Which of you turned the sex strike tweet into a wildly successful bait post?

228  2019-05-13 by Idpol


Yeah, I mean YTA. I’ll break it down for you.

That’s the problem us men have, we are in the position of power and as such, women’s issues don’t affect us, so many of us don’t really think about it. In and of itself, that’s not a crime, but your GF is trying to raise your awareness of when she and other women deal with.

Imagine being 👆.

Mayocide when ?

Imagine viewing the world as a system of power dynamics to be flattened.

I can't even imagine and I have a rather vivid imagination.

"Just want to chime in as a woman and a mother, and say that I hope my young sons end up being as empathetic and thoughtful as you."

Thanks for the gold kind stranger !

Imagine thinking fucking your loser boyfriend has any effect in larger power dynamics.

Might is right. Guess nietsche was right all along

Master slave morality when?

I'm imagining a highly persistent airbubble in a wallpaper.

Femocide first

Mayocide is sex inclusive so of course femocide will occur first.


but sexpats...

Hey Honkie explain to me why white men are such fucking idiot

white men are such fucking idiot

God's will.

Why they suck pussies also

Because they are pussies and thus like sucking themselves.

Nigga, you know you eat ass

Dude thats racist. Don’t use racial slurs against white people if you don’t wanna be called by a racial slur or the N-word yourself. (Btw I’m not white)


various selection and catalouges of slurs and the last page has the ~~~ N~~~ word on it

Get the hell out!


Eventually he'll be able to trade in his defending points for actual pussy

More like take it forcefully while ranting about how woke he is

Now I hope the lurkers here don't down vote him.

I hope he doesn't rape someone on his way over here from /r/AITA to tell us all about the virtues of being an ally.

He's not coming 😭.

That sentence has more meaning than you realize.

Barney ?



Of course there are no good bantz here, /r/drama is a bubble-wrapped safe space for leftoid autists to shitpost mod-approved maymays just like every other shit-pit on this website.

Nobody's interested in or capable of actually roasting anyone anymore because all they know how to do is bleat "mdefugee" and "out out out" and whatever other shrieky boring shit until the jannysquad makes the icky scary no-no words go away again.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Based AutoMod.

Imagine thinking men aren't oppressing women when male legislators are passing laws that would imprison women who have miscarriages.

An 11 year old girl in Ohio who is pregnant with her rapist's child is now forced to carry that child to term under a law passed in that state last month

But yeah go off King. This is clearly about mayocide and dumb internet clout rather than shit that's actually fucking people over in the real world.

Oh no he's retarded 😥.

I appreciate you defending my karma like a gentlesir.



lmayo this a joke?

  1. please practice abstinence. that's exactly what the pro-lifers have been advising you to do for decades.

  2. half of all pro-lifers are women, bro. and pro-life men are usually with pro-life women.

If only that 11 year old rape victim had practiced abstinence smh

Where does your obsession with 11 year olds come from?

Your mom's been telling you to not have sex until marriage. That makes you angry. So in protest you stop having sex, aka you do exactly what she's been telling you to do. I'm sure she will be very distraught over this.

I think the sex-strike is idiotic. The women doing it are probably dating woke boyfriends who fuck in the missionary position while doing the soy-face, so the sex-strike isn't exactly affecting any pro-life men. You guys are still dumbasses, though lmao.

This is why the 11 old kid should have gotten a dildo for her last birthday.

Why should you punish the child inside of the child just because they have a bad father? You want to kill all kids when bad dads? This sounds like an excuse to kill the poor.

Ehhhh, if it can’t think yet and can’t suffer, it can be killed afaic. Abortion might be dysgenic in some cases, in which case I think the state should regulate it because I’m a crypto-totalitarian, but fetus schmetus.

I still think it’s wrong to booze up while pregnant or do anything else that might turn the child into a retard. Maybe that’s illogical but idc.

Why are you taking what I said seriously?

I assumed there was a grain of seriousness to it, because even at my most trolling I usually have a serious undertone to what I’m saying.

Lol man nah. I don't want children being forced into childbirth and being parents.

But actually yeah I do think people that use drugs and smoke and drink are pieces of shit and abusive if they are pregnant women.

This sounds like an excuse to kill the poor.

I mean isn't that the point of communism?

Abortions due to rape are a red herring

Oh shit bro did you know bush did 9/11?

False the Jews did it

They are implicitly admitting that the more common reasons are morally wrong.

>caring about foids

Lmaoing at ur life

Imagine thinking some dude is oppressing his pro-choice girlfriend because some conservative legislators (with pro-life wives) across the country passed abortion bans.

This is your brain on class thinking.

See my other comments.

I think the sex-strike is idiotic.
Defends sex strike reasoning

OK nigga.

Where did I defend the sex strike's reasoning? I'm defending the idea that women are being fucked over by legislation, not that Alyssa Milano's moronic twitter hashtag is going to do anything. You people have worms in your brains.

Do all you chapos lie? Your comments are still up. You were defending the idea that men as a class are oppressing women.

Imagine thinking men aren't oppressing women when male legislators

Two of the six state rep sponsors were women, and the sponsor in the state senate was a woman. Real smooth brain take...

Men can't oppress women if some women are involved too. It's like how Samuel L Jackson's character in Django Unchained disproved that whites enslaved blacks.

See aforementioned observation on worms and brains.

Ah yes, I didn't realize that female reps are slaves only going along with oppressing their fellow class so they can get out of the fields. It couldn't be the much more simple explanation that a bunch of people view abortion as the equivalent of killing babies. No, everything has to be oppression. This is your brain on class thinking.

I meant that the female reps are also mysogynists and are involved in enacting mysogynisy legislation. The reference to Django Unchained was about how Sammy L was involved in the oppression of black people with Monsieur Candy. I should avoid using metaphors with people who can only interpret things literally. I forget that you think a fertilised egg is life but not the billions of sperm you wiped off your chest this morning is.

I meant that the female reps are also mysogynists and are involved in enacting mysogynisy legislation.

"When I said 'men' I meant 'misogynists.'" At least spell it right idiot.

You chapo fuckwits always tip your hand. You obviously think all men are misogynists, and that it is men as a class oppressing women as a class.

notallmen. Stop acting like such a victim dude.

  1. That's not how dyslexia works, idiot. That was quite ableist of you to try to appropriate a disability to cover for your retardation.

  2. Claims victim status for all women. Accuses other of acting like victims. OK nignog.

You sound triggered.

You sound niggered.

Oh fuck dude you said the gamer word owo


It's a furry. Old Yeller time.

Firstly, we don’t ejaculate ‘billions’ of sperm. Secondly, a fertilised egg is an individual human being, with its own unique DNA, blood type, fingerprints, eye colour, etc. Sperm is simply the product of meiosis of my own germ cells, and will die relatively soon after its production if left alone. A ‘fertilised egg’ will have a heart-beat after 4 weeks, feel pain after 8 weeks, and will be born a fully-formed human baby by 40 weeks, provided its mother doesn’t decide to murder it.

Fetuses do not feel pain until about 27 weeks. Facts don't care about your feelings.

Heart-beats are not indicative of personhood. Facts don't care about your feelings.

Potentiality for "becoming" a person in the future is not indicative of personhood (every sperm has the potentiality for becoming an individual, provided we allow it to fulfil its purpose of fertilising an egg). Facts don't care about your feelings.

Murder is simply an emotionally charged word to demonise the termination of gestation and get people like you riled up. Facts don't care about your feelings.

Fair point on the pain, but the timing of that particular development wasn’t actually relevant to my argument, I was just briefly outlining the development of a foetus. Don’t strawman me though. I never said potentiality for becoming a person in the future confers personhood, the foetus already is an individual person.

Regardless, the sperm potentiality argument is ridiculous- a sperm cell is just a body cell that is constantly dying and being replaced. It requires definitive external interference involving a completely separate person in order to produce individual life, and will not do so of its own accord.

I find it somewhat hilarious that you’d use Ben Shapiro’s quote to try to suggest that calling abortion ‘murder’ is afactual. It doesn’t matter how emotionally charged you may think it is.

I also never made the argument that having a child out of wedlock should be illegal or even considered morally wrong. I have no problem with leaving people with the choice to procreate as they please, I just believe that they then just have to live with the consequences of their actions, rather than being able to kill another human being to avoid that natural and foreseeable outcome. There should be no punishment for legal sex, for either gender (unless you consider not being able to kill your child a punishment), it is not the job of the government to prevent people from making stupid personal decisions provided they have no externalities, but it is also not the job of the government to allow people to abdicate responsibility for those actions. If people really are not in a financial position or are not mature enough to parent children, there are thousands of couples desperate to adopt their child which they should consider getting in touch with.

Of course, the issue of personal responsibility does not apply to rape, which is a truly horrible allbeit extremely rare situation, and should warrant death or castration for any man found guilty of it. The value of the child’s life, however, does not decrease based on how it was conceived, so cases of rape or incest don’t affect the basic argument. You should respond to a terrible situation with an equally terrible solution.

Just our of curiosity, what actually is your opinion on abortion. When, in your view, does a person become a person? Does passage along the vaginal canal magically confer personhood, or is there some arbitrary point along the pregnancy when the so-called ‘bundle of cells’ suddenly becomes a natural human being? And when should abortion be allowed until? Should it be allowed until the 6th week like in Georgia, or right up until emergence from the vaginal opening (or dare I say- after that) like in Virginia?

You people have worms in your brains.

That's pretty fucking ableist.



but yeah go off king

Lol get out of here black person


Oh you mean people who bust while watching Contrapoints videos and subsequently declares themselves part of a cultural movement?


What is with the autistic fixation on that stupid book?

Books are easier to distribute than actual life sustaining bread.


The abortion thing is worrying me too. Need to get old religious white men out. I don't think a sex ban is the answer, but this shit is regression.


All I advocate here is some healthy self-reflection and perspective. I don’t think OP is a bad guy by any means, but this is a great opportunity for him to be a bit more woke!

I can see this dude in my head, just from this sentence.


Me too.

He’s the guy that brings his acoustic guitar to parties. Likes to explain the benefits of feminism to women.

He's totally in a position of power lmao.


"Y-yes sir"

Damn what it's like to have power.

Why not tell her to kick rocks since her only use is being a fuck hole get another one

He deserves to hire a hooker or find some one else to fuck while she is on strike.

Just like if you go on strike at a factory you may lose your job to some one that is actually willing to work and not bitch about pay and useless health insurance.


Very woke. Now the sex strike can not only reaffirm a woman's right to kill babies but also help alleviate the stigma and economic inequality which plagues America's brave sex workers.

So men who pay hookers are the real feminists?

losers who desperately want gussy but can't get it

They sure sound like male feminists.


Just like if you go on strike at a factory you may lose your job to some one that is actually willing to work and not bitch about pay and useless health insurance.

marx wouldnt like that.


Das right nigga

Shut the fuck up, white boy.

This is a really lazy and bad gimmick. 🙄

You are the most faggiest trip coding faggot on reddit of all places lmao.

Shut down the whole fake and gay black posting shit, white boy.

Jesus how does one manage to reply to a retarded stance with an even more retarded take

Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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how did nobody claim this bitchin username until a few hours ago??


Its "Ldpol," with a lowercase "l," so it's pretty nonstandard.

Nah, that's mine.

They genuinely got "idpol" as their handle.

the real solution is to fuck some other girl in the meantime. If he’s to fugly for that then get a hooker.


Lmao good one

Based and sexstrikepilled

Life fuel for volcels

Alisha Malano made these MOIST nuggets DRY nugggets

/u/Randolph_cox follow me redzits

me not randy alt btway. Follow randy now. 140 follower

Top tier comment

Thnx, someone from r/cumtown made it

The left can meme after all 😍

Check out my comments

liked AND subscribed!

Thank u le epic redditor

Lol foids think if they close their legs the world is gonna stop spinning or something

Bitches think anything they do will stop the world.

Well.... It worked for the girlfriend of the OP in the post. Lfmao.

Now he is aware of the issue, received a bunch of messages telling him the importance of this new law, now he will understand and may or may not take a standing.... but the subject was finally approached in a substantial way by his girlfriend.

He never cared before and now he will hate it or support it. Grab the popcorn and wait for the update with him taking a standing and breaking up of supporting the girlfriend. 🍿🍿

Maybe I'm old-fashioned 👴👴👴, but to me treating sex as something so transactional is really bizarre. Don't you like... want each other to be happy?

Imagine being autistic enough to view friendships as credit and debit system lel

T. Had a former friend that was this

now he will understand and may or may not take a standing

Or he'll date a woman who doesn't invite the entire goddamn world and all its problems into the bedroom.

Well.... It worked for the girlfriend of the OP in the post.

how did it work for her?

Gussy btfo


Bigly tru very believable

Well he was told that women could go to prison for having a miscarriage (false) and then users linking to fact-checkers from the Washington post pointing out that that was nonsense were downvoted into oblivion — so how much he actually knows about the new law is debatable.

Listening to absolutely retarded "plan" from a D-list celebrity, one that does not have a clue about any of her activism on top of that, without engaging even a single brain cell to challenge her idea and just going yeah, this is good and will work, is very much peak Reddit.

Tbf Alyssa Milano wasn't always on the D-list. Zoomers take notice. This is what the women you are attracted to now will be in 15 years.

More like 25 years. Milano is my age or older, in her mid-to-late 40s.


I'm flattered that anyone would make a novelty account just to talk to me.

Same thing


people like OP are fucking garbage, can't wait till Andrew Yang is elected and mayocides all the moid cumskins

do you seriously believe that this is a real person? it's less realistic than most of the cuck fetish fantasies submitted to the relationship subs

What makes you think this is bait? Not only have sex strikes been a topic of political conversation the world over with some regularity, but somewhere around half of American women firmly believe in the right to kill babies.

Not only should they have the right to kill babies, they should have an obligation to do so. #stopoverpopulation #kiddocide

This is unironically a less controversial stance than banning abortion on the left

Ikr, I saw a play by Jean-Paul Sartre once where he revealed that most American women go to Mexico to special hotels that are on the side of a cliff so that when they give birth they can drop their baby off of it.

Have you never dreamed before?

found the salty cum skin moid

Yeah, I mean YTA. I’ll break it down for you.

Basically, she’s pretty feminist, and I don’t care either way. I like to think I’m laid back, just enjoying games and friends and shit.

That’s the problem us men have, we are in the position of power and as such, women’s issues don’t affect us, so many of us don’t really think about it. In and of itself, that’s not a crime, but your GF is trying to raise your awareness of when she and other women deal with.

Please ma'am, may I get crumb of coochie?

Particularly as today is Monther’s Day, you might want to set the Xbox controller down for a second and think about how life is different for your mom and other women in your life.

Lol, set the controller down. Unsurprisingly sexist.

Please ma'am, may I get crumb of coochie?

Hilariously literal, considering the context of the attempted sex strike.

OP said in the first paragraph that all he cares about are games, friends and shit.

I don't see how telling someone who just said that to put the controller down is sexist.

Lmao, the allfugees are pouring in.

Reminder: Downvoting allfugees is a form of downvoting lolcows. If you find yourself engaging in this kind of behavior, you need to ask yourself if you're becoming serious.

Thank you for reminding me.

I never downvote lolcows, but allfugees are a bit of a struggle sometimes.




Grade C lol cows are dog food

Taco Bell quality

Every hour of every fucking day I think to myself I can’t hate white people more than I already do. Then i come on this sub and see some shit linked that makes me hate you fucking honkies even more. In the hood a sex strike wouldn’t last long at all nigga. My bitch try and strike? She can strike herself right out of my fuckin house night. Bitches be getting uppity and it ain’t no good

Written by a white kid who thinks he knows how to sound like a black dude based off of what he's seen on tv

I actually think it reads more like a white boomer trying to be black than a white kid. Originally from T_D would be my guess.

TD is officially the Reddit boogeyman

Nah, I don't care about that. I think he's from T_D because I think he's a boomer and that sub is basically Reddit's retirement community. Cringy boomer humor = T_D.

a white boomer that watched back to back youtube videos of tracy morgan.

I'll openly admit to being a self-hating mayo. I also admit to being a sexual degenerate who likes gussy, but in my defense the girl I'm talking to isn't white and she knows how to code so I'm trying.

Also trussy>gussy u/trappysaruh love me back

the girl I'm talking to isn't white and she knows how to code

Sounds to me like a foid++.

I know this makes me a massive faggot but yeah, she seems pretty great. I like her, gussy and all.

Nah, if hes white he's at least in his thirties. He has a pretty good handle of 80s/90s black vernacular.

Has no sentence ending in "cuh" or "cuz".

Yep peak fake and gay

you would hate yourself less if you were able to identify things that were written to make people like you angry

this comment is extremely ironic.

how so?

you just ate an obvious fkn joke comment....

shit, you're right. why did I even reply to that post??

wait, the post was edited and I replied to something different initially

edit: or was it? did i just reply to the wrong person??

How drunk r u rn

Based wine aunt posting.

Snally dont drink while preggers!!!

Go off king

This is the whitest thing I've read all week.

you fucking honkies


most whites aren't part of "woke culture"

White people are a black Jewish psyop to convince black Christians to put out worse rap albums so they can corner the market.

Lmao when leftoid foids become pro-Abstainence

Pure logic, practice abstinence to own the Christians.

saving the pussy for stalin

rational thought is misogynist settler-colonialism

Now I'm not just about sex and shit

I bet it's because OP is a virgin and has never had a girlfriend. This is some of the worst fiction I've ever read. It reads like an incel version of Penthouse Forum.

Every post in that sub is fiction, the fun is reading the commenters who take it seriously.

Yeah, I know that. But most of them put in at least a little effort to make it sound real. This is just horribly written.

Georgia legislator: "We're banning all abortion in the state!"

California man: "Hold on! My girlfriend won't fuck me because of your laws! I demand you undo this even though I can't vote in your state."

Georgia legislator: "Well, you got me there. Pack it up, boys. Some guy from out of state Tweeted at me and said I can't pass the law so I guess it's over."

Yeah, I mean YTA. I’ll break it down for you.

That’s the problem us men have, we are in the position of power and as such, women’s issues don’t affect us, so many of us don’t really think about it. In and of itself, that’s not a crime, but your GF is trying to raise your awareness of when she and other women deal with.

Particularly as today is Monther’s Day, you might want to set the Xbox controller down for a second and think about how life is different for your mom and other women in your life. What challenge do they face that you don’t? Walk a while (metaphorically) in their heels.

u/kruecab be honest how many women have you date raped as a male feminist?

“”That’s the problem us men have, we are in the position of power and as such, women’s issues don’t affect us, so many of us don’t really think about it. In and of itself, that’s not a crime, but your GF is trying to raise your awareness of when she and other women deal with.

Particularly as today is Monther’s Day, you might want to set the Xbox controller down for a second and think about how life is different for your mom and other women in your life. What challenge do they face that you don’t? Walk a while (metaphorically) in their heels.””

Perfect example of how gussy destroys men and male rapists alike.

Isn't the appropriate answer something along the lines of

Fine, let's see how long you last.


It is, but this is Sparta so no compromise no surrender

I’m more and more convinced that commenters on this sub are, along with the people who upvote them, clinically insane


Name a single society or political group that ever won anything by not having sex. I'll wait.


Women considering taking part in a sex strike don't realise they are only broadcasting the fact they have dull sex lives centred around their partner's pleasure, making them too pathetic to take seriously.

He should break up with his girlfriend for supporting the murder of innocent children.

But yeah, what's with all the retards in that thread who think he should stay with her even though she won't fuck him?

Of course there are no good bantz here, /r/drama is a bubble-wrapped safe space for leftoid autists to shitpost mod-approved maymays just like every other shit-pit on this website.

Nobody's interested in or capable of actually roasting anyone anymore because all they know how to do is bleat "mdefugee" and "out out out" and whatever other shrieky boring shit until the jannysquad makes the icky scary no-no words go away again.

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I'm just curious, how has the 'male orbiter' mating strategy worked out for you so far?

Fox News I guess. But also don't be so male vs female. Jon Snow wins okay. Dany wasn't better.

chased and pinkpilled

well done /u/DazzlingIsopod, that post was pure catnip for the crazies, who think this is a good idea:

  • practicing abstinence to own the abstinence-only crowd. LMAO

  • pro-choice harpies "punishing" their (usually pro-choice) men, while most of the pro-life men are together with pro-life women

That’s the problem us men have, we are in the position of power and as such, women’s issues don’t affect us, so many of us don’t really think about it.

Speak for yourself u/kruecab. I don't care that much because I have other things that I need to worry about myself.

Hell, not all women care about this stuff for the same reason, too.

Lot of "Male Feminists" in that thread, yikes.

Ruining your personal life to totally own no one at all 😎👍 3000 IQ strat

My favorite part of this is where someone went “omg women could get more time in prison than child rapists!!!” 120 upvotes

Someone responded with a Washington post fact-check and said “this is not correct information” and was swiftly downvoted into oblivion.



lmao "sex strike." If sex with your bf is such a chore that you have to go on strike from it, get you a new man