Apparently the entire database of KiwiFarms got corrupted

77  2019-04-26 by snallygaster


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Josh is the Rabbi Yeshua AKA The Lord Jesus Christ coincidence that he is also a Jew. He will never let anything happen to internet Israel.

just yikes at not architecting at scale

Smdh shoulda used mongodb. That shit is webscale.

Clearly at their scale why aren't they vendor locked to oracle already?

They would go broke within minutes of running an Oracle database; the servers are powered by burning money

bringing webshit into /r/drama

Lmao I love their new url

This is why I use Squarespace for all of my website needs. Use HODOR during checkout and receive 50% off your first purchase at!

Oh yeah?

Linus is that you??

Paul Scheer

Do you sell socks tho?

What podcast are you on?

The Jocko Podcast where we ramble for 3 hours about how knife strikes are relevant to business management

Sweet I'll sign up to ur patreon

It’s not begging, it’s Patreon™️

But to run a website I'll need more computer skills. That's why I use skillshare, an amazing website that blah blah blah

fuck you

the cpu goddess has smitten xer first victim.
jerkops beware, the dimensional merge has already influenced our reality.

Is this that thing that CWC thinks xe turned into?

Wait what? I haven't been following him lately

No,but it influenced him. He thinks he’s the Commodore 64 goddess/cpu blue heart. Which looks like sonic with bitch tits.

lol wut I bet he doesn't even know what a SID chip is


Is this a rip on devops?

Imagine using mysql in 2019

Just use mongoDB. It's webscale.

shards are the secret ingredient in the web scale sauce

The real secret is GO. You site WILL scale if you use go.

Can you permavirgin nerds shut the fuck up


install Gentoo

Least they could do is use the FOSS version of mysql, instead of the cucked oracle version

Eh, I told you Josh, you need to have a hot read only replica. But did you listen?


God damn it's the Library of Alexandria all over again

Oh God oh fuck. Null God damnit what did you do

It was a crashed hard drive. Null is apparently not an idiot and takes regular backups, so he fixed it.

Crisis averted

Not having a sharded database

Pleb level DB management tbqhwyf.

What I don’t get is Null somehow pays more for these servers each month than he does on his own living expenses. Why does it cost so much?


He lives in the Ukraine. He probably spends more on borscht than the servers.

"need more donations"

Because I need contracts with datacenters that cannot be unilaterally severed and I own my own IP space.

> mysql



user was banned for screenposting

New Zealand strikes back

The kiwis have finally stricken moony lul.


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