The lonely cat ladies of r/childfree duke it out over whether animal life has more value than human life (conclusion: it does) Bonus catfight over whether it's ethical for OP to have non-vegan pets.

55  2019-06-02 by MellifluousMaple

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[+15] It is purely amazing to me how these people can say they are childfree and then in the same breath think that somehow humans hold more “value” than the rest of the creatures in the planet.

[-15] Personally, I would rescue a human over an animal given the choice, say in a burning building where I would have to choose between the two. - outraged responses to this one include:

"I'd choose any random animal- dog, centipede, frog, horse, etc. over the human."

[+23] Our evolution was for the worst. Humans are the lowest species. Even disease spreading mosquitos are only doing what they need to survive. That's right, I think we are less than a fucking mosquito.

[-5] It is hypocritical that no one is reprimanding you for having a pet you can't afford, when this sub says that constantly about poor people having kids. I certainly hope you never open your mouth about the finances of people who have kids.

[-40] I disagree. Human life is simply more valuable. Responses include

"Humans absolutely are not more important. If anything we all share equal importance with humans being slightly lower on the totem. We offer absolutely nothing to the ecosystem or the symbiosis of the planet. In fact, everyone would be better off without us."

[+15] People will almost always put the lives of humans above that of animals and I just really do not understand it........Really humanity is nothing more than a cancer to Earth and all other species and the only species which is capable of evil.

[-25] I'm terribly sorry, 100% honesty though, I get where they were coming from. Animals are incredibly special, but there is a significant difference between the value of an animal's life and the value of a human life. Responses include:

"You’re wrong. Morally and factually wrong. The fact that you place “value” on any life in general is wrong. A life is a life. Anthropocentrism is ugly and it’s killing our planet. I see no reason to have any discourse with a person who isn’t intelligent enough to know that humanity is a plague on this planet. If you want “discourse” (or to just kick yourself in the dick when you learn you’re wrong) try googling “anthropocentrism and it’s effects”. "

[+5] The dumbest dog is more valuable in my eyes than the brightest child.

[+0] Hey OP I've a question! No hate here, genuinely curious...What do you feed your cat? Are there good vegan protein sources for cats? Thanks! :) Answer: the cat eats meat 😱


Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. The lonely cat ladies of r/childfre... -,,

  2. original post -,,

  3. archived version -,

  4. It is purely amazing to me how thes... -,,

  5. Personally, I would rescue a human ... -,,

  6. Our evolution was for the worst. Hu... -,,

  7. It is hypocritical that no one is r... -,,

  8. I disagree. Human life is simply mo... -,,

  9. People will almost always put the l... -,,

  10. I'm terribly sorry, 100% honesty th... -,,

  11. The dumbest dog is more valuable in... -,,

  12. Hey OP I've a question! No hate her... -,,

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This is why hazing should be allowed. Jesus Christ on a cracker, only 8 years left til retirement.


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Stop appropriating Korean culture.

Post-coital vore is pretty kinky, maybe without the bestiality I’d agree

The world would be better off without stupid sanctimonious pricks who think the world would be better off without humanity. Also, if a life is a life, your cat is a serial killer

you have to be a level 100 edgelord to claim that animals and insects' lives are worth just as much or moreso than a person

'We hate life and ourselves'

The one guy who given the choice between killing his mother and mosquito, would choke slam his mom to death is pretty based

Redditors and self hate name a more iconic duo

God damn I miss pinging.

r/childfree is the best kind of reddit faggotry because they are voluntarily cleaning the gene pool of their bloodline