Prime C O P E in /r/boxoffice as capeshitters realize the dream of beating Avatar is dead

76  2019-05-25 by Warbring3r


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Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. Prime C O P E in /r/boxoffice as ca... -,,

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It should be legal to strangle people that talk about box office numbers.

I bet audiences would love a movie about that!

Would rather listen to someone explain the premier league than someone try to predict box office numbers.

I think it’s interesting the way any market is interesting, people who get emotionally invested are embarrassing

Strangle me senpai

Watching that sub almost makes me agree with the commies (on some things).

You can’t can the Cameron.

James Chadmeron

Iron Jimbo

What happened to the 30 new avatars that were meant to come out?

You can’t rush true art.


Only 943 days until Avatar 2!

Lol December 2021.

Based avatar poster

B-but he couldn’t make it to under 1000!

Based, the mouse is shitting his shorts

They’re working on them but Cameron probably demanded they make some kind of technology that otherwise wouldn’t exist until 2035 had he not had some ludicrous vision and an army of underpaid VFX artists

"From my own perspective since I'm not doing television production, I'm doing Avatar sequels, four of them. They will be, to the best of my ability, the best 3D that's possible to make. That includes collaborating with the people at Dolby Cinema, who have developed high dynamic range projection that could put 16 foot-lamberts of light on a 3D screen through the glasses, which is revolutionary. Normally, you're looking at about three foot-lamberts. Sixteen is what you should be seeing. That's what movies should look like."

Tbh it’s not like I’m dying to see a sequel to Avatar but I am interested to see what this obsessive madman will put on the big screen after slaving away at it for this many years

I haven't even seen the first one, also it looks like you still need the glasses which is disappointing.

Living life as a shortsighted person is disappointing

meant to

This is an American subbie and we say "supposed to"

Eat shit dickhead, Australians are here to stay

Are you just making up places now?

Fun fact the Avatar guy is from the suburb I grew up in and where I went to high school, my parents still live there.

Its a shithole

What a fuggin boss. Has unlimited money and decides he wants to risk his life sinking to the deepest part of the ocean in a rig that could kill him in a millisecond.

I'm pretty sure this is the biggest waste of time I've ever seen. It's fans looking for affirmation from the number of tickets sold. I bet these people think that avatar is better since it made more money.

It's the opposite. There's a huge anti-James Cameron circlejerk with people desperately wanting Avatar beaten. It probably won't get beaten even without adjusting for inflation. It's honestly just insane how much money that movie made. I sincerely don't think it will happen for another ten years or more.

My favorite fact to make capeshitters cry: Avatar made more money over the next non-Cameron film (Return of the King) than The Avengers made in its entire run.

Neither film deserve the top spot TBQH.

I told you guys this exact thing would happen lol. The Marvel fanboys were seriously being dumb in this situation.

Why does anyone care about box office numbers? Unless you're getting paid, those are meaningless.

Does it fill them with pride if their favorite movie appeals to the lowest common denominator?

How can this piece of shit make so much money it's amazing