SRDines discuss the cancellation of Jared Diamond for crimes against agency

25  2019-05-30 by rhyme-ocerus


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Its quite laughable that SRDines are un-personing Diamond when he is literally doing their jobs for them, which is debunking the claims that huwite people are superior because of their pure huwite skin. Rather their ecological surroundings made them that way. But logic is not in the repertoire of a typical SRDine.

That's not the job they want done. Finding reasons unrelated to race that Africa didn't turn out the same way Europe did isn't the goal at all, SRDines are just neo-colonialists who have the same paternalistic attitudes towards nonwhites their ancestors did. The reason in their mind Africa's a shithole is that white people are uniquely evil instead of the colonial belief that white people were uniquely good.

White liberals and an inability to ascribe moral agency to nonwhites, name a more iconic duo.

Diamond's most recent book is trash, though.

He literally gets the year of the brexit vote wrong (2017 vs 2016).

This is why we need mayocide.


  1. SRDines discuss the cancellation of... -,,

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Tbh it's pretty surprising that SRDines hate Diamond.

SRDines seem to think everything is caused by environmental factors or is a social construct. Blaming the fact that Zulus were using shields and spears against a Gatling gun on Africa's longitudinal orientation seems right up their alley.

I always see history-fags complaining about diamond, and they can point to instances where he gets facts wrong, but I've yet to actually see a strong argument against environmental determinism.

Well akshully Europeans had no technological advantages whatsoever, they just took advantage of People of Color not being able to be evil and manipulated their politics

The problem here is that you expected a being as vile as the SRDine to actually have internally consistent positions, rather than picking and choosing whatever lets them act more like the unbearably smug busybodies they are.

Hey, I'm in that drama and hey, that's what I was laughing at.


Hello friend, normally I'd invite you to join us here on /r/Drama, but the sub has seen better days.

r/badhistory has a hate boner for him too, turns out making some simplifications and forgoing some nuance when you have to sum up the ecological determinants of human history mean you're completely wrong and a hack fraud.

The book doesn't even resemble anything that could be construed as racist, I don't understand the hate

From my understanding it is probably as anti-racist as a premise can get. The argument isn't that Europe became the power it did because of genetics or culture but rather from geography.

Now, I have no idea if this is a good take or not, but it is something that is explicitly against racial theories of societal success. Still, it acknowledges that some societies were far more primitive than others so some people will find that racist no matter what.

They all sounds so snobby

Lukewarm take: Diamond and Uncle Noam are both hacks and neither should be taken seriously in a scholarly environment.