Sargon Of Akkad’s election campaign has gotten banned from Twitter lmao.

210  2019-04-27 by Ghdust2


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A modern day Machiavelli

Karl Rove reborn

This but unironically. Machiavelli was exactly the kind of sperg who would tweet with an anime avatar.

With an anime avatar of a character that no one but absolute pieces of shit would identify with.

Not big on censorship but it's pretty clear who Sargon is by who he surrounds himself with.

it's pretty clear who Sargon is by who he surrounds himself with

yeah, a bunch of larpers

recognizing an anime character


I tried getting into that shitty manga because her retarded expression and loli body made my dick hard

but it's fucking insufferable, literally every chapter is the girl showing how retarded she is

shes still hot tho

Thanks for your input, please be sure to pass through the gas chambers on your way out.

darqwolff pls

but it's fucking insufferable, literally every chapter is the girl showing how retarded she is

That's the fucking point, you absolute fucking mongrel, it's a cringe comedy about a loser sociophobic kid trying to live her life through highschool, without the whole happy slice of life bullshit (at least up to a point in the story), only pure depression.

loli body made my dick hard




and loli body made my dick hard

Do the world a favor and eat a bullet, please and thank you.

What is it with rightoids and weebshit?

There's a lot of leftist weebs too. It's more an autism link.

The horseshoe is bent by autism

The More You Know

Nothing is as strong as autism

I always suspected thism Now I have confirmation

I thought it was the immense density of the aitism that bent the space occupied by the horseshoe

Ethnonationalists tend to be life losers who have 0 personal pride which is why they tack their pride onto people who have nothing to do with them. Weebs consequently are life losers with 0 personal pride so it's an easy slide for them to then find some pride elsewhere

Weebs consequently are life losers with 0 personal pride so it's an easy slide for them to then find some pride elsewhere



Furries lean left, weebs lean right

Autistic shut-ins with poor social experience tend to be the only ones retarded enough to get into far right politics

God is dead and the weebs killed him.

I mean if it’s good enough for space daddy

Imagine building the best rocket company and also having an anime avatar.

Delicious C O P E

Someone in there is trying to cite marsh v Alabama to claim Twitter isn't allowed to ban people.

Belligerent Foids v Pizza held that if the penetrating objecting lacked sufficient girth to produce sensation then consent was not required.

Imagine thinking I'd put my hog (my best trait) anywhere near a foid.


I'd put my hog (my best trait)

That's a really low fucking bar to set 🤣 🤣 🤣

Ugh, I was arguing with some dumbass on here like a month ago who cited Marsh for the same thing. He argued that because users of Twitter supplied the content by posting they are "employees" of Twitter just like the employee residents in Marsh.

Who's shocked by the amount of freeze peach anime avatards in there?

Actually it's almost the exact opposite of what they say. They have safe harbor protections from being sued for what their users post, that's why they allow you to post whatever. If they were to remove those special legal protections they would basically be publishers and resonating for everything their users wrote, and thus have to implement much harsher censorship. Probably entirely remove the ability of people to post anything without pre-approval.

Literally the most vanilla "conservative." Twitter is shit.

"I wouldn't even rape you", "I don't give a shit about the holocaust", "Don't act like a white nigger" = vanilla conservative.

This but unironically

I always make sure to avoid saying the nword. I think it, tho.


Nothing inherently wrong with any of those statement.

I wouldn't even rape you

Stop acting like a huwhite nigger. Do you think this is how white people act? You understand that I'm a human bean? REEEEEEEEEEEE

Sounds about huright.

american OUT

Prøv igen, min ven.

continental who thinks all Anglos are American OUT OUT OUT OUT OUT

also kinda cool that I could p much read that without any knowledge of scandi

Paakasäkki vittuun NYT

Imagine assuming a person's political beliefs based on his level of political correctness and some out of context phrases. Sargon isn't even a fucking conservative, he sided with UKIP to basically "own the SJWs" which is fucking retarded but still doesn't make him a conservative. Let me guess, you're either an American or live in some other Anglosaxon shithole where American """"""culture""""" has taken over every last bit of sanity you people used to have.

lmao triggerer

I'm as triggered at Americans as I would be with a chicken that can't understand that is watching its own reflection. Both don't know any better, chickens were born this way, Americans I don't know, it's most likely something in the water, probably mercury given the level of brain damage.

That's a fair point. There are several conservatives remaining who think the movement should be about limited government, fiscal responsibility, and resisting reactionary and sweeping social reform.

They won't be elected at any point to a prominent political position. But they're definitely out there, biding their time, reading Thomas Sowell columns and sipping overly-large mugs of weak coffee.

he sided with UKIP to basically "own the SJWs" which shows the level of his retardation but still doesn't make him a conservative

lmao what does these even mean


Fuck off, what's wrong with being American? Fuck your country, America is #1. Everyone leeches off of America.

Name one non-Jewish politician that gives a shit about the shoah.

Those don't sound like political positions to me. Hell, one of them even sounds like something a sitting Democrat congressperson would say.

Twatter rightoids: social media platforms are a public utility and should be heavily regulated by the government

Totally the party of small government, deregulation, and privatization tho 👌👌👌

There haven't been any conservatives in the US for going on 30 years now.

Jim Webb?

conservatives = moderate democrats

Twatter rightoids: social media platforms are a public utility and should be heavily regulated by the government

That's not the actual rightoid argument, though. The argument is that these guys either get to be publishers who edit and control content but have to take responsibility for what's on their platform legally (setting them up for civil/criminal legal action) or they get to be open public forums who don't edit and control content but are protected from civil/legal action. Being a "utility" doesn't have anything to do with it.

It is a public platform that is managed by a private company. It is a means of communication. A utility. They have an obligation to allow legal content.

I don't know who you're quoting, but I don't think social media falls under the same legal status as utilities, so whoever said it is pulling shit out of their ass. No one is saying social media "should be heavily regulated by the government." They're saying social media needs to follow the (very limited) rules that are already in place: take the protections and be an open platform, or risk legal peril and be a publisher. It's not a difficult argument to understand, it's the one I most commonly hear, and it's more accurate than "muh utilities."

Or rightoids can stop violating the TOS of social media platforms so they stop getting banned off of them. It's really not that hard.

I'm wary of any attempts to restrict private companies' ability to set terms on what behavior is permissible for their customers/users to engage in. If people want an absolute free speech social media platform, then they can go create one. It's unfair of them to force Twatter to cater to their desire for one.

Or rightoids can stop violating the TOS of social media platforms so they stop getting banned off of them. It's really not that hard.

LOL, OK, sure, that's what's happening. They're "violating the terms of service." Just like here on Reddit where this sub has to jump through hoops to keep the admins happy when we're doing nothing that half-a-dozen other subs are doing, meanwhile you got CTH calling for violence against people, AHS doxxing people, and every other sub from /r/bestof to AHS to SRD openly brigading other subs.

There's a reason the Zodiac Killer has a three-minute list of stupid bans on Facebook and The Zuck can't say whether or not they've ever banned any left-wingers, and it's not because rightoids are "violating the terms of service."

I'm wary of any attempts to restrict private companies' ability to set terms on what behavior is permissible for their customers/users to engage in.

I'd agree if we were talking about a free market with dozens of platforms to choose from but that's not what we have. We have a few companies with government-enabled monopoly status who, with the assistance of other businesses with whom they've partnered, actively work to thwart any competition.

If people want an absolute free speech social media platform, then they can go create one. It's unfair of them to force Twatter to cater to their desire for one.

Every time someone tries to start an alternative social network their infrastructure for services, like hosting and financing, are attacked. How many different businesses does someone have to start just to offer a Twitter alternative? Why are banking services like MasterCard actively interfering in payment processing for these companies?

It's unfair of them to force Twatter to cater to their desire for one.

No, it's not. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, etc. know what the rules are. You either get legal protections and allow everyone to post anything that's legal or you get to say what people can say and lose those legal protections. They doubly don't get to complain about people insisting they follow the rules when they're doing everything they can to make sure they don't have any competition.

still unemployed then?

I am a bot. Contact for questions

The ironic thing is that I'm at work right now, LPB.

Nobody has any absolute right to use a social media platform. If Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, et al. want to make their users jump through stupid hoops, that's up to them. If you don't want to jump through the hoops, than stop using the platform. If Reddit banned this sub right now, I'm not going to cry about how mean they are to us while doing nothing about places like CTH. It's their site and they can do want they want, even if it's stupid.

It's also absolutely laughable to argue that because websites police some of the content that's posted on them they should lose a bunch of legal protections. They still aren't responsible for what their users post.

TL;DR: Everything you said in preceding posts go right out the window and you reveal that you're just fine with censoring political/social/cultural opinions so long as those opinions aren't your own. Thanks for finally just being honest about it.

I just said I would be fine with Reddit "censoring" me and you take away that I'm "just fine with censoring political/social/cultural opinions so long as those opinions aren't [my] own." Way to miss the point entirely. My argument is that nobody has a right to use a website.

No, it's not. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, etc. know what the rules are. You either get legal protections and allow everyone to post anything that's legal or you get to say what people can say and lose those legal protections

But that's not "the rule", it never has been, and it was never the intent of those protections to work that way. You can say you think we should pass new legislation to make that the rule, but to say it is the current rule is just wrong.

Because they're not conservatives, they just don't like SJWs. Sargon himself doesn't identify as a conservative and a quick search finds he literally has a video titled "The Conservative Party is Your Enemy" in which he condemns them because of their involvement in NHS privatization and cuts, rail privatization, tax cuts for rich people, benefits cuts, etc.

And even conservatives don't necessarily oppose regulation, that's more of a libertarian or ancap thing.

People keep forgetting this, in fact his economic views are as retarded as any left winger can come up with thats not commie. Those are still more retarded.

We need an American NHS. I oppose single payer, we need total nationalization.

He's a britbong, they have stupider laws.

none of these people were ever even slightly conservative, they were called conservatives by retarded "lefties"

I never called him a conservative. If Sargon is not a conservative but is still clearly a right winger, then what kind of right winger is he? A libertarian? Then he should be very much agaisnt government regulation of a private company. If he is not a right libertarian and not a conservative, then what other kind of right winger is he?

He is literally not a right winger. He's both socially and economically left. Pro gay, always supported gay marriage, pro trans, pro equality, pro NHS, pro social safety net, pro regulation, not a climate denier, pro climate protections... but wait a second what's that? He said the no-no word to some actual for real white nationalists? Confirmed right winger.

running on a UKIP ticket

not a right winger

1) lol, literally a non-point. The man isn't a rightoid, and if you think he is then demonstrate multiple rightoid policy positions he holds. I just listed the liberal laundry list and he agrees with them all.

2) I don't know if you're a Brit but over here, right now, parties are divided by their Brexit stance not their position on the left-right spectrum. I voted Conservative last election despite being against almost everything they stand for. Because of their supposed stance on Brexit and, you know, Labour's leader is a literal commie.

Lol britbong politics are retarded. I'm not gonna go on a wild goose chase to prove to you that Sargon is in fact not a right winger. If you have deluded yourself into thinking he's not on the right side of the political spectrum, you don't have a functioning neuron.

You're on r/drama and you're equating being a shitposter to being right wing. Well fuck me everyone here must be a rightoid.

If you need to go on a "wild goose chase" to present a right wing view that he holds you've already lost the argument... And if you were to find one (which I'm sure you would) that doesn't invalidate the full checklist of left wing positions he already has ticked.

If the fucking rightoids in 2019 are everything previously listed then fuck it, trump 2020 eh

The man isn't a rightoid,

He literally is

That’s like a fucking hair into right wing, and the online test is nowhere near comprehensive enough for that to be a final judgement.

He identifies as a liberal. Whether you define him as a right-winger or not, he's not obligated to hold right-wing views to better fit the label you slapped on him.

Then he should be very much agaisnt government regulation of a private company.

It's almost as though in the real world outside reddit, people are capable of nuanced positions that are not pure black-or-white.

Yeah, the UK Independence Party's platform is all about states' rights and limiting the power of Congress and the President. They are strict constructionists as far as the Supreme Court is concerned, and ardent supporters of the 2nd amendment. As their name suggests, they are big fans of the Declaration Of Independence.

I don't understand why they don't stand for elections to the Senate or House though.

As if pro-Brexit rhetoric doesn't borrow heavily from US notions of small government. All their talk about unelected EU bureaucrats telling the UK what to is very similar to US states rights arguments.

It hurts to read this shit because I agree with the views behind his argument but the argument itself is too retarded to defend.

they are a US company, located in the US. And the constitution is for everyone, not just citizens.

Dude I intentionally try to sound retatded but I still don't sound as half retarded as this guy

I wonder what Milo has to say about that!

This will never get old.

Or fellow right wing campaign worker Roger Stone

/u/Ghdust2 is a plagiarist.

Go away r/kiatard.

As some one on the team, we will be taking this to the relevant electoral authorities, and if there are grounds, we will be seeking restitution via the courts for this political interference by a foreign entity in our elections.

Please retweet

Fucking lol!!!!

1 like

couldn't even get the 2 of them to like the tweet

UKIP must be the Britbong version of our libertardians.

Probably not? Like sargon might have actually killed UKIP where the splinter party that broke off when he joined is polling much higher than UKIP.

You could promise me a long, healthy life and the same for my friends and family. You could promise me untold riches, a proof of the afterlife or higher plane of existence. You could promise me food that had all nutrients and zero calories. You could give me cold fusion cars, the cover of Lords of Acid's "Voodoo U" (NSFW) (Although, r/Drama would like "Our Little Secret" better) as a sex harem.

As soon as you have an anime avatar, all that turns to a huge fucking turd.

lmao i thought leftists hated election interference

Make fun of everyone else


Call out muh Shoah




This might open a can of worms. Could you imagine if twitter selectively banned politicians?

Clearly, the only true solution is just to ban all politics from twitter.

the real real solution is just to ban twitter itself

Ban my peepee first.

given how no woman will ever go near yours its effectively banned itself

Could you imagine if twitter selectively banned politicians?

I'm sorry, is this supposed to be a hypothetical statement?

What anime is that? Tomoko?

"It's not my fault I'm not popular!"

Kuroki Tomoko is a super popular, high school girl, who has had 50 years of dating experience, and 100 boys... in the Otome game world. In the real world, she is a 15-year-old shut in, who has all of the qualities of a "mojo" (喪女, a gloomy or unpopular woman).

However, when school isn't going as she expected, and she isn't as popular as she had thought she was, she takes a look at herself in the mirror for the first time in a few years, and has some shocking revelations...


Honestly the premise is realistic considering Japan's problem with shut ins.

However that's what these weebs idolize for some stupid reason.

Its normie bait and has dropped most of the original premise by now. There's beeter neet/hikki anime manga.

Oh it did? I've only seen snippets from when I've browsed /a/.

She's got lesbian friends now

Youre a disgusting pedo

Peak airstrip one

imagine being a "campaign manager" and your prof pic is tomoko

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA is that really their avatar

Fucking watamote

I'm out