[IRL Drama] It finally happened! Someone accused me of being a Nazi because of one of my tattoos

143  2019-05-07 by Oh_hamburgers_

So today was the first day that it was nice enough outside to go for a run and after being stuck on a treadmill all winter I was looking forward to it. I headed down to the school track near me and started the run. After a few laps I noticed a few women giving me dirty looks as I passed them. At first I just shrugged it off but then I noticed them actually pointing at me and when I passed them this time one of the women flagged me down.

"Do you really think it's appropriate to have that tattoo exposed in public?" She asked.

"What, this?" I said gesturing to my shoulder.

"Yes, it's a hate symbol" she said.

I took a moment to compose myself and also to remind myself I'm not online so I couldn't tell her to just flat out fuck off.

"This isn't a hate symbol, it's a Celtic shield", I said, chewing back adding a "you cunt" at the end of that sentence.

"No, it's an iron cross and that's a Nazi symbol" this bitch replied.

After a minute or so more of trying to convince her it wasn't an iron cross I just popped my headphones on and took off running again. The next lap she flagged me down again.

"I'm going to call the police if you don't leave, there are kids here and they shouldn't be exposed to that" she said, her friends nodding along. So at this point I just decided to drop the niceties.

"What the fuck are you going to tell the cops? That the 4th reich is rising up on a fucking running track? They'll laugh in your face."

She turned back to her friends and they were mumbling to each other for a few seconds then finally she turned back and said "We'll let you go this time but don't come back, especially when there are kids here. If you do come back, make sure to cover up your Nazi tattoo". The nerve of this bitch.

I wish I had said something clever but I just blurted out "go fuck yourself lady" and went back to running. I don't know if they were scared of me or just done walking around the track at 3mph while pretending it was exercise but they left pretty soon after that.

Finished my run, came home, and now I'm telling you people about it. Here's the tattoo in question. Warning: mayo inside. Ignore the sloppy bathroom.


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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yeah the swirly design inside does make it visually distinct from the iron cross, shoulda told the bitch to google it

anyways I personally hope this keeps happening to people

Yeah it's just a same-sided celtic cross which has been used by several neonazi movements, some of them being terrorists. OP got a nazi tattoo, either because he's a nazi or because he's retarded.

"I got the ISIS flag tattooed and people keep calling me a jihadist, fucking libtards right"

They have no proof that I'm a threat. Other than I was in ISIS.

fuckin lol k retard


Tattoos are tools for witches. We could use some more witch trials.

I always wanted a witch wife, guess it will never be...

I reckon Chapos are actually Witches because only magic could bring about their fantasy world

Maybe they called you a nazi because youre an actual nazi

Could be I guess

The first step is acknowledging the possibility. Now post bussy

This but unironically. 🤤

you should've told them that all white people are inherently racist. it's fantastic bait because this is what SJWs actually believe.

Accept Malcolm X into your heart as your Lord and Savior


Did your tattoo artist the person who put that on your body have Parkinson's?

Nah it looks odd because my arm is turned in a funny direction, though one of the loops is admittedly a bit off.


Sharpie a swastika on your other bicep and go back tomorrow

Yes and tell the foid you follow Hinduism and it means good luck or well being, then do a lap goosestepping

Based and Jainpilled

You're a ginger potato-not-eater?

It never began for you, my friend.

Red beard, brown hair. Literal mutant status.

Same here, least we’re not full gingers.

Whoa me too. Ginger pubes as well tho.


bienvenida a casa, Goblina. Estas seguro aquí.

Your beard will turn black if you attend the Hajj brother.

My cousin says he's this, but he's just in denial that he's not ginger all the time, and just calls his hair "light brown"

Better than my goddamm half white beard though, what the fuck. I looked like gandalf when I was 16

Brown hair, ginger beard, blond mustache abomination here

Riley Raid getting destroyed: http://ceoq.l5dusnkq.org/touq282h/


You gotta show up with a spear tomorrow so that your Finn MacCool impersonation is more believable.

tfw no deer wife

Should of just posted pic instead of long-posting tbh

I'm a mick, we're known for being long winded.

Holy shit I hate Irish Americans.

Gingers have no souls. You have no right to be on that track.

Reminds me of a joke:

"Why are there no ginger jazz musicians?"

"oh ha ha. BeCaUsE 'nOt EnOuGh SoUl'? I've heard this one."

"No. Because Irish immigrants were typically poor and couldn't afford education in general, much less jazz."

Most Irish immigration predates jazz

And the potatoheads that were around mostly didn't get into Jazz because they didn't associate with the darkies who played it.

Poor people were the ones playing jazz music

What do you think this is, AITA? This didn't happen, and even if it did, it's not drama, just white women being white women.

On one hand I just wanna go with the r/thathappened route, but given the insanity of current social norms I gotta admit it's plausible. What region are you from?

A pretty liberal area in NY.

Lmao rip

Imagine living on the Eastcoast 😂

It's over for Eastern Seaboardcels

This definitely happened then, fucking white people

Most believable part is how he said it was a beautiful day and then instead of running in scenery, he decides to run in a circle on a track bc NYC"

Nice fantasypost. Did you think of this whole crying in your shower or while crying in bed?



"What the fuck are you going to tell the cops? That the 4th reich is rising up on a fucking running track?

This is where I knew you were full of it.

dude. really??? u pull this redditism shit?? on this day????? the day of my cats wedding??????????

Congrats, was it the tabby?

I know, I felt disgusting typing it, but I'm not about to plead with internet randos to believe me.

Bro like no joke, that tatoo looks gay as fuck.


No one belives that, not as long as you carry around those man tits.

this is some advanced mayo people shit

pretty sure the potato people aren't mayo

Better than anything /u/masterlawlz has ever posted

that's not saying much tbh

Post your dog again


Lmao, I have an actual iron cross tattoo and I wish someone would call me out for it

Here I was thinking you were Jewish because of the username.


wow based!

israel doesn't want to embrace nazism


Nice to meet you, Emil Maurice

Are you perhaps a upper class white Canadian as well?

literally no one cares

I know

Draw swastikas on your eyes and then you can run while people call you "Swastikyes".

Swastikes sweaty, let's unpack this.


Nice fatceps

Thanks bud

I have a tattoo on my chest of a pair of praying hands holding rosary beads with the phrase "thanks for nothing" underneath. That and a wreath of roses connected to it covers most of my chest. When I was hitchhiking through central America id i wore a shirt at all it was a loose fitting button down half way open and at least once a day some latino/a would stop me and ask to see my chest tattoo because it's really well done and they love catholic imagery...I'm super glad none of them could read English though or my trip would have been a lot tougher

you can use latino, it covers both men and women in this context. don't ever use "latinx", it pisses off real latinos.

you look weak. how much do you bench?

I mean to be fair if you have a Buddhist 4 arm whatever people are guna call you a nazi, unless OP was a ginger this is guna be hard to defend to your average American retard

Now get an "88" tattoo and tell them it stands for "Honk Honk"

She should have just called you a faggot for that tattoo

write more im getting hard

op, i support u and ur post. thanks for posting.



When I read the title my mind for sure jumped to the Buddhist swastika.

Imagine not banning OP /r/drama mods

1st rule of wearing a tank top is don't be a flabby patchy skinned ginger

Pathetic. Also that tattoo is stupid.

How much of this exchange happened in the shower a couple hours after the fact?

One time I was going to this business networking type event to talk to some people I know and was signing in at the kiosk thing. I was wearing a t shirt with a cross motif on it and this Jewish woman gets in my face and says “don’t you know it’s Rosh Hashanah? How are you going to wear a cross to this event on Rosh Hashanah? I said “I’m not Jewish so I don’t celebrate it and can wear whatever I want.” She said “I know you aren’t, you’re wearing a cross on your shirt. I just hope you’re not a white supremacist!” Huge wtf moment and the irony is that the cross was just a graphic motif that had nothing to do with religion and the shirt was from my historically Jewish fraternity.

I can even see that disgusting mick chinstrap peeking out. Cute white trash tramp stamp tho.

Thx bby. Got it at 19 to impress a girl but it all paid off tonight by impressing you.

That tattoo is fucking retarded. You deserve hate for it no matter the form it takes.


You should have owned it and goosestepped around the track.

they were talking bout your fuckin head lmao

srs doe that's funny as if the same people ever say anything to you again just laugh in their face and move on, it's not worth the breath.

Dumb faggot, she wanted your dick. You should have LARPed as a Nazi and had rough sex.

Sexy Girls to Date here: http://ceoq.l5dusnkq.org/touq282h/

The worst part of the whole thing is that they were complaining because of a tattoo. The real crime is that OP is a Hibernian ginger. These foids clearly have their priorities screwed up.

Hot young girls waiting for you here: http://ceoq.l5dusnkq.org/touq282h/

Ew, gross, why would anyone post g*ssy?

Hi OP, you are not and I love the tattoo.

Sincerely, from a repressed virgin shitskin faggot.

Plz notice me and reply, it would make my day. PM me dick pics to vastly improve my mental health and whole life. I <3 mayos.

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Even in Canada we have had outside jogging weather for over a month.what adult only runs at a track? faaaake!

absolute chad

Someone should phone Independent Trucks and West Coast Choppers that their number is up as well.

Id laugh at her face and call her mentally retarded infront of her kids