/r/gameofthrones mods finally acknowledge the existence of /r/freefolk

135  2019-05-30 by jko831


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  1. /r/gameofthrones mods finally ackno... - archive.org, archive.today

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reddit mods lmao

cloakshit lmao

he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket

woah woah i was on board until this personal attack

Literally get an air fryer. It won't save you from an early death at the hands of cheap beer and frozen garbage food, but at least your tendies and taquitos (TNT) will be crisp and non-greasy.

the series is over why these people so worked up over this bullshit

freefolk user made a charity thing

got mods censor it because they're still in stop-all-mention-of-freefolk mode despite freefolk being twice as active as got

actress thanks reddit

drama happens

jko me boi i be shittin blood out me arsehole

I mean what the hell does R\Got sub have even besides shitty artists spamming their traced drawings or copy pasted theories from R\Asoiaf.

Body odor.

i think /r/gameofthrones was an autodefault sub at one point; 4 touchdowns in one game tier bragging rights

The free folk subreddit was unironically the most enjoyable thing about season 8. It was disappointing as all hell but the memes and comments were hilarious. I still would have rather had a satisfying conclusion but there was a silver lining at least.

i read it off and on over the years, i did like it but sometimes there were too many memes for me to handle. overall i found myself enjoying season 8, but i was laughing at it from start to finish while watching the episodes air, as opposed to feeling disappointed or angry at the sharp drop in quality

I honestly wasn’t angry or even disappointed. I just felt nothing. Like, almost all the shit that was built up had no payoff whatsoever. There was a part of me that asked myself why I even started watching the show to begin with. At least it was good early on.

The worst finale I’ve personally seen is still How I Met Your Mother. I don’t think there’s a single thing that didn’t screw up. It sorta retroactively made the earlier seasons worse lol

The problem with using entertainment products for your identity.

Biggest schism since the Orthodox church

Still mad about this tbh. The Filioque is the truth btw.

The next thing you know you'll be supporting papal supremacy.

Hides copy of Pastor Aeternus

Whatever could you mean?

Are you referring to the schism between Chalcedonian Christianity and the Oriental Orthodox Church, or to the Great Schism, or to the 2018 Moscow-Constantinople Schism, or one of the numerous other schisms involving the various Orthodox churches and communions?

The only one that matters, Ed.

If you have to ask, you're a brainlet.

That's not even the best church schism, we need to reinstate the Avignon papacy.

What's r/asoiafcirclejerk then? Catharian heresy?

The Patricians choice.

It's run by morons and followed by imbeciles, so obviously it's the Protestant Reform.

Nice projection, pawncel

You sound upset that your historyless "church" is being mocked.

Cope. Also, there's 4 gorillion different protestant Churches and I'm proud to be part of the only one who roots back to the 15th century.

And nice alt, bannedcel.

Do you even realize how that's a self-own? WASPcide when.

what's a joke

Don’t elevate cloakshit to real life white people nonsense, much less christcuckery

Hey, at least they get paid to do all this.


One of them fucking donated 500 bongdollars, literally paying to mod that shitholelmao

Remember when /r/Drama got you all to donate money for malaria but it was actually a honeypot to get all your banking info?

imagine caring about people

Freefolk mods stickied illegal show streaming links.

Freefolk mods stickied petition to re-make season 8.

Freefolk mods stickied charity link that includes on the charity page a defence of the petition.

Freefolk mods sticky passive aggressive announcement - Do Not Brigade r/gameofthrones - also, here is a bunch of reasons to brigade r/gameofthrones, mixed with insults.

Closest I've ever come to respecting jannies.

I fail to see the problem

I think he wanted to show us just how awesome /r/freefolk is.

He moderates r/asoiafcirclejerk, actually active in the subreddit. Super special guy.

Are you gonna say an actual issuse or nah

Thanks for the list of reasons as to why /r/freefolk is so awesome.

Freefolk jannies are okay people i guess

Lol you're such a sperg

Is /r/asoiafcirclejerk really one of those circlejerk subs that counterjerk so hard they actually think s8 is good?

Worse, it’s one of those circlejerk subs were they don’t even bother to write /uj because every single comment is an absolutely serious smug unjerk

All circlejerks counterjerk to make themselves feel better

If Reddit was big when Lost was a big cultural phenomenon that made half the US go "wow these writers suck" would you, asoiafcirclejerk, and the srdines be constantly whining about the big bad meanies ?

Lost had a shit second half but good ending.

I didn't watch it as it aired but I remember practically everyone around me being ass mad when it ended and bitching about it.

If reddit was huge when it ended, I bet I'd run into a million whiney srdine takes about how it's v v v bad and yikes to talk shit on garbage millionaire writers

I didn't watch it as it aired but I remember practically everyone around me being ass mad when it ended and bitching about it.

This was because of fucking retarded normies who only picked the show back up in the last season to get with the hype and thus misunderstood the show cuz they didn't actually fucking watch it.

Yes, I am still salty about this. While the final season of Lost has some glaring problems and is kind of wacky in general, the ending is NOT the issue with it, the ending actually makes a lot of sense.

Unironically can you explain it to me? I'm semi retarded and my memory is shit in general. I remember actually really loving the ending and all the mystical/good vs evil brouhaha etc.

What's up with the last couple of seasons and the alternate timeline(s)/reality? Like what actually happened and shit

IIRC, some guy moved the island through an ancient donkey wheel, the islands started shifting through time randomly and became vulnerable to this evil billionaire who used to be the leader of the others for some reason, the plane crash survivors and the others teamed up to stop the billionaire's mercenaries from destroying the island, a bunch of people got off the island and a bunch of other people got trapped in 1977, but they all eventually reunited and ended up fighting for a guy named Jacob who was like a god or something against the Smoke Monster who took the body of a survivor named Locke who was really cool but died trying to get to the Island. Then, in the last season, they showed segments which seemed like they were from an alternative universe where the plane never crashed, but those segments were actually from purgatory, and after the survivors died at various points in the show, they went to those segments. People got confused by this revelation so they thought the entire show was purgatory.

you are, but this is a decent enough summary. explaining the final season isn't exactly a simple task.

The purgatory alt reality flashes are what I don't understand anymore, I remember it mostly making sense when. I watched it but looking back on it I don't get it now. That's not the same time as Desmond went around trying to get people to recover their memories, right?

uniqueguy's explanation is good enough. there's a lot of moving pieces in the final season that it'd probably take a couple pages to summarize it. i don't feel like doing it rn.

The purgatory alt reality flashes are what I don't understand anymore, I remember it mostly making sense when I watched it but looking back on it I don't get it now. That's not the same time as Desmond went around trying to get people to recover their memories, right?

there's a lot of moving pieces in the final season that it'd probably take a couple pages to summarize it. i don't feel like doing it rn.

😤😤😠 No spoon-feed me now

sounds like you should just rewatch baby. s5 is wack but the first few seasons are still damn solid.

Eat my whole ass

Thanks, I was scrolling through these comments trying to find out why /r/freefolk exists.

So, to summarise, /r/gameofthrones is for autistic nerds who take the internet really seriously, and /r/freefolk is for people who have touched a human breast.

Yeah but it is their own breast that they are tickling while getting off to bad fan fiction about age inappropriate sex.

So GRRM posts there

Imagine being a mod on reddit and thinking your life isn't a complete and total mess.


The serious sub winds up out jerking the ironic one. Tale as old as time on Reddit honestly.

The sheer rage that comes from r/got is nearly enough to convince me to watch the series if it has this many squabbles

Threadjack, even the "free folk" mods aren't happy with tabloid allegations that Dakingodanorf went to rehab for "stress" and alcohol (good to see he's serious about dealing with whatever shit he is dealing with). https://snew.notabug.io/r/freefolk/comments/bv0cxp/as_kit_harington_was_worried_about_disappointing/

/r/GameOfThrones mods are their own worst enemy.

During the season they removed posts defending the show - posts that followed all their rules.

Then they link to the charity yesterday in a way that makes it look like the donations came from /r/Freefolk.

Then they made two stickies about it.

/r/asoiafcirclejerk mods are their own worst enemies. first they stick crayons up their nose, now they're hitting themselves in the heads with a hammer




“Unrelated, but I asked one of your mods a question the other day, and they were incredibly rude to me. This was one of the few times I’d posted to this sub, and they started cursing at me almost immediately. I sent a modmail informing your team of this behavior, and I never heard back. I then saw that the mod had either silvered himself, or someone else on your team had silvered them.”

Imagine being so socially retarded that you think a exchange with a mod is the same as driving to a restaurant to discuss a unpleasant experience with the manager, and then going over their head.


imagine caring about any of this lol