
989  2019-04-29 by Burnnoticelover


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


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I really wanna know the context for this one

Not sentient, but an excellent point anyway.

Hate when the Barnie movie is spoiled for me

Did he end up fucking those kids or no?

Hello FBI? I’d like to report a comment on the internet.


Arya shanked his ass.

I...am...no one.

fucking hell, I hope the fat man dies prematurely rather than finishing his book series with a similar kind of cope out.

Seriously WTF?? why didn't someone get a VS sword then just go fucking north and stab the fucking faeries while they're sleeping?? Retarded af

Yeah that made all Jon's buildup kind of pointless

Hollywood is fucking pointless.


Time to play GoT mod on CK2 again. Much better than D&D's crap.

At least there is some challenge and actual Consequences in that mod, unlike the show.

The only fucking challenge in that mod is fixing border gore, CK2 easy af


You just made the list kiddo

The fact that you haven't even seen the film says a lot. If you have any sense of culture or appreciation for art, you will see this film. I don't think it's any stretch of the imagination to suggest that Endgame is possibly the greatest movie, if not the greatest piece of artwork ever envisioned, let alone executed. It's got everything. You've got green boys, you've got strong powerful women, you've got a big purple Thanos shaking his fat cock in your face. I would give anything to exist as Thanos' magical golden glove with his huge bulging fist inside me and with one swift click he instantly crushes my prostate, a mixture of shit, piss and pre-cum leaking from my every orifice.

This comment is hilarious but did anyone else think Endgame sucked big hairy plums? It’s like I was watching the extended directors cut to a movie where every other scene I thought, “well that didn’t add anything to the movie I totally see why that was cut for the theatrical version,” except nothing was fucking cut.

They kept every irrelevant scene and character you didn’t want to see or here from. It was one of the biggest cinematic let downs in recent memory. I would have welcomed seeing Thanos crush Advark’s prostate it might have added something worth seeing to it.

i didnt like the movie at all, was a huge let down, considering the hype. But dont say anything about it to the hive mind

They made a big deal about how they had limited time travel because Hank wasn't around to make more Pym particles, but wouldn't having the time stone have just given them unlimited time travel? Like, if they'd all just gone back and had a polite conversation with the bald Asian lady, there would be no conflict because they would have infinite do overs.

Like, if they'd all just gone back and had a polite conversation with the bald Asian lady, there would be no conflict because they would have infinite do overs.

They beat you over the head with "time stone is bad" for an entire movie and then you come up with this? Granted, they never really showed the negative effects, but it's not like it wasn't established previously. I suppose the dimensional "time travel" shit in this movie muddied the waters.

Well I thought mere mortals couldn't just handle the infinity stones, but there they were, doin all sorts of this and that with em

And dying

Tony got cooked by all six and inexplicably had enough life left in him to share a moment with Peter before kicking the bucket, Hulk could probably use the time stone by itself and just get diarrhea or something.

But that’s every cinematic death.

I especially love the Assassin’s Creed cutscenes where you stab a dude’s throat and he has enough time to coherently chat with you about philosophy for a hot second before he shuffles off the mortal coil.

I think in later games they said that this is due to the assasin having psychic abilities to extract memories from the dead or some shit, that's why you can have a chat with everyone you kill.

If you activate the cutscene when the scene glitches they actually get up about and emote as they talk to you before "walking away" once you're done with them.

I think that was just the power stone.

No because the infinity pebbles exist on both of those timelines she showed to hulk and they only work in the one where Thanos nutcrackered them out of existence

it was so bad

I feel honestly violated and lied to by the reviews and responses to the movie. I was seeing shit like, “Cinematic event of a lifetime,” and, “quite possible the best movie ever,” it wasn’t even a top five fucking marvel movie, much lest a top movie. It was a joke relative to the hype.

Only in drama can this discourse be upvoted trolololol

People were gonna like it no matter what


I haven't seen it but tgat sounds like what Id expect. A type of nerd thinks complications = complexity = good. So they cram as much austistic detail into things and call it "world building".

Then you've gotta have fan service. Every dork has a favorite obscure character they want to see.

Plus capeshit movies all suck so youve got to have a lot of moving parts and colors to keep everyone distracted

Saw it. Evening well spent. 3/10 movie. I watched it because these movies are great conversation topic and I did want to know, how the saga ends.

I still enjoyed it and got all the fanservice I was hoping for, but I really appreciate having the feeling of never feeling like I need to see another MCU movie ever again.

i thought you meant knock knock.

and by seen, i thought you meant jacked off to it.

Drama mods please new copypasta for the archive bot

Delete this!!!!!!!


Zzzzzzzzzap! Zzzzzzzzzzap!

Arya kills Tony Stark with Rosebud.

What is Ayra ?

Character from GoT that has teleportation powers.

Every characters from GoT has teleporters in their pseudo-medieval pocket though

Is rosenud a lotr sword

You are an uncultured swine.


Wait do you actually not knew what Rosebud is?


Watch a movie that isn't capeshit you fucking dweeb.

What movie is the meme from, John wick?

Knock knock

Answer the door, Jeeves.

Superhero mashup movies are gay but trying to ruin someone elses fun is even gayer

If you can ruin someones movie so easily it wasnt worthwhile in the first place.

Anyway nerds are ruining the world by filling it with cultural garbage both literally and figuratively so who cares??

Disagree tbh. Even actually good, well-made movies that rely on their twists (i.e. Usual Suspects or even kinda Sixth Sense) are entirely hampered on first viewing experience if you know whats going to happen on first viewing. Usual Suspects especially I wouldn't have enjoyed anywhere near as much as I did had i known beforehand

There are some actually good, well-made movies that rely on their twists

Feel free to provide some examples then.

I literally already did. Unlesz the implication here is that Usual Suspects isn't a good film, in which case you're a tard

lmao seems i struck a chord

Do you unironically think Usual Suspects isn't a good movie? I thought you were joking, hence the overreaction.

I'm actually legit suprised because I've never seen anyone have this opinion. I'm kinda interested to just hear your thoughts now

go serious post about shit movies somewhere else

Ok so I'll take it you just haven't watched it. Fair enough. Have a good one

tbh I think it's you who hasn't seen it

Yeah I did, and I really quite liked it. I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that either, considering the ridiculous number of awards it won. Hell, wiki tells me that "The Writers Guild of America ranked the film as having the 35th greatest screenplay of all time."

yikes, already seeking higher authority immediately. can't stand to like the film on your own?

Well i am a sheep after all.

SPOILER: Endgame sucks


The bad guy loses, there’s a heroic sacrifice, someone gets old, ironman makes his own gauntlet with his 3D printer

Only one of tgeee are true

I can’t believe how many of you fucking autists have unironically watched capeshit films.

Imagine being “edgy” to hate what other people like

He's not being edgy. Superhero films are for infantile faggots.

Wahhh, poor baby waby can’t handle a different opinion so he bwings out his wittle slur wahhhh 😢

LOL anything you say is worthless since it's coming from a butthurt comicfag

You post on conspiracy so your opinion is invalid, blocked 🙂 don’t try replying to me incel

Carry on being unironically retarded

I found the first tranny incel 😂

iron man dies, widow dies, thanos dies, captain America grows old and the hulk does a reverse snap

I have' detected this might be a spoiler for: Avengers: Endgame. The post has been reported / deleted.

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absolutely barbaric. mods, why is this bot allowed to be here in snappys domain

gay bot

I had no idea, who that chick was. Like honestly none. I found out next day.


Someone sent me end game spoilers once as if it would ruin my day or something...