Here is a thread showing SRD being afraid of a child.

40  2019-06-04 by DeathBahamutXXX


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I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. Here is a thread showing SRD being ... -,,

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Rise of a Manlet, Birth of an Incel.

Is that coming in phase 4 of the MCU?

They will digitally alter an actor to be a manlet. The kid will be an autistic Wakandan refugee with IBS. Thor will be there, and fat. They will also kill a wymyn character just because it tests well.

I was thinking they could hire Danny DeVito but then I though even though he is a manlet in size does he really count as a manlet?

Not really. They should just hire some average dude that is 5’11”.

Lots of male actors in Hollywood are shorter than they look, but camera angles make them seem taller. We should do the opposite for manlet representation and make a 7 foot tall guy look like a midget.

Woke. Wouldn’t even need them anymore.

[All these subs that showcase violence are] filled with violent assholes.

I doubt that

They are filled with people that want violence, but put in that space in reality would quickly fold.

Ah, yes, very smugly put. The SRDines are the real badasses

I like all the posts in there claiming the dude needs to flee from a child. Mostly I assume out of jealousy since they couldn’t win that fight and it would give them PTSD.

The people who say that probably would

Manlet David Foster Wallace

It’s absolutely possible for a kid to be threatening enough that you need to defend yourself. I’m five-four—a large middle schooler could do some pretty good damage to me. That said, what happened in the video isn’t self-defence, it’s retaliation.

Absolutely pathetic lmao

You know he's a mayo