has a high baseline prior of finding /r/drama content to be worth flagging. This is why the admins can't actually outline rules on how to behave - because they likely don't really understand their own algorithms very well. At best they could give up reason codes associated with flags but they would not actually be instructive and it would make it clear that Reddit is basing these decisions on a lot of things we'd find questionable.

But they're happy with its performance so we just have to live with a shitty positive feedback loop that is going to keep getting normal comments here deleted.


/JoJo Siwa

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


I'm going with the theory some other poster posted -- they are outsourcing to India or Bangladesh and these people don't know english well. Anti-Evil Corporation is actually Tech Support Steve in Bangladesh.

Based as pajeet pilled.

Space shitters unit

One feels that the gonewild subs would receive far more thorough Anti-Evilโ€™ing in that case.

I would make a joke about not shitting where you eat but I don't think it would play well with that audience.

Explains why my posts don't get deleted. Thanks based Catholic pals. Please address the baby killing roasties soon.

papists rise up


Ireland actually got into the baby killing business as of last year. Reddit was euphoric.

The eternal Hibernian strikes again

That was a trip.

The greenpill is bitter but must be swallowed

I didnโ€™t expect such a deep rabbit hole.

Fun Fact: There actually was such a thing as anti-Irish conspiracy theories back in the 1840s and 1850s. American Protestants in the Know-Nothing Party thought that Irish immigration to the country was part of a conspiracy by the Pope to turn America into a Catholic country run by Irish bishops.

Little did they know America would ultimately be turned into Catholic country run by Mexican bishops.

They do it for a fee!

This team will be on the front lines

Internet janitoring is serious business

Are they drunk at all times then?

I thought it was an automated comment sorter.. . Those poor Irish, having a career path be internet janitor sounds worse then the potato famine.

is this why Ed has been too busy to post here

Thereโ€™s only one diaper loving 40 year old that gets this upset about being pinged

Actually that individual claims to have his pings turned off so I'm not sure how he would even know if pinged! Truly a puzzle.

Because he probably googles his user name every 30 minutes so he can jerk himself raw that people are talking about him.

Google alerts set up for his name so he can swoop in as soon as someone talks about him. Just like false flagging fat fuck mundane matt jarbo. Imagine caring that much lmao

u/Masterlawlz probably set up for his own username

Hahaha Mod /u/IfHeDiesHeDies-Drago and make him an approved submitter, it will be hilarious.

!For real tho can you approve me so I can make this one post, it's really lame overall but I got a really good title for it and it will go really well with my series of posts here.!<

The Reddit admin crosshairs sluggishly swing toward their next target

What if Thursday at 5 PM is a wanton suspension of cryptohate subs ๐Ÿค”

when CA sends us their lolcows, they're not sending their best

Very dangerous content. The admins are underpaid and deserve more respect!

Wait, the actual name of the account is anti evil? I thought people were just calling them to make fun of them.

Often there's no higher condemnation but the truth

No that is the actual name

most violent ping ive ever seen

Admins are r*t*rd*d

I bet they're on a quota system. They prolly come here and delete something random if they're running a little short.

I didn't even major in marketing, but "Anti-Evil Operations team"? Seriously admins, you're going to give your content removal employees the most Orwellian name possible on a website that's strongly pro-privacy? The reddit execs never fail to surprise me with their incompetence.

Should have called them turbojannies

Step away from the ledge! We can talk about this!

As someone who has no interest in being a janitor, I'm curious, do the admins typically remove stuff in every sub?

Like, say some random subreddit like gameofthrones/freefolk or something, do they occasionally have the admins step in? Or is it pretty much only shit stirring/controversial subs?

of the subs I mod, The admins have made actions on all of them that are actual subs and not just jokes/chat subs. This includes obvious ones like /r/4chan and /r/yiffinhell but also occasionally /r/comedycemetery and /r/comedyheaven. For instance, the admins removed this post and this comment (text was "do it you fucking fag")

So yeah, pretty much every sub is haunted by the eternal admin.

Bit of column A, bit of column B. They will take reports from all over reddit but they do tend to focus their crosshairs on certain subs that they deem problematic.

My eyes!

Lol fuckin a.

I got suspended for a week for this smh. You guys said nicepinging was allowed, this was ur fault

Reset the counter for what?

Anti-Evil Operations

Ohhhh my fucking god these people are losers lmfao

Look, we can all go cry about ''admin this, admin that'' but we all know /r/drama's gonna be next anyway. Seriously, how long do you think we are able to survive on a website that unironically has 'anti-evil operations'?

I โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ in โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ wearing a spandex โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ and โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ โ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆโ–ˆ at least 6 times in the last hour.

The Anti-Evil Operations Team seems like a bad threw back to Allthefoxes instead of just one powermod using the power to silence criticism or remove things they don't like regardless if it breaks the rules or not we have a whole bunch of them......oh yay thats the last thing the site needs more power hungry admins