OP stops being a doormat. AITA puts him back in his place.

109  2019-05-22 by Thereal14words


I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


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Snappy defending furries makes me sad.

So I told my wife that's fine - she doesn't have to, but that I'd also like to stop doing something which I hate - spending every friday with my in-laws.

Yeah if your girlfriend/wife likes their parents and you just stop going, basically relationship suicide. So many options to make his point and he picks the dumbest one.

That’s why I only date orphans.

The dating scene was best for orphans like myself. It gave me a ton of good jokes like “at least there’s no awkward parent introductions on my end” and if they were too uptight to laugh about such a “serious” topic I could easily flip the script into more of a sad bit that made them open up pretty easily.

orphan privilege!

It never even began for parentcels.

not being a self-made orphan

they have only themselves to blame

based and menendezpilled

did it help you get anal?

This one girl cried on the first date with some “you’ll always have a place in my heart” bullshit that led to anal a few days later. So I’d say yeah

Very nice!

Yeah I used to date an orphan. Our relationship was pretty great, at least until the nuns got wind of it and started calling the cops whenever I came by the orphanage to pick her up.

If my wife/gf likes her parents, who verbally abuse me constantly, then relationship suicide sounds like a good thing.

I don't trust OPs who add sympathy details after their initial post.

I dont trust people who associate with/are foids.

being unironically invested in an AITA post


Imagine caring about a reddit post

Why cant she go without him is she in islam where she needs an escort god gussy really isnt worth ot

She can but playing the I'm not going to thing you want to go to for revenge reasons never works out well.


More like an excuse to not be around shit in laws

Having to spend every Friday with people you hate for 10 fucking years seems like a prison sentence, and that would drive anyone nuts

Stopping oral is relationship suicide, bitch why do you think we're married?

Usually it stops the day the ring is put on


he picks the dumbest one

Or the smartest one, because after it wrecks his marriage he's free to see women that will be happy to suck a dick.

I mean he's probably looking for a way out lol

Lol AITA is such a nest of hags.

And later they ask themselves "Gee wiz, why are so many young men go MRA, MGTOW and worse?"

Well it's eazy Becky, people who lure those young inexperienced men just show shit like AITA threads as examples.

I need a reality show where they put a group of feminists on a huge island together with MRAs and MGTOWs so I can watch then scream at each other to death.

They put poor people against rich people lmao

tfw the poor still don’t eat the rich even when left alone on a deserted island

How will chap ever recover?

iirc the women sat around and did nothing while the men were able to build shelter, get fire and manage to forage/hunt for food

when the men visited the women's camp they were in shock, because the women had literally done nothing but sit around all day since they had arrived on the island

Spit flew from his mouth as you typed this

White resent is literally the most pathetic thing

I need a reality show where they put a group of feminists on a huge island together with MRAs and MGTOWs so I can watch some fucking hot hatesex


None of those people is getting laid.

is it brainwashing if it's just reality? those hags are actually like that, MRAs are not forcing them to be like that.

It's brainwashing when the MRAs spout off the AWALT shit.

MRAs are criticizing the system, not women.

AWALT is TRP stuff.

lol ok

well ok then

you're mad you hit the wall and now nobody wants you. If you have kids after 30 they'll have autism

Lol, I'm a dude.

I dont believe you, prove it

I responded to trilateral1 with just two words.

I dont see how dropping the infamous double honk proves your a guy.

Do I really need to explain a "women talk a lot" joke?

Sure, why is it funny to make fun of women for talking?

Women don't often make that joke.

Self haters with internalized misogyny like yourself will.

got em

The autism in this subreddit is getting worse

Then be careful with your feminine penis because if you get pregnant you'll have tard babies.


No one will ever want you

uh oh sweety, looks like someone hasn't introduced you to the flawless M&M metaphor:

Imagine a bowl of M&Ms. 10% of them are poisoned. Go ahead, marry one of them. After all, they are not all poisonous!

AWALT is TRP/incel speak, not MRA terminology.

lol ok


MRAs are just too stupid to realize that this is a good thing. Nature wants women to be this way. It was never intended that anybody but the top 10% of men even get laid. Incel-status is the natural status for 90% of men and this is a good thing.

This is why I only date women who are on the verge of becoming barren. String them along for a few years and you remove their inferior genetics permanently. It's pretty much a community service.

Denying women their duty, and therefore passage to heaven, is based as fuck.

LOL, implying that women are people and have souls.

Only if they make children. If they are barren or never have children they are nothing! Straight to hell lmao!!


It wasn’t for your parents or your parents’ parents. What that is is lies incels tell each other to stop each other from being able to do something

Well it's easy Becky, people who lure those young inexperienced men just show shit like AITA threads as examples. To a mind of such teens it works like perfect brainwashing.

Is it even 'brainwashing' or 'luring' when it's not propaganda and these are real, insane, women?

They will probably be sickened and I doubt they would want to see him either.

God I can only hope so.


I’d be happy to go to half as many dinners for half as many blow jobs.

Also based

Based chad needs to mod this sub

dinner every Friday at the in laws

That is absolutely insane behavior.

I seriously would do something to make myself not welcome if that was expected of me, who the fuck does that every Friday anyways

Shit on the table to show your dominance

Even when they're nice people it sounds like torture and a dead marriage life.

And he’s done it for a while. Those blow jobs must have been something.

He's married for ten years and still got blowjobs. He should count his blessings

He's married for ten years and still allowed access to a computer with no supervision, that's a blessing chief

yeah like I only see my actual dad every other weekend or so

Does he look like you?

Never date a girl with living parents or better yet dont date gussy

You're never going to get the mother/daughter threeway with that attitude.

Just date a milf bro

I'm married to one. It's over for me, just trying to help you younger bucks out.

Retard cant into relationships arent a debit and credit system. Christ reddit this has to be fake and gay. How did they even get married?

Everytime a person marries they should ritually slaughter each other's parents.

I’d be happy to go to half as many dinners for half as many blow jobs.

lol this isn't "stops being a doormat" this is trying to get his wife to make him do things for head.

LOL he is already doing the thing every friday. She takes away head so he wants to not go get roasted by his inlaws every week.

So what? being sexually available is literally an obligation to be a wife, if you can't even do that properly then what are you used for? maybe we should suture her pussy since it's basically useless now.

Absolutely based.

Every week with in laws who hate him? Good lord.

People who stop being the doormat are my favorite AITA threads. Basically you can have "I just told my physically abusive bully who has broken my bones to STFU AITA?" and see the thread seethe with doormats who say shit like "two wrongs don't make a right" and "I was going to say NTA but by you sticking up for yourself you are literally worse than your bully and it negates every bad thing your bully did so YTA"

YTA, self defense is immoral

This is what they teach in UK schools

his wife hates him his in laws gate him, and he expects reddit to love him

Compromise is important for relationships, unless you're a foid.

I like to think ESH means ‘Everyone Should Hang’. Thank you for listening, have a nice evening.

I think they should have went with AAA

Assholes all around