Creepy old dude wants to be president. r/politics is conflicted.

211  2019-04-25 by VanOldenbarnevelt


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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Don't kinkshame Snappy, a Merkel fetish should be acceptable in 2019😤😤😤

>Old straight cis wh*the Male


Yeah that's gonna be a no from me dog.

Another one? G R O S S

Aww, some one already has it.

subreddit squatting is a real problem

Where do they keep finding them?!

My wife popped out two. Maybe she can make a third and make him president. She’s just gotta get him to not eat lead paint chips like the other two little retards tho

I ate lead paint chips as a child and I turned out an r/drama poster I'm sure they'll be fine

Sadly the ones that came out of Mrs. JohnWaynesPenis’s pussy didn’t turn out so well. Maybe it’s genetic then?

I think his fetish is losing elections

Wouldn't be surprised if Biden is 2020 Democratic Jeb (which I was just scrolling down, one of the controversial-cels says). 2016 taught nobody anything, especially Democrats, because regarding Trump as a teachable moment is the most hateful thing they can conceive. It's Lovecraftian. Incomprehensible.


selfaware posting is hot

Jeb! didn't have 30 something percent in the polls even at the beginning, he was polling at like 8 percent

also the woke media figures didn't instigate the 'harassment' scandal around him while not going down in polls even a bit

Biden is Teflon like Trump, he can have as much gaffes as he pleases and nobody gives a fuck except for wokies who wouldn't vote for him un the first place

I thought Jeb had close to 30% before Trump joined and bullied Jeb out of the race

That was so early it was literally just a poll of people even knowing who the candidates were.

you mean like where we are now? Trump joining the campaign was a month and a half away four years ago from now.

I mean, basically yeah. I would say that most people are more aware of the candidates right now, but overall we are in the name recognition phase.

People don’t know who Biden is?

Does being the vice-president of Burgerland for 8 years count for nothing?

His point was that Jeb polling at 30% was back when it was name recognition only and I'm saying that's why Biden's polling at that level too.

Biden has more than name recognition, he has been on the Federal stage for decades. Jeb was a Bush who ran Florida....a joke state.

People didn’t know what Jeb was about, and when the found it out he died in the ass. Can you really say the same about Biden?

biden simultaneously has shit actual policies while saying idpol shit like straight white men are responsible for rape culture.


Trump only just beat moldy old Hillary, and she is rumoured to have a vagina. I doubt Daddy win against another old bastard, but one with a basic level of human emotion and the ability to charm.

But yes, you keep talking about the real issues middle America is just obsessed with: reddit rape culture sub-drama.


What part of Biden has shit actual policies did you not understand.

The part where your opinion is garbage and voters clearly don't care about that?


like straight white men are responsible for rape culture.

Well name the last black straight lesbian that raped someone? Or even the last white straight lesbian that did?


Bidenbro and Biden aren't the same person

Donald Trump was running for President way before 2016.

The story of Comrade Yeb! Is one of the most hilarious political failures I've seen


Nah, Biden is very charismatic

Biden is a pedo


Maybe if you write it more here, real voters will see and care? 👏

So he's already got the Hollywood vote?

Blame the sexy children, not him

To be fair, this is how both parties do it. Republicans ran a weak candidate in Romney against Obama and Dems will run a weak candidate against Trump.

Both parties definitely decided to move further to the Left and Right after 2016, which is about the dumbest thing you can do

No, that would be Hillary Clinton fetish. Joe Biden fetish is grabbing women by the head.

Old, stale, pale white male who has abused his position of power to grope women for decades suddenly decides it's time to run and split the vote when we have the most diverse lineup of women and PoC candidates in history.

Fuck him.

Are you implying he shouldn't be allowed to run based on his gender or ethnicity? Just want to clarify

It's not self aware

Post it to r/selfawarewolves

Biden is exactly what we don’t need from the Democratic Party. A man who harassed Anita Hill

What definition of harassment are politicels using in current year?

looked at

The act of being in a position to disadvantage the DNC.

Been in the same room as

Exists in the same universe.

Made me feel uncomfortable

Your wanting to rigidly define what "harassment" is has made me feel uncomfortable and is itself harassment.

Entering a woman's aura

Not the "grab them by the pussy" level. That's not harassment. Nope.

Why don’t you Amerifats petition the UK to restart the British Empire again and let the Queen (or a queen) select your president for you?...oh wait, Brexit...carry on.

I'd rather keep getting pounded by Cheeto God than have some crumpet-suckers run America.

Lol as a Trump supporter, I'm ok with this terminology.

What a gay comment

Is it ok to use "gay" in a negative connotation again? How about faggot? As in, "you're a total faggot".

How about “I’m going to fuck your ass so hard you senile, Q believing, boomer faggot that your anus is going to look like Iran after Trump bombs it for his Jewish masters”

Omg omg omg... my ass is wore the fuck out, can I taste your juice?????

Idk wtf a Q is and I'm not a boomer. Nice try though.

Only if you ask nicely gramps

Ok, reach into your empty sack and pull down your balls thus forcing maturity, and then we can get started.

How about I reach into your retirement plan, dab on it then shove you into an oven In compliance if the up coming geriatricide.

This is idiotic. "Dab"? Lol ok faggot.

tHiS iS IDiOtiC

Hahahahaha... Hold on I'm still laughing from "dab" as if that's fucking cool. My fucking 6 year old would shit on you for that. "Dab", what a fucking loser you are, hahahahaha. How often are you getting beat up in highschool kid? Senior year rough for you? You typing from inside a locker? Hahahaha.

I’d kick your faggot kid in the face the dab on your wife while you’re at work slaving away at some shit construction site making 15 an hour


You filled out your reddit profile status with this:

Congratulations! You sniffed out a real life indie "red hat". A lot of what I say is to be taken as satire, but some of it is dead serious. Not a bot or troll. Good luck!

If you're not a Boomer then I'm king of England.

Well, your Majesty, I hate to tell you but.....

This all seems pretty sexual to you? Weird....but no kink shaming.

You keep fantasising about Daddy 👍

How can you restart the empire if you’re running scared from an impotent old man like juncker?

Because we don't want dirty prods ruling us.

I'd sooner vote for someone who promised to nuke the UK tbh

Bad idea - the world would lose a prime source of outrageously gay men!

Plz no, they have the silliest accents

Joshua Conner Moon 2020 president ruling from Ukraine. Slogan: ANGLOCIDE NOW

Why don’t you Amerifats petition the UK to restart the British Empire again and let the Queen (or a queen) select your president for you?...oh wait, Brexit...carry on.

America's Jimmy savile still gonna run after the powers that be tried to let him down gently with his inappropriate touching of foids.

One of the most obvious avenues of attack against the orange clown is he's doddering old goober. So why not nominate someone even older than him, to close off the argument? How magnanimous.

These people need to improve the quality of their bait/astroturfing.

/r/politics is full of rightoid larpers on any given day. They go there and post as Berners/wokies.

It gets way worse around election time. At least 60% of the most unhinged comments I've seen on /r/politics have been from /r/The_Donald users.

Really? I'm impressed.

At least 60% of the most unhinged comments I've seen on /r/politics have been from /r/The_Donald users.

Literal COPE. /r/politics doesn't need TD to look like fucking lunatics.

You're seriously underestimating how many rightoid larpers are on /r/politics.

Horseshoe Law confirmed yet again with both rightoids and leftoids believing in retarded conspiracy theories.

Let me be clear here.

A) I have spent a large portion of my adult life debunking conspiracy theories.

B) I have read every relevant book on conspiracy theories, I have read most of the relevant research on conspiracy theories.

C) I'm fully aware of the cognitive foibles that go into conspiracy theories.

There are a few personality types that exist in relation to conspiracies.

People that believe one conspiracy are far more likely to be believe other conspiracy theories. People that don't believe in a conspiracy are far less likely to believe in others. It's a snowball and reverse snowball effect. My personality type is the second, to the point I invariably do not believe in conspiracy theories.

What I said about /r/politics is completely fucking true. One simply has to spend any amount of time there to see it. You'll get constant responses in /r/new from people with names like "exdemocrat" and "exliberalwoman" and all kinds of stupid shit.

They're blatantly Trumptards larping. Hell, /r/drama has one. Go look at katbots profile, he's a rightoid that larps on /r/politics.

"actually my conspiracy theories are true because I believe them"


No, it's true because there is objective proof that it is true. Again, go look at the post history of kat bot.

"my conspiracy theory is true because I believe it. Open your eyes sheeple and see the truth"

Wow you really convinced me, than you very cool!

Trump 2020

If there is a correlation between IQ and the SAT, whats ur score?


😒😒😒 cant tell if self aware or not

I'm experienced at this and Pizza is 100% serious here

Literally gave you an example of a rightoid larper that is a /r/drama regular.

Literally what?

Also whats your stance on Yang?

Who is it. Name the jew rightoid

kat bot

It's a good mod!

pizzashill smells

A) I have spent a large portion of my adult life debunking conspiracy theories.

Have tried spending a small portion outside?

I spend a lot of time outside.

Clearly not enough.

Whats your hot button issue on trans bathrooms

Darqwolf’s alt, is that you??

I have spent a large portion of my adult life debunking conspiracy theories.

HAHAHAHA you pathetic fuck.

Let me be clear here

literally the catch phrase of most retarded politics posters

Get a load of this loser lol

defending /r/politics as rational actors being infiltrated by Drumpf

/r/politics is a shithole. That doesn't change the fact it's full of larpers.

Prove it

DO you enjoy anime?

Even if that was true, which it's not, why are insane comments so heavily upvoted?

It's absolutely true. Do you have any idea how active these tards are on /r/politics?

They've gotten breitbart to the front page before. A few months ago they posted a fake news article and brigaded it from 4chan and upvoted it to the front page of the sub.

Do you think vehicles that can autodrive be allowed on the roads?

One sub has 750K subscribers, the other has 5MM

Sub count isn't a very good way to look at this considering like 99% of reddit users don't post or upvote/downvote anything.

Allegedly 4chan brigaded once = over 60% of politics users are from TD. Wow I'm blown away by your airtight proof.

Guess how you know you can't read.

At least 60% of the most unhinged comments I've seen on /r/politics have been from /r/The_Donald users.

Care to link to one of these supposedly brigaded threads?

They're just random comments in new.

They've only brigaded 1 thread from 4chan that I know of and it was fake news about something retarded.

God love ya pizza, I missed your posts

r/politics was this retarded waaay before T_D was around

No, it was not.


It was retarded, but nowhere near the level it currently is. Again, I see no counter-arguments to anything I said.


You're the one making outrageous claims. The burden of proof is on you 😎.

What outrageous fking claim lol. I literally gave the account name of a drama rightoid that larps on /r/politics.

Do you think he's the only one? I used to get in huge shilling wars with these larpers during the election.

They aren't even subtle.

one account on Reddit

proves that /r/politics has a substantial portion of larpers aligned with dahnald that are coordinating to control the narrative

provides supplemental ancedotal evidence claiming /r/politics was different, engaged larpers etc

not an outrageous claim


This is too easy.

Ok, if I show you breitbart at the top of /r/politics, will you admit that sub changed during the election?

How is one brietbart article going to prove the sub is dominated by coordinated larping?

Yeah, one Breitbart article. Have you by chance heard of the sub /r/wayofthebern?

If so, who do you think populates that sub?

Also "dominated" is a strong word. There are a lot of them, but I doubt they're even close to the majority of posters there.

you remember they'd post anything anti-hillary they could find because in their minds they were supporting bernie, right? kind of like how they'll upvote words of republicans - weld, mccain, romney, ect, just because they're disapproving of trump. it's not showing support for republicans or sites like breitbart, it's helping their guy get ahead.

That's part of it, but the sub was also riddled with righties larping as Berntards to create conflict.

This really isn't even controversial, it's a pretty well known thing. Righties often larp as liberals on the internet.

Is batman better than superman? I think so. And I got the sources to prove it.

Whats your favorite movie?

Politics used to be the smartest kid in the remedial class, now it's nearly the dumbest

Why do you spend so much time trolling here? Do you have a genuine account?

Oh, Pizza's not trolling. He is being 100% genuine.

I refuse to believe that anyone here is still falling for you shit. You're a notoriously dumb fuck but even you're not this stupid.

  • Calls me dumb.

  • Doesn't refute anything I say and never has.

A /r/drama classic.


Nobody wants another str8 mayo president smh.

Jesus why are there so many dinosaurs running now. Biden would be 80 by the end of his term. I thought dubya seemed old when he was pres but he's the same age as trump.

because people are refusing to run anyone new or even remotely young even though that resulted in a huge victory last time

They think Trump is guaranteed to lose so they are "playing it safe" by running established candidates that no one likes

Biden has the highest approval/support in the democratic primary and is very popular in the rustbelt.

Not really sure what you're trying to say, tons of people like Biden and he's likely the best chance at beating Trump.

He's also a low-energy fossil who doesn't have a shining past (my man bragged about writing the patriot act) and unlike Republicans, Democrats actually care about allegations of being a creeper

Democrats have become more like Republicans in recent years when it comes to voting.

They're more worried about beating Trump than anything else.

The right has been like this since at least the 80s, the "fall in line" conservative voter trope exists for a reason. Trump likely made democrats "fall in line" voters as well.

They're more worried about beating Trump than anything else

This is what I think the main problem is. Decrying Trump and having nothing else to offer just doesn't seem to do it, as Hillary learned the hard way. The Democrats seem to be sure that they have the generals in the bag though and already have their gloves off against each other

One of the worst parts about the American political climate is this weird double standard.

Take your Clinton example; she put out more policy than Trump did. She put out more detailed policy than Trump did. Her campaign wrote an entire book on policy during the election and released it. Trump ran around saying shit like "I alone can fix these issues, I'll fix them, don't worry about how, but I will."

He never produced any detailed policy. He ran around the country repeating these same lines almost invariably. If there's any lesson to be learned from Clinton, it's that policy doesn't actually matter anymore.

Another example of the double standard would be how gaffes are treated.

When a Democrat makes a gaffe, the doomsayers come out of the woodwork and start declaring it campaign ending. When a Republican makes a gaffe, the seriousness of said gaffe is downplayed and it's not considered a "big deal."

Another example would again, be 2016. Was Clinton a bad candidate? Sure, but Trump was a worse candidate. Any mistake Clinton made Trump made an even larger mistake and he made those mistakes far more often. And even another example would be the progressive argument that Clinton was "too friendly with corporations" and that's why rural voters supported Trump over her.

Which is weird, because Trump was a far more corporate-friendly candidate than Trump was and literally ran on deregulating the financial sector and cutting corporate taxes. Do you see how these arguments make no actual sense? Everything you can claim lost Clinton the election was more true of Trump, yet Clinton got the vast majority of the flak for those things.

Good job bobby, here's a star

I am a bot. Contact for questions

Do you use bing or google or duck duck go? And why?

Clinton had a track record, Trump did not. We could make a pretty good estimate of what Clintons policies would have been. With Trump there was always the possibility that he was just talking shit to get elected. Keep in mind he was democrat for quite a while. Obviously hindsight is 20/20.

Exactly. Clinton has been up to some House of Cards style chicanery since 1991.

Lol are you trolling on the gaffes part? Every time a democrat does some shit and republicans call them out, the media always headlines it with some shit like “republicans pounce” so much that it’s basically a meme. One of them was even about aoc’s retarded gnd and republicans saying this is retarded

Fam, if any Democrat in office made even 5% of the gaffes Trump has, he'd already be impeached and have no career ever again.

The point is, the left is held to a much, much, much higher standard than the right.

People were supposed to fall in line for Hillary but that didn't work out. I don't agree with people saying it was a problem with her, so much as people believing not believing the hotel man would win.

Whats your hot take on iran and the strait of Hormuz?

My favorite color is blue cuz its my eye color. Is yours brown cuz your eyes are brown?

They think Trump is guaranteed to lose

Yeah, that worked out so great for them last time. I think they literally learned nothing from 2016, and are doomed to repeat it

Themargument happening is just the same one that happens practically every single modern election cycle where the party running against an incumbent tries to run someone more moderate to attract disaffected voters from the other side. Romney, Kerry, Bill Clinton. If people thought Trump was guaranteed to lose they'd be less worried about running a safe candidate?

Dubya aged a lot over those eight years. Presidency is stressful. But he didn't feel like a dinosaur in 2000

Obama's hair was almost pure white by the end of 2016, that shit must be stressful

Not his pubes though thankfully

FBI dont move

W seemed old? He was about average for the time

Biden would be 80 by the end of his term

And? They just need his name on the ballot sheets. Who cares if he spends his presidency with Alzheimer's in a care home, his Vice can take over.

Can we have Fran Drescher as VP? She hasn't done much for a while, and I feel like she would add a much need comedic lightness to the Whitehouse.

Cant wait for the 2024 elections when we get some commie milkers in the office.

The true tards in that thread are the ones who act like this hasn't been the worst kept secret in politics/news for the last year.

We're gonna see Bernie bros salt production factory up and running, aren't we?

Did it ever stop?

I like the unironic posters who think Biden of all people will lead to 4 more years of Trump. Why do they insist on running unlikeable divisive candidates?

The dems are going to have a really rough 2020. Biden is obviously the front runner ATM, but he is an old white man with a lengthy history of opposing school busing (from like the 70's too, jesus that man is old) and for groping women/children. So no way he gets the nod. If this wasnt clown world, he would be the strongest opponent to face Trump, but he is just wasting time at this point.

Whos next? Bernie? Jesus.... no way that happens.

Kamala Harris? Maybe.... i could see it.

Tulsi Gabbard? Maybe.... but shes a little too pro-liberty so thats a big maybe.

Beto? lmao

Buttplug? lmao

If youre a devout dem at this point hinged on the fact that Trump must lose 2020, then ive got some bad news for you.


Did you mean Robert Francis O'Rourke?

You know im still lost how that name came about. Who thought that was a good idea to attract the latino vote? Doesnt even sound latino to me.

Apparently he was given that nickname in school by Latino kids and it stuck. It's a legit Latino nickname (short for Roberto or Alberto). Of course Latinos don't pronounce it as "Bee-toe" but rather as "Beh-toe."

Wait it's not pronounced as "Beh-toe"?

It is, this guy is a moeron



that is next level comedy. Thank you.

Yes that is the correct way to pronounce it. But I constantly hear mayo idiots say "Bee-toe" instead.

Yeah, but has be really gone by that throughout his life? I thought he resuscitated it when he started running for office.

He wanted to look Latino to appeal to his base even though he's not. The irony of him being opposed to Ted "Rafael" Cruz who did the opposite for Republicans lmao

He wanted to appear Latinx to appeal to his base even though he's not.

Yeah, he wanted to court the Hispanic vote for pre-k student council by-election.


You and I both know it's probably true


As it should be

It came out that his dad gave him the nickname already thinking about his political future:

“In the backdrop of the city’s multicultural community, his father, Pat O’Rourke, a consummate politician, once explained why he nicknamed his son Beto: Nicknames are common in Mexico and along the border, and if he ever ran for office in El Paso, the odds of being elected in this mostly Mexican-American city were far greater with a name like Beto than Robert Francis O’Rourke.”

You mean Tedro Cruz?

Bob or Bobby wasn't abbreviated enough I guess.

Roberto "Sombrero" Rourko

Beta O'Rourke vs Alpha Cruz

ur actually retarded if u think tulsi gabbard is gettin nomination

She would probably win, she just has to wink at every dude in the room, but unfortunately we aren’t allowed to have a fuckable President 😭😭😭


I’d love 💖 to hear more about how much you care about the civil rights movement, it’s riveting 😁

The concept of busing students from one segregated school to another, regardless of their skin color, was a horrible idea sitting on top of a mountain of horrible ideas. Only the most leftist of lefties still defend the program, even thought the idea has been throughly debunked. But...... since the radicals have taken over the democratic party, they will hold Biden's feet to the flame for the letter he wrote to the Governor in 1972 deriding it.

Doubt it.

Sweaty, maybe Biden has some emails you can get all chubby over?

ignoring the fact that touchy-daddy is sunk already

this is going to be a rough election cycle for you

Lol sweaty! I’m not even American....if even I can see you are a bit of an obsessed rightoid retard in love with orange daddy ( this president? Sad.) and packing it over even the slightest threat ( imagine the debates, fun) then the average voter woll just straiy up ignore your frothy wankings.

Biden just needs to flip a few votes in the Rustbelt...we are talking an electorate that plumbed for the pathetic Hill-Dog by an extra 3 mill votes over Donny.

But yeah sure, you talk about buses 💅

You forgot the YANG GANG

Biden is obviously the front runner ATM

Bernie is the front runner, look at any poll.

Most recent polls show Biden in the lead.

I'm going to commit /r/drama sudoku and say I'm for Bernie, but it's going to be an uphill battle against Biden. He has the entire "centrist" democrat base on lockdown and huge name recognition. Plus a boost from all the people thinking we need to "go back to normal" and voting for him because he was Obama's VP.

Plus a boost from all the people thinking we need to "go back to normal"

This is needed for the stability of Dramacoin. With enough exhaustion, the value of any single gaffe

with a lengthy history of opposing school busing

He also has a history of supporting moderate abortion restrictions.

"Bernie gets shat on by the DNC" 2020 edition

And once again the Bernie crowd will refuse to vote for anyone(or just vote Trump) because Bernie lost again.


After Clinton's June 8 concession, 40% of women who supported Clinton described themselves as dissatisfied and 7% described themselves as angry; 25% said they would support McCain in November.

Schaffner's numbers show that after a bitter Democratic primary, more than 1 in 10 of those who voted in the primaries for the very progressive Sanders ended up voting for the Republican in the general election, rather than for the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton.


Meanwhile when Republican candidates lose, their base usually votes for whoever the frontrunner is, because they're not fucking idiots.

Counterpoint: if democrats can't beat someone as unpopular as Trump they deserve to lose

Trump's pretty popular with Republicans, despite everything.

There's a saying "Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line" and it's true. Democrat voters would rather vote Republican, if it meant the candidate they didn't like lost.

because they're not fucking idiots


I mean they are, but they fall in line and vote for a Republican at the end of the day. Democrats(at least younger ones) seem to throw tantrums when the ultra progressive dude doesn't win.

Yeah true

You're comparing a post-election poll to one taken immediately after her concession, retard.

And there will be plenty of drama 😍

The Democrats are really throwing everything they have at 2020 the field is bigger than Woodstock lmao.

In the end, I am going to vote for absolutely anyone that the Democrats nominate.

Lol and these people act like are 100% different than republicans who do the same exact thing.

we are independent and autonomous, the NPC meme is dehumanising

my party will choose who I vote for c:

Eks fucking Dee. What's even the point of allowing these mongoloids the right to vote

Monarchy when?!


Only if the King is as much of a whore for Twitter as Trump 😍

I cant believe our president just shitposts like 5 to 8 times a day on twatter

I kinda want to do a deep dive on his twitter and the people that constsntly comment on his shit

Like the tRump guy, eugene (havent seem him lately maybe hes permad), the krassentstein fags, this maga girl from poland, etc

Oh man I didn’t know Eugene got permad lmaoooo

This, ladies and gentleman, is the man who will be our next president of the United States.

I beg to differ. If he wins the primary, I'm voting republican.

Then you're part of the problem.

Actually, you are, that's if you want an accused sexual abuser to be your president.

Donald Trump is accused of rape.

Joe Biden is accused of unwanted nonsexual paternalistic touching.

Your move

this election is going to deliver like no other

unwanted nonsexual paternalistic touching.

That's fucking genius level spin right there. Pair that with "Biden just has an affectionate personal style".

mmm is this strawberry shampoo i smell

Please stop sniffing me, Uncle Joe.

unwanted nonsexual paternalistic touching.

That's what my uncle called it too.

2016 was a taster

Yeah im a single issue voter. If one guy is creepy i vote for the non creepy guy. Feels over reals.

What about when they are both creepy?

They’re both grabby gramps. Dunno about Bernie though.

Can't get it up so watches two black ladies go at it instead.

I'm taking out a payday loan to buy more dramacoin

This is really conflicting 1. This is going to trigger all of the Bernie Bros (positive) 2. I’d rather have Biden as president than Bernie (positive) 3. If Biden gets the nomination trump will probably win (negative)

If Biden gets the nomination trump will probably win (negative)

Based on what?

none of the people the dems need to get excited are going to both going out to vote for Biden and some groups are going to be especially against him, the conspiracy loons and wackjobs for example.

You seem to not be considering the fact Trump is so awful that he alone is enough to GOTV. As we saw in 2018.

Gun to your head: your general chief of staff of the wermacht in 1942.

Take stalingrad? Or try to take moscow?

and the dems will once again capitalise on sure victory with an amazing campaign like Hillary's 'it's my turn' which'll put them in a strong second place.

I'd love to say the dems can't loose but I thought that before - fool me once, shame on on you. Fool me, uh, you can't get fooled again. They're amazing at loosing, remember when Gore announced he'd lost for absolutely no reason when he should have won?

What tactical errors did the Clinton campaign make?

lol they lost to trump and you think they ran a good campaign?

I'm asking you what specific campaign errors they made.

Ignoring the rust belt you dumb shit

Interesting. Why did she lose PA by the same margin she lost WI by.

She campaigned in PA non-stop.

Pokemon go to the polls, truly a testiment to "hello fellow children!"

Old Lady Yells at Frog was another golden moment.

She focused on not being Trump and calling people names instead of waving around the fact that she has actual, actionable policy.

Trump had no policy and spent most of the campaign calling people names.

Why didn't that error cost him the election?

Because the demographic he's catering to doesn't care. Why did Hillary chase after the same demographic if it hates her?

Trump is so awful that he alone is enough to GOTV

the libs brain has coped with the 2016 election by pretending it never happened

People assumed Trump wouldn't win, 2018 turnout was insane.

Did you know that the greeks made their gods in their image (of humans) unlike monsters like assaryains and egyptians?

Republicans will vote for a rapist, Democrats won't.

I love people getting ragged on for stuff they did or said 30 years ago. It's going to get so much juicier with these young guns who grew up shit posting on Twitter and mass sending dick pics to anyone with a wet hole.

Dramacoin is going to have a bright future.

I’m voting for Bernie in the primary.

I’m voting for the Democratic nominee in the general, whoever the fuck that is.

Thank you for having a head on your shoulders.

Super gay.

Imagine supporting any outcome other than establishing a worldwide dictatorship where we are lovingly guided by King Jeb! for life.

Holy shit this is going to be a fun primary season.

Biden is unironically the most likely to beat Trump in the general election.

Of course they hate him lmao

Someone gilded /u/PoliticsModeratorBot wtf

I didnt realize so many people hated Joe Biden. But I guess he isn't Sanders so /r/politics is going to throw a fit regardless.

You don’t really think this website represents anything much, fo you? Its full of people who have anime wives, its not real. It also has falling numbers. Reddit is irrelevant.

Biden actually is the best chance the Dems have. He's experienced, he's smart enough, and he's charismatic, unlike Hillary.

I don't think he'll win though

Oh god I hope Bernie goes into the convention with like 33% of the delegates and someone like barriss with 32% and then the super delegates make Harris’s the nominee. The absolutely reeing on Reddit would be absolutely glorious

I am making this my new daily affirmation

Now THIS is good for dramacoin

How could Biden possibly win? Bernie is going to lock up the largest block of voters that can't be bothered to participate!

And two months ago they were all craving Uncle Joe's dong

there needs to be an age limit on politicians.

seriously, it's rare for someone 70+ to be fully mentally sound, and i don't want some geriatric old fuck to be running a country before bedtime at 7:30 PM.

anyone who is happy about this is what is wrong with this country's politics.

ESS isn't conflicted though, they are happy an old White man is running against an old senile Jewish man.

ESS isn't conflicted about a Joe Biden running for President though. They are happy an old White creepy man is running against an old senile Jewish man in the Democratic primary.

Lmao these retards have done the unthinkable and have split their political linings along 20 candidates

If he wins the democrat primaries then this will be a very fun election to watch.

President and privilege both start with P. Coincidence?