Trump is now targeting Gamers. Gamers.

214  2019-05-24 by The_Live_Ghost


KiA cope thread has been posted

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Just a reminder the redneck retards elected a demented fool who spells accomplishments, "achomlishments." Amongst many other impressive displays of utter stupidity. Thank God for Chinese fentanyl, step up the shipments please

Yes more fent please. My neighborhood is struggling.

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and who's gonna stop me huh? An unpaid janny? Ohhhhh I'm shaking.

Did you just pee on my leg?

Marking territory

Just don't say anything bad about pedophiles and they are usually quite friendly over at KiA

Good, lets bring production back to America, or at least out of China. They are not a country we want to ever have to rely on, and it's time to stop letting them walk all over us

Imagine thinking this will bring back production to the U.S and not to some south eastern asian country

unfettered capitalism

not having shit made wherever labor is currently cheapest/exploitable

They're retarded enough to think both are possible.

They are unfettered capitalists except when daddy says otherwise

Conservatives are the true nihilists in 2019.

China must be opposed. It's not a conflict of economies or even nations but rather classical liberalism vs confucianism.

Jesus Christ

Current China Confucian


those darn commie confucians

I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. Trump is now targeting Gamers. Game... -,

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Snappy, it’s going to be so awkward when I bring you in front of my pathetic foid and explain how I fell for a superior being.

Gamers are truly the most oppressed people. Bipartisan oppression.

they deserve it

As a gamer I can agree. Oppress me daddy UwU

Imagine when the "first they came for the Jews and I did not speak up" that ended with gamers actually comes true...

dare to dream....

Day of the insert coinacide?

About the only useful thing Trump has suggested yet.

Holy shit, gaymers might actually rise up

This is on consoles which are for casuals. For the neckbeard gamers to rise up, GPUs and other PC parts need to be taxed more

GPU prices already have a bitcoin miner tax imposed on them.

well most g*mers are also anime fans and anime fans are pedophiles and so are libertarians and libertarians do bit coins so there probably already making bit coins

I'm guessing KiA will bite their tongue on this.

They already are, judging by one of the posts about tabletop games.

It's about ethics in journalism censorship complaining about rightoid hucksters getting slaps on the wrist.

whenever somebody says "will it be tough? you bet your damn butt it will be" I know they are wise yet hardworking and down to earth

just as when Trump blamed violent behavior on video games.

instead of criticizing him, KiA went after gaming outlets for criticizing Trump lmao

i will survive it with my 360

the sacrifices the gamers must make, this is this generation's vietnam

He's going to get #me too-ed before the convention.

They already tried it and he's still going strong. Uncle Joe did nothing wrong. So America wants a respectable moderate with bipartisan market-based solutions over an old, class reductionist populist and a literal cheeto president. Cope.

the rnc'll just hammer the creepy joe videos down the public's throats and make him a candidate people feel disgusted to vote for

the dnc will go with the 'safe' old communist option and feel the bern

People don't care about that. Trump's done the same thing to multiple women on camera, PLUS he's a racist. Americans care about sensible policy more than aesthetics.

yeah but he's got so many scandals it's a drop in the bucket

if they tie creepy joe to joe in the public's eye then it'll work

Like it or not, most people, me included, associate Biden's image as the cool white friend of Obama (the most successful president in modern US history)

Indeed. He found the black Obama clean and articulate. That's quite a story right there.

Like it or not, most people, me included, associate Biden's image as the cool white friend of Obama (the most successful president in modern US history)

Oops i fell for the bait

bidenposted on

Americans care about sensible policy more than aesthetics.

Why make it so obvious that you're trolling?

Consenting women vs little kids

Hmm. No difference there.

the rnc'll just hammer the creepy joe videos down the public's throats and make him a candidate people feel disgusted to vote for

With Daddy's track record, it's gonna be hilarious if this is the strategy they go with

if you think the dnc considers bernie the "safe" option youre even more out of touch than they are

There are a lot of nuclear bad takes on 2020 in drama. It's like they think the average voter reads the same subreddits and looks at the same screenshots of tweets that they do.

Biden is way more likeable than Hilary and she won the popular vote, and was only like 10,000 votes away in key states from taking the college. Blue colors love Biden and he knows how to campaign for them.

It's going to come down to how much Trump pisses swing voters off in the months leading to the election.

Now come over to Uncle Joe for your neck kisses 💋‍💋‍💋‍ No no, honey, don't be afraid. Remember the twenty dollars Uncle Joe gave you last time for our little secret? 💋‍ Now don't make Uncle Joe sad, come get the sugar little one

So what if he is affectionate? Better to be old and affectionate than old and with a heart full of bitter hatred like Donald Trump

Child rape is not affection, it's self-serving and evil

Is that what Trump was doing on Epstein's lolita plane?

Pretty much a guarantee, if you ask me.

he did not rape anyone, i am Him Jordan Kimball from Carmichael CA, the stunk family "HomeLand" and Hadley from "rockland" & Sacramento, Murr Family from New Port Beach have spent 7 years spinning webs of lies and total bull shit because i am not a "Fake" member of there glass house. they stole money from my bank accounts tore down a company i founded "Industrial Service" 3054 fite circle #202 Todd Hadley and family kept me a slave to there moonlighting, mind fucking, Paid women and employees paid to hurt a company that was helping people get job with local government. I tattooed not a "Upper Class" chose to live a life with real friends and express our way of life with out judgment. So we could grow and be men. Fact I am the only person in the family who has done time State "AB109" and county jail time. "Fact" paper work on me has me listed as "White Power/SkinHead" From a fight at RCC elkgrove 10 years ago. Fact i am not now nor were ever other than a single fight classed as ether. I grew up in the motorcycle world and respect freedom, Love, People of all walks and women as i saw 47 years of marriage with my father and mother, passed this year. Fact for all you "Online people" I spent 5 years in and out of jails all over CA, not one hate crime or sexual charge. DUI Drugs and free life style that was fueled on drinking partying, never hurting or scamming people. my oldest friends will say "I care about people too Much" Today I stand a man by my beliefs after the trips to the hospitals, over doses and feelings of broken life from chaos that was gas lamped around me daily. I will Tell the truth on this because its how i keep the peaces of my life together. Feel free to contact me anytime and I have the truths behind the other family business with strunks funral homes the ranches and business with rich and twisted. Now Hocky,Golfer,Ranchers,RichKids have a problem with the Local Goverment and my company pressing charges on data stolen from us as well as emails,text messages with hard working people resume info. thousands of people lost the chace at putting food on the table for their familys. Low income to middle class familys some with family members just getting home and learning how to adjust to life and the stress from comming home on probashion or prole. I ask you to think on the misitakes one makes and the way you chose to live your life behind closed doors. Tattooed & motorcycle in the living room to video gamer living rooms with friends around a TV. Who should prey on the judgment of ones life and life styles, friends, and simply the road we all have to walk. Its best to close you mouth and open your ears i once told. truth be told its what people are saying about eachother that is pulling the world apart. putting hate online and driving us further and further into a soleless life online with no real interactions that force us to feel love, fear and the transfer of engery we only can recive from being with people and helping people. Look people in the eyes and make your dissishion on people not through the devils ears and mispoken spun tails of the ones who have no power no control over the sadness pumping through there vains. Help thoes feel again and bring life back life and give something to this fucked up world we fight everyday to live in. Fight for yourself and the truth in your life.

Email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) anytime-

When I pulled out my anal beads to this nothing happened.


It may be funny to you but it's not funny to latinos, LGBT people, and 12 year old girls in Alabama who are currently carrying their own brother to term

I’m Latino lmaoooooo

probbably some gusano from Cuba who lives in Miami. or from Venezuela with pale skin and a last name like von Mengele-Ribbentropp

Actually almost the exact opposite.

a black communist from Chile with the last name Liebowitz?

Have you considered not being Latin?

Quit fucking your little brother. Problem solved.

Trump doesn't seem very hateful

Not to people with White privilege.

u seething

Can't wat to see u in 6 years.


You have white privilege, though.



#C O P E

Gropa gropa, sniffa sniffa

Young or olda, makes no diffa

America wants a respectable


belches in American


Oh great, Brits.

I am a full blown mart sharter. Imagine unironically not using fluoride or mouthwash

Shart smart, shop shart mart

drifts in mobility scooter


And there it’s is, the first time this meme account was funny

⛥ ⛧̶̦̅̀̔ ̸̘͓̃̄͂ψ̷̭͙̂͒̽ ̶̻̝̺͑̐̒⛥̶̻͌ ̸̭͇̖̅̃̒ψ̴̺̀̂̚ ̶̡͎̱̍͒⛥̸̗̂͜ ̸̪͋̈́̚⛥̴̦͒̌ ̶̼̖͝⛧̸̻͑ͅ ̴̬͉̓̾̓⛥̶̦͎̣͒ ̸͕͘⛧̴̰͓̀ ̵̡̰̙̕ψ̴̻̳̓̉̿ ̸͇̯̠͒⛧̸̤̦̊͝ ̴̗̻̻̋̏̇ψ̵͓̚ ̸̗̹̐⛧̵̭̘̤̈́̄ ̸̣̂͊̍⛥̴̪͍̂ ̷̘̓☠̷͇̦̽̂ ̵͕̱̫̈́͑⛥̷̧̰̯̄̚ ̶̳̠͈̐͌̀⛥̸͖̪̮̈́̊ ̴̠̀P̷̻̪͘ ̴̱͙̺̿̈R̶̠͝ ̴̫̿Ǐ̷̡͕̈́̀ ̷͎̼̫̀̃M̷͚͌ ̵̼̇A̸̲̠̙͒̋̋ ̵̧́̂R̷̡̙̭̔ ̷̧͍̇Ì̴͖͙͕͘ ̵̺̼͔́̕E̸̘̅̾̍ ̵̝̣̂̀S̶̢͈͋̿͜ ̴̖̼̓S̵̳̞̍ ̴̰̀̋Ọ̸̝̅ͅ ̵̩̌͋̚Ơ̷̡̡̝ ̷̟̊̇̓N̶̮̒͌ ̵͇̑̃⛥̸͍͇̟̄͆͛ ̸̲̂̔͘☠̶̩͙̘̒̉̌ ̵̧̧̹͋̾⛥̶̄͌͜ ̴̥͎͔͑͒⛥̷̺̲̳̄ ̶̧̯͓̐☠̶̜͊̑ ̸̻͕͒ψ̵̭͖͊̂ ̸̭̤̋̉͐ψ̴̥̘̟̓̋͛ ̶͙̫̘͛⛥̷̙̙͈͝ ̵͉͐̇͆☠̶̤̼̌ ̶̟͆̍☠̸̮̻͑͠ ̶̫́͆̀⛥̴̭̠̫̆̓ ̵̼̺͐̕⛧̷̣̻͝ ̴͉̰͗̀⛧̶͙̩̼͛͊ ̸̥̜̎̈́͜ψ̸̙̇͊ ̸̟̗͚̕͠⛥̸͓̂ ̸̬͎͔̇̊͝ψ̴̮̾̀̕ ̸̮̉ψ̸͔͖̀̃̓ ⛧

WTF I love Trump now


pound me too

this is good for pcmasterrace-coin

There's a chance that it'll hit AMD and Intel too.

It's probably over for us 'hopingforcheapRyzen2'-cels. 😥

Feels good to be a 10-years-late adopter

Lisa has to have a way to avoid this damnit. I WANT CHEAP NAVI DAMNIT. LISA PLEASE

Every single one of those fags own a PlayStation or Xbox if not both


only women and minorities use these. this is a pro-Gamer move imo

Won't anyone think of the children?

The children whose parents buy them consoles as a substitute babysitter? As a substitute for proper raising?

The only thing children should be doing is working in a factory or mine.

The only thing children should be doing is working in a factory or mine

Do you know how much pawpatrol would cost?

We really need to bring back child labor in the U.S. the economy would flourish.

This, but unironically.

You know how many Chapos could be avoided if they had to work since childhood?


PC gaming is shit for playing with friends. I had infinitely more fun starting an Live Party and hopping into CoD or Minecraft with my highschool buds back in the day than I did trying to do the same through Steam and Skype when people starting making the switch

only women and minorities use these

such a conundrum

on the one hand, as a gamer, I hate women and minorities

on the other hand its targeting gamers

why cant he go after chads and tax condoms


I just want a huge screen, a bitchin' sound system, and DOSBox.

le ebic PC mustard race 😎

Doubt foids even use consoles, they relegate themselves to phones

Weak. Prince Harry wants to outright ban Fortnite, Daddy's just price hiking a peasant's hardware. I really expected more from him than getting cucked by Brits.

Does China make video game consoles?

Currently, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony manufacture their consoles in China.

They have a chinese-created console, yeah.

IIRC, it's kinda shitty.

I thought China just barely lifted the ban on consoles?

Consoles from other countries, like Xbox and Ps4.

Not their "own".

Jesus are you that out of touch with society? The Xboxs say hello from Seattle then made in China underneath that. The chinks have taken reddit over its time to let loose those itchy nukes.

no bill Gates handcrafts eaxh x box in his garage u shill

Fuck consolefags


25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

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Based bot putting manlets in their place.

I missed you


25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Instantly greeted by downvotes and hateful automod message 😞

Here have a tay gif to balance it out, bitch.

ty uwu

25.8 (185 lb at 5'11")

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5'11" is not six foot. Keep the Kleenex close.


Im okay with this and I play video games. Fuck nerds

why are you the way you are

Wow, a lot of creative, original comments in here. I’m really impressed guys. “Gamers oppressed” indeed!

^actual coping

Console peasants aren’t people. Case closed.

correct because they are g*mers


Wait. Does he think China and Japan are the same country?

i think xbox and playstation are manufactured or assembled in china.

i remember reading something years ago about Chinese tech students being forced to assemble PS4s at a Foxconn facility to complete their degrees

the switch is made in taiwan and japan so it may not be affected by this

Wtf I love Trump now

Good, lets bring production back to America, or at least out of China. They are not a country we want to ever have to rely on, and it's time to stop letting them walk all over us

Imagine thinking this will bring back production to the U.S and not to some south eastern asian country

IDFSHILL is gone

Gamers aren't people


Not all Gamers are Alt-Right, but all Alt-Right are Gamers who just want an ethnostate and honesty in gamers journalism and stuff. I absolutely adore this presidency. But, now gamers will vote for Socialism, which would regulate games more like in China. I wish I said this with more irony, because I can’t stop finding all of this hilarious.