Furnace party

101  2019-04-27 by BasicallyADoctor

A few weeks ago a mysterious and very senile letter was circulating around Philadelphia. Users on r/Philadelphia discussed it here https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelphia/comments/arb9zo/wtf_found_this_in_my_door_this_morning/

The letter invites us to a party which is set to take place today. Will anything happen? Place your bets now!

live updates: https://www.phillyvoice.com/live-coverage-phillys-furnace-party/

Also see /r/furnaceparty


Side note: it's a function of that testosterone crippled brain that you are so focused on dicks, and your own dick in particular. Guess what? Take estrogen for a while and you will lose focus on that body part to the point where it doesn't even matter anymore. There is so much more to being a woman that genitals, like the depth and complexity of emotions and bonding with others in ways that are literally incomprehensible to you.


  1. https://www.phillyvoice.com/live-co... - Outline

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Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. letter - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  3. r/Philadelphia - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

  4. https://www.reddit.com/r/philadelph... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  5. https://www.phillyvoice.com/live-co... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  6. /r/furnaceparty - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is*

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Gay meth-fueled hobo orgy with complimentary jenkem bottles.

ya enough about /r/drama, what about the philly furnace party?

So just a normal wypipo party, then .

I just read the wiki article on Jenkem. I cannot fathom how it was thought of.

now this sounds fun

CA post ban meetup?

Of course it's a homeless drug addict distributing these flyers

That’s just a Philadelphian.


I am banning everyone that upvoted this comment.

Are you from Philly too?


Interesting. It’s my favourite city in the US, despite its Phillyness

My condolences. Did you attend this get-together-thing btw?

No this comes off extremely fucking weird and I had zero interest other than mockery.

No this comes off extremely fucking weird

you don't say

They're called African-Americans now, Adolf.

I forgot all about the furnace party. Glad people came out for it though.

came out lel

So a bunch of millennial hipsters decided to indulge in a schizophrenic’s fantasy for “fun.” Shouldn’t dangerhairs and soybois be against this?

Reading the live coverage and the sub did honestly make me feel kind of weird. The person that wrote this clearly needs psychiatric help, and it's a party/joke to them? I'm usually the last to get all moralist, but it just seems incredibly callous.

This is what "Keeping Portland Weird" is all about. Literally psychotic people living in horrible conditions on the street are treated as zoo animals and exploited by hipsters for entertainment instead of getting the help they need. They're absolutely fucking shameless hypocrites and they deserve a fate that "Anti-Evil Operations" won't let me describe, but Dante can probably fill you in on.

this is the same city that decided to try and destroy a significant part of the city because their football team won

phillycels wya?

phillycels wya

Right here. Football was just an excuse. Destruction is necessary. Let me explain.

Philadelphia is allowed to exist because of the chaos. If not for the general wanton disregard for life the many citizens share we would live in a very nice place. We don't want that.

This city is too close to NYC, a smug shithole packed tight with rich assholes constantly being displaced by even richer assholes. If we attract too many new york faggots, the rent goes up and land develipers swoop in to prop up shitty and overpriced prefab apartments.

Destruction is the ritual to keep them away. Unfortunately this city is losing it's way. Soon enough we will be Brooklyn part 2.

Hurr Durr, we're just too real and don't want to lose our "culture". Philly is a shithole, unironically. The people there are mostly shit, the architecture is mostly shit, and people need to get out from their ass and stop acting like the reason that the average Philadelphian is a jerkoff, is because they are trying to stave off gentrification.

Fite me irl

The city was not damaged from Super Bowl.

I live in philly dumbass I participated in the riots it absolutely was damaged

flipped cars, torn awnings, damaged streetlights and food trucks, and more

You want to see what real rioting looks like, go look at France with their yellow vests. The shit you are talking about is small potatoes.

Rioting in France is there national sport, its not fair to compare.

why would I want to go to France? thx but no thx 😎

I participated in the riots

can you explain which brand of retarded you are

I live in philly

I feel like that explains your question easily

I thought philly had a whole spectrum of retardation. it's nice to see the culture reach homogeny

i mean there’s west philly crackhead retard and center city/college student retard, it’s a spectrum for sure

I don't even think the city flipped any cars, which is downright disappointing. I think a horse got punched maybe?

I think some freak ate horseshit.

Cars were flipped, am Phillycel can confirm

So this is what proplr have to do for fun in Philly

Uhh, yeah, I guess I should just tell you. 'The furnace' is what we call your mom and, yes, there is going to be a party. Sorry ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I think the writing in that letter accurately portrays the author.

Lol at all the fat whitoids milling about.

/r/Philadelphia is such a den of retardation.

Every local sub slants extremely soy. You should see all the brigading Chapo did to that place over Gritty.

I did see it. It was annoying as shit, and the fuckers set up camp in the sub.

They weren't even bothering to pretend they were even from area either.

They don't need to, because the average poster there is a fat, spineless whitoid.

Also, I still laugh thinking about last year's model drama and "I was a girl scout, I take integrity seriously"

Sounds like Great Whites kinda gig.

I used to live a block from there not more than a month ago. I FEEL CHEATED.

I heard it was an alright time. Figured it would be some kind of propaganda bullshit but now I kinda regret not going.

The kind of person that writes and distributes this kind of bullshit has never been punched for being a little shit in school.