Bruh moment

80  2019-06-03 by Slump_o


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do not tell me what to do robot

You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Bruh moment -,,

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Where is ronaldo when you need him the most.

frenism is the ideology of the future

unfrenly. bopped & blocked

day of the overcooking when? Burgerstan will fall ☠️☠️☠️

degeneracy must be cleansed from society

frens I'm sticking needles in my ballsack cuz I ran out of veins in my arms and ankles and feet

The right is a meme ideology. Invest in soy

Still trying to understand how they thought that using retardspeak & putting fent inside their lardy-ass bods would've endeared them to RL Nazis.

because they honestly see things like video games, and they are a different race, lol they prob think they are like corrupted dark elves that the undead orcs forced them to be.

Everybody knows RL Nazis preferred amphetamines.

The grunts got speed. The higher-ups got a nice cocktail of uppers, downers and opiates.

The doctor/pilot special, nice

I love your new flair. I have that litterbox :3 litter robots are great

Sweet! I may have to actually get one lol. And thanks! 😽

They cut down on the smell big time

The real fent-cels were the frens we made along the way 😭

The state of mayocels.

This is what every frencel deserves

I love how even though he is an addict, he still deflects all responsibility onto the "honklers" that sell it to him. Fren shit is the worst kind of degeneracy

It's almost as if losers with no control over their life are attracted to fringe ideologies to deflect responsibility for their actions.

Nah nigga it's the Jews

Weed is a Jewish psyop

Kosher indoor cheese.

nah nigga it’s the capitalists

Nah nigga it's the nazis

Nah nigga it's the foids

Junkies who accept personal responsibility usually stop being junkies.

Addicts almost always shift any sort of responsibility off of them.

More like frentanyl

this KILLS the mdegenerate

Holy fuck how did nobody register this username before 😎😎😎

Real talk, sending this guy to prison is not gonna help him, it might even make him worse. Dude needs to be in a rehab program.

Why the fuck would I want this retard to be helped?

Because he is a human.


Even less of a reason tbh

He's a frentanyl American. He doesn't deserve help, hopefully his mayo genes die off with him.

Who cares about helping him?

Your username.

Tell me what inspired it.

Tell me what you’re about.


quite literally no you

I’m a mystery wrapped in an enigma. I am a monument to the legends of our time. I am but a humble servant to those who would defend our realms from the horrors of partisan kaos, from the ignorant and deformed. You know.








the war on drugs is good because it pushes that faggot to safety

I don't know if I should give them credit for not breaking character even when they're talking about their crippling drug addiction and telling people to get help

I’ve been using drugs since I was 12 years old I’m 19 now. Heroin for the past 3 years now

literally nothing of value was lost

using drugs since I was 12 years old


Bruh moment

Fuckin zoomers get out.

I don’t want to laugh at this shit.

this is funny you can laugh at this instead ☺️☺️☺️


it's always the dealers fault, never their own lack of self control

"capitalism is destroying society - sent from my iphone btw"

"drug dealers are degenerate - why won't they text me back?"


Press F to pay respeck

press S to piss and shitted and came all over grave

What the hell did I just jerk of to?

Reminder that junkie inbred is a typical representation of a young conservative

I’ve been using drugs since I was 12 years old I’m 19 now. Heroin for the past 3 years now

Serious question, guys. Is America actually fucked enough for this to be credible, in your judgment?

hahahaha yes. In many rural areas there are no good jobs since manufacturing jobs disappeared. In these places there’s a ton of drug use.

How are they a superpower

NY, Boston, etc are massive finance hubs and more recently the sun belt has been home to a lot of new money including silicon valley.

Don’t talk shit or you’ll get a bullet to the brain gommie ☠️☠️😎😎

Too bad you can’t just reimpose feudalism and stop those rural wastes of skin from running amok.

Imagine brigading from drama and this is the best you can come up with

Pack it up bois, we're done here.

Unironically, of course.