All of the lengthy, autistic r/stupidpol rants on Medium have been taken down. Cumtown’s sinister influence knows no bounds!

102  2019-05-01 by Cleverly_Clearly


This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


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Since when is promotion of gangbang considered as "sexual threat"?


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Gangrape is actually democratically speaking fair. I mean its almost unanimous

The unanimity approaches 100% the more rapists there are.

I mean eventually you get a stan added to your name. Rapistan

We can solve both the incel problem, and the foid problem in one fell swoop.

Time is not on the side of the foids and incels.

It's over for economically left, socially centre-right (a.k.a the most based ideology) - cels

thats like the worst of both worlds 🤢

Neoliberals out Out OUT!

why do you hate the global poors

Too many of them

better poor than mayo

Taco Trucks on Very Corner or Bust motherfucker. We are gonna get you gringo - bet!

economically left, socially centre-right (a.k.a the most based ideology) - cels

This but unironically.

centrist, but not radical

economically left, socially centre-right

Unironically the lowest-IQ ideology


What about far left economic and far right social which I think was the goal of Gaddhafi

Nazbol gang is pretty retarded, even if they are funny

Nazbol is the future after ww3

Gaddafi was the only one to tell the truth about Israel AND Palestine

Strasserism 🤤

i was accidentally referring to this but meant to refer to the enlightened lessons of الكتاب الأخضر‎ al-Kitāb al-Aḫḍar)


NOOOO I didn’t get a chance to read the new one! 😫😫😫

Fucking finals and time management, should have read when it was posted.

literally over for ihavealifecels

It never even started.


There should be a snapshot in the previous thread on this I guess, if you really care about it.

Yeah, I saw in stupidpol and saved it. Apparently a 40 min read time though and that guy can barely write. Maybe over the weekend. 😴😶

It’s wild that in 10 years or so I’ll be considered a genuine social conservative for thinking things like reparations are a dumb idea and we shouldn’t let 12 year olds cut their dicks off

It’s wild that in 10 years or so I’ll be considered literally Hitler

It is absolutely a terrifying prospect to me.

To think that zoomers are our only hope

it's okay guys i got this just lemme finish this round of apex quick

Apex is for millennials dipshit

Apex is for genxcels who think they're milennials

washes down adderall with a refreshing tide pod

‘If there is hope,’ wrote Winston, ‘it lies in the zoomers.’

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a zoomer dabbing on the human race, forever.

Then flossing at auschwitz. Epic!!

Ive always dreamed about being the grandpa who makes his family uncomfortable by saying insanely fucked up shit, its cool that its gonna happen when im in my 30s

That’s basically what we already are to the rest of reddit

Heavens to Betsy, you're gosh darn right 😱.

Haha. Hey the block is gonna get down this weekend for a welcome to summer bbq. Friends and family welcome. Our kids will be back home from college. They are so smart. Hey xhalt, dont forget to bring your wifey's brownies. They are a treat!!!


wifey's brownies.

That one's put me on a diet, she wants me to live forever !

Has her own little calorie book on the fridge, her heads buried in it all day ! Hehe.

I'll tell her y'all been hankering for them and she'll oblige.

See ya there Trent !

They DO always say "hehe." it sounds so creepy in my head.

Not boomer name signing off!?! 🤬🤬🤬


God that peak ! A space away. Ive been out boomered. If i could id start each sentence with two spaces.

Ive been out boomered.


ive been working to bring back saying “retard” irl after I noticed a lull in its usage around 2014

That is saying fucked up shit and being a grandpa in ur 30s

eating meat should be legal

But only if you're rich.

I have a little hope that the pendulum will swing back once the general public gets sufficiently pissed off about where society is heading. Plus, call-out culture is inherently self-destructive; leftists are just as likely to use it against their own as to use it as a bludgeon against centrists or conservatives.

Maybe on some things (trans trend will die down a bit for example) but generally people are very reluctant to give up “freedoms” which is what liberal social policies are all about granting.

which is what liberal social policies are all about granting.

Not anymore. Maybe a decade or more ago, that would be true. Now it’s all about forced compliance, which to me is the opposite of freedom.

They’re really about letting in-group women and minorities do whatever they want and forcing compliance from the out-groups

And when "liberal social policies" genuinely do grant people freedoms, that's a good thing, and it shouldn't be given up.

The pendulum HAS swung, remember its just 8% of radicals pushing the same dumb shit.

40 > 8

It’s not tho, reparations are becoming part of the D platform

Its just the same retarded 8% of radicals that keep pushing this shit, you are fucking normal and almost everyone else is fucking tired of this shit. Don't buy into the narrative that common fucking sense is a rare commodity, it's just rare among shit heads.


I am here to offer you a robot hug, and to wish you the best day of your life!


when you think about it, it's kind of messed up to hope that someone's life never gets any better than today

Yes but it can seem that way since these people have a strong mainstream media/social media presence. I think it's gonna be fine because these radicals keep canceling each other and eventually corps and the public will start to realize that the loud minority doesn't represent the general population.

I was a centrist democrat 15 years ago

Now those same views are almost alt right tier lmao

• the second amendment should exist

You don’t need to wait 10 years for the stupidity to set in - this is rightoid nonsense right here in 2019.

I've embraced it. If they're gonna call me a social conservative, then that's what I'll be.

You could say I've ridden the tiger 😏

in 10 years


It's already happening. Look at the uproar when Friends was made available on Netflix UK

spend some time offline nerd

Everyone uses the internet now, the opinions you see online reflect real peoples opinions


Look man when we use corporations to enact communism that doesn't mean its fascism. Yes it fits a literal definition of the word. But that doesn't stop me from calling all of you nazis. Ok? Also i will be putting my work on a new medium. And no i don't mean writing it in my own feces from a mental institution.

when we use corporations to enact communism

tell me more

We are the progressives. We do things that have never been done before because if we did that would make us regressive or reactionary. We have infiltrated the most powerful corporations and governments on earth. Google and other tech giants aligned with the state will be our vehicle to power. Thru oppression of opposition by any means necessary we will deperson the apostles and strike fear into the conformists. Its with us or against us. We will take this new alliance to its pinnacle of authoritarian oppression and then dismantle it all and we will live in a one almond colored racial neo binary future where money is gone and we all eat fruit genetically modified to cause mass orgies.

do you have some kind of newsletter or periodical i can subscribe to?

No thats capitalism

how about a suspiciously professional-looking not-for-profit e-zine with a photograph of a suspiciously spot-on mix of diverse minorities and exactly one white guy on the front of it?

*calls soros jr

I would laugh at this except I am aware of far too many brain damaged trannies at Google and Facebook who are hammering out the chains that will bind humanity in the coming age of darkness. All the while the masturbate and LARP to their fantasies of some socialist utopia, as if that wasn't an oxymoron, and as if they'd lift finger to bring it about outside of the endless spergy postings on social media. Also you'll never guess which part of Google has the most furries and coprophiles.

which part?

Lmao you are peak dunning kruger. Nice.

post hog

Although im a rural christian and conservative land owner, i do not have a hog to post. My neighbor Joe does tho. He has chickens too!

Look in my eyes! Farming is not real work thats why we enslaved you all in the great Stalin years. Real work is managing mental patients and working at my dads multinational.