
157  2019-04-27 by MasterLawlz


About like 30 to 45 minutes ago I beat the fuck outta my dick so goddamn hard that I can't even feel my left leg, my left leg has went totally numb and my dick has also went totally numb to the point where it feels fucking weird when I take a piss.


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Snappy you cheeki fuq, did you help them write the article?

Quality journalism from Vice, once again

journalism in current year

Vice is just a meme. They are trolling. This can’t be real.

Ages ago, on a lotion and tissue fueled rampage, clicking the random nsfw for more and more things to smack my fleshy meat stick to, I stumbled onto /r/cuckold. Which somehow led me to /r/hotwife and it’s sister communities.

And then I realized, people actually did this. It wasn’t a meme, people actually liked their significant other getting rammed by 45 yo flabby betas.

So I did the only appropriate thing possible, linked some juicy hotwife drama to /r/drama (Hotwire fell in love with the bull, the cuck posted for sympathy, thenother cucks circlejerked about it), and fled to the safety of Pornhub.

The moral is: be careful with the randomnsfw button. You’ll see things.

I’ve never tried it. What’s the worst that could happen?

Off you go sweaty.

If you think about it, watching your wife getting rammed is like watching porn in 3D.

Honestly, as long as it’s consenting adults and legal, carry on. But the community when I saw it was so beta it was pathetic.

It wasn’t a meme, people actually liked their significant other getting rammed by 45 yo flabby betas.

Lifefuel for incels.

Link to hotwife drama?

is this cuckquean or swinging?

not including the part about the mom being PROUD the vibrator she bought for her daughter was used and under her bed

That's the new normal for the clown world, even 12 year old girls are being given instruction for condom-wrapping sausages, but getting your (maybe) daughter to pick out lingeries and erotic fursuits for other men to enjoy your wife?? That's sicker than average. Novel.


In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the daughter... actively participates as well.

Like I don’t get it, I thought where we were regarding sex acceptance 10 years ago was a good balance. We all knew our parents, kids, neighbours, teachers etc were all having sex or masturbating but we kinda just ignored thinking about it, it was gross but we all accepted it was a fact of life and no one was really shamed for it. Now it’s like you have to be okay with the most degenerate shit possible and if you don’t want your 11 year old learning about anal masturbation you’re a bigot. What happened to the days where we let kids figure sex out naturally.

/serious post over

You were tricked into thinking the slippery slope was a logical fallacy. This is how the cultural cycle works.

doesnt cycle imply it circles back

It does. Well, I mean cycle might imply that we'll all change our minds. That's not necessarily what happens, as our replacements aren't necessarily our descendants.

But yes. One day the people occupying this ground will be praying, pairing off, and setting fire to homosexuals. All "progress" in any direction is temporary. Societies have a fairly well understood lifecycle.

Sharia law when?

One day the people occupying this ground will be praying, pairing off, and setting fire to homosexuals

"Margaret Atwood was right!"


Yeah, it circles back when Allah (pbuh) smites the m*yo menace once and for all.

use SWT after God's name, short for Subhanahu wa ta'ala" translates as "Glory to Him, the Exalted" or "Glorious and Exalted Is He"


PBUH is (messy) translation for ʿalayhis-salām, for the prophets and angels.

That actually translates to dude bussy lmao so idk what ur endgame is here

PBUH actually means 'Prophet Bussy Ultra Haram'.

it probably will. one day. for no reason at all.

Historically the ‘cycling back’ is something unpleasant like Fascism

Panel 1: Furries

Panel 2: Late term abortion

Panel 3: Polyamory and record high divorce

Not to mention incest is the most popular porn category.

Looks like it wasnt a fallacy after all.

Not to mention incest is the most popular porn category.

My suspicion is that someone messed-up a decimal place in Excel when running the numbers and the finding re incest is just a mistake.

Of course, the industry jumped on that finding and now all porn has to have a 5 minute preamble where it's established that the two people fucking are stepsiblings.

This is Vice seeking out nut jobs/ making stuff up to write clickbait articles. You’re delusional if you think most people are having their kids pick out sex toys.

“I-it’s just an outlier”

>Ontario sex curriculum includes how to masturbate anally

Your tricks arent working as well as they used to Moshe

>He takes leaf culture seriously


have to?

He never gained the basic skills that allow Canadians to migrate to the US

Mexicans at least know how to use a leaf-blower. Leafs have an instinctive terror to that kind of technology.


just KYS.

Is there anything more cucked than living in Canada?

Living in America and having your grandchildren be a mixture of Chicano Africans

Ontario sex curriculum includes how to masturbate anally

This is fake

Probably a single line in the program somewhere about how sticking random things up your butt is a bad idea = "they're teaching the kids to bum eachother"

Ontario sex curriculum includes how to masturbate anally

No they don't.

Also lol Canada.

Ontario sex curriculum includes how to masturbate anally

Please source

Children will learn about homosexuality and same-sex marriage in Grade 3. In Grade 6, they’ll talk about puberty — a chat that will cover masturbation. When they get to the subject of sexually transmitted diseases in Grade 7, they’ll learn just how they’re contracted, including through oral and anal sex.


Children are starting to show an interest in their genitalia as preschoolers, Dr. (((Kaufman))) says

Lauren Dobson-Hughes, president of Planned Parenthood Ottawa, says she’s already teaching these concepts to her two-year-old daughter

Honk honk

Nothing in your quote seems at all degenerate.

Learning about puberty and sex Ed in middle School is degenerate now?

>learning about homosexuality and same-sex marriage in grade 3 and masturbation in grade 6 aren't degenerate!! Uwaaaaaa

cope harder libcuck

If that's degeneracy then sign me the fuck up for some degenerate shit

I've heard there is a high correlation between attempting to greentext on websites that aren't 4chan and retardation.

Clutch those anal pearls

Apparently that claim comes from an anonymous Arabic.

Anti-Semitic fail

I mean I don’t know about you put people where I grew up started being sexual active around 10-11, 44h/5th grade. I don’t think it’s strange to know about sex at they age, definitely know what a condom was and how it worked along with what sex toys were.

We all knew our parents, kids, neighbours, teachers etc were all having sex or masturbating but we kinda just ignored thinking about it, it was gross but we all accepted it was a fact of life and no one was really shamed for it.

Maybe for some things it is better if it's not all out in the open. I don't tell my coworkers that my asshole is hairy and that I had to like wipe 5 times today so my butthole is a bit raw.


Yeah what happened to the good old days where kids learned about sex from their little league coach and no one said anything because people had a healthy sense of shame?

This article is retarded but fucking hell the endless boomerposting in this sub is pathetic.

Indonesia teaches children how to use birth control? Wow, that's really unusual for a third-world Muslim country

Don't worry, my political party is against government's attempt at population control and teaching unbiblical nonproductive sex.

Lookie here, even the (local) christians are complaining about it l o l

Your 3rd world web page loaded for like 1 second and then asked me install Flash or some shit. Imagine not accepting that Filipinos are the true Christian chads of the Malay race. You better hope that Jesus loves you because nobody else will. 🤣🤣🤣

Christian chads? That's an oxymoron.


Filipinos suck mayo's dicks too much, but thank God for Duterte. Now he's a chad monotheist.

Indonesia is ridiculously sexual and weirdly liberal in that area.

I saw a teenaged boy (probably like 17) playfully trying to pull a girls hijab off, her reaction was that classic "lol stop but not really" laugh and her friends egged him on. This was at a train station.

Except for Aceh, it's pretty liberal.

“In fact, our 16-year-old daughter picked out her mom’s lingerie and sexy costumes for the themed nights.”

I thought you made this part up, what. They can't be serious

We're not normalizing pedophilia.

*Turns to husband* Honey, do you think the anal beads Ophelia picked out will all fit in me?

*Turns back to interviewer* Our seven year old daughter really isn't good with these things, even though I let her "research" my insides (tee hee)

"as a recovered sex and porn addict, I decided to self medicate by going on swingers vacations with my husband and indulging in large orgies where I make an effort to bang at least 20 dudes and a few other skanks to mix things up a bit"

female Ended sex addiction by getting married

Sounds about right

I want off Mr Bones wild ride.

“Do your kids know where you are?” I asked one couple from Ohio.

“Absolutely,” the husband answered. “In fact, our 16-year-old daughter picked out her mom’s lingerie and sexy costumes for the themed nights.”


gussy isn’t that bad???

“Absolutely,” the husband answered. “In fact, our 16-year-old daughter picked out her mom’s lingerie and sexy costumes for the themed nights.”

Hello, FBI? Cuckolds are doing cucky things again.

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

This why you need two daughters - the positive cuckoldry cancels out the negative cuckoldry.

is this why Austrians, the most EVOLVED of all ARYANS, imprison their daughters in the basement and molest them so much?

Fritzl was truly a visionary.

Gr8 pasta

That explains why in the good old days and in third world countries, why daughters are treated as property to get a good price from the groom.

Fucking based

That’s not even funny, it’s straight up fucked

I know 16 inst a child anymore but holy shit...

Just try imagining picking up lingerie for your mother.


I mean, maybe for your mother

I threw up in my mouth a little

I know 16 inst a child anymore

Found darqwolf's new alt.

What about yamate sweaty

Jealousy wasn’t the only thing I feared. As a recovered sex and porn addict who has written profusely on the subject, I’ve made one too many destructive decisions in my sexual past. Though my addiction had been curbed since meeting my husband, thanks to a combination of efforts buoyed by his support, would a salacious vacation reopen the wound?

And of course she did!



The most cucked people involved in this are the Vice readers who don't even get that they're reading an advertisement.

“Bring your gussy to get banged by hundreds of horny men. Will you get some? No promises!”

These whores are out here playing 4dick chess.

You're right but as awful as poly shit usually is, the swinger community is definitely the least fucked up. It mostly consists of bored middle-aged or elderly empty-nesters who exchange partners mutually or in a mutual group of couples, which means that it avoids most of the crazy power dynamic drama that most of the poly scene does

What I love about you is that you know about all these weird fucked-up subcultures but I don't have to worry that it's because you're actually involved in them. Also everything about you. 😘

It would be inproper for a pregnant lady to be partaking in such scandalous behaviors

you cant date in a big city these days without running into poly lunatics

this the society you asked for

I dont like agreeing with you coonass but you are 100% correct

Truly the waifu we all deserve.


Image - hot young couples getting it on.

Reality - overweight 60+ Walmart shoppers with colostomy bags but their naked. 🤢🤮

Another woman raved about buying her teenage daughter a vibrator for Christmas and the surge of pride she got when she saw the vibrator unwrapped and under her daughter’s bed.

Honk honk

And then suddenly, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power 🧐🧐🧐

Hitler fucked it up like all Germans

He should have asked the Jews how to do it properly what a shmuck

He should have capitulated Germany to a real leader like Mosley

The Eternal Anglo

no thx, even worse than a fucking Kraut


I've been thinking about this, for all the hate CAnimals give )ews, jews are probably the least degenerate race or religion. Every Jew I've meet has been a goodie two shoes

that's because the degenerate jews don't link to think themselves as jews any more, like Marx or all the pornstars in H o l l y w o o d

So when the Jews stop being Jews and start being white they're degenerates?

really makes you think huh

My wife's Israeli. She doesn't like American Jews.

Good for her?

Oh, I meant to add that she thinks they're all lefty degenerates. My mistake.

Lovely flair

Reminder that not supporting Hitler is bad for drama!

Don’t forget to throw some support to daddy marx too

nazbol #Gang#GANGGANG

It's fucking insane that in a couple decades Germany ushered in both communism and Nazis. How is it possible to screw up that bad?

And neoliberalism, and soon an Islamic Theocracy

Lol if we enter that grey are ironically admins will be all over this sub

Yeah this is how CA got banned.

Ive been seeing a bit more blatantly racist comments lately so you never know 🤔🤔🤔

In my defense i've been blatantly racist even before I knew what CA was

🤡 end Mayo's

Based and circuspilled

CA faggots get OUT OUT OUT!!!

I've been to a swinger's party several time, and the hostess told the story about getting her teenage daughter a vibrator.

I attended the party as a single guy. Pretty weird feeling to be fingering a milf while her husband's enjoying a gin and tonic in the couch a few feet away.

my own mother, who had only once addressed sex with me as a girl, pointing to my crotch and saying, “Don’t let anyone ever touch you down there.”

Should have listened to mama. Instead

As a recovered sex and porn addict who has written profusely on the subject, I’ve made one too many destructive decisions in my sexual past


Thots gonna thot

We're too far gone not Allah and his prophet Muhammad can save us now

Don't worry, Eesa Al-Masih and the Mahdi will come soon to clean the world before it ends

Aren’t Muslims all about multiple wives and stuff?

not sharing them with strangers or letting our daughters dress their mums into a bitch show competition.

Mods let me post please

God I fucking hate may*s

By the omnitrix one I meant the black and white Microsoft paint of me wearing one


/u/annoysthegoys i think you have the link


Is there anything more cucked than refusing to take your wife to a hotel room, watching her get creampied by 8 bulls that are much more physically imposing than you, and then raising the baby as your own?

lol that womyn on the right made him touch her while the FEMALE on the left (not a coincidence) is in full control.

why is this some reminiscent of the fall of the roman empire?

History doesn't repeat but it rhymes

Midway between the fall of Rome and the collapse of Weimar Germany.

The low birth rates, high immigration situation is like the last days of Rome, perhaps, but the sexual hedonism of Rome was afaik always a thing, and not hugely more prevalent in its dying days - it just seems that way because the end days of Rome contrasted sharply with the much more prudish Christian morals of the post-Roman Europe.

I am not a conspiratorial guy at all (I firmly believe 9/11 was an outside job), but over the last few years, all these lefty mainstream sites not even subtly advocating for all this kind of cuckoldry feels real coordinated.

Feels coordinated because their marketing team figured out they get the crossover of people who beat off to cuckold porn and people who beat off to outrage porn.

I just beat off to regular porn

y'know, nobody would have thought otherwise...until you insisted on it like this...

You're right, I doth protest too much. I don't just beat off to regular porn, I beat off to huge tit fat Asian teachers who put pencils in their ass. There it is, my shame for all the world to see

So boys

'sex positivity' is a fundamental progressive value, so they know that when they post about weird sex shit that doesn't completely cross the line they'll piss off a lot of people and have a bunch of progressives to defend them, thus generating views and exposure. 'Sex positive' is a great stance to take because in most cases it's inflammatory, you have a really vocal group of people who have to defend it to maintain their moral superiority, and most of the people who get really upset about it are far-right-wingers that they can use as evidence that they're being persecuted and as such according to progressives are doing the right thing

They aren't.

Its basically a bunch of radical vocal minority getting disproportionate attention for their crazy antics. In Internet, clickbait sells, and these kinds of outrageous articles generate viral views.

God forbid people have normal monogamous relationships in current year.

Daily reminder that jealousy is a bad thing and not a normal part of healthy relationships. When you evolve into a being of pure energy like the cucks have, such things will be forgotten.

I moved to a big metropolitan area a few months ago. I've never seen the phrases "polyamarous" or "ethical non-monogamy" so many times before in my life. I have upped my daily prayers so that Allah spares me when he carpets this city in flames.

🤡 🌎

Once upon a time I was saddened by the normalization of sexual degeneracy, it seemed to be a tragedy. Now, I realize that it is in fact a comedy.

Honk Honk.

Eww a r/CAutist

Aren't you posting frescoes of civilizations that fell because they knelt not to YWH but Sodom and the Unspeakable Vice? Does a host of pictures showing men imitating the Brute Creation invalidate that point, or augment it?

Damn that last chick is thiccc

Nice advertisement

Cuckqueans are peak females

Letting your daughter pick out lingerie is the most mayo thing I’ve ever heard of, mayocide is necessary.

“Absolutely,” the husband answered. “In fact, our 16-year-old daughter picked out her mom’s lingerie and sexy costumes for the themed nights.”

Unironically child abuse.

yeah but Peter gives Captain Marvel the gauntlet in Avengers Endgame lol

Why would Shazam be in a Infinity Wars movie?

yeah but Thor wields both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker in Avengers Endgame lol

That’s not a spoiler dipshit a spoiler is saying Captain America wields the hammer.




When will Peter Parker put his circumcised kosher dick inside Carol Denvers like in the comic tho?


mayo nonsense

Why does Vice care so much about cucks?

I feel like these people think they’re doing something radical and new, when in reality people in the past just had the dignity not to blather on about their gross sex lives in a public forum.